

385 Uppsatser om Painting conservation - Sida 22 av 26

Strandskyddet : en översyn av tillämpningen i tre kommuner i Uppsala län

The first regulation concerning the protection of shores was introduced in 1950. The purpose of that regulation was to "secure the general publics condition of an outdoor life". The protection has been sharpened over the years and in 1975 a general protection of the shores was introduced, which meant that all land was protected within 100 meters from the shoreline. In 1994 a supplement was made with the purpose to "preserve good conditions for animal and plants on land and in water". The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) did an inquiry of the shore protection regulations commissioned by the Government in 2001. The inquiry pointed out that there were big lacks in the exemption decisions.

EU:s Fiskeripolitik : På väg mot en rättighetsbaserad förvaltning?

Most of the sea areas within the European Union are overfished and the catches are estimated to be up to five times lager then the amount to achieve a sustainable fishery. In doing so, the management of EU's marine resources comes to be questioned. The purpose of this study was to analyze EU's administration of marine fisheries and to explore which steps that can be undertaken to counteract the negative trend. The questions of the study were: How does the EU administrate today?s marine fishery recourses? And: How can the problem whit overfishing be discouraged? To answer these questions a comparative analyses were used to compare and evaluate administrative systems.

Östra Afrikas kustnära skogsområde : en viktig region för biologisk mångfald

Längs Afrikas östkust från Somalia till Mozambique löper en tropisk skogsremsa som uppvisar en fantastisk variation i artsammansättning och utgör habitat för en mängd endemiska arter. Regionen är så unik att både Conservation International och WWF anser att den bör prioriteras för bevarande insatser. De kustnära skogarna erbjuder också en mängd tjänster som många människor är beroende av. Skog förhindrar jorderosion, är hem åt pollinatorer och lagrar upp koldioxid. Mangroveskogar stabiliserar kustområden och de för lokalbefolkningen heliga Kaya-skogarna i södra Kenya erbjuder ett kulturellt värde. Den stora befolkningen som lever i området gör att mänsklig påverkan utgör ett betydande hot mot regionens biologiska mångfald. Det största hotet utgör det växande jordbruket som ska försörja en allt större befolkning.

Värdefullt förfall : om ruiner i förändring

This essay deals with ruins from the perspective of their cultural values ??and the impact of add-ons, protective add-ons and caring actions affect these values. The issues in the essay are; What are the cultural values of a ruin?  How have ruins been used?  How are ruins treated today?Initially the definition of the concept ?ruin? is discussed, what is a ruin? A building has an architectural biography: the creation, destruction, change and the decay. The concept of ruin is considered to be a state of this decay, rather than a dead building.

Trakthyggesfria skogsbrukssätt : kunskap, förutsättningar och attityder

Forestry has three main aspects to take into consideration today; economical, ecological and socio-cultural. In order to reach the broad policy goals for sustainable forest management, an increased variety of management approaches are requested. Today clear-cutting is the only method used in 96 % of the managed forests in Sweden. The Swedish National Board of Forestry has therefore initiated a project in order to investigate and develop Continuous Cover Forestry (CFF). This study is a part of this project.

V?RMEAKTIVERADE TISSUES P? TRANSPARENT PAPPER En j?mf?rande studie vid revlagning

Works on transparent paper, also commonly known as tracing paper, have been described as ephemeral or temporary working documents and they usually number large quantities in archival and museum collections. They have therefore previously been considered of lower priority and can be found in poor condition due to a lack of treatment or suitable storage prospects. In addition, transparent paper can be very sensitive to moisture and reacts by deformation or loss of transparency. Due to the volume of these works and the necessity of treatment, there is a call for simple and efficient conservation methods. A common solution in archives for the treatment of water-sensitive works on paper has been the use of heat-activated tissues as they can be applied without the introduction of solvents. There is little published about the use of heat-activated tissues on transparent paper and is mentioned only briefly in existing literature.

