

685 Uppsatser om Out-of-town shopping centres - Sida 6 av 46

Blinkets påverkan - En studie om rörliga skyltar i butik och dess påverkan på försäljningen samt konsumenternas attityd, köpintention och beteende

Studies show that visual elements in store have a great impact on consumers. Of all the impressions that the brain receives the visual impressions count for 83 %. One of the visual elements that retailers can use in-store to influence consumers is signs. Today, there are a lot of studies on regular signs but this is very limited when it comes to motion displays. Motion displays are signs printed on electronic paper with animated messages.

Rörelsemönstrets betydelse : Att öka attraktiviteten i en galleria med Space syntax

The functional connection between the building and the streetscape affects the city and its attractiveness. Stores located in shopping malls with their entrances facing internal walkways, creates segregation between the mall and the streetscape. This segregation implies that the shopping mall loses some of its attractiveness, which may result in a so-called Greyfield mall. The expression Greyfield mall is used for shopping malls that have lost its visitors. Competition from new modern malls and a lack of investments are examples of factors that influence the development of Greyfiled malls.

Empowerment och paternalism på jobbet : En studie kring självbestämmande och delaktighet för brukare i daglig verksamhet enligt LSS

During the latter part of the 20th century the situation for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden changed and developed. Clients have the right to participation and self-determination in society and in applied measures under the law of individual rights legislation; LSS. The purpose of this study is to describe and understand how team-leaders and managers in day-centres in a municipality works with participation and self-determination for clients, and what the professionals consider affects the client's possibility to self-determination and participation. The research questions intended to be answered are:? How does the team-leaders and managers work to enable self-determination and participation of the users in the public day-centres?? What does the team-leaders and managers describe and understand as enabling and limiting factors for the client?s possibility to self-determination and participation?The study is qualitative and interviews have been held with eight interviewees, which I contacted through snowball sampling.

Shoppertainment : "Going shopping is the new going to church" - Mackereth S.

Over the past 20 years, retailers have embraced new international trends, which created a strong economic growth. Experiences are one of the trends that will be a significant part of future retail. The purpose of this thesis is to find components that can provide a positive experience in a clothing store to the customer. We have used a qualitative method with an inductive approach and the empirical data is collected through interviews. Literature we have chosen focus on how an experience is created in clothing stores.

Kisa Stationsamhälle : från kyrkoby till municipalsamhälle 1895-1905

The current field of research concerning the impact of railroads in Sweden beside from the State main-line network is relatively narrow. Including cultural impact to the area narrows the results even further. The purpose of this study is to open the field even more into the local societies and to what extent the impact of the introduction of railroad might have had on smaller county villages. Sweden holds a unique position concerning ?station towns? or ?railways towns? in terms of railway policy and the industrial development in towns that were affected by the railway, as the affected towns continued development were based on a hybrid between direct democracy and adaptations of city-law policies.This study takes place in Kisa, a small town in southern Östergötland that during the beginning of the 20th century turned into a municipal community due to the building of Östra centralbanan (roughly translated Eastern central-line).

En analys av de sociala klassernas bruk av titlar i Uddevalla under 1700-talet

This is a study that will focus on the possibility to learn information about a town and its inhabitants of the 18th century by analyzing individual titles in the church records. The records that are used in this study are marriage registration administrated by the local church of the town of Uddevalla. The records are very detailed and each individual registered have a title, such as ?tradesman? or ?maiden?. Since the source are a registration of all the weddings that took place during the period of 1700 to 1749, the source gives very broad and valid information about the inhabitants of the town.

Se inte ner på golvmarknadsföring! - En kvantitativ studie om effekter av golvmarknadsföring i köpcentrummiljöer

Shopping malls have been growing in numbers during the last few decades. As an effect, consumers are increasingly placing a greater amount of their purchases under one roof. The problem is that stores within these malls have to fight for the consumers' attention in competition with all the other stores. Thus, making consumers noticing their store is critical for success. Creating attention through floor advertising could be a potential way of doing so.

Ett student anpassat inredningskoncept : - för restaurangen Down Town i Eskilstuna

Examensarbetet har innefattat att utforma ett inredningsförslag till restaurangen Down Town i Eskilstuna. Förslaget har anpassats till den primära målgruppen studenter i åldersgruppen 18 ? 35, på Mälardalens högskola i Eskilstuna. Vår uppdragsgivare har en vision om att restaurangen i framtiden ska bli en naturlig mötesplats, där studenter till förmånliga priser kan äta lunch och umgås. Utifrån en enkätundersökning, intervju med uppdragsgivaren, resultatet av rums analysen, inspirationsresan och litteraturstudier har vi arbetat fram ett helhetskoncept anpassat till målgruppen..

