

7209 Uppsatser om Patient-focused care - Sida 65 av 481

Ekonomistyrning, på liv eller död? : En kvalitativ studie om controllers användning av styrmedel inom sjukvården.

Bakgrund: Sjukvården beskrivs som oerhört komplex och genom bland annat utveckling av ny och dyr teknik, som i sin tur genererar bättre vård, gör det svårt för sjukhus att hålla sin budget. En controller har en fundamental roll i en organisations ekonomistyrning och ska med hjälp av diverse styrmedel styra och kontrollera så att verksamheten drivs mot ekonomiska mål.Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen var att beskriva och analysera hur en controller inom sjukvården använder ekonomiska styrmedel för att nå ekonomisk måluppfyllelse samt skapa en förståelse för hur en controller hanterar balansgången mellan ekonomisk måluppfyllelse och vårdkvalité.Metod: Uppsatsen är formad med en kvalitativ forskningsdesign. En flerfallstudie har använts som forskningsstrategi där den empiriska datan är insamlad genom ostrukturerade intervjuer med anställda vid två sjukhus i Småland, länssjukhuset i Kalmar och centrallasarettet i Växjö. Det teoretiska avsnittet är byggt med data som insamlats från litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar som varit tillgängliga via Linnéuniversitetets bibliotekskatalog.Slutsats: De resultat som framkommer av studien påvisar att en controllerns användning av styrmedel tenderar att fokusera på ekonomisk måluppfyllelse. Genom användning i större utsträckning av de styrmedel som är under utveckling finns möjligheter för controllern att även påverka vårdkvalité..

Egenvård vid hjärtsvikt : Hjärtsviktspatienters användande av egenvårdsåtgärder

Background: Surgical complications has been the main cause of medical injuries and deaths worldwide. In 2008 WHO developed the checklist for safe surgery to reduce the number of surgical complications. The objective of the checklist is to strengthen already established safety routines and contribute to better cooperation and communication. Research shows that compliance to the checklist is deficient, which can affect patient safety.Aim: The aim was to study the extent to which theatre nurses participate in the use of the checklist.Method: Observational study was conducted with a descriptive design and quantitative approach. 24 observations were carried out with aid of an observation protocol of two surgical units at a hospital in central Sweden.Result: The results showed that Timeout initiated widely but compliance to all items was considerably lower.

Big bath accounting i samband med goodwillnedskrivningar

AimThe aim of this study is to through managers in eldercares deskriptions of the systematic qualityleadingsystem examine the implementation process of this system in the eldercare in the municipality of Halmstad.  BackgroundIn this paper the background explains elderly care and social work context, leadership in change and implementation processes. The theoretical frame illustrates Vedungs implementation theory and Webers model of bureaucracy MethodTo collect empirical data for this study, a qualitative research design was used in which eleven managers within Halmstads municipality home care management stood as respondents. ResultThe respondents highlighted a variety in the use of the systematic quality management system tool. The result describes that several obstacles were experienced in the use of the systematic quality system. ConclusionBased on the descriptions the respondents gives of the implementation process of the systematic quality management of Halmstad municipality home care management, the conclusion can be drawn that the implementation process has not resulted in the employees making use of systematic quality management in practice. The systematic quality management system that will ensure the quality of the care work is thus used to a limited extent..

En studie i begrepp inom byggnadsv?rden: samsyn och efterlevnad

The theory that concepts that are interpreted subjectively in building care creates problems in how the concepts are defined in practice within the current governing documents and guidelines for building care. This essay has studied concepts in the building maintenance literature to investigate whether there is consensus in compliance practice within the building process. In the study, 9 concepts have been investigated through conversational interviews and questionnaires answered by practitioners with extensive experience in building care processes. In the survey, an attempt is made, to measure how big or small the consensus is between practitioners who often need to collaborate within the building maintenance process. The investigation shows that existence of the concepts in building maintenance is very common in the theoretical literature examined but is almost completely absent in the craft area. Since laws, regulations, principles, and guidelines have defined concepts to support the decisions in the building maintenance process, it can be concluded that there is a lack of practice for compliance.

"Nu måste ni lyssna på oss" : Kontext och betydelse av den svenska vårdstrejken 2008

Den här studien tar fasta på kontexten och betydelsen av 2008 års svenska vårdstrejk och utreder dess motivationer. Studien utgår från tre kvinnliga sjuksköterskor, som alla deltog aktivt i strejken..

Kommunikation och delaktighet i mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient med afasi

I Sverige drabbas ca 35000 människor av stroke varje år, av dem får 8000 afasi. Afasi ger talsvårigheter både i att förstå andra och att uttrycka sig. I vården möter sjuksköterskan ofta patienter med afasi och kommunikationen blir då inte lika självklar. Sjuksköterskans uppgift är att ha en kommunikation där de kan förstå varandra. Vårdrelationen är nödvändig för kommunikationen och för att göra patienten delaktig.

