

385 Uppsatser om Painting conservation - Sida 21 av 26

Fetisch, mode, performativitet : en studie av relationen mellan kropp och estetik

For centuries, the human body has been used as a mean to project the norms, moral values and aesthetic preferences that exist throughout society. It has been controlled through constrictive fashion, family and social virtues and through how we perceive gender and sexuality. This essay strives to show, not only how the body and the aesthetic values coexist, but also how they work together and influence each other, with the body as the aesthetic medium. To do this, Michel Foucault?s writings of sexuality and his theories on morality and discipline, as well as Judith Butler?s works on normativity and performativity are being used.

Lek hos Stinkpadda (Bufo callamita): jämförelse av restaurerade och ickerestaurerade hällkar

The natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) is one of three species of toads living in Sweden. During the last decades declines in population numbers have been detected and are thought to be primarily due to loss of habitat, overgrown breeding ponds and competition from common toad (Bufo bufo) and common frog (Rana temporaria). In 2012 20 ponds in the location of Glommeskallen in Smögen were restored by clearing the ponds from overgrowth. The aim of this study was to investigate if natterjack toads used the restored ponds and if the restoration had made an impact on the natterjack population on the location. Presence of common toad and common frog was recorded, as was the presence of eggs and larvae of any of the three species.

Ljudlandskap i kulturmiljöer

This bachelor thesis aims to draw attention to sound in the heritage sector in Sweden. In particular, to thesoundscapes that can be identified in our cultural heritage environments. Sounds in an environment, here calledsoundscapes, affect our perception of the environment and how we remember it.To find out how the heritage sector uses and would be able to use sounds, I have firstly studied if audio recording iscomparable with the visual photographic image. I then present examples of sound documentation concerning theconservation of built environment. In addition, I have interviewed five key informants who all have a centralresponsibility for five cultural heritage environments.

Vegetationsförändringar i Hornborgasjöns naturreservat : med fokus på restaureringems följder

Den här studien undersöker hur vegetationen förändras mellan 1979 och 2010 i området som idag är Hornborgasjöns naturreservat. Sjösänkningar i området ledde till att ett igenväxt träskområde ersatte en viktig vattenreservoar och närsaltfälla. Restaureringsarbetet under 80-talet var banbrytande och antagligen ett av vår tids mest omfattande naturvårdsarbete. Studien svarar också på om restaureringen uppnådde sitt mål och om resultatet blev som man tänkt sig.I arbetet skapades en aktuell vegetationskarta för 2010, denna jämfördes med en i arbetet digitaliserad vegetationskarta från 1979. Kartbilder skapades och justerades i ArcGIS och vegetationsytornas area framtogs för att möjliggöra en vegetationsanalys mellan kartorna.

Sand pits as habitat for ground beetles (Carabidae) : does the area affect species number and composition?

Sand pits are a valuable habitat which can hold many sand living species including several endangered ones. As many sand habitats with exposed sand are declining, sand pits have a potential as a substitute habitat. This study was conducted to see what effect the area of a sand pit has on species number and composition of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Also, the effects of other environmental variables were tested, for example the proportion open sand, vegetation cover, sun exposure and tree cover. The study was conducted in the county of Uppsala in 2008 and included 13 sand pits with areas between 200 and 180,000 m2.

Kulturmiljövärden utan synintryck, en studie med synskadade

This graduate thesis takes its hold in an idea that many values, in cultural heritage environments, other than the onesthat can be seen with the eyes are as important for the experience of the environment as the visual ones; however theenvironments are usually defined by values that can be experienced visually!Interviews were held with four visually impaired persons. This to get a better understanding for how big part othersense modalities play in the experience of the cultural heritage environments. Questions were asked about what thevisually impaired especially value in cultural heritage environments and what is of value for preservation. Also whatcan be done to make the environments more impressive for them, how they experience the material part of theheritage, architecture, shape and color and with what senses they primarily remember. Furthermore the thesis aims todraw attention to how value definitions made by the conservation field affects the experience of the environmentsand therefore the accessibility for visually impaired.

Omkonservering av Vattendr?nkt L?der Analys och Metodutveckling f?r Vasaskeppets L?derartefakter

In the collections of the Vasa Museum, 100 leather objects have exhibited salt precipitations. The objects, that have previously been impregnated with PEG, have become deteriorated and fragmented due to the precipitations. During a previously conducted study it was established that the precipitations consisted of iron and sulphur. However, it was not established whether they occurred in the leather?s inner structure and no treatment plan was developed.

Förvaltning och skogsskötsel av ett tätortsnära naturreservat : en fallstudie om Lugnets naturreservat i Falun

Naturens betydelse för människan är stor och den tätortsnära skogen utgör en viktig plats i den växande urbana befolkningens närhet. Ungefär två kilometer nordost om Falu centrum ligger Lugnets naturreservat, ett tätortsnära område som nyttjas av allt från motionärer och barnfamiljer till elitidrottare. Syftet med den här studien var att genomföra en syntesanalys över hur skötseln av Lugnets naturreservat kan utformas för att tillgodose så många intressen som möjligt. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med ett urval av områdets intressenter kartlades deras nyttjande och synpunkter. Tillsammans med befintlig teori inom området utformades generella och specifika skogsskötsel- och förvaltningsförslag för reservatet.

