1841 Uppsatser om Peace building - Sida 35 av 123
The construction process which is used today while constructing residential buildings has for along time remained unchanged. Unfortunately the development process has gone away frombecoming industrialized and instead most of the work is done at the construction site. In thisrespect this is a worse alternative because the project outcome will be more expensive and theconstruction time will be longer. Skanska?s vision is to have a process which is more like the oneused in small residential buildings which is fully industrialized.The constructing process for residential building involves more parties and therefore it becomesmore complicated.
Elva år senare: Har Guatemalas fredsavtal lyckats implementera demokratisk fred?
Genom att undersöka implementeringen av tre delar av Guatemalas fredsavtal som vi anser ha stor betydelse för uppbyggnaden av en rättvis och fungerande demokratisk stat försöker vi utvärdera huruvida det råder demokratisk fred i landet. Traditionellt bygger teorin på att två demokratiska stater löper mindre risk att hamna krig med varandra, men den är även gällande för interna stridigheter i samma avseende att en stabil demokrati är fredligare. Således borde freden vara hållbar i Guatemala om det råder demokratisk fred vilket är fredsavtalets mål. Genom en kvalitativ studie prövar vi fredsavtalets mål mot tillståndet i dagens Guatemala och kommer fram till att om än demokrati existerar är den inte stabil..
A Brief Moment Of Peace. Ett utforskande i visuellt uttryck inom 3d-grafik och animerad film
This project was about the creation of a shorter computer animated film. Thegoal of the project was to explore a different technique of the visual outcomethat should not rely on photorealistic rendering and how to find new interestingways to use 3d-graphic for visuals. A big part of the project was also toincorporate music to create a chosen atmosphere and impact on the viewer butalso to help the story forward and questions such as; ?How can you create anexpression for the feeling you want to transmit?? were formulated. The scenewas built up in a 3d-application consisting of a house and surrounding garden,which within an character was animated to tell the plot.
Mänskliga rättigheter i postkonfliktuella samhällen : en studie av Etiopiens och Eritreas efterlevnad av grundläggande rättigheter sedan 2001
This essay is aimed at exploring how governments inclination to adhere to international human rights law develops in the wake of interstate conflicts. It examines how human rights in Eritrea and Ethiopia has developed after the war in 1998-2000 by examining the historical background to the war, and reviewing country reports from United States State Department and Amnesty International between 2001-2005.The result of the paper shows that Eritrea's adherence to human rights suffered setbacks, and that some of these happened due to the aftermath of the war. Ethiopia also had some lesser setback primarily due to internal turmoil. The essay concludes that states adherence to human rights in postconflict situations depend on if the war severely weakened the state, in which case the state becomes more repressive in order to cling to power..
Plusenergi och dess installationer : Kvarter Trettondagen
The latest thing in the area of environmental building today is energy-plus-house. The idea behind the energy-plus-house is to create a house that produces more energy than it consumes. To accomplish this, the house uses renewable energy, in this particular case solar energy. With the help from a proper construction and thoughtfully projected installations you can achieve a surplus of energy. The surplus energy can then be sold to the surrounding buildings and thereby conduce to a financial profit for the household.
Radon i betongkonstruktioner : - Kan det undvikas?
The following article consists of two parts; one part is about house construction and the other is a specialization about radon. The house construction part describes how to project a house from start. It contains the conformation of the house, the installations needed, calculations considering the strength of the construction, energy calculation and what materials were chosen. Calculations considering the costs of building and operate the house has been carried out. The result showed that the house would cost approximately two million Swedish kroner to build and thirteen thousand kronor a year to operate.
3D-byggnadsmodeller utifrån takkonstruktioner : Lagring, hantering och bearbetning
A growing number of cities and municipalities in Sweden begin to work with city models in 3D. For the most part the models are used for visualizations of ongoing planning processes, but also for the analysis of noise, shadow studies and environmental disaster simulations.Gothenburg continues to develop the use of 3D maps in municipal operations and is demanding a way to create building elements (walls), which generates in 3D buildings, from roof constructions that are mapped from the primary map. A method has been investigated in the present study. The results are then presented as a 3D model of buildings, along with a terrain map that will facilitate the localization of the area. The created 3D buildings are then compared with roof-data from the primary map to see how well they harmonize with each other.
Den europeiska identiteten Vem är europé enligt EU?
The main purpose of this thesis is to examine how the European Union through the Directorate- General (DG) of Education and Culture, are calling forth a constructed sense of European identity amongst the citizens of the Union.It is a discourse analysis, which can be described in twofold. Firstly, it is a mapping of the European discourse; i.e. how the European Union defines the identity it seeks to mobilise. Secondly, it examines whether or not there are similarities in the European discourse of identity and the traditional nation-building discourse of national identity.According to this thesis a European identity is articulated in cultural terms, whereby its members are said to share the same values and a common cultural heritage.To bring the people of Europe closer together and to deepen awareness of their "common" history, the European Union encourages all manner of meetings and exchange schemes between Europeans. Although its goal is to develop a feeling of belonging to a shared culture, the EU is also keen to preserve the specific aspects of Europe's many cultures.
