

6617 Uppsatser om Pćfrestande situation - Sida 22 av 442

Informationsförmedlaren som kommunikatör

This is a study about the communication interaction in the context of the reference work at some public university-libraries and some private company libraries in Gothenburg and BorÄs. The primary purpose of the study is to investigate the communication interaction in a library situation. The second purpose is to deepen the knowledge, understanding and to establish what is important in this communication. Focus has been on how the intermediaries communicate and how she or he perceives this communication. The intermediary needs to manage the communication with all the different patrons and different information needs of the patrons.

Hemlösa barn - finns dom? - En rÀttslig studie över hur barnperspektivet beaktas i socialtjÀnstens utredningar av hemlösa barnfamiljer

NÀr vuxna personer med barn vÀnder sig till socialtjÀnsten för ansökan om ekonomiskt bistÄnd ska Àven barnens situation uppmÀrksammas och ett barnperspektiv ska intas vid handlÀggningen av dessa Àrenden. VÄr uppsats syftar till att, genom analys av 32 utredningar, undersöka huruvida socialtjÀnsten i Göteborgs Stad kan anses ha uppfyllt SocialtjÀnstlagens intentioner genom att utgÄ ifrÄn ett barnperspektiv i utredningar rörande hemlösa barn under Är 2006. Vi utgÄr ifrÄn ett rÀttsligt perspektiv som innebÀr att vi nÀrmare studerar hur nÄgra av vÄra rÀttsregler Àr utformade, för att sedan applicera den kunskapen pÄ den fortsatta studien. UtifrÄn begreppen barnperspektiv och delaktighet vill vi undersöka i vilken grad barnen synliggörs i de aktuella utredningarna. Vi vill dÄ veta hur anvÀndningen av ett barnperspektiv kÀnnetecknas och vilka utsagor som visar att ett barnperspektiv har legat till grund för utredningarna.

Konstruktionen av den japanska ledaren: En studie av kvinnans roll i det japanska företaget

Japan is the first industrialized country that is experiencing the threat of a rapidly declining and aging population. This has shifted the focus and the limelight is now on the matter that for a long time has been ignored. That is, the Japanese women?s situation in the society. This thesis seeks to point out the relevance of gender in the construction of leadership in order to get a deeper understanding of the Japanese women?s situation today.

Funktion - Vad Àr det?

Den hÀr uppsatsen behandlar elevers kunskaper om begreppet funktioner. Det stÄr i uppnÀendemÄlen att eleverna skall kunna tolka och anvÀnda enkla formler, lÀsa enkla ekvationer, samt kunna tolka och anvÀnda grafer till funktioner som beskriver verkliga förhÄllanden och hÀndelser. (Utbildningsdepartementet, 1998). Undersökningen Àr gjord pÄ tre skolor och omfattar tvÄ klasser i Àr 9 samt en klass i gymnasiet. Vi har genom enkÀter och djupintervjuer försökt ta reda pÄ vad eleverna kan inom omrÄdet.

Leken som ett verktyg för lÀrandet

The present study deals with the importance of play for children's learning in preschool. The purpose is to investigate the importance of play for children's learning in preschool from a pedagogue?s perspective. The study is based on two issues: How does the pedagogueÂŽs who were interviewed reason about the impact the play has on children's development? How does the pedagogueÂŽs approach to make play a learning situation? The empirical data is based on semi-structured interviews with four preschool pedagogueÂŽs.

LÀrare - status - profession. En retorisk analys av artiklar knutna till lÀrares situation pÄ 1960- och 2010-talet

The aim with this study is to investigate how the role of the teacher has changed and how society has influenced the teachers' situation in the 1960s and 2010s, with a focus on teaching in secondary school. Starting in the late 1980s when the concept of profession was introduced to the Swedish teachers, many claim that a deprofessionalization for teachers started at this time. Others say that already in the 1960s, the teachers status in the society started to decrease.The method I have used is a rethorical analysis of articles in Swedish Teacher Union Journals. I have also availed myself of one article in the newspaper and articles in online magazines. The rethorical analysis aims to investigate whether the articles give an enthusiastic or dystopian approach to the teaching role, in a similar way as Thomas Karlsohn have used the concepts..

Anhörig, den osynliga kraften. : En studie om hur det Àr att vara partner till en person i en depression och/eller med bipolÀr sjukdom.

This study aims to examine how social workers, in the Swedish social services, perceive and interpret LVU § 3 from a gender perspective. In total eight social workers participated in the study, attending interviews based on a vignette. From a gender perspective we wanted to found out how the social workers define "other socially destructive behaviour" and understand their thoughts about this subject. Moreover, we aimed to see if social workers perceive any differences between boys and girls behaviour. Based on several theories, two gender theories and concepts we have analysed our result from the interviews.

Akutrumssjuksköterskan i den medicinska larmsituationen

Background:Incoming medical alarm is a common routine for emergency nurses. Working in these situations may represent a major burden on the individual nurse. Purpose: To investigate emergency room nurses' experiences in receiving medical alerts focused on education, safety, security, skills and experience, and andherence to guidelines. The purpose was also to investigate whether there were any differences in action between the emergency room nurses who had worked longer or shorter period than two years with this.Method:The design was quantitative, comparative and descriptive. Surveys were distributed to 30 nurses who worked in the emergency room at a Swedish hospital.

