

1698 Uppsatser om Pain Assessment - Sida 19 av 114


BAKGRUND: En av våra snabbast växande folksjukdomar i dagens samhälle är demens. Individer med demenssjukdom besitter olika hinder därav bl.a. kognitiv påverkan eller kognitiv svikt, vilket i sig medför svårigheter av kommunikationsart. Detta medför vidare problematik kring identifieringen av smärtsymtom. SYFTE: Att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor bedömer smärta hos äldre personer med en diagnostiserad demenssjukdom.

Att vara i kroppen och befinna sig i nuet : en studie om mindfulnessbaserad stresshantering på vårdcentral

This is an examinaton of welfare officers and patients experiences of a course in mindfulnessbased stressreduction in primary care. The authors used a qualitative method and a phenomenological hermeneutics scientific philosophical position. The analys of the data appeared by using three theoretical perspectives; cognitive, coping and Antonovskys Sence of Coherence. The purpose was to get a deeper understanding of what mindfulness is, how a course in mindfulnessbased stressreduction can be arranged and how it is comprehended by the welfare officers and previous participators of the course. To get an opinion of the issue the authors wanted to know the welfare officers intention of the course, to which patients they provide the course, what the participators thought about their situation before and after the attendence and if they had assimilated the knowledge and if so how it was applicable.

När man inte vet - Patienters upplevelser av att vårdas för ospecifik buksmärta på kirurgiska akutvårdsavdelningar

Introduction: To become acute ill and to be forced to seek treatment involves a difficult but also a vulnerable time for the individual. This acquires a good relationship between the nurse and the patient. At a surgical emergency ward patients with different diagnoses and trauma are treated. What distinguishes this specific type of ward is that care often occurs in a rapid rate and as a patient the environment may be experienced as stressed. The relationship with the nurse at the ward establishes a foundation for how the patient experiences the health care.

Vad är det som blir tydligt? : En studie av rektorers uppfattningar om skriftliga omdömen och vad dessa innehåller i praktiken

Studiens syfte var att undersöka rektorers uppfattningar om skriftliga omdömen samt hur de tar ansvar för arbetet med dessa. Syftet var också att studera hur de omdömen som lärare skriver ser ut i praktiken avseende innehåll, för att se hur omdömena överensstämmer med rektorernas uppfattningar.I detta arbete har vår utgångspunkt varit de skrivningar i läroplanen (Lpo 94) och de allmänna råden (Skolverket, 2008) som uttrycker något om rektors ansvar samt elevers lärande- och kunskapsutveckling. För att få svar på våra frågor har vi intervjuat tio rektorer som tillsammans representerar grundskolans alla stadier samt studerat innehållet i 1245 skriftliga omdömen. Studien genomfördes i en mellanstor svensk kommun.Resultatet visar att rektorerna i huvudsak är positiva till skriftliga omdömen men att de är kritiska till det stöd de fått för implementering. Ett skäl till att rektorerna är positiva är de pedagogiska diskussioner som reformen medfört.

Källskatt på utdelning till utländska pensionsfonder : Kupongskattelagens förenlighet med EU-rättens fria rörlighet för kapital

In the school subject of the natural sciences it is imperative that the students are given opportunities to ?talk science?, since the dialogues that occur in the classroom have a significant importance for the students? abilities to engage in meaning-making in their learning process. Hence, the student and teacher interaction in the classroom and the feedback given there play a significant role in the students? learning process. The aim of this study is to contribute to the development of formative assessment tools that can mediate the students? meaning-making in natural sciences subjects in upper-secondary school.

Underprissättningens identifieringsteorier - EG:s konkurrensrättsliga mångtydighet

Predatory pricing is one of the most frequently discussed topics in competition law and should be considered both from a legal and economic perspective. The concept of predatory pricing can bedescribed as a situation where a company is pricing at a level that, according to the assessment theories, is unreasonably low. The problems with this type of conduct arises when the low prices hinder competition. A company which uses predatory pricing will likely deter rivals entry to the market or drive the existing ones out of it. In the long run, the effects on competition will likely be higher prices which will hurt customers and consumers as well as competition.

Att leva med oförklarlig smärta : ett utanförskap

Bakgrund: I dagens samhälle lever många människor med medicinskt oförklarlig smärta. Oförklarliga symtom kan förklaras som fysiska symtom som trots medicinsk utvärdering förblir odefinierade. För att stödja patienten är det viktigt att se personen som en helhet för att tillgodose den drabbades behov och för att bidra till en god omvårdnad. Syfte: Att beskriva personers upplevelser av att leva med oförklarlig smärta. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie som genomförts baserad på kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar.