Sveriges vapenexport till USA under Irakkriget
År 2003 gick USA och dess allierade in i Irak med motiveringen att Irak hade massförstörelsevapen, detta utan att FN:s säkerhetsråd utfärdat ett mandat. Kriget kritiserades hårt av många länder, bland annat Frankrike, Tyskland och även Sverige.Den svenska lagen säger att vapenhandel inte får bedrivas om det strider mot svensk utrikespolitik men får bedrivas om det finns säkerhets- eller försvarspoli-tiska skäl till det. Trots att Sverige kritiserade kriget fortsatte vapenhandeln med USA under tiden det fortgick. År 2003 exporterade Sverige krigsmateriel till USA för ett värde av 0,62 miljarder kronor. Sett till Sveriges kritik mot kriget skulle handeln inte ha fortsatt, men då USA är bland de största importörerna av svenska vapen skulle det vara ett hårt slag mot försvarsindustrin att förlora en så stor handelspartner..
Sveriges säkerhetspolitik under 2000-talet : En analys ur ett liberalt och ett realistiskt perspektiv
The purpose of this study was to examine and explain Sweden?s defence and security policy during the twenty-first century. The method that was used in this research was a case study. The material that was used were government documents focusing on this area of policy, and numerous books concerning the theoretical perspectives on international relations and defence security policy. The study is of an explaining art and the analysis explains Sweden?s security and defence policy during the twenty-first century. The analysis explains this by testing it against a liberal and a realist view on international relations. The conclusion of the study is that Sweden?s defence and security policy has been liberal during this time period ? and still is.
Koldioxidutsläpp vid vägbyggnad - en fallstudie med jämförelse av alternativa byggnadssätt
Abstract This degree project examines how much carbon dioxide that emits during the construction phase of a road project. This is to make it possible to compare how the amount of carbon dioxide differentiates between traditional road construction and Swepave construction, which is PEAB?s alternative way to design roads. To make the comparison a calculation tool has been produced. To compare the amount of carbon dioxide emissions a reference project was needed.
PMC:s i humanitära interventioner - En ouppfylld potential?
Denna uppsats syfte är att studera utvalda delar av den moderna forskningen kring krig och konflikter. Fokus kommer att läggar på forskning kring interventioner samt fredsförhandlingar efter ett inbördeskrig. Syftet tycker jag är att undersöka PMC:s roll i interventioner. Vi undersöker PMC:s potentiella roller ur två perspektiv.De forskare vi valt att fokusera på är Mary Kardor och hennes bok ?Nya krig?, samt Peter Wallensteen och hans bok ?Understanding Conflict Resolution: War, Peace and the Global System?.
Erfarenhetsåterföring av konstruktionslösningar Optimal utformning av ett detaljbibliotek med standardiserade konstruktionslösningar
This thesis has been carried out at the Building and Civil Engineering Programme at Chalmers University of Technology in cooperation with NCC Technology. The study aims to investigate the optimal design of a library of standardized structural solutions for in-house multi-family buildings and what benefits it brings. Today NCC use technology platforms to improve efficiency and simplify the construction process. The platforms provide the constructors guidelines on how construction details should look like, but the details are not complete. NCC Technology started in the spring of 2013 a project to investigate what benefits there are to create a library of standardized structural solutions for the constructors, with more detailed solutions than in the platforms.
Från idé till verklighet - En klubblokal
Enköping?s Rugby Club has long lacked a bigger hall to gather their members in, where they can meet and socializes outside trainings and games. Thanks to Enköping?s municipality, The Swedish Inheritance Fund, Swedish Sports Confederation, sponsors and club members the clubhouse will be built out with additional 100 square meters.The project is planned in two phases of which phase one is the buildup of the new clubhouse and phase two is the renovation of the existing part. Phase one started with the first groundbreaking in December 2006 and was finished for the season 2007.
Vad är verklig kostnad per koplats? :
There are almost infinite numbers of ways to build dairy farms in Sweden. When building a new free stall barn you have the possibility to affect both working environment and animal welfare for many years to come. The construction costs are influenced by which type of barn that is built and what functions it contains, for example one can predict that automatic milking systems are more expensive to integrate than milking parlours. But what is the real cost of today for the construction of free stall barns with milking centres and how is it affected by construction methods and functions? Is the labour time influenced by the building costs? These are some of the questions this report will try to answer.