

1634 Uppsatser om Performance Indicators - Sida 13 av 109

En arms avtryck : En studie av betydelseskapande processer i Fria Teaterns uppsättning av Tim Crouchs Min Arm ur ett intermedialt perspektiv

The following essay is a study of the theatre-play Min Arm, a translation and performance by Per Lasson for Fria Teatern in Stockholm 2009-2010. Actor, director and playwright Tim Crouch wrote the original script My Arm in English in 2003.With basis in intermedial theory, as defined by Jörgen Bruhn, as well as Hans-Thies Lehmann?s theory on post-dramatic theatre this study investigates the meaning-building processes in Min Arm as a theatrical performance. Concepts of the difference between stage play and performance text are borrowed from and inspired mainly by Eli Rozik?s Generating Theatre Meaning.

Mobilt övervakningssystem : System för internetkommunikation mellan sensorer, webbsida, server och databas

This thesis has been carried out in cooperation with a company which develops mobile sensor platforms. The sensors measure different types of data such as temperature, pressure etc.. They will communicate through the internet with a server that stores data in a database. This system will be controlled and monitored through a web page. The project's aim has been to develop this system and to implement a server, a database, a website and a client application that simulates sensor signals.

Fokus på : utveckling av nyckeltal för effektiv internlogistik

Detta arbete inom prestationsmätning av effektiv logistik är utfört på Scanias produktionsenhet MB i Oskarshamn. Denna produktionsenhet tillverkar hytterna till Scanias lastbilar på europamarknaden, från plåtrulle till färdigmålad hyttkaross. Produktionsenheten MB består av en pressverkstad, en karossverkstad och ett måleri.Uppgiften i detta arbete är att utveckla ett antal mätetal för prestationsmätning av MB:s internlogistik, och utifrån dessa ge förslag på förbättringsmöjligheter i verksamheten.Uppgiften löses genom att använda Bourne och Neelys metoder för utveckling av mätetal, så som en framgångskarta för den kritiska framgångsfaktorn effektiv logistik och utformandet av ett definitionsblad, vilket explicit definierar varje mätetal. Detta tillsammans med Parmenters definitioner angående mätetal och arbetssätt vad det gäller prestationsmätning, avser att spegla moderna tillvägagångssätt för prestationsmätning och för implementering av dessa i ett företag.De mätetal som rekommenderas för implementering i MB:s logistiska verksamhet är trucktimmar per hytt, leveranspålitlighet, lageryta, energianvändning per hytt för transporter och materialhanteringskostnad per hytt. Flera förbättringsförslag rekommenderas också vad det gäller den förbättringspotential som finns vid införandet av en gemensam materialhanteringsfunktion på MB.

Presterar Hedgefonder bättre än traditionellt förvaltade fonder?

Hedge funds have the past few years become an increasingly popular investment alternative and in the last decade hedge fund assets managed have quadrupled to USD 2000 billion, a growth rate of around 25-30% per year. One explanation for this substantial increase is that hedge funds' minimum limits on capital invested has declined, which have made ??them available to retail investors. The recent turmoil in financial markets has also contributed to investors finding their way to hedge funds, whose goal is to generate stable returns regardless of how the market develops.Using Sharpe?s, Treynor?s and Jensen's performance measures, I have investigated whether hedge funds manage to generate higher risk-adjusted returns than traditional managed funds.

C, C++, Java och Python - En prestandajämförelse mellan fyra programmeringsspråk

In today?s society computers are getting a much more important role. To get a computer to work as intended it has to be programmed. A computer program is written with programming languages. There is an abundance of programming languages available today and there are many differences and similarities between them. The different languages have their advantages and their disadvantages where some of them are intended for fast performance, some to be cheap on memory usage, and some are developed to be easy to program on. In our thesis we have chosen to compare four of todays most common languages, C, C++, Java and Python.

Uppföljningsparametrar vid förbättringsprojekt : En fallstudie inom Laboratoriemedici

Enligt Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter om ledningssystem för kvalitet och patientsäkerhet i hälso- och sjukvården, SOSFS 2005:12, krävs det av vårdgivaren att denne arbetar efter mål. Att formulera mål inom hälso- och sjukvården kräver eftertanke. Målen måste vara mätbara och inkludera flera olika delar av verksamheten. Varje förbättringsprojekt är unikt och bör relateras till de resurser som avsatts. Ett stort problem vid kontinuerlig uppföljning är att välja ut parametrar som ger tillräcklig information och är lätta att skapa.

Utveckling av ett hjälpmedel för träning och utvärdering av förare av tunga fordon

The purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate how internal vehicle information inScania buses and trucks can be used for evaluation of driver performance regardingfuel economy, vehicle wear, traffic safety, emissions and cargo damage. To someextent it was examined whether this information could be used for training the driverto a better driving style. In addition, a prototype for such a system was developed.By first defining what distinguishes a talented driver and how he/she differs from apoor driver, followed by a study of the internal vehicle communication, a system thatin real-time gathers and interprets vehicle data could be developed.The resulting system can with reasonably high reliability detect a number of trafficevents (such as braking, lane changing or hilltops). At each such event, the driver?sbehaviour can be evaluated.

