

685 Uppsatser om Out-of-town shopping centres - Sida 26 av 46

Från engagemang till intention - En kvantitativ studie om sambanden mellan engagemang och konsumenters intention att använda detaljisters smartphone-applikationer

Smartphone applications, or apps, are an increasingly important part of omnichannel retailing. While the adoption and usage of apps for communicating with consumers has grown exponentially over the past few years, there is little academic research in this area. The primary purpose of this thesis is to describe how the involvement in a product category affects consumers' intention to use a retailer-branded smartphone application during their shopping trip. Drawing upon recent IS-literature with models TAM and UTAUT, our results indicate that product category involvement constitutes an important factor on the intention to use a retailer-branded smartphone application. By viewing involvement as a multidimensional construct, our study shows that the degree of hedonic and expressive value a product cateogry provides consumers with has important effects on intention, and these relationships are not moderated by consumers' age.

Knitting House : Konst, arkitektur och stickning som politisk katalysator

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the project Knitting House using art and architectural theories to question the forms of the project as well as the town planning in the area of Husby, a suburb to Stockholm. In order to stress the architectural issues in the area of Husby, the thesis examines the aim and intention of the project Knitting House. The project explores the standardized architectural form that was used and built under the Miljonprogrammet, through the years of 1960-1970 in the neighborhoods of Järvafältet. The thesis will also investigate some of the problems that arise when attempting to discuss knitting as a method used to perform Knitting House. This paper explores the relationships between public and private spaces, the areas in between them and how they interact. The claim made throughout the thesis is that Knitting House can function as a political catalyst by presenting a combined perspective of art, architecture and politics to address the social and ethnic segregation in suburbs like Husby. .

Betydelsen av gränssättning i relationer mellan föräldrar och ungdomar

The purpose with this study was to show the relations between parents and youths from an adult perspective. We wanted to examine in what way the individualized society, limits and psychic health and unhealthy with parents could affect their youths. We chose to make a qualitative inquiry about this subject and had implemented interviews with social welfare secretaries, recreation leader and night walkers. To receive a deeper insight participant observation with night walkers, participant in parent education and participant in three different recreation centres was carried out.Both writers were interested in relations and relations making between people, which led us in to the chose subject. We did not found any earlier research in the subject which made the investigation even more interesting.

Gränser och passager : En analys av de curatoriska och konstnärliga subfälten

I have, with a point of departure in two case studies; the artist, curator and scientist Andreas Gedin and Maria Lind, curator and director of Tensta konsthall, contextualized with a couple of respondents; the freelance curator, writer and editor Power Ekroth and the freelance curator and artist Carl Michael von Hausswolff, conducted a field analysis on curatorial and artistic practices. I have applied key concepts in order to conduct the analysis.Furthermore, the case studies and the respondents have been placed in a contemporary artworld. These components have been related to a contemporary historical segment of the artworld. This in turn, has been related to older, international cicumstances of change and various conditions in the two subfields. I have suggested certain a proximity in the artistic and curatorial practices.

Intryck som ger avtryck i en krympande värld : En kvantitativ undersökning om utrikesnyheternas fokus de senaste 30 åren

We have inquired into how the amount of foreign news has changed over the last 30 years in two major Swedish newspapers, which subjects and regions has dominated the content of the foreign news and what subjects dominate the reporting from certain regions. This was done with a quantitative analysis of subjects and regions written about in 1100 news texts during a week in each year of 1978, 1988, 1998 and 2008. To further broaden our study, we also charted with the analysis how the newspapers domesticate foreign news and how they use international news agencies. As a basis for our discussion we use Van Ginnekens theories of world news centres, Westerståhl & Johanssons and Galtung & Ruges theories of foreign news selection as well as the theories of Hjarvard and Biltereyst about the domestication of foreign news due to commercial pressures and objectives on the newspapers. Our result of the amount of foreign news in the two newspapers is also compared to several similar empirical studies by different researchers.

Just idag är jag stark : En anarkistisk och intersektionell studie av läktarkultur och politiskt identitetsskapande

This thesis explores the relationship between the Swedish autonomous left and the terrace culture of European football. It has its geographic starting point in Stockholm, Sweden and follows the three larges tStock­holm football clubs, AIK, Djurgården and Hammarby, and its supporters. The author has followed the football club Hammarby from the terrace for the entire 2011 football season, and has interviewed six political activists who visit, or used to visit, the terrace. The research context this study is incorporated into centres around the history of, and relationship between, the terrace cultures of AIK, Djurgården and Hammarby. Previous research has also focused on the radical potential of Ultras terrace culture (which is derived from Italian supporter culture) and the terrace culture from an intersectional perspective.

Skolkvalitetens lokala bakgrunder : -En explorativ fallstudie av fyra svenska kommuner för att kartlägga anledningar till deras olika placering i lärarförbundets undersökning ?Bästa skolkommun 2011?

Torstensson, Niklas (2012): Anledningar till olikheter mellan Svenska kommuners skolkvalitet (Causes behind the differences in Swedish municipality´s quality of school) Örebro University.This essay is an explorative case study that will compare four Swedish municipalities quality of local school system against the municipality ´s backgrounddata and a governing document: Skolplan. This study begins in a previous benchmarking study made by one of Sweden?s teachers unions Lärarförbundet. This is a statistical study that ranked the Swedish municipalities against each other?s according to their accomplishments in a number of areas related to their school systems.

Tjänsteerbjudandets ansiktslyftning?