Engagerade ungdomar : en hållbar energistrategi

The consumption and energy use in today's society contributes to the on-going climate change that creates a debt of life quality for future generations (www, DN, 2007, a). The resources that are used by humans exceed by far what is sustainable (www, Regeringen, 2007, a). The purpose of this paper is to examine how a message about energy conservation should be designed to reach youths. This will be attempted by showing their thoughts on energy and environmental issues and also what it would take for them to get more involved in these issues. The views of the youths are gained by a number of focus group-interviews, which where carried out in the fall of 2007, with kids in the ages 12 to 19. Apart from these interviews, interviews where also conducted with representatives from different youth organisations in Sweden, which gave their views on how to get a message across to kids.

Kustnära ekosystem som skydd mot naturkatastrofer : en litteraturstudie från ett riskhanteringsperspektiv

Research suggests that society's vulnerability to natural disasters along coasts could increase as a result of climate change, which is likely to lead to elevated sea levels and possibly an increase in the occurance of meteorological phenomena such as storms and tropical cyclones. Following the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, both of which received considerable media attention, empirical data has indicated that coastal vegetation might be able to protect and reduce damages to coastal communities during tsunami events and tropical cyclones.The aim of the essay has been to study the function of coastal ecosystems as protection against tsunami waves and storms from a risk management perspective, meaning that I have, through an overview of scientific articles, compiled current research on how coastal ecosystems can attenuate storm surges and tsunami waves, and analysed how this knowledge can be put into practice in coastal communities from a risk management perspective, i.e. if coastal ecosystems are a viable risk reduction measure, are practically applicable, and if so, how they could be applied.There is empirical evidence suggesting that coastal ecosystems, particularly mangroves, can reduce the strength of a tsunami wave, but full scientific consensus on this issue has not yet been reached. With regard to protection against storm surges, there is extensive scientific evidence that coastal vegetation can mitigate damages and reduce the height of a storm surge, although the wave has to traverse several kilometres inland through thick vegetation for the protection to be effective. A synthesis in the form of a figure regarding the many physical factors that influence wave development through coastal ecosystems has been created in an attempt to simplify and explain the phenomenon.The conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems can be justified from a risk management perspective, but planting new forest belts for the purpose of disaster mitigation is quite unrealistic and can rarely be sustainable, since, for protection to be effective, the forest belt must extend several kilometres inland from the coast, and would thus likely prove difficult to implement along coastal societies..

Frystorkning Kontrollerad torkning av kulturhistorisk dräkt?

Cultural objects may become wet by deliberate water cleaning, water disaster or watersoaked for other reasons. Air drying textile objects and even other organic materials from awater wet state, involves many problems depending on the strong capillarity action of water.Damages and changes such as bleeding of dyes, stains or lines of impurities from watermovement, shrinking or stiffness can occur. Freeze-drying as an alternative drying methodhas often been used for wet archaeological and marine objects, but more seldom for historicalmaterials.This bachelor thesis addresses the issue of whether freeze-drying can be an alternative controlleddrying method for historic costumes. Costumes and related objects are often compositeobjects, consisting of multiple materials, as well as being three dimensional, all of whichwill complicate drying. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether it is possible tohandle costume objects after wet cleaning for drying by freeze-drying, and if damages due tosurface tension of water, can be avoided in this way.

Frivilliga avsättningar i gröna skogsbruksplaner - en fallstudie av sex skogsfastigheter samt en enkätundersökning i Östergötland

Frivilliga avsättningar av skog med höga naturvärden är en viktig del för att nå Miljömålet ?Levande skogar?. Det finns dock tveksamheter om de naturvårdsbiologiska kvalitéerna i dessa avsättningar. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka om den skog som avsätts frivilligt av privata skogsägare är den skogsmark som har de högsta naturvärdena på fastigheten. Vidare studerades också markägarens naturvårdskunnande, utbildningsnivå och attityd till naturvård.