Människan i urskogen : vegetationshistoria i Hamra nationalpark under 2500 år

Pollen analysis of a peat core was used to reconstruct the last 2500 years of vegetation history, with focus on the impact of anthropogenic disturbance, in Hamra National Park, central Sweden. In addition, analysis of pollen in soil samples was performed in an attempt to locate ancient cultivation plots in the National Park. The analysis of the peat core shows a development of the vegetation that can be divided into four stages of different degrees of human impact: A - virgin forest (c. 500 B.C.-A.D. 1300), B - grazed forest (c. A.D.

Skillnader i kungsörnens (Aquila chrysaetos) flyttningsmönster beroende på ålder och klimatfaktorer : En studie för skyddet av kungsörn

This study examines the factors that influence the seasonal movements of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), and can thus provide important information that helps to improve the protection of the species. There were two main purposes of this study. First, I wanted to analyze the difference between preferences of juvenile and adult Golden Eagles in their choice of southern or northern hibernation areas. Do younger eagles prefer moving longer distance to southern areas of Sweden? Second, I wanted to investigate how the climate influenced the choice of date of migration in the fall.

Stabilisering av insektsangripna möbler : en jämförande studie av konsolidanter

Denna rapport är en jämförande studie av utvalda konsolidanter som används till att stabilisera nedbrutet insektsangripet trä. Av de trägnagande skadeinsekter vi har i Sverige är det främst den strimmiga trägnagaren som är intressant i möbelsammanhang. I rapporten beskrivs den strimmiga trägnagaren, en liten skadeinsekt som kan åstadkomma stor skada om den får verka ostörd. Insekten finns utspridd i hela Europa och är ett stort problem då den angriper alla typer av träslag. Nedbrutet insektsangripet trä förlorar sin styrka och kan behöva konsolideras genom att injicera konsolidanter in i träet.

Tre parker i Höganäs : bevara och förnya

The purpose of this master dissertation is to show an example of how to renovate three different parks in an area of national interest in Höganäs, Sweden aiming to deal with their heritage value as well as making them attractive to today?s user. The question formulation can be described as following: How can i as a landscape architect renovate parks with different characters conserving their existing qualities. By studying and documenting the park´s history and current usage and using methods of evaluating a park?s heritage value ( Kulturhistorisk värdering av bebyggelse, Unnerbäck 2002) i could conclude which qualities to conserve and suggest and motivate what features to add or renovate.

Vitberget Skellefteå, ett kommunägt tätortsnära skogsområde ? föreningarnas och allmänhetens syn på hur skogen bör skötas

The question is who should govern and administrate a municipality owned urban forest? Should societies and the public be invited to participatory planning, who are the interested parties, could they be treated like a group and what are their opinions on administration and management? The study is carried out in a municipal owned forest Vitberget Skellefteå that is widely used by associations and individuals for recreation and training.This has led to several discussions in the local media about the management of the forest, especially in connection to harvesting. The work undertaken here has been to identify who has any interest in the management of the area. After identifying the interested parties, a selection of the societies, schools and pre-schools that actively uses the area as well as random individuals met in the area was interviewed. The questions asked can be divided into six main groups:? Communication with the municipality?s managers for the area? Interference from other activities? Views on forest management? Views on nature conservation? The uniqueness of Vitberget? Development opportunitiesThe crucial factors identified as being needed to succeed in managing an urban forest are long-term administration, information and communication.

Stenmuren i landskapet : bevarandet av ett kulturarv

The landscape with its associated historical tracks and remains are an important part of our cultural heritage that we consider important to conserve. The stone walls are an example of historical remains that helps to build up this cultural heritage. It is a landscape element that today usually is being associated with the old cultivated landscape, where they mainly functioned as boundary markings and fences. Today, the stone wall is a valuable element in the landscape with ecological, culture-historical and aesthetic values. Since the stone walls arose as elements in the landscape a lot has been changed within the agriculture.

Åtgärdsförslag och känslighetsanalys vid energieffektivisering ur ett fuktsäkert perspektiv : En fallstudie på timmerhuset Sofiedals herrgård

This thesis investigated the possibilities to resume cultivation of an old manor house built of timber and what this would mean from an energy and moisture perspective. The building in this case study is named Sofiedals mansion and was built in 1858 in Valbo 11 kilometers west of Gävle.The structure of the house was documented and used as a starting-point for carrying out calculations focused on energy and moisture aspects. With the help of a number of computer programs and a conducted air tightness test, the buildings energy consumption were calculated and compared with the current building regulations.In addition, the building was analyzed considering energy retrofitting and what it meant for moisture problems. The energy retrofitting consisted of additional insulation, decreasing the buildings permeability through air sealing; window and door replacements. When a building is equipped with natural ventilation it is difficult to know its precise performance and how an energy retrofitting affects it.

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