

685 Uppsatser om Out-of-town shopping centres - Sida 27 av 46

Det var en gång... : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers uppfattning om användandet av sagor i förskoleverksamheten

The purpose of this study is to find out how teachers work with fairytales in preschools raising several questions;How would the teachers describe the literary environment at the preschools? What does theory say about the literary environment?What type of fairytales do the teachers perceive that they work with? How does theory describe these fairytales?What is the underlying purpose for teachers working with fairytales? What purposes are described in theory?My study is based on qualitative interviews conducted with three teachers working in preschool in a small town. The study is based on hermeneutic theory.  I have also used other theory to complete the study.         The teachers all see the possibility of using storytelling as a means to developing the children´ s vocabulary. Some of the teachers also use books and stories as a way of indirectly addressing ongoing personal problems.                                                                                                      The results of my study show that fairytales can be a valuable tool for personal development for children. Working with fairytales could be crucial to how children develop their curiosity and desire to learn and manage ongoing traumas in their lives.

Fyra specialpedagogers uppfattningar av elever med diagnosen dyskalkyli : En exporativ studie av fyra specialpedagoger

This thesis examines some special education teachers with experiences of childrendiagnosed with dyscalculia. Problems with mathematics at school may occur to allchildren in all schools. It is therefore important that the teacher knows the variousdisabilities that teachers may encounter. The study is based on four randomlyselected special education teachers, all-working at schools that are related to amedium-sized Swedish town. This work will immerse in the knowledge ofdyscalculia among four special education teachers.The interviews revealed that all special education teachers felt that dyscalculiainvolves specific difficulties in mathematics, their views on dyscalculia is consistentwith current research.

Straff utan Brott : En studie av män som fått sina öron avhuggna i Irak

This is a study of seven men that have suffered from a cruel punishment. The punishment involved getting their ear/ears cut off, prison with more torture and their families being deported from their homes to another town.My sample involved seven Iraqi men who suffered from this punishment during Saddams regime, they got this punishment because they refused to fight against Iran and Kuwait. I went to Iraq and met with the men in person and did interviews with them to understand the effect of the punishment on their personalities, and how the punishment have influenced their lives and interaction with other people in the society and around them.The study focuses on their suffering and how they have been able to live with this stigma. The method the study has used is the kvalitative method that involved interviewing them in their country Iraq and analyse their answers and then come to the results. My study was between 26 of March 2004 to 26 of April 2004.My study is based on the theory of social interaction and especially the symbolic interaction theories of G.H.

Staden mellan visionerna och asfalten: En studie av politiska idéer och visioner om staden ur ett rumsligt perspektiv

Urban planning is not only a matter of architectural trends; it is first and foremost political. This thesis seeks to understand the links between political ideas and visions for the city and the physical structure of the city. The study aims to construct a model to help understand these links, a helpful tool in analysing a city, focusing on the one hand at the physical structure of what I call "The City as a Welfare Provider" and on the other hand at "The City as a Growth Engine". It also sets out to test this model in an empirical study of Stockholm and the soon-to-be built district of Norra Station in the same city.The analysis shows that Stockholm has ambitions to be a welfare provider to its citizens, but have also adopted to a discourse of interurban competition which stresses the importance for the city to enhance economical growth. What is interesting is that the physical structures promoted in the planning documents of Stockholm are nearly exclusively those associated with the model of "The City as a Growth Engine"..

Bilderboken i förskolan En fokusgruppstudie av kanonprocessen

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine the picture book canonization process in pre-schools. To succeed in this I have examined what pre-school staff believe to be the criteria of a good picture book. Together with an observation of the pre-schools current collection, other factors which can influence the collection of the picture book are included. This constitutes the foundation for a description of the pre-school picture book canon. To pursue this goal, I have used the methodology of focus group interviews with staff from two pre-schools in a middle-sized town.

Personlighet, hälsobeteende och attityder till friskvård : Hos personal på Försäkringskassa i en medelstor stad i södra Sverige

Objectives. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between the personality variables Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC), Negativ affect and Social inhibition (the D-personality), and health behavior and attitudes toward keep-fit measures.Methods. The participants in this study were 170 embloyees at a regional social insurance office in a midsize town in the south of Sweden. Scales concerning health behavior and attitudes toward keep-fit measures were constructed and the participants completed these scales as well as those of MHLC and D-personality.Results. Participants with strong beliefs that other people, such as doctors or family-members, are responsible for their health, showed a more positive attitude as to keep-fit measures than those with a belief that health is controlled by themselves.

du&jag - The car seat for you and me

 Car seats for smaller children, offers very good protection incase of a collision. Unfortunately for the parents? sake , these car seats is heavy to handle outside the car. For example back and forth home and short errands around town. In other words, all those times when you decide to just take out the car seat and carry it instead of place the baby in a baby carrier.

Thembalabantwana ?Hope for our children? ? A study about Social Workers work with children who are orphaned because of HIV/Aids in South Africa.

The purpose of our thesis has been to study Social Workers view of children?s needs and how they work with children?s needs when they are orphaned because of HIV/Aids in South Africa. The question formulations we used to answer our purpose are:? What needs do the Social Workers consider the children to have?? How do the Social Workers work with children?s needs?We have a qualitative methodological approach in the thesis, where we have performed four interviews with four Social Workers on different organizations in and around Cape Town, South Africa. The presentation of the empirics is made as a summary with representative quotations, which we have interweaved with earlier research and theoretical conceptions.