Denna uppsats behandlar tjänsteerbjudandet och dess strategiska roll i ett shoppingcentra. Anledningen till att vi blev intresserade av detta ämne, var att vi tyckte oss se en sammansmältning av tjänsteerbjudandets olika komponenter bland annat inom detaljhandeln. Därför ansåg vi att Field?s shopping- och upplevelsecentra, utanför Köpenhamn, skulle vara ett lämpligt objekt att studera på grund av att det är Skandinaviens största shoppingcentra samt det faktum att det är nyetablerat. Utifrån detta utformade vi vår frågeställning: Hur arbetar shoppingcentra strategiskt och operativt med att integrera upplevelser i sitt tjänsteerbjudande? Detta har vi valt att undersöka genom en kvalitativ fallstudie, där vi genomfört intervjuer, bildanalys samt egna observationer.

Ett sökande efter stadsideal : En fallstudie om stadsideal i Karlstad

This study shows how city planners and politicians in Karlstad plans different parts of the city, what type of model/ city ideals they use when planning, and how it is expressed. The study was made using a qualitative method, were a discourse analysis was vital for the elected planning document and blog posts. Qualitative interviews were also made with five people with significant meaning, who hold different positions in the city planning of Karlstad. In the produced material, it appears that the city planners and politicians in Karlstad are planning for traditional city ideals as a foundation in the planning, with influence from new ideas as for example sustainable planning and economic growth. In some parts of the city a modern and rational planning remains.

Jag föreställer en kvinna men jag framställer mig själv : En kvalitativ studie i hur kvinnor kommunicerar genom sina kläder

This thesis aims at examining factors that influence women?s choice of clothing. Focus lies on what women want to communicate with their clothes, how consumption is used as a means of expression, women?s attitude towards the clothing and the body image that media has created. Is there an underlying idea in a women?s choice of clothing and is she trying to express something specific? Why do women buy the clothes they do? The aim with this thesis is to identify if there is a difference between people from an urban area and those from a small town, as well what role the geographic difference plays in how fashion conscious you are or how you choose your clothes.

Utveckling av Servicekvalitet och Tjänsteleverans vid Köpcentrum : En Uppföljande och Fördjupande Studie vid Steen & Ström Sverige

SyfteSyftet med intervjuundersökningen var att ta reda på om eleverna medverkar i planeringen i ämnet Idrott och Hälsa och vad de kan påverka. Delaktighet har olika innebörder i olika sammanhang, delaktighet i yrkeslivet kan handla om arbetsmoral och delaktighet i skolan om integrering eller elevinflytande.Metod6 elever i åk 4-6 intervjuades i en ostrukturerad intervjuundersökning där de först deltog i en gruppdiskussion. Från dessa sex elever gjordes ett urval där tre elever fick medverka i en personlig intervjuundersökning för att ta reda på hur väl eleverna kände sig delaktiga och vilket inflytande de hade i skolan i planeringen inom ämnet Idrott och Hälsa . Vid intervjutillfället användes papper och penna.ResultatEleverna ansåg att läraren bestämmer det mesta i innehållet i ämnet Idrott och Hälsa. De aktiviteter eleverna hade varit med och planerat med läraren var olika lekar och bollsporter.

Vad lockar kineser till Sverige?

Kinas ekonomi blir allt starkare och i takt med det förbättras också den kinesiska levnadsstandarden. Förbättringarna innebär att fler kineser har råd att resa utomlands och antalet kinesiska turister som reser utomlands ökar för varje år. 2003 var Kina den fjärde största nationen i världen för utrikesresor. World Tourism Organisation uppskattar att år 2020 kommer 100 miljoner kineser att resa utomlands. Sverige är än så länge en liten destination för kineser men det finns ett ökat intresse för de skandinaviska länderna.

Om kritik : en lägesrapport från den svenska landskapsarkitekturkritiken

How does the criticism of landscape architecture in Swedish professional journals look today? Does it exist at all? What is criticism and what is its purpose? These questions have been the starting point for this degree project. I have found a lot of different answers among journals, books and websites, as well as in interviews with five persons that all have a relation to the landscape architecture criticism in different ways. These answers may look a bit disjointed at first, but are at a closer examination pointing in the same direction ? that the criticism of landscape architecture projects hardly exists today.

Vem får ligga när man bäddar?: En studie om specialexponeringar och dess sidoeffekter med utgångspunkt i varumärkesstyrka

Store managers and brand owners have realized the benefits of sales promoting activities in-store, which thus have become a common sight for consumers when grocery shopping. Using in-store displays, a brand?s sales can increase by more than 1000 percent. We believe, however, that displays can give rise to additional effects to those previous studies have shown. The purpose of our study was therefore to map possible side effects that a display can generate depending on the strength of the exposed brand.

Vad vill du blir när du blir stor? : Barns syn på yrken ur ett kulturgeografiskt perspektiv

Denna studie fokuserar på flickors och pojkars syn på yrken ur ett kulturgeografiskt perspektiv. En enkätundersökning genomfördes på barn i årskurs 5 där de ombads att skriva vad de skulle vilja arbeta med när de blir stora samt att motivera sina yrkesval. De fick även ta ställning till tänkbara framtida arbeten utifrån en given  yrkeslista. Undersökningen utfördes i Gimo, en mindre bruksort och Uppsala, en universitetsstad. De populäraste yrkena bland barnen kan sorteras in i några större kategorier: djurrelaterade, artistrelaterade, idrottsproffs och kock/bagare.

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