Påverkan mellan ekonomistyrningen och inköpsfunktionen : En studie av Sandvik och Scania

AbstractTitle:The Impact of Management Control Systems on the Purchaser Function - A study of Scania and Sandvik Authors: Mohammad Reza Akhbari and Johanna Sullivan Svensson Published: 2011 Keywords: Management control, purchasing function, impact, control, control instruments, Key Performance Indicators, measurement, communication and organizational structure. Background and problem formulation: In order for a company?s business idea or vision to be fulfilled, the management of a company needs assistance from various means to intentionally affect the operation in the desired direction. Management control concerns activities of both financial and non-financial character in order to implement the strategy of a company and to reach profitability. Since the purchaser function is responsible of spending 50 percent of a company?s total revenue, the function has an optimal starting point to be a key actor in the shaping and execution of a company?s strategic plan.

Butikschefens Egenskaper och Produktivitet i Butik - lokalt ledarskap och ekonomiskt resultat i butik

This thesis reports on the methodology and results of a study with one retailers 73 units to investigate factors of the store managers leadership that influence productivity performance in store. The study determine the impact of ten independent variables in terms of the store managers leadership on four performance measures: (3) three productivity measures: Sales Over Labor (SALOL), Sales Over Inventory (SALOI) and Sales Over Square-metre (SALOS) and (1) one profit measure: Contribution Income Over Square-metre (CIOS). The result shows that the leadership factors give no more explanation to the economic results after factors of local market condition and the store attributes are taking in to account. The store manager's leadership can though influence his or her decision-making in-store. The store manager's decision to staff the store more intense (higher service-intensity) can increase the level of contribution income over square metre in-store..

Monster, Motstånd, Makt & Magi

The aim of this thesis is to model my artistic practice on an adaptation of Joseph Campbells monomyth and, using this model, investigate challenges of performativity in art (in public spaces). The overall themes are personal, aesthetic and ethical sovereignty and an uncompromising search for a deepening of the artistic practice. More than anything else it is a map and a story of an artist?s expansion out into an artistic field that is little developed in Sweden. It is my hope that this thesis, by using a thoroughly subjective tone, will contribute to the milieu of performative arts in Sweden as well as widen the ?how? regarding the making of a written thesis..

Hållbarhetsredovisning : En studie kring skillnader mellan granskade respektive icke granskade företag

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences between non-audited and audited sustainability reports and in that way indicate the significance of auditing to the contents of a sustainability report. The study was delimited to include three companies that create sustainability reports according to GRI guidelines, and also have changed from non-audited to audited reports.The study is an exploratory study where we started from companies that follow GRI's standard and who have changed from being non-assured to assured and certified. In order to examine any differences we have started out from corporate sustainability reports and with the basis of these latter gather those changes which may have occurred during the changeover. We therefore chose to conduct a literature review on each company's non-audited sustainability reports and compare them with each company's audited and certified sustainability reports. Furthermore our study has been made on the basis of an assessment model based on the concepts of materiality, completeness and comparability.The study showed that the audited sustainability reports in all companies were more focused and more detailed about the aspects GRI established for the Performance Indicators.

Vallfoderproduktion i norrländskt klimat till högpresterande hästar :

High-performance equine athletes have an energy requirement that often reaches twice the maintenance requirement. Horses are grazers and adapted to a grass diet, and diets high in grains and concentrates are associated with digestive upsets and behavioural disorders. It could therefore be of interest if the energy requirement of a high-performing horse could be met by forage. It is important that the forage have a high concentration of energy so that the horse is able to consume the whole amount of energy needed from the forage without exceeding the maximum voluntary intake. The purpose of this literature study was to investigate if the energy demand of a high-performance horse can be covered by forage produced under Northern Swedish climate conditions.

Kravmärkt? : en studie om gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om krav och förväntningar i deras studiesituation

The purpose of this study is to investigate and describe the variation in perceptions of demands and expectations of study performance among a group of students at an upper secondary school. The study is inspired by a phenomenographic approach in which variations in perceptions of a phenomenon are of importance. Twelve students at a science program participated and were interviewed in groups of four. The results show that among the students there are several different perceptions of the demands and expectations to perform they felt present in their lives. The most important result is that it is the students' own demands and expectations on their performance and study results that are seen as the most demanding..

Processutveckling av borstgradning

During the milling of Sandvik Coromant?s world leading Drill with replaceable inserts,the CoroDrill880©, burrs appear around the milled surfaces. The burrs are removedusing different methods, one of which is deburring with special brushing machines thatare integrated into milling cells. The machines of the type Sinjet, use a Siemensguidance system. The deburring results are not satisfying and manual deburring isrequired afterwards.

Cassava as an additive in biomass fuel pellet production :

In this study, the effects of using fine milled cassava stems as an additive in biofuel pellet production was compared to the effects of refined starch addition. The bulk biomass fuel raw material, to which the additive was added, was a blend of spruce and pine sawdust. An experimental design in the factors cassava/starch content, moisture content and material temperature was used. Measured responses were pellet bulk density, pellet durability, amount of fines, pelletizer motor current, pellet temperature, die temperature and CV for pelletizer motor current (a measure of process stability). Each response was modeled by multiple linear regression (MLR).

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