
Blinkets påverkan - En studie om rörliga skyltar i butik och dess påverkan på försäljningen samt konsumenternas attityd, köpintention och beteende

Studies show that visual elements in store have a great impact on consumers. Of all the impressions that the brain receives the visual impressions count for 83 %. One of the visual elements that retailers can use in-store to influence consumers is signs. Today, there are a lot of studies on regular signs but this is very limited when it comes to motion displays. Motion displays are signs printed on electronic paper with animated messages. The purpose of this paper is to provide a greater understanding of how effective motion displays are at capturing consumers' attention and how they affect them. This is done by comparing the motion displays against regular signs and control by not having any sign at all placed at the product. We also intend to contribute with new knowledge by testing the motion displays in two new contexts. The first is if the ambient color affects the evaluation of the motion displays. The second is whether the evaluation of the motion displays is different between those consumers who are on a planned shopping trip and for those who are on an unplanned shopping trip. The study was conducted in six grocery stores over a three week period. During this period 540 observations, a survey with 540 respondents as well as sales data for those three weeks were collected. The results show that motion displays are good at capturing the consumers' attention but when it comes to increasing buying intentions and attitudes the regular signs are equally effective. The results also show that the ambient color has a certain effect on the evaluation of the signs. For the blue ambiance the attitude is most positive when the motion display is placed by the product. The same applies to buying intentions. When it comes to the red ambiance a regular sign is to be preferred. Common to all the results is that a sign, whether it is blinking or not, is always preferable to no sign at all. As for the goal of the shopping trip, the results show a first indication that there is a difference between different shopping trips. Nevertheless, more research in this area is needed.


Sandra Olsson Veronica Romero

Lärosäte och institution

Handelshögskolan i Stockholm/Institutionen för marknadsföring och strategi


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