

1161 Uppsatser om Organizational justice - Sida 56 av 78

Dubbla uppdrag : En kvalitativ studie av två profilerade och integrerade folk- och skolbibliotek

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine libraries which combine the functions of school- and public library and to evaluate the staff?s experience and attitude towards a library profile with the emphasis on children and youth. The purpose of the study is also to examine how the libraries work with several tasks and functions within different target groups with different needs.With new institutionalism and Scandinavian institutional theory the thesis examine the library as an organization and what influences the construction. With a model that describes how the library constitutes four different rooms in the society I investigate the different functions.The methodology is qualitative with interviews of five persons of the staff, four librarians and one library assistant. The study examines how the staff that works at two libraries under similar conditions experiences their tasks.

Skolan har fatta', det nya är surfplatta! : Implementation av surfplattor i grundskolan.

During the last two decades, technology has developed rapidly. It has become a natural part of everyday life, which we today take for granted. It isn?t until the last few years that technology has quickly become a big part in the school environments. Computers, tablets and other technology is today a big part of the education and teaching.

Kulturkrock eller samarbete? : en analys av en organisationskultur

Syftet med studien är att beskriva och förstå hur chefer upplever samarbetet mellan enheterna inom den organisationskultur de är verksamma i. Analysen baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med 11 chefer inom en sektor i en kommunal vård- och omsorgsförvaltning, som utifrån LEAN önskar samla sin personalstyrka mot gemensamma mål för att bättre kunna klara sitt uppdrag. Studiens frågeställningar syftar till att undersöka hur cheferna upplever kulturen inom sin organisation och enhet samt hur de värderar samarbetet mellan enheterna. Undersökningen, som tillämpar en kvalitativ metod med hermeneutisk fenomenologisk ansats, analyserar intervjudata utifrån kulturteori och symbolisk interaktionism, med fokus på gemensamma symboler och mönster.  Studien fann att cheferna har nog med sitt och deras upplevelse av samarbetet är att det präglas av konkurrens, revirtänkande och oförenliga perspektiv. Arbetet med att stärka organisationens gemensamma kultur har ännu inte uppnått någon märkbar effekt och de gemensamma symbolerna är få.

Implementeringsutvärdering av Beslutsstöd i tre kommuner

In recent years, several problems in the field of assistive device have been lifted. To manage the development Beslutsstöd (Decision support) has emerged as a systematic working method. Beslutsstöd is designed as a guideline and serves as a tool for physical therapists and occupational therapists in the prescription process of assistive devices. Beslutsstöd thereby aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of the prescribing process of assistive device in the organization of the municipalities. An implementation evaluation about how the implementation of Beslutsstöd in the municipalities did proceed has not been done.

Genrepedagogik och matematik En litteraturstudie om genrepedagogikens påverkan på elevers lä-rande i matematik

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Malaysia Airlines communicated during the two largest crises of 2014. Key questions to be answered are: Did organizational hypocrisy occur? If yes, in what way? Which communication strategies were used? Did the company mediate an unequivocal message and how was the information framed? Did any aggravating factors, which worsened the organization?s reputation, appear? How did Malaysia Airlines manage possible rumours? Was the word contact used as a keyword? The method of choice is a quantitative content analysis and the material consists of 20 different analysis units. These analysis units were collected from social media and Malaysia Airlines website. The quantitative content analysis is based on the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory, taken from PR, Strategy and Application, Managing Influence, by W.

Utvecklingssamtalets koppling till verksamhetsstyrningen - En studie av Helsingborgs lasarett

Ett utvecklingssamtal innehåller aspekter som kan anses ganska enkla att kvantitativt mäta. Men en mer komplicerad sida av utvecklingssamtalet är att mäta de aspekter som kan härröras till kvalitet dit exempelvis kompetenser, medarbetarnöjdhet och värdering av ledarskap kan räknas. Problemet med att mäta dessa aspekter är framförallt att de till stor del beror av subjektiva värderingar i flera led, från dem som genomgår samtalet och av dem som skall tolka resultatet av samtalet. Frågan är huruvida det är möjligt att koppla utvecklingssamtalet till verksamhets-styrningen, vilket då innebär att resultatet av utvecklingssamtalet därmed skulle tjäna på att kunna mätas. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva och analysera förutsättningar för hur utvecklingssamtal kan kopplas till verksamhetsstyrningen.