Nationella prov - stöd eller hot? : Några gymnasielärares uppfattning om de nationella provens betydelse

The purpose of this study is to analyse the significance of the national assessment in highschool education, including what the teachers express about the new instructions currently coming from the Swedish National Agency of Education, concerning a more central control of grading the national assessments. This study also covers the teachers individual responsibility when it comes to grading the national assessments. The purpose of the national assessment is to secure that grading and the education level in the country is equal. This is a qualitative study useing the method of a group discussion intervju (focusgroup intervju). Five highschool teachers took part in the discussion with questions that had been decided beforehand.

Bedömningsgrunder och reningskrav för avloppsreningsverk, 25-2000 pe, i Laholms kommun

The aim of this project was to look into ten small sewer systems in the municipality of Laholm, in Sweden, in order to work out common assessment grounds for them. The sizes of the systems for purification of wastewater were within the range of 25 to 2000 population equivalents. Our method was to study literature, the laws and regulations applicable and the files at the municipality. The conclusion is that every sewer system is different and every situation is unique. We concluded that based on laws and assessment grounds sewer systems equal in size and pollution load ought to have similar demands attached to them.

Sjuksköterskans stöd till barn med smärta : Barnets copingstrategierFöräldrars samverkan

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att ta reda på hur sjuksköterskan kunde stödja barn vid smärta, vilka copingstrategier barn använde sig av när de upplevde smärta och hur sjuksköterskan genom samverkan med föräldrarna kunde stödja barnet vid smärta. Metoden som användes för att göra denna studie var deskriptiv systematisk litteraturstudie. Litteratur har sökts i databaserna Elin@Dalarna och Blackwell Synergi. Sökorden som användes var children, pain, coping, care, parent, pain management, nursing, pediatric, dental care, qualitative och quality of life. Materialet i litteraturstudien har begränsats till 22 artiklar som har granskats efter mallar.

Nervmobilisering som sjukgymnastisk behandlingsmetod

Background: Nerve mobilisation is a controversial subject which has undergone great development in recent decades. Nerve mobilisation is based on a concept of both examination and treatment of the nervous system. Purpose: To study nerve mobilisation as a treatment in physical therapy with emphasis on evidence regarding the method. Method: A literature review. The search was made through the databases: PubMed/Medline, Academic search, PEDro and CINAHL/webspirs.

En variation av lärares uppfattningar om kvalitativ bedömning

Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka vad kvalitativ bedömning av kunskaper och färdigheter innebär för lärare samt att hitta variationer i dessa uppfattningar. För att nå vårt syfte har vi använt intervju som metod med en fenomenografisk ansats. Vi har intervjuat tre lärare i en skola som undervisar i år 8 och år 9. Vi har utgått från aktuell forskning. Utifrån denna forskning har vi format en analysmodell som vi använder som en teoretisk ansats i slutresultatet.

Riskstatusbedömning : Ett djupgående analysverktyg för sevesoanläggningar

Safety and risk management currently have a starting point based on the negative outcome of safety, thus the lack of safety. The starting point for the thesis is to find a way to measure the positive outcome of safety through ergonomic aspects regarding chemical plants that are covered of the Seveso II Directive.Through a literature study of safety and ergonomics fourteen key aspects of safety were found. Safety Performance Indicators (SPI's) are used to assess the fourteen identified proactive indicators of safety. An analysis in three steps - called risk status assessment - is design to give an SPI its value. A pilot study of the risk status assessment was performed at the ethanol producer Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping, Sweden..

"Det är så tabu" : Att utreda föräldraförmågan hos personer med utvecklingsstörning

The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyse the dilemmas within assessments to establish the parenting ability of mentally handicapped parents, and furthermore to see how these assessments are carried out.To achieve this purpose we have interviewed eight professionals from three different professions who comes into contact with mentally handicapped parents throughout these assessments. These professions we have interviewed people from, are employees from social services, employees from assessment homes and lawyers.We have summarized the results of our interviews into three main themes. The first is focusing on which method/model employees from social services and assessment homes use to help establish the parenting ability of mentally handicapped parents. The second theme describes different dilemmas that can arise in these assessments and the last theme describes the knowledge that people we interviewed have regarding mentally handicapped parents.Professions which carry out assessments of mentally handicapped parents often come across a variety of different dilemmas, one of the clearest is how to enable these parents to understand the necessity behind the assessment and to give them an understanding of what kind of help and support they need in order to give their children a "good enough" childhood..

Nu kan jag mycket mera : En liten studie i hur delar av Europeisk språkportfolio kan fungera som stöd för formativ bedömning i ämnet engelska, år 4.

The aim of the study is to show how a selected part of the European Language Portfolio, ELP, can support the assessment process for teachers. All the checklists at level A1 and My Language Goals from the Language Biography, a part of the ELP, are implemented and communicated in teaching in a 4th grade class of students. Two teachers are interviewed and both of their classes are compared in the study. One group worked for two weeks with the selected part of the Language Portfolio and the second group followed the regular curriculum for the same period of time. The teachers are interviewed before and after the ELP through support of mind maps.Results show that by using checklists at level A1 and My Language Goals students become aware of their own learning process.

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