Tyck om Hedemora! : en sociotopundersökning för Hedemora stad

Hedemora is the oldest town in Dalarna; traditionally acting as an important junction for trade. Nowadays, the town is suffering from a declining population and a poor economy. Therefore, it is important to explore how to best spend the money needed for Hedemora to become an attractive city once again. "Sociotops" are public spaces that have been evaluated by their users and by city planners, both working together. The result in the sociotop investigation will be used as a basis for city planning and as a foundation for discussing how to make the town a nicer environment. The sociotop investigation attempts to answer the questions: What places are popular and why? And What places are disliked? I approached the questions by using questionnaires, by arranging public walks in the city and by holding group interviews with children, along with my own observations. The information I have gathered is most detailed for children and youth between the ages of seven and twenty years old.

Effekterna ligger i betraktarens ögon - En studie om effekter av videopresentationer inom e-handeln

Companies within the e-commerce industry currently try to overcome the disadvantages of not being able to provide a physical inspection of products, and this is especially an issue for the apparel industry. One way of trying to overcome this issue is by presenting apparel with a short video of a model wearing the garment. The aim in this thesis is to investigate how these video presentations affect consumers' emotions, cognitions and intentions. Since previous studies have found that different shopping scenarios can moderate the effect of stimuli in the atmosphere on the consumers' emotions, we also aim to see if a video presentation, depending on the shopping scenario, could have a negative impact on site visitors. Moreover this thesis investigates the moderating effects of involvement on consumers' cognitions.

Fritidspedagog eller lärare i fritids?

Syftet med vårt arbete är att belysa lärarnas uppfattningar om fritidspedagogens yrkesroll vid två skolor. Ett ytterligare syfte är att jämföra ovan med rådande uppfattningar från Skolverket samt jämföra utfallet av ovanstående med resultatet av en enkät utförd på fritidspersonalen vid dessa två skolor. Vi väljer att använda en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med förutbestämda frågor. Vi avser att intervjua fyra lärare och delar ut enkäter till fem fritidsanställda på två olika skolor. Vi intervjuar även personal på Skolverket för att jämföra beskrivningen av fritidspedagogens yrkesroll.

Utveckling av Vobbla Racing Produkters försäljning på internet

Vobbla Racing is a racing team who has an online sales department that is in need of an upgrade to be more efficient and easier to use. Before this study their present homepage was anything but structured. The products were sorted in an illogical order which made it difficult for the customer to find a wanted product. The customer had to summarize the products, transport sums and other costs. The order had to be e-mailed or phoned in to Vobbla Racing Produkter.

"Om det är förnuftet som formar människan, så är det känslan som leder henne" - En studie om hur atmosfären på en E-handelssida påverkar kunderna

The increased competition in e-commerce puts pressure on e-businesses which makes it even more important to influence the visitors on their e-commerce sites. An often overlooked marketing tool is atmospherics. With the increased focus on e-commerce from both traditional and new e-businesses this marketing tool becomes even more relevant. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the atmosphere on an e-commerce site influences the customers' thoughts, emotions and behaviors. We examine the effects the level of stimulus on a website has on the customer's emotions, attitudes, intentions, behaviors as well as the relationship between these variables.

Mystery Tourism ? När fick Ni senast utmärkt service?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en djupare förståelse för kvalitetmätningsverktyg Mystery Shopping, belysa möjligheten att tillämpa verktyget inom delar av den svenska turismnäringen samt genom att presentera ett nytt begrepp, skapa underlag för ett nytt forskningsfält som avser Mystery Tourism.En mystery tourist kan undersöka och utvärdera en eller flera av turismproduktens moment vid samma besök/resa. Mystery Tourism kan vidare betraktas som ett verktyg för att undersöka helhetsupplevelsen i relation till servicekvalitet och därigenom kundnöjdhet..

Kvarteret Veiberg : från sluten innergård till öppen mötesplats

The object of the thesis is to propose a new design for the neighbourhood of Veiberg that is situated in the small Norwegian town Jessheim. My approach was to first make an analysis of the whole community and the structure of the town, and then gradually focus on the actual neighbourhood to continue the research there. On the basis of my research the block will be redesigned. The research will lead to a well-planned design of the neighbourhood, which will adapt it to its surroundings in a sustainable and constructive way. The project will lead you through the history of the town and the intentions and aims of the municipality. The project also examines the structure of the town and the function of the neighbourhood in the town today as well as investigation of the history, the structure and the qualities in the area.

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