En kreativ mötesplats ? Kristinebergs bibliotek och öppna förskolas relation till 1970-talets samhällsdiskussion

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine the activity at the library and preschool at Kristineberg (a part of the town of Borås) and its underlying approach. How do the activities agree with the ideological attitudes of the 1970s? To answer these questions I have carried out a case study based on qualitative interviews. The theoretical background includes ideas of the library, the community center and the cultural activity at the library.

Ungdomar till Salu? - En kvantitativ studie kring konsumtion bland unga tjejer i Halmstad

Uppsatsen handlar om unga tjejers konsumtionsvanor. Undersökningen har utförts på en gymnasieskola i Halmstad där vi utfört en kvantitativ studie på tjejer som går första året på gymnasiet. För att få en övergripande generell bild av deras konsumtionsvanor, framförallt shopping valde vi att rikta vår enkät mot fyra olika huvudteman som vi tror kan ha ett samband; tjejernas ekonomiska situation, mängden konsumtion, vilken roll konsumtionssamhällets riktade reklam har på dem samt om tillgänglighet till centrum kan påverka deras konsumtionsvanor. Syftet med vår uppsats var att belysa och diskutera samt få en ökad kunskap och förståelse för hur den rådande konsumtionen och dagens massiva reklampådrag kan påverka unga tjejer.Viktiga verktyg för vår tolkning och analys har framförallt Baumans teorier om vårt konsumtionssamhälle samt bland annat Erving Goffmans tankar kring roller och intrycksstyrning bidragit med.Delar av vår enkätundersökning visas i form av tabeller och sammanställningar i resultatavsnittet. I vår presentation har vi jämfört olika resultat.

En studie om externa betalningssätt och konsumentens osäkerhet.

I takt med att e-handel ökar samt direktbetalning i form av kreditkortsbetalning, ökar även antalet bedrägerier. Fler och fler webbutiker använder sig utav externa betalningslösningar för att stärka förtroendet hos konsumenter som genomför en direktbetalning.Nätfiske och andra bedragare som utnyttjar konsumenters identiteter online har ökat. Anti-Phishing Work Group som är en branschförening och som inriktar sig på att eliminera identitetsstöld och onlinebedrägerier, har uppmärksammat att antalet nätfiskebedrägerier har ökat med ungefär 4000 % sedan november 2003. (verisign.se) Vi vill med denna studie ta reda på om konsumenter påverkas av osäkerheten kring betalning vid shopping via Internet och i så fall på vilket sätt.För att få fram det resultat som vi eftersträvar använder vi oss av en enkät samt användartester där vi ställer en fingerad sida mot den officiella sidan för företag i fråga. Användaren fick därefter välja ut den sida som de anser vara den officiella sidan.

Det visuella ordets kraft på kunders känselbeteende : En kvantitativ studie om kunders beslutsfattande i detaljhandelsbranschen

Syfte:                     Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva, analysera samt tillhandahålla rekommendationer om huruvida stimulans av sinnena, leder till att kundernas beslutsfattande förändras genom taktil beröring. Vi vill med hjälp av en empirisk studie klargöra om kunder ändrar sitt känselbeteende efter att sinnet syn blivit påverkat. Metod:                   Uppsats är baserad på en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. Arbetet kretsar kring de experiment som utförts med tillhörande kundintervjuer på heminredningsavdelningen på Åhléns i Kalmar. Hypoteser har formats ur instuderad teori, som sedan har testats under experimenten på Åhléns. Slutsats:        Genom stimulans av sinnena syn och känsel, har författarna med hjälp av experiment kunnat registrera ett förändrat beteende gällande kunders beslutsfattande. Resultatet tyder på att företag kan använda sig av sinnesstimuli för att skapa kontakt med sina kunder.

Avkodning av streckkoder i mobila enheter

The most common method for identifying merchandise in the commerce is by barcodes. Symbian OS is an advanced operating system aimed at cell phones and the most commonly used in smart phones. Opportunities to a full range of new services are given through barcode recognition in a Symbian OS based device. Therefore the purpose of this degree project was to create an application which would contribute to a future solution aimed at shopping where the cell phone constitutes a reader of items? identification numbers.

Méthodes et Outils d?Analyse des Incidents

Au sein de la direction informatique RENAULT (DTSI), la plupart des chaînes d?assistance pour les utilisateurs des systèmes d?information, sont modélisées à travers un outil de gestion d?incident (ARS/GII-v2). La majorité des ces incidents est créée par le service des Centres d?Appels, Téléphonie et Visioconférence (DTSI/DSO/CATV). Selon leur complexité ou leur caractéristique, les incidents suivent un cycle de vie qui fait intervenir plusieurs équipes des chaînes d?assistance.

Bron och Attityderna : en undersökning av politiska åsikter kring Öresundsbron

This thesis deals with past and present political attitudes towards the Öresund bridge. It describes the decision making process which preceded the construction of the bridge, and has a short historical introduction to it. It then presents the attitudes towards the bridge of five different political parties, all represented by regional politicians. This empirical information was obtained through interviews with politicians and literature studies. The author then analyzes the empirical information with the help of the human ecological triangle developed by Steiner, and the center-periphery theories of Wallerstein and Persson.To conclude, the author describes what the central problem is in the case of the Öresund bridge from a human ecological perspective and analyzes the empirical data collected..

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