Faktorer av betydelse för kommunikation vid röntgenundersökningar

Abstrakt Bakgrund: En god kommunikation ligger till grund för en god omvårdnad. Kommunikation är kommunikation först när den är ömsesidig, det vill säga att kommunikation sker gemensamt och går i båda riktningar. Patienters upplevelser av högteknologisk vård håller generellt låg kvalitet. Problemet uppstår vid bristfällig kommunikation mellan vårdare och patient. Röntgensjuksköterskan som till större del jobbar med korta patientmöten måste vara kunnig och effektiv i sin kommunikation med patienten.

Vårdnadsöverflyttning eller återförening? : Socialtjänstens arbete med en motsägelsefull lagstiftning

The purpose of this study was to examine how the social services are applying the sections of the law concerning custody transfer within foster care. More specifically the aim was to find out what circumstances are underlying the social services decision to go through with a custody transfer within the foster care, and to find out which difficulties and possibilities the law offers when it comes to this process. The study was based on interviews with six respondents, within the social services, who have great experiences working with these issues. The study concluded that there are several factors which affects the decision whether to implement at custody transfer or not, and some of these are the child?s attachment, the child?s fundamental needs and consent from the involving parties in the case.

Psykiatrireformen - från intention till verklighet? : En analys av psykiatrireformens måluppfyllelse

The purpose with this essay is to examine if the Swedish government?s intentions regarding to the mental health care reform, have been fulfilled. We have classified the intentions into three categories, regulation, financing and responsibility for organizing the policy. The intentions have then been compared with the results of the reform.Our theoretical framework starts with a model, developed by Evert Vedung (1998). We use this model as a tool to examine the fulfillment of the mental health care reform.

Likvärdig bedömning? : Så tolkar idrottslärarna värdeorden "till viss del", "relativt väl" och "väl" utifrån kunskapskraven i Lgr 11

The core process is responsible for internal business development and is the process that runs through the organization and the results which creates a value for the customer. Some research suggests that identification of the client's conscious or unconscious needs clarifying the so-called core process in the organization and operations can thus be more effective. The study aims to identify and analyze the experience of the core process within child health care. The method has been interviews with nine managers and 10 clinic nurses in a county. The results show a lack of knowledge regarding core process and process work.

Utomhusmiljöns betydelse för hälsa och lärande : en enkätundersökning om gymnasieungdomars upplevelser

One of our big public health problems in Sweden is that human beings are too inactive in outdoor settings. That is why stress related diseases increase and influence humans both mentally and physical. The physical activity is halved among many children when they start school and the older they become the less they enjoy school. It is also an increasing problem that children and youth in today's society have lack of worthwhile experiences in the nature. The aim of this study was therefore to examine how the experience of outdoor environment had importance for health and learning on upper secondary school pupils.


A large number of children and teenagers are placed in foster care for various reasons. Social services have a responsibility to follow up youths and ensure that they have the same opportunity for positive development as other young people. A qualitative study was conducted with an abductive perspective by gathering material from social workers in this particular field. The research design of this study is an interview study. The theoretical premise was Bronfenbrenners ecosystem theory and Maslows hierarchy of needs theory.

Faktorer som inverkar på kvinnors val att söka vård för urininkontinens : En litteraturstudie

Abstract:Theoretical framework:  The Theory of Suffering by Katie Eriksson was used.Aim: The aim was to illuminate factors that influence women?s choice to seek care for urinary incontinence.Method: This literature review was based on a sample of nine qualitative and quantitative studies. Modified templates were used to assess the quality of the studies. Analysis of the results was done withmanifest content analysis.Findings: Findings made clear that the experience of shame is a central factor for women not to seek treatment for their urinary incontinence UI. Women had to have severe loss of quality of life in order to seek help for their UI, and the loss of quality of life had to be subjectively larger than the feeling of shame.

Hälsa och välfärdsteknologi i tredje åldern : En explorativ marknadsundersökning kring teknik och hälsa inom äldreomsorgen

This report is a market research for the company 4 Body and Mind, a start-upcompany that works with personal training online. They wanted to know if themarket for elderly care could be interesting for them to enter. This report is hence aresearch of the market for health and welfare technology in elderly care within thepublic sector in Sweden. A general fact is that the world's population is getting older.This combined with rapid growth of individuals in the age 65+ changes the demandson the elderly care in Sweden?s municipalities.

Familjevård, Kultur och Etnicitet: rekryteringsprocessen ur ett kulturellt och etniskt perspektiv

Children are said to be the future of our society. Hence, how we take care of our children is a cause of concern. This is evident in much of the social work that is carried out in Sweden. One of the times when we find children to be the most vulnerable is when they, for different reasons, are separated from their biological families and placed in foster care. Based on the fact that Sweden over the last century has experienced an increased immigration intake we wanted to take a closer look on how this change of the population dynamics has influenced foster care in the country.

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