6873 Uppsatser om Patient-centered communication - Sida 34 av 459
Äldre döva och kommunikation : en kvalitativ studie av kommunikationens betydelse
The purpose was to study what significance communication has for the psychosocial health of elderly deaf people who live in old peoples homes. I also explored how communication works between the staff.- How do the staff feel the communication works between members of the staff and between the staff and the residents?- How do the staffs think that the staffs' knowledge of the culture of the deaf community and sign language affects the psychological health of the residents?- What changes have the staff noticed in the residents since they moved to the ward?In order to accomplish study this area I have used semi-structured qualitative interviews and observations.The main conclusion of this paper was that the possibility to communicate in ones own language was fundamental for the psychosocial health of the residents. The people I interviewed expressed that communication between the residents and the staff worked well, but communication was a problem between the staff members. Knowledge of the culture of the deaf and sign language, within the staff, had a positive influence on the psychosocial health of the residents.
Budskap i förändring : En studie av internkommunikationen vid Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
This thesis tries to explore how different strategies of internal communication are used in actual situations within an organization. Specifically, the purpose is to investigate how the internal communication within the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) has been carried out during their work to change their organizational structure, and, how this can be understood in terms of existing theories for strategic communication. The research questions explored are:What are the chosen strategies used to communicate the changes internally?How can these strategies be understood in terms of existing theories?What are the views of the employees on the communication and what are the relations between their views, the chosen strategies and existing theories?The theoretical ground work chosen is mainly the work by Cornelissen (2008), Dalfelt (2005), Johansson (2011) and Larsson (2008). The method chosen for the empirical part of the study is semi-structured qualitative interviews.
Tecken på smärta under anestesi - hur anestesisjuksköterskan bedömer patienten
ABSTRACT Introduction: One of the great difficulties that the nurse anesthetist encounter in their profession is to assess and estimate sleep depth versus signs of pain in the anesthetized patient. Based on a pre-operative appointment and the perioperative monitoring, an assessment of the patient is made. The experience that the nurse anesthetist has can make it easier to understand what subtile signs of the patient depends on. Purpose: With this in mind, the purpose of the pilot study was to try to find out if there are specific signs of pain during anesthesia and if the professional experience played a role. As a subsidiary aim the authors examined whether there were factors in the patient that the nurse anesthetist takes into account in the identification of pain during anesthesia.
Myten om användaren - En studie av användardiskursen och dess visionärer
The myth of the user - a study of the user discourse and its visionariesThis study is a discourse analysis of the visions that implicitly are expressed in different texts about user-centered library theory. Several other studies have analyzed the discourse and conceptualization of how the user is expressed in the library debate. Therefore we have chosen to analyze the visions that are expressed by three different sources: the evaluation of the Swedish GÖK project, which was an reorganization of three different libraries in Sweden (Greenhalgh, Worpole & Landry 1995). The influential book by Michael E. Casey and Laura C.
De elöverkänsligas livssituaton : ur ett hälsopromotivt perspektiv
ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.
Distribuerade fastighetsautomationssystem : - En implementation av kommunikationsprotokollet BACnet
Building Automation Systems in commercial buildings are often designed and installed by different contractors, using equipment and components from different manufacturers. The lack of an accepted communication standard has resulted in a few different standards. Many manufacturers of building automation systems only support one, a few or none of these standards, while developing proprietary system solutions. Regin, who develop such equipment, are planning to adopt an open communication protocol specially designed for building automation - BACnet. As a step in that direction this thesis was announced with the purpose to investigate the possibility to implement BACnet in one of their products and to gain more knowledge of the BACnet protocol.
Statusuppdateringar på Facebook : Förhållningssätt och vanor hos användare
A common form of communication within Facebook is the communication between users via status updates. If you write a status update all your friends have the opportunity to read and to respond to the update. The overall issue of this survey is: how are Facebook users to commu- nicate with status updates? The survey aims to gain insight and greater understanding of communication patterns and user awareness of social contexts when they write status updates. The study will act as an attempt to understand a small part of a complex interaction taking place in a social situation.
Patient- och närståendeutbildning inom strokevård : En litteraturstudie
SAMMANFATTNINGInledning:Att drabbas av stroke kan upplevas som en fruktansvärd och påfrestande händelse, både för patient och närstående. Det är hälso- och sjukvårdens ansvar att utbilda patienter och närstående genom individuellt anpassad information, på ett lyhört, empatiskt och respektfullt sätt. Information och handledning av sjuksköterskan ses därför som mycket viktigt för patient och närstående så att de får kontroll över den nya situationen de befinner sig i.Syfte: Att sammanställa aktuella vetenskapliga artiklar om vilka utbildningar som finns inom strokevård samt hur patienter och närstående upplever och påverkas av dessa.Metod: En litteraturstudie bestående av totalt 16 kvantitativa respektive kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Databaser som användes är PubMed och CINAHL.Resultat: Studiens resultat visar på att det finns olika metoder för utbildning av patient och närstående bland annat grupputbildning och individuell utbildning med både skriftligt och muntligt innehåll. Patienter och närstående upplever information och utbildning som något viktigt.