MiFID - En analys av direktivet om marknader för finansiella instrument och dess inverkan pÄ kundens stÀllning pÄ vÀrdepappersmarknaden

This essay aims to analyse the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, formally called MiFID, andwhether it improves the situation of the investor, the customer, on the market for securities. MiFID isa directive from the European Union and was implemented by the member states in 2007. Besideshaving the objective to harmonise the European financial market, the directive aims to increasecompetition and efficiency among the markets in the member states.After our initial reasearch in the area we choosed to do a textual analysis and divide the content ofMiFID into three main areas: trading venues, transparency and investor protection. These areas aresubsequently analysed in relation to the investor?s situation on the market for financial securities andthe overall question at issue is whether MiFID improves the situation of the investor.

Är kulturarv vĂ€rda att bevara? En analys av kulturarv genom ett nĂ€rmare studium av Irak 2003 - 2007

This thesis was created in an attempt to examine the concept of cultural heritage. What is cultural heritage to us and why do we treat it in the different ways we do? In my attempt to find an answer to this I have chosen to concentrate my interest on a situation where historical objects have been preserved as well as destroyed, Iraq 2003 until 2007. In my research I have divided the Iraqi cultural heritage in three different groups based on the different treatments they where exposed to during the occupation of Bagdad and the aftermath. For each group I have chosen one object or a category of objects to be a representative examined.

Det goda boendet : En kvalitativ studie av anhörigas upplevelse av kontaktmannaskap och individuell mÄlplan

I den hÀr studien undersöks ett sÀrskilt boende som satsat pÄ att bland annat fÄ anhöriga att kÀnna sig delaktiga i omsorgen om den Àldre genom dels nÄgot som kallas kontaktmannaskap, dels genom individuell vÄrdplan för den Àldre. De har kallat projektet för ?Det goda boendet.?Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur projektet har lyckats vad gÀller de anhörigas situation. VÄra frÄgor har rört de anhörigas situation före, och efter att den nÀrstÄende flyttade till det sÀrskilda boendet, hur de anhöriga upplevde kontaktmannaskap och om de hade delaktighet i den individuella vÄrdplanen. Vi ville ocksÄ undersöka om de anhöriga upplevde sig vara i behov av stöd och i sÄ fall vilket stöd som efterfrÄgades.Resultaten bygger pÄ intervjuer med sex anhöriga och den teoretiska anknytningen Àr kommunikationsteori och rollteorin.

?Jag tycker inte att man skall be andra om hjÀlp? - En kvalitativ studie om anhörigvÄrdares situation i Japan

Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att undersöka hur anhörigvÄrdare i Japan beskriver sin situation som vÄrdgivare till Àldre anhöriga. För att besvara detta har sex kvalitativa intervjuer med japanska anhörigvÄrdare genomförts. Intervjuerna har sökt svar pÄ hur informanterna beskriver sina förutsÀttningar att ansöka om hjÀlp frÄn samhÀllet, hur de upplever omgivningens förvÀntningar samt hur de upplever sina egna möjligheter att pÄverka situationen. Ur resultaten har en bild av de anhörigas position framkommit, dÀr denne Àr mycket utsatt. Resultaten visar pÄ att anhörigvÄrdarna inte stÀller nÄgra krav pÄ samhÀllet utan Àr tacksamma för den hjÀlp de fÄr.

HÀlsofrÀmjande handlingsutrymme hos chefstjÀnstemÀn.

Romers situation Àr ett aktuellt Àmne som berör och upprör mÄnga mÀnniskor. Syftet med vÄrstudie var att undersöka hur romers situation ser ut. I studien valde vi att utgÄ ifrÄn romersegna upplevelser och erfarenheter. VÄra frÄgestÀllningar var hur romer upplever sin situationsom rom, hur de har blivit bemötta av olika myndigheter och om de upplever att deras romskatradition pÄverkar deras förutsÀttningar i livet. Respondenterna i vÄr undersökning var romer iGöteborg, nÄgra av dem arbetade för romers rÀttigheter och nÄgra av dem var allmÀnnamedborgare.

?Man kÀnner sig otillrÀcklig? : En kvalitativ studie om fem lÀrares upplevelser av att undervisa nyanlÀnda elever i ordinarie klasser

The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers in primary schools experience the situation of teaching newly arrived immigrant pupils in their regular classes and also how they plan their teaching for these pupils. The empirical study did intend to answer the following two questions; how do teachers experience the situation of teaching newly arrived immigrant pupils in their regular classes? How is teaching of newly arrived immigrant pupils in regular classes being formed? A qualitative method was used in the form of interviews with five primary school teachers from two different schools. The overall perspective I have assumed in this study is the sociocultural perspective, but I have also taken up a second language perspective and an intercultural perspective. All the teachers in the study have described their experiences of teaching newly arrived immigrant pupils in terms of difficult, tough and demanding at the beginning, but nowadays somewhat easier.

Investigating the bond between research dogs and a familiar person and validation of the Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure (ASSP)

In the dog-human relationship humans are the ones who provide the dog with safety and comfort. Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure (ASSP), which was originally developed in humans to study the relationship between mothers and infants, has been modified to investigate the emotional bond research dogs have to a familiar person. Twelve research dogs were tested to investigate whether the dogs performed any behaviours indicating a secure-base effect, such as more exploration and play in the presence of a familiar person and proximity-seeking behaviours when this person is or has been absent. In the ASSP the dog enters a room with a familiar person, is introduced to a stranger, is left alone for a short period of time and experiences moments of separation and reunion. A second variation of the ASSP was added where the familiar person was replaced by another, to the dog, unfamiliar person.

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