

4572 Uppsatser om Perceived occupational status scale - Sida 12 av 305

Optimering av bromsdetaljer i gjutstål

Background: Research has shown that people with limited hand function , and above all osteoarthritis of the thumbs , a limited task ability in daily activities. At a disabilities can be the person's identity, well-being and ability to participate in society is changing. Purpose: The purpose is, through a literature review describing occupational therapy Conservative interventions for people with osteoarthritis of the CMC 1 joint and its consequences for the performance of activities of daily living . Procedure and Analysis: The method in this study, a systematic review of scientific literature used. Database search and manual search occurred during the period from March 2014 to May 2014 .

Together we can rock´n´roll : Status Quo- en studie av ett rockbands karriär

The main purpose of this essay is on one hand to try to find and explain the formula of success of the rock group Status Quo, and on the other to elucidate and explain the foundation and essence in the music made by Status Quo, but also to study how, if and why the foundation and essence have changed over the years. The method of investigation is partly based on a musical analysis of three albums from three different periods: Hello! (1973), Ain´t Complaining (1988) and Heavy Traffic (2002), and partly on a sociological study of the group?s career between 1962 and today, 2005.The first part of the essay concerns the period between 1962-1973 with an analysis of the album Hello!; the second part concerns the period 1974-1988 and the album Ain´t Complaining; finally, the third part concerns the years between 1989-2002 with an intensified analysis of the album Heavy Traffic. In the forth part of the essay I discuss the career of Status Quo from a sociological point of view.I run to the conclusion that the essence of Status Quo is the boogie-woogie comp on Fender guitar by Rick Parfitt, the riff on Francis Rossis´ Fender guitar in combination with the base, the piano and the drums. This has been the essence through all the years, even though it was more difficult to apprehend it during the 1980s.

Skillnader i barns kostvanor beroende på socioekonomisk status

Bakgrund: Låg socioekonomisk status ökar risken för osunda beteendemönster, bland annat vad gäller matvanorna. Barns levnadsvanor är av stor vikt, då grunden för deras framtida vanor läggs under barndomen.Syfte: Att beskriva skillnaderna i barns kostvanor beroende på vilken socioekonomisk grupp de tillhör.Metod: Litteraturstudie. Resultatet i tio vetenskapliga artiklar sammanfattades genom att söka återkommande ämnen, av vilka teman skapades.Resultat: Socioekonomiska faktorer, föräldrars inkomst och utbildningsnivå påverkar barns matvanor och måltidsmönster. Det framkom att låg socioekonomisk status vanligtvis innebär mer osund och mindre sund mat, samt mer oregelbundna måltidsmönster.Slutsats: Fler undersökningar av barns matvanor beroende på socioekonomisk status bör genomföras för att få bättre insikt i anledningarna till dessa. Detta för att kunna sätta in riktade interventioner i syfte att minska ojämlikheterna i kostvanor mellan barn..

Kyckling från uppfödning till konsument : en fallstudie

The aiming with this project is to find out if a small scale chicken production can be profitable, from day-old chicks to a processed smoked product out to stores and consumers. The products will not be available in the stores all the time because we will give the customers quality rather than quantity, so when the product can?t be found in the stores the customers will ask for it. The conclusion I found out is that it might be hard to raise chickens in these scale from an economic point of view the costs for transport, logistics, slaughter and marketing are to high..

En kvalitativ studie om hur personer med utländsk bakgrund upplever att integrationen fungerar i Sverige

Abstract Aim: Since there is a lack of research based educational interventions concerning the relationship between coaches and young athletes, the aim of this study was to implement and examine the effects of sport psychology intervention for coaches in a track and field club. The research questions were: What are the effects of an educational intervention for coaches, with focus on a motivational climate, on: A) the coaches´ coaching approach B) their athletes´ goal orientation and C) their athletes´ perceived competitive anxiety?Method: The coach education stretched over two months and consisted of four two-hour lessons with focus on motivational climate, goal orientation and sport anxiety. Six coaches (three females, three males), aged 38-52 (M=44.33 years, SD=4.84) and their 59 athletes (27 males and 32 females) aged 12-14 (M=13.10 years, SD=0.82), participated in the study. A control group of 35 athletes (10 males and 25 females), of the same age (M=13.46 years, SD=0.70) and with similar demographic data, was also recruited.

This is me, take it or leave it liksom. En fokusgruppsstudie om hur ungdomar talar om identitet, status och utanförskap

Syfte och frågeställningar: Det övergripande syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur ungdomar pratar om identitet, status och utanförskap ställt i relation till fritid och idrott som identitetsskapande arenor. För att besvara detta syfte utgick vi från följande frågeställningar; Hur pratar ungdomar om identitet, status och utanförskap? På vilket sätt påverkar fritid och idrott ungdomars identitetsskapande? Vad får utanförskap och status för inverkan på ett identitetsskapande?Metod: Studien utformades abduktivt och baserades på en kvalitativ metod. Empirin samlades in genom tre halvstrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer med ungdomar över 15 år och själva urvalet baserades på en blandning av kvot- och snöbollsurval. Själva studien utgick från tre centrala begrepp (identitet, status och utanförskap) som diskuterades och ställdes i relation till varandra.

Realisering av en modulär skogsmaskin - En skalmodell

Wood for commercial use is harvested from forests using forest machines like harvesters which folds, branches and cuts trees and forwarders which transports logs to a landing area for further transport to a processing facility. Future forest machines have to be much gentler to the machine operators and forest soil than today's machines. Hence new machine solutions must be developed and tested. A practical way is to develop a physical scale model which can be used as a test-bed to incorporate different types of solutions for suspensions, cabin damping, tires and tracks, crane and overall architecture. The aim of this project was to develop such a 1:5 scale model of a forest machine, named as ?Skogbil.A scaling strategy was employed to arrive at important scale dimensions and specifications ofSkogbil which would be comparable to the full scale model.