Habitat preferences and reproductive success forthe threatened longhorn beetle Plagionotusdetritus

Plagionotus detritus is a threatend longhorn beetle that only exists at one site in Sweden. It is saproxylic and depending on recently dead coarse oak wood for its larval development. Trees at Djurgården, Stockholm that have been colonized by Plagionotus detritus has been studied to find out the habitat preferences of the species and to see what affects the density of beetles in a tree. The bark of some trees and wood from the breeding project at Nordens Ark has also been studied to find out what affects the species reproductive success. The reproductive success was measured in two ways, the larval mortality and the size of the hatching holes.

Ecclesia viva Ecclesia communitatis aut antiquary = En levande kyrka : Församlingens kyrka eller antikvariens?

There are about 3 500 churches protected under the Heritage Conservation Act in Sweden today. These churches still belong to living congregations that want to be able to adapt them to the needs of today, just like people have done throughout history. But since the churches are protected, the congregations have to apply for a permit and that is not always given. This can lead to frustration, and you can sometimes hear representatives of the church express the view that antiquarian authorities are enemies that oppose the church. On the other hand we have the antiquarian authorities that, in a way, have to act as advocates for generations to come and make sure that there is a cultural heritage preserved for them when they grow up.

Arbetsterapeuters användning av energibesparande metoder för personer med kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie.

SammanfattningArbetets art: Uppsatsarbete omfattande 15 högskolepoäng C, inom ämnet ArbetsterapiSvensk titel:   Arbetsterapeuters användning av energibesparande metoder förpersoner med kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom ? En kvalitativ intervjustudie.Engelsk titel: Occupational therapists use of energy conservation methods for persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Handledare:   Margot FriskDatum:           2011-05-02Antal ord:      7993 ord Sammanfattning: Syftet med studien var att undersöka på vilket sätt och i vilket syfte arbetsterapeuter använder sig av energibesparande metoder som åtgärd för personer med kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom. Kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) är en långsamt progredierande sjukdom som påverkar andningen negativt. Den påverkar även individens aktivitetsförmåga vilket leder till mindre självständighet i de vardagliga aktiviteterna. Arbetsterapi som profession är en resurs i rehabiliteringen av personer med KOL.

Träd och buskar i kantzoner : en undersökning av kanteffekter i några av östersjöregionens skogar

Around the world, forests are generally being fragmented and as plant populations decline in both sizeand number of individuals, the genetic variation will also decrease whitch in the end leads to totalextinction of the plant. In this paper, I wanted to investigate what specific species of trees and shrubsyou usually find in the edge and core habitats in some of the forests in the Baltic Sea region. I alsowanted to identify the edge effects and their sources and finally compare the results between thedifferent regions.The data sources used are derived from the ongoining research project Landscape structures, patterns ofbiodiversity and conservation strategies in the Baltic Sea region by Kari Lehtilä, Patrik Dinnétz ochTiina Vinter who have made a record of all herbaceous plant species in four randomly chosen forestregions situated around the Baltic Sea: Estonia, Skåne, Södermanland and Germany. I made statisticalanalyses, using the computer program R, concerning the distribution of species in the edge habitats ofthe forests as well as in the core habitats. I performed generalized linear models and then variationanalyses with the factors light and biomass in order to investigate wether edge effects might appear dueto these factors.

Inneklimatet på Skoklosters slott : en studie av ett klimatexperiments första år

Inneklimatet pa? Skoklosters slott a?r pa? vissa ha?ll problematiskt. Mögelangrepp förekommer i somliga rum, främst sådana som a?r bela?gna i norrla?ge och da?rmed lite kallare a?n o?vriga rum. Fo?r att finna en lo?sning pa? mo?gelproblemen inleddes va?ren 2013 ett trea?rigt experiment vars syfte var att utro?na om mo?gelproblemen skulle kunna undvikas med aktiv klimatstyrning, vilket inte funnits innan experimentet.

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