

7209 Uppsatser om Patient-focused care - Sida 35 av 481

Att vara förälder till ett barn med medfött hjärtfel : en litteraturstudie

Introduction : Structural cardiac malformations affects 0.8-1% of children born worldwide, in Sweden 800-1000 children per year. Most children with congenital heart disease and their families will have frequent and lifelong contact with highly specialized care. Awareness of the parents experience is crucial in order to improve the nursing care. These experiences will be illustrated using a theoretical model of family-based nursing. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe experiences of being a parent to a child with a congenital heart disease.

Akuta hjälp- och stödinsatser inom psykiatrin : Vad är det som påverkar psykiatrins selektering och bedömning av de individer som söker akuta hjälp- och stödinsatser?

In this paper the authors are focusing on people that work in psychiatric acute care. How do they identify the individual that is in most need of acute care? How do they judge in this kind of cases?    The foundation in this study is in the qualitative method. The material to this study has been collected by doing qualitative interviews with six people in different professions and positions in psychiatric acute care.   The material that we collected from these six qualitative interviews has been analysed with help from Sherif?s and Hovland?s (1961) Social judgement theory.

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av patientens urträning ur respirator

 Intensivvårdsjuksköterskan möter i sitt dagliga arbete många patienter som behandlas i respirator. Långvarig respiratorbehandling innebär ofta ökade risker för komplikationer. Med anledningen av detta är det viktigt att minska tiden i respirator med effektiv urträning. Att tränas ur respiratorn är en individuell process och bör därför anpassas efter patientens förmåga. Syftet med examensarbetet var att beskriva intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av tracheostomerade patienters urträning ur respirator.

Individanpassad omvårdnad för det för tidigt födda barnet : En litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe the meaning of individual care according to Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment programs (NIDCAP) to the early born child. The care around the early born child has shown a big importance. NIDCAP incorporates many care aspects that give structure for an individual tailored care. A fast care planning within three days and night after the birth according to NIDCAP has a positive effect for the cognitive development. The early child has showed that the surroundings environment has an important role for their development.

Lågdosprotokoll vid datortomografiundersökningar av misstänkt njursten : en litteraturstudie

Type 2 diabetes is a growing disease in the population which includes that older people are a risk group. With the disease grows even cost?s. A lifestyle change is a major part of the treatment for type 2 diabetes. There are several factors that suggest positive effects on prevention among the elderly where, among other things, economic and health benefits are presented.

Sjuksköterskans kommunikation med patienter som vårdas med respirator

Bakgrund: Kommunikation med patienter som vårdas med respirator är en stor del av omvårdnaden för intensivvårdssjuksköterskan. Otillräcklig kommunikation mellan sjuksköterska och patient kan leda till otrygghet och stress hos patienten. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva hur intensivvårdssjuksköterskor kommunicerar med patienter som vårdas med respirator, vilka möjligheter och hinder som finns samt om sjuksköterskans erfarenhet har betydelse.Metod: En kvantitativ ansats valdes och data till pilotstudien insamlades med hjälp av en enkät. Resultat: Sjuksköterskorna i studien ansåg inte att det är svårt att kommunicera med patienter som vårdas med respirator. Större delen av sjuksköterskorna använde sig av kroppsspråk, ögonkontakt och beröring som kommunikationsmetoder.

Att vårdas under tvång : Patientens upplevelse av tvångsåtgärder inom psykiatrisk vård

Bakgrund: Lag om psykiatrisk tvångsvård innebär att sjukvården har rätt att ta bort självbestämmanderätten från en individ om denne lider av en allvarlig psykisk störning. Restriktioner och tvångsåtgärder som tvångsmedicinering, avskiljning och fastspänning kan förekomma. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa hur patienter upplever tvångsåtgärder inom psykiatrisk vård. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie baserad på 12 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Antonovskys Känsla av sammahang har använts som teoretisk referensram.

Hemtjänstpersonalens upplevelser av sitt arbete

Purpose: Our aim is to get an insight on how home care workers experience, handle and looks upon their work. We also want to form an opinion of how home care workers experience the relationship to the clients they meet.Questions: How does home care workers experience their daily work with their clients? Home care workers daily meet many different sorts of clients with different needs, how do they handle this? What kind of support does home care workers get in their work?Method: A qualitative design with semistructured interviews.Conclusion: The most central conclusion from all of our interviews were: that home care service workers has a very stressful and demanding occupation, that the work has a low status, that the personnel has a big responsibility for the wellbeing of other people and that they often find their work satisfying and fun. To have someone to talk to and exchange ideas with was also mentioned by the informants as a vital part of feeling support in their work. From the Antonovskys theory, a sense of coherence, and Goffmans views of the society, we also find that the larger part of our informants feel a high sense of coherence and that when they have to adjust to their different caretakers they play different roles..

