

685 Uppsatser om Out-of-town shopping centres - Sida 25 av 46

Kultur i förändring : En vidgad syn på kultursektorn och dess roll för samhället

How can you do a right measurement of culture as well as with other social sectors and with what can culture contribute when it comes to a town´s development? We found out that in Linköping the regional federation Ostsam recently (2005) started mapping the region's creative centers in order to look into the spreading of the culture in the county, and then use the uniqueness of the culture as an advantage in society- planning contexts. The reason was that both municipal - and State directions detected that the culture has a broader importance when it comes to building up society and infrastructure than earlier considered. This is called Cultural planning and is the foundation- method that Östsam used when working with their new projekt The creative sector. The outcome of the Östsam study resulted in an exciting study basis to work further on with and to examine through own demarcations and directions.This research manages the matter of the creative sector as an extension to the cultural sector.

Kyrkotillhörighet och diet i det medeltida Visby : Diet och social status utifrån isotopanalyser av gravlagda från tre Visbykyrkor

This paper deals with three mediaeval churches in the town Visby, Gotland. These churches were located in different areas in Visby. Allegedly the areas where St Hans and Ste Gertrud were located were inhabited by wealthier people, and the more peripheral area where St Mikael was located was where the poor lived. Therefore, the people that were buried at St Mikael should be of lower social status than the people buried at St Hans and Ste Gertrud. Based on the fact that an individuals diet was dependant on his or hers social status, dietary studies on skeletal remains from the three different churches have been conducted to find out dietary patterns among the individuals buried at each church respectively.

E-handel och tillit : En kvalitativ studie om fo?retags och kunders perspektiv pa? tillit

Statistics indicate an increase in online shopping. This indication could result in the loss of safety factors for the customer, for example the possibility to physically examine the product, interact with professional store personnel and try the product before purchase ? factors which all could support the customer in her choice of company and product. The purpose of this study is to increase the theoretical knowledge regarding strategies in the area of trust-development between customers and companies. We have chosen to investigate what strategies web based companies apply and how they are perceived by their customers.

"Gå, Franciskus, och bygg upp min kyrka" : Om tiggarkonventens betydelse för skapandet av staden belyst genom urbaniseringen i södra Halland

This essay deals with the relationship between the mendicant movement and the urbanization during the thirteenth century. The aim has been to explore the significance of the Dominicansand the Franciscans for the creation of an urban landscape. This was made through the study of the urbanization process in southern Halland focusing on the town of Halmstad where the friars were established. The importance of the mendicants was also studied through their absence in the towns of Laholm and Falkenberg. To achieve this investigation in a contextual perspective material from different areas was used such as archaeology, history and history of science and ideas.

Når budskapet fram? - en analys av utställningen Metropolis på Kulturen i Lund

How does the visitor experience the message and symbolism in an archaeological exhibition?Can they notice hidden elements in the exhibition and what decides if they see it or not?In my work I studied these things by making an investigation among exhibition visitors thathave much or none knowledge about archaeology and history. I wished to see how well theycan notice this and if knowledge is important for the understanding of the message and thesymbols. The case study takes place at the exhibition Metropolis at Kulturen in Lund, wherethe history behind and about the Medieval town of Lund is shown.My results show that the possibility for understanding the messages and symbolism exist, butthe chances to do so increase with knowledge.My goal was also try to give some guidelines for exhibition which will improve presentationof the exhibition. To express it shortly this include knowledge, self-awareness and to makevisitor´s studies.My paper also discuss related things: how exhibitions are made, the visitor, the society versusthe museum, the new growing trend towards the museum as a great experience, the changeswithin the museum world and how this affect the future of the archaeological museum..

Demokratiskt beslutsfattande? : En studie av beslutsprocesserna i tre storskaliga infrastrukturprojekt i Sverige

Torstensson, Niklas (2012): Anledningar till olikheter mellan Svenska kommuners skolkvalitet (Causes behind the differences in Swedish municipality´s quality of school) Örebro University.This essay is an explorative case study that will compare four Swedish municipalities quality of local school system against the municipality ´s backgrounddata and a governing document: Skolplan. This study begins in a previous benchmarking study made by one of Sweden?s teachers unions Lärarförbundet. This is a statistical study that ranked the Swedish municipalities against each other?s according to their accomplishments in a number of areas related to their school systems.

"De sa HJÄRTLIGT välkomna" - En kvalitativ studie om fem invandrares tankar kring processen att bli integrerade in i det svenska samhället"They said HEARTILY welcome" - A qualitative study of five immigrant´s thoughts of the process of integrating in to S

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate immigrants? and refugees? thoughts and experiences of the process of integrating into Swedish society and to examine which social networks foster the process. The main questions in the study are: * What experiences enable refugees and immigrants to become integrated and fully participating members of the Swedish society?* What is the importance of the social networks with regards to integration into Swedish society? A qualitative method was used and five interviews were completed with SFI (Swedish for immigrants) students. The study shows that knowledge of Swedish language promotes an initiative in contacting native Swedes, and it also determines the success of integration.