Sharia eller västerländsk jämställdhet? : Kvinnor i egyptisk lagstiftning

Sharia or western equality?womenin Egyptian legislationThe Islamic law (Sharia) in most of the countries in Middle East and North Africa has been the basis for modern laws which regulate issues such as marriage, divorce and inheritance. These laws (personal status law or family law) have been debated frequently in the last decades.There are those who consider personal status law (PSL) as unjust, male-biased and discriminating against women especially in the issue of divorce. On the other hand there are voices who call to go back to the Sharia, because muslims has to follow the islamic law and its values, they are universal as they claim. In this essay I try to enlighten these two points of view which can be found in the debate in Egypt.

Om utformning av ett verksamhetssystem : En utvärdering av nuläge, tillgänglighet och erfarenheter

These days most companies conduct some form of work for the external environment, quality and safety. In connection with this work, some companies have chosen to get management systems certified by any applicable standard for one or more of the fields while other companies have chosen other ways that are not associated with certification.In light of the fact that the individual systems are becoming unmanageable an increasing number of these companies are faced with the decision whether to integrate and coordinate these different systems or not. In order to study the possibilities of a company?s system coordination an assessment of elements particularly interesting for the company was performed. The key elements and focuses in the evaluation were staff access to information, experiences from other companies and environmental work status for some of the organization's companies.

Customer Perceived Service Quality

The purpose of this study is to develop a general understanding of the areas of alliances and service quality as well as their relation to each other, through a consumer perception. Further, to discover more detailed and close up knowledge of customer perceived service quality within airline alliances. This is done by identifying particularly significant dimensions in the service process that have an influence on the perceived service quality.The thesis is based on qualitative study using a critical incident technique to explore the issue of service quality. In the research of the material the iterative approach has been used. The primary information sources are the interviews with customers-members of airline alliance.

-Omanligt kan man säga... : Socionomstuderande mäns perspektiv på yrke, karriär, status och att tillhöra en könsminoritet

The purpose of this study was to enlighten the views of male social work students on; the social work profession, social work status and their career options. Also, the study aimed at getting these students angles of approach on the fact that they, being men, are a minority group within the profession of social work. Some of the main questions were: Why does not social work as a profession seem to attract men? What about the status of the profession of social work? What were the thoughts of male social work students about this? What advantages or disadvantages did they recognise, being a minority in the profession? The method used in this study was doing separate interviews. All of the interviewed students were convinced that they had a better chance of getting a job.

Konsten att ha tumme med leder: Artrostummar och ADL-konsekvenser En litteraturstudie

Background: Research has shown that people with limited hand function , and above all osteoarthritis of the thumbs , a limited task ability in daily activities. At a disabilities can be the person's identity, well-being and ability to participate in society is changing. Purpose: The purpose is, through a literature review describing occupational therapy Conservative interventions for people with osteoarthritis of the CMC 1 joint and its consequences for the performance of activities of daily living . Procedure and Analysis: The method in this study, a systematic review of scientific literature used. Database search and manual search occurred during the period from March 2014 to May 2014 .

?Tala är silver??: En undersökning av användarrecensioner på webben och på biblioteket

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine reviewswritten by users in library online catalogs, online bookstoresand on the web community LibraryThing, in order todetermine whether there are any differences in the way usersreview books, and whether these differences might explainwhy libraries experience difficulties in getting their users toreview books. At the core of web 2.0 and library 2.0concepts lies the thought of user participation, and largerlibraries have sought to implement systems for reviewingand tagging items in the catalog in ways similar to onlinebookstores and other websites.By analyzing the contents of user reviews, however, thisthesis shows that users express themselves differentlydepending on what kinds of literature they review, and inwhat context. Most notably, user reviews of ?the Classics? orcanonized literature recognizes the high status of suchliterature, while users reviewing popular fiction expressthemselves in a way that admits that the reviewed titles areconsidered less valuable. There are also signs that booksreviewed at online bookstores are seen as products ormerchandise, while the reviews at the library to a greaterdegree treat the books as works of literature.The conclusion reached in this thesis suggests that there maybe a relation between the image of the library as a defenderof high culture and the perceived status of literary works,causing users to become hesitant to review books, feelingthat they do not have the knowledge to describe or reviewthem ?correctly?..

Ensam - i fantasin eller i verkligheten? : En jämförelse av det ensamma? barnet och dess verklighetsflykt samt av karaktärsroller i Astrid Lindgrens "Mio, min Mio" och "Bröderna Lejonhjärta"

 The english name of this essay is ?One man among many women?. This essay takes its starting point in the situation today with few male teachers in the earlier years of elementary school. I have decided to look at the small group of males that actually started the education to become teachers and why they did it when the profession as teacher today is low-paid, low status and is a profession with a large dominance of female teachers. I have chosen to write about this because of the importance for the children to meet both men and women as teachers in the early schoolyears.

Moralisk stress hos sjuksköterskor : en littearturöversikt

Background: Moral distress is an increasing concern among nurses in their workplace. Previous research has suggested that moral distress is associated with ethical climate and job dissatisfaction. Economic restraints in the organization have led to loss of nurses from the workplace. Aim: To examine nurses experience of moral distress and their causes. Method: The study was a literature review. Twelve articles were used in the study.

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