Kommunikationsstöd för cancerpatienter. Upplevelse, trygghet och säkerhet

Telephone counselling has been around for more than forty years and remains a widely accepted communication support, both in the primary care and the outpa-tient departments of our hospitals. In many cases, this form of communication might be the only way in which the patient will have contact with the health ser-vices, primarily the nurse. In this study, the authors have chosen the word com-munication support as a generic name for the various technology tools, which are already present or in the future, might be an important link between the patient and the nurse. The aim of this study was to examine which communication sup-port that is available and patients´ perceptions of those and the patients´ percep-tions. Our patients can sometimes be affected by their illness, which means that their perception might be influenced and the advices or the prescriptions given by telephone will not be correctly perceived.

Sjuksköterskors hanterande av kvinnor inom psykiatrisk vård som utsatts för våld i nära relationer

           AbstractAims: To explore whether and in that case how nurses question women in the psychiatric care about violence in close relationships and how nurses respond to women who have been exposed to domestic violence.Method: A qualitative descriptive interview study with twelve nurses from four psychiatric wards was carried out in Uppsala. Informants were chosen from a convenient selection. The interviews with semi-structured interview questions were recorded on tape, transcribed and analyzed with content analysis.Results: There is no routine to ask all female patients if they are victims of violence. It happens only in cases where the suspicion arises or is confirmed. It is individually whether and how the nurse asks the woman if she is subjected to violence in a close relationship, depending on patient and nurse.

Effekter och upplevelser av aromaterapi, taktilmassage och akupunktur inom palliativ omvårdnad

The aim of the present literature review was to describe and evaluate the effects and experiences within the complementary approaches such as aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture amongst palliative care patients. Search through Medline (through Pub Med) database and additional manual search was conducted. In total 16 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. The result was presented under respectively category: aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture. Physical and psychological effects as well as experiences from the treatments were also documented under the different complementary approaches.

Uttorkning av Betong

This Thesis aims to explore how to integrate an IT-system for facilitating anorganizations work with Continous Impprovements.This is done here by examining and analyzing the process within a handful ofcompanies who seem to have been successful with their own implementations. Thestudy is focused on the implementation of one particular system, "System C2".Simliarities and differences between the companies, and the established rule of thumbfor these kind of activities are focused upon. This to emphasis how another actormight emulate some of the apparent success.Part of the core question is found in the title, since Continous Improvement is oftenseen as a relativly low-risk activity, is it then also possible to take a low-risk slow pathto the implementation of such a system in the entire organization?.

Vitamin- och mineraltillskott för barn : Utbud, innehåll samt kunskap och attityder kring dessa produkter hos personal vid apotek och hälsokosthandel

Background:Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a complex clinical condition. The higher survival rate after heart attack and other heart diseases, plus aging population, has led to more CHF patients. Symptoms can have negative impact on exercise capacity, ability to perform activities of daily living and quality of life. Heart failure clinics have been established to help better quality of life. Helping to stabilize and maintain patients´ health can reduce the need of hospital admission.

De närståendes resa mot att släppa taget : En litteraturstudie om närståendes upplevelser inom den palliativa vården

Background: People who is close to patients suffering from incurable diseases experiences both suffering and grief. It is hard to be there for someone and at the same time handle your own grief. This can create feeling of anxiety, stress and guilt. Problem: Near related persons might not accept the further loss of someone near, the hope remains until it is final. They may not know the whole width of the situation, not acknowledge to the patient or himself how it is going to end.

Faktorer som påverkar omvårdnaden ? patientens perspektiv

BakgrundAllergi och annan överkänslighet är vanliga kroniska sjukdomar. Målet med omvårdnaden vid allergi och annan överkänslighet är att individen i görligaste mån skall kunna leva det liv som han/hon vill. Det är oftast ett livslångt lärande och den som utför omvårdnaden måste kunna se patientens sårbarhet, måste lära känna patienten, samt vilja, kunna och ha en möjlighet att hjälpa patienten.SyfteSyftet med uppsatsen var att belysa faktorer som patienter anser påverkar omvårdnaden. Ett annat syfte var att relatera resultatet av litteraturöversikten till förhållanden vid astma- och allergimottagningar i öppenvård.MetodLitteraturöversikten bygger på en sammanställning av 12 vetenskapliga artiklar. Litteratursökning gjordes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL.ResultatGod omvårdnad karakteriseras av att patienten kan delta i och vara aktiv i omvårdnaden.

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