

4572 Uppsatser om Perceived occupational status scale - Sida 51 av 305

Produktion och perception av ordaccenter hos femåriga östgötska barn med typisk språkutveckling

The Swedish language contains contrasts of tonal word accents, realized by change in the F0 contour. Contrasts of word accents require at least two syllables with stress on the first syllable of the word or a stressed syllable followed by a non-stressed.The purpose of the present study was to examine how five-year-old children living in Östergötland with typical language development produce and discriminate tonal word accents. In addition, it was investigated how these abilities affect each other and comparisons were made to a similar study on children living in Skåne.For elicitation of tonal word accents a set of pictures with contrastive tonal word accents was used. The children were recorded and their answers were evaluated by visual classification of their F0-curves. In a perceptual analysis of the children?s productions, 11 linguistically naive listeners evaluated 44 randomized words from the recordings.

Arbetsberedningens möjligheter att säkra kvalitén.

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Core self-evaluation´s och bassjälvkänsla som prediktorer av arbetstillfredsställelse?

Allt fler företag fördjupar sig i personalutveckling och arbetstillfredsställelse. Arbetstillfredsställelse har kopplats till begreppet ?core self-evaluation? (CSE), som bygger på fyra personlighetsdrag: generell self-efficacy, locus of control, neurotisism och självkänsla. Studien sökte svar på vilken inverkan CSE och bassjälvkänsla har på arbetstillfredsställelse samt om dessa variabler skiljer sig åt mellan yrkesgrupper. En enkätstudie med 103 respondenter i tre olika yrkesgrupper genomfördes i två städer i mellersta Sverige.

Lärarstudenters syn på svenska som andraspråk

Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att ta reda på lärarstudenters syn på ämnet svenska som andraspråk eller närmare vilka faktorer som påverkade beslutet i val av ämne samt vilka orsaker var de främsta att lärarstudenter valde/inte valde att utbilda sig i svenska som andraspråk.För att få svar på mina frågeställningar har en kvalitativ enkätsundersökning använts där öppna frågor ställdes till lärarstudenter.Undersökningsresultat visar att faktorer som påverkade lärarstudenters val av ämne var intresset för ämnet, barnens ålder, flexibelt jobb, eget modersmål och intagningskravet var de mest nämnda. Resultatet visar vidare att intresset för att bli lärare i svenska som andraspråk var stort dock var lärarstudenter bara beredda på att läsa högst en termin för att bli detta. Lärarstudenter tyckte även att ämnet är viktigt och nödvändigt men att det fortfarande har låg status. Själva lärarstudenterna hade ingen eller lite kompetens i ämnet.Slutsatserna som dras är att ämnet fortfarande används som ett resursämne och därför har låg status vilket i sin tur leder till att få lärarstudenter utbildar sig i detta viktiga ämne..

The state of the Latvian wood pellet industry : a study on production conditions and international competitiveness

In the last decade, member states of the European Union have adopted a range of measures to decrease the dependency on fossil fuels. This has led to an increased use of biomass in heat and power production. In some countries, the lack of forest resource has led to large scale power producers importing their biomass needs. Due to high energy content and homogeneity, wood pellets have become an internationally traded commodity used for large scale power production. The Baltic States have emerged as one of the largest wood pellet exporting regions in Europe.

Varning! Effekter av varningar i printreklam.: Effekter av varningar i printreklam

The purpose of warning labels used by governments is to decrease consumption. In Sweden, the mandatory warning labels are designed according to statutory guidelines, and not according to research on attention-grabbing graphic elements. This results in a belief that the attention toward the warning labels is poor. An extensive experiment underlies this study, which has the purpose of providing insights to the effects that warnings, warning design, and warning content has on attention, attitudes and behavior in print ads. The study shows that, even though the standard design and content has lost much of its potential to communicate the warning, it gains more attention compared to a warning label with new design and content.

"Sjukvårdare på heltid" : -en kvalitativ studie om hur det är att vara anhörig till en äldre person med psykisk ohälsa

Introduction: Anxiety and depression are common among patients enrolled in psychiatric outpatient care. Ear Acupuncture is an alternative form of treatment that has been shown to relieve anxiety and depression in previous studies.Aim: To evaluate ear acupuncture as a group treatment for depression and anxietyMethod: A psychiatric outpatient clinic has been offering group treatments with ear acupuncture for anxiety and depression for 5 weeks. Participants of the study have answered self-rating scales Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory and Sheehan Disability scale before and after the treatment period. Material was collected in the period 2008-2012 and has been analyzed in SPSS.Results: Data from 31 patients were included in the study. The results from the study showed a significant difference, between the measurements before and after treatment, with a reduction of the average values in the three different scales.Summary: From this study, it is difficult to draw any conclusions about the effect of ear acupuncture.