Döden som profession : Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slut ? en litteraturöversikt
Background The aim of palliative care is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and her next of kin during the patient?s end of life. Palliative care rests on the four cornerstones managing symptoms, communication and relationship, teamwork and relative support. The nurses? task is to assess the patients? physical, mental and spiritual needs according to these four cornerstones.Aim To assess nurses? experiences of treating patients at the end of life.Method Eleven academic journals that respond to the aim has been analyzed and synthesized in a literature review in order to summarize current research on the subject.
Subkultur och kommunikation : påverkar olika kulturer den hierarkiska kommunikationen i en organisation?
The essay studies the relationship between communication and organizational culture; to determine if there are any cultural differences between the management of an organization and its employees and to examine how a difference can affect the communication of organizational policies. A case study, where the public school was examined, was used to answer the research question, and interviews were held with relevant people on different levels in the organization.The interviews were analyzed with the theoretical frame of reference as a benchmark. Cultural differences could be identified between different levels in the organization and between the two schools studied. The differences affected how and why people communicated but not how well the respondents understood each other.Keywords: Organizational culture, subculture, Organizational communication, affects, hierarchy..
Anestesisjuksköterskans lugnande förhållningssätt i mötet med vaken patient som visar tecken på oro: En kvalitativ intervjustudie
Patienter som står inför ett operativt ingrepp upplever ofta oro och stress i den perioperativa miljön. Oro förbrukar stora mängder energi som kan ge sig uttryck i huvudvärk, irritabilitet, olust och vanmaktskänsla. Tidigare studier har dock visat att anestesisjuksköterskan har genom det goda mötet möjlighet att lindra patientens lidande i dessa situationer. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva anestesisjuksköterskans lugnande förhållningssätt i mötet med vaken patient som visar tecken på oro. Åtta kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med anestesisjuksköterskor som har minst fem års erfarenhet av perioperativt vårdande.
Gör som jag menar - En studie om budskapets betydelse samt dess påverkan på inre upplevelse och yttre beteende
The purpose of this paper was to understand internal communication?s critical
tradition by studying the interface of the subjective experience and the
objective behavior within a management team. During almost two years this group
was observed, several semi-structured interviews were conducted and a specific
incident was analyzed. The interview texts where analyzed, using the Meaning
Constitution Analysis developed by Roger Sages (2010) at Lund University. The
observations were summarized in sociograms showing relationships in the
Palliativ vård - Värdefulla egenskaper i relationen mellan sjuksköterska och patient
Bakgrund: I palliativ vård var interaktionen mellan sjuksköterska och patient
oerhört viktig för att patienten skulle uppleva sin sista tid både värdefull
och fridfull. Tidigare forskning har dock visat att sjuksköterskans sätt att
bemöta patienten inte alltid stämmer överens med patientens behov.
Sjuksköterskan bär ansvaret för att vårdrelationen ska bli så bra som möjligt
och därför måste kännedomen om patientens behov och önskemål finnas. Syfte:
Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa vad som värdesattes i den vårdande
relationen mellan sjuksköterska och patient vid palliativ vård. Metod: En
kvalitativ litteraturstudie av åtta vetenskapliga artiklar har utförts med
hjälp av en manifest innehållsanalys.
Intern kommunikation av värderings- och imagerelaterade frågor Medarbetarnas roll i hållbarhetsarbetet på Clas Ohlson
Communication of sustainable development has become an increasingly important part of organisation?s corporate branding. Consumers demand more transparency from businesses and want to know more about how they work with these issues. An important part of how internal communication can be used to reach organisational success involves organisation?s employees.
Det livsavgörande samtalet : Sjuksköterskans kommunikation med suicidnära patienter
Suicid är ett samhällsproblem i Sverige. Det är idag den största dödsorsaken bland unga mellan 15-29 års ålder. Vårdpersonalen anser att det är psykiskt påfrestande och svårt att tala om. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var därav att belysa hur sjuksköterskan kan förmedla tröst och hopp genom kommunikation och relation med den suicidnära patienten. Riskfaktorer för suicidnära patienter är bland andra hopplöshet, depression, relationsförlust, suicidplan och tidigare suicidförsök.