Förståndshandikapp : Livsvillkor och undervisning för barn och ungdomar i Sydafrika

AbstractDuring my university trip to South Africa I visit a black township called Lingehlile. There I examined the life situation and education for children and youth with mentally disabilities. I was interested in knowing more about what basic condition they have, period of school and what kind of support they get outside the school. The subjects that I have handled are a school for all, support for the person with mentally disabilities and their family, the opinion of the society, education and life after school. I got my result by two interviews.

Integrationsarbetet i Landskrona kommun - Projektledarnas reflektioner om integrationsarbetet

This study is about the work of including immigrants to the Swedish society. The reason that we chose Landskrona community is that it is a town with a high population of immigrants. The purpose of this work has been to examine how projectleaders reflect about the work of integration in Landskrona and their point of view regarding the term integration. Our questions were: what is the projectleaders view on the term integration, how does the projectleaders reflect about the work of integration in Landskrona, how would the projectleaders like the work of integration to be, how does the projecleaders reflect about the future work of integration in Landskrona.We used a qualitative method to do this study and interviewed six persons who all work in various projects, that are working for including immigrants to the Swedish society.Our main results in our study is various kinds of thoughts and reflections of the work of integration in Landskrona, but there were some things that were more approaching than others. There is a high ambition of integrate immigrants into the Swedish society in Landskrona and the projectleaders had all many reflections of their work.

Storbranden på nätet : En studie i hur kommentarsfält och forum på nätet använder sig av nyhetsartiklar för att skapa diskussion kring en mordbrand.

The main purpose of this study has been to explore and determine how the journalistic work was used by internet users to start and keep a discussion on the internet going.We started in the aftermath of a local arson in a town of Sweden, where a discussion on the internet forum Flashback and the local newspapers commentary fields was raised.We have used these discussions to study what part the journalistic work play in these events. To do that we used a critical discourse analysis and a rhetoric analysis to investigate how these discussions use news articles to make their point. We divided the comments into four different categories, which are comments about understandings of the event, comments that talked about the matters of fact, criticism pointed at the newspaper and comments that identify the offenders.The result of the analysis shows that both forums use journalistic work as facts in their discussions. Both also use earlier articles that were written before the arson, to make their point in the discussion..

Män och Köpbeteende : Exponering och utbud av herrkläder

Det vi avsåg utreda i denna undersökning är mäns ökande intresse gällande shopping av kläder. I denna undersökning reflekteras det över att det finns en bristgällande utbud för män i lågprisbutiker.Det poängterades i undersökningen att männen fann det svårt att finna kläder utan att gå upp i prisklasserna.Fokus har legat på om det verkligen finns ett ökat intresse hos männen och hur butikerna bemöter det. Teorin vi har använt oss av, har påpekat att intresset har ökat och att de könsroller mellan män och kvinnor som alltid varit så självklara, inte är såstarka idag. Det poängteras även att butiker måste förstå sina målgrupper och att kvinnor och män är väldigt olika i sina sätt och värderingar. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ och kvantitativ undersökning i form av ett frågeformulär för män i åldrarna 15 -35 samt intervjuer med olika butiker.

Det perfekta jaget : Om ungdomar, normer och stress på sociala medier

This study aims to find out what relationship high school students have to social networks at the Internet. This has been done by focusing on norms/standards that adolescents can feel under stress to achieve, through stressing themselves by social networks in a way that is consistent with the norms. The empirical data has been gathered by questionnaires which have been answered by adolescents in randomly selected schools and classes in a medium size Swedish town, Karlskrona. The result showed that all of the participating adolescents have user accounts on a social network. Furthermore it also emerged that a lot of the adolescents thought that norms existed that should be followed in a social network about how to stress oneself.

Informationsförsörjning för nya högskolor : En modell för Helsingborgs högskolefilial

In this work we study how the information provision should be organised in a new smaller size Swedish university college in a town without previous academic traditions. Specifically, our aim is to propose a possible model for information provision in Campus Helsingborg which is currently under construction. The study consists of two parts: literature review and empirical investigation. In the literature review we summarise a selection of articles about traditional and untraditional practically realised ways of information provision in nineties. The empirical investigation consists of 19 interviews with students, teachers and librarians from Kalmar, Halmstad and Helsingborg.

Jakten på det svunna Löddeköpinge. En studie av hälsa, karakteriserad av artros, kroppslängd samt trauma, i det medeltida Löddeköpinge

The purpose of this study is to assess the state of health of the individuals living in Löddeköpinge during the middle ages, whose remains were excavated by Chintio, H., 1975-80. The location is thought to have been a trading community that ceased to flourish towards the end of the Viking age. The main focus of the essay is to examine the occurrence of osteoarthritis (sv. artros), trauma, and analysis of stature, in order to understand population health during this time period. Osteoarthritis has never been researched in Löddeköpinge and the analysis showed that, of the 60 skeletons examined, 68,3% demonstrated some change in the skeletal joints, which is much higher than in the comparative material obtained from Lund and Sigtuna.

Bemötandet inom socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ studie om klienters upplevelser

The aim of this study was to examine how clients who have or have previously had a drug- and/or alcohol addiction experienced interchanges with social workers. In this study, eight semi-structured interviews were made with respondents from an out-patient clinic in a small town in Sweden. Questions were asked regarding clients? experience of the social workers' attitudes during the initial meeting as well as all continuing meetings. Other possible variables that affected the interchanges, either positively or negatively, including how the clients wanted to be treated, were also explored.

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