"Change doesn't come easy" - A comparative study of Corporate Social Responsibility in large-scale dam projects

The process of economic globalization has in recent decades increased the power of multinational corporations. In recognition of their powerful position, corporations have begun to adopt Corporate Social Responsibility as a way of managing their social impact. Their interaction with the surrounding society reaches a peak when involved in large-scale projects, such as the Three Gorges Dam in China and the Narmada Valley Development Project in India. This essay analyses the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in a comparative study between the two cases. By using current research, it focuses on the role of civil society for making Corporate Social Responsibility effective in developing countries.

Socialiseringsprocessen i revisionsbyråer : En studie om skapandet av organisatoriskt engagemang

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to contribute with knowledge regarding the connection between the socialization process and the organizational commitment perceived by junior accountants. Based on Van Maanen and Schein's (1979) model, we intend to identify and describe how selected socialization strategies affect junior accountants? perceived affective, continuous and normative commitment during the initial five years in the firm.Research methodology: Semi-structured interview was chosen as the key approach for gathering essential data. Interviews were conducted at three major accounting firms with a total of eight interview participants. The study has a qualitative approach because of the ability to go in depth on the studied phenomenon.Conclusion: The socialization process consists of individual, informal, sequential, fixed, serial, and investiture strategies.

Innovationens ramar - en kvalitativ intervjustudie i kreativitetens begränsning och dess inverkan för grönare restaurangmenyer

Outdoor recreation habits in metropolis and rural areasThis study aims to examine the perception of nature and outdoor recreation habits from an urban-rural prospective. The urbanization process continues in Sweden and the populations of the cities are growing continuously. Trends to build more compact and ?climate smart? reigns and with this a risk that green areas and areas where outdoor recreation can be practiced are situated further and further away from the urban population. Analyzing the responses from a survey made by the research program Friluftsliv i förändring 2007 we have examined if and which differences exists between urban and rural areas regarding their perception of nature, outdoor recreation habits and factors influencing the practice of outdoor recreation.

Lyftredskap för KL-trä - Hantering av horisontella och vertikala element i massivträ

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Amning - Attityder och svårigheter uttryckt på föräldraforum

Background: Women are recommended to breastfeed exclusively for six month; despite this the frequency of breastfeeding duration is decreasing in Sweden. Research indicates that there is an association between attitudes towards breastfeeding and perceived difficulties and initiation and duration of breastfeeding. The aim: to study women?s attitudes to breastfeeding and their perceived difficulties with breastfeeding expressed on parent oriented websites on the Internet. Method: Data consisting of users posts corresponding to the aim of the study were collected from two parent oriented websites on the Internet.

Lätt räknat : En utbildningssociologisk studie av matematiklärarstudenters sociala ursprung och utbildningskapital

A change has occurred in terms of recruitment to teacher education. From having been an educationof high status and reputation, a reduced application rate has led to lower admission requirementsand thus that students with much lower educational qualifications entering, which in turn means thatthe education status and reputation have been reduced significantly. Mathematics, on the other hand,has always been a topic of high status and reputation. Although there are few students who chooseto study to be a mathematics teacher. By conducting a survey of students on teacher educationtoday, both with mathematics and other approaches, I wanted to get answers to my questions aboutwhat influences students' choice of education: who are the students studying to be teachers inmathematics? Do they distinguish themselves from the student teachers who studies to be teachersin other subject specializations? Pierre Bourdieu's sociological ideas about cultural capitaltransmitted from parent to child constitute the theoretical framework of the study.Early in the study, I noticed that there is a difference between students studying to be a teacher inpreschool, primary or middle school and them studying to be a teacher in secondary and highschool, especially in terms of the mathematics student teachers.

Bibliotekarier och sjuksköterskor i samarbete med patientinformation : En intervjuundersökning vid sjukhusbiblioteket på Mölndals sjukhus

A qualitative study about collaboration between librarians and nurses in the supplying of consumer health information (CHI) at The Hospital Library of The Mölndal Hospital in Mölndalnear Gothenburg, Sweden.The staff were interviewed about how their work is affected by the collaboration between thetwo occupational groups. The purpose of the study is to find out if there exists a strugglebetween the groups about the influence on and the control over the handling of this kind ofinformation. Despite some problems with the permission to do as many interviews as needed,the study shows some positive effects with the collaboration. The study gives a short backgroundto the development of CHI services in USA, the UK, Denmark and Sweden. Fourfurther CHI service centres in Sweden are shortly presented and one member of each staffwas interviewed by telephone..

Skicka vidare: en bild av morgondagens lärare

Syftet med det här arbetet är att kartlägga vilka egenskaper och färdigheter framtidens lärare behöver ha. Kravintressenterna är fler än tidigare och det är många som vill ha ett ord med i hur skolans verksamhet sköts och kanske framför allt, hur lärarna ska vara. Den svenska skolan har under det senaste decenniet blivit hårt kritiserad för elevernas bristande och försämrade kunskaper och lärarnas status har sjunkit som en tung sten. De sociala problemen bland barn och unga har ökat och skolans fostransansvar har medfört att undervisning och uppfostran upptar ungefär lika stor del av en lärares arbetstid. Och samtidigt som lärarna mer eller mindre jobbar ihjäl sig, verkar ingen vara nöjd med resultatet.

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