Projektimplementering i kommunala verksamheter : sto?djande och hindrande faktorer

Syftet med denna studie har varit att fa? kunskap om vilka a?tga?rder som kan vidtas i en implementeringsprocess och lyfta fram vad som sto?djer eller hindrar att projektresultat implementeras i ordinarie verksamhet. Vi valde att formulera tre fra?gesta?llningar; Vilka a?tga?rder kan vidtas i en implementeringsprocess? Vilka faktorer sto?djer implementering? Vilka faktorer hindrar implementering? Studien har genomfo?rts pa? en kommunal arbetsrehabiliterande verksamhet som genomfo?rt ett trea?rigt ESF-projekt. Studien har genomfo?rts med hja?lp av en metodkombination besta?ende av semistrukturerade intervjuer, en deltagande observation samt dokument fra?n verksamheten och projektet.

Samverkan ? Det svenska välfärdssamhällets nya arbetsform. : En kvalitativ undersökningsstudie om samverkan mellan socialtjänsten, polis och skola.

Abstract Many researchers in social work believe that in today's society require the interaction between organisations takes place on social problems. This study examined the interaction between the police, social services and schools.The purpose of this study are as follows; the aim is to investigate the interaction between social services, the police and schools about young people aged 12-18 years who are at risk for abuse and crime.My questions are: How do the different professions interact regarding young people at risk for abuse and crime? How do they meet young people in their daily work? What obstacles can the different professions see in interaction? What effects do the different professions see in interaction?The study is a qualitative study conducted with semi-structured interviews. Respondents have been two from each organisation.The theory used in the analysis of empirical data is new-institutionalismen. New-institutionalism is a theory developed from organizational theories.

Scanias arbete med miljöledningssystem : faktorer som motiverar medarbetarna

Societal expectations of responsible corporate conduct are currently a fact. It is manifested ina corporate need for limiting and managing external effects, such as environmental impact.An environmental management system is a tool for organizations to structure theirenvironmental work and increase their efficiency. Managing the corporate operations toaccommodate to environmental objectives requires an organizational understanding of theobjectives as well as the procedures. A condition for a successful implementation is the coworkers´ willingness to participate and collaborate.A study made on the co-workers attitude towards the ISO 9000 standard (i.e. qualitymanagement system) reveals that the earlier positive findings are not completely true.

IT-konsulters organisationstillhörighet och hur den påverkar deras motivation

Problemområdet som uppsatsen belyser är sambandet mellan organisationstillhörighet och autonom motivation inom IT-konsultbranschen. Forskning om dessa områden har tidigare utförts främst var för sig, men har på senare år kopplats mer och mer samman. Dessutom har undersökningarna inom konsultbranschen enbart gjorts på bemanningsföretag. Utifrån sambandet och i förhållande till nuvarande teorier tas tre hypoteser fram och prövas. Metoden som använts i undersökningen är en enkätundersökning bestående av frågor angående organisationstillhörighet och motivation.

Det finns inga miljöinvesteringar, bara lönsamma åtgärder med tydlig miljönytta : en vägledning till Vad och Hur

Companies must constantly adapt to new concepts emerging in society. Socialresponsibility and sustainable development are modern concepts of today and offer avariety of activities to choose from. Therefore companies ask themselves: what areour goals and how do we reach them?The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of creating a simplifiedmodel,targeted towards management for prioritization and decisions on variousinvestmentspromoting the environment. The research focuses on companies from themanufacturing industries.

Dokumentationsskyldighet : Anpassning av dokumentationsskyldigheten i svensk rätt utifrån Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

Purpose: This study`s purpose is to investigate the role of a business incubator in the strategic decision situations during the process of a new venture startup. It also aims to explore the methods and instruments the incubator and its advisers applies during the process.Methodology: This study is built on the basis of a hermeneutic approach with qualitative method and abductive design. The empirical material collected consist of interviews from two case studies and secondary data collection from different related sources.Theoretical perspective: The theory in the study consists of the elements of previous research on innovation processes and entrepreneurship. To analyze the data, models and theories related to decision making, incubation, process theories and organizational theories.Empirical foundation: The empirical material consists of interviews and data from two completed case studies. Additionally consist a relatively large part of the empirical data out of a comprehensive information retrieval from various secondary sources such as internet, newsletters and annual reports.Conclusion: The assay was able to detect not just one, but a variety of roles that the incubator occupies at different stages of the innovation process.

Att göra förändring: en studie av ledarskap och organisation vid förändringsarbete

The purpose of this essay is to analyse how the leadership and the structure of the organization affect the process of changes within a specific department in Lunds kommun socialdepartment, from the director of social work to the co-workers at Utredningsenheten för ungdom och familj. We aim to answer the following questions;How does the structure of organisation affect the process of change?What do the co-workers and the leaders believe is the best way to engage the co-workers in the change?How does the leaders view their own leadership in the process of change?How does the co-workers view the leadership in the process of change?How does the leadership affect the process of change?To develop an organisation and to make it a functional, change is a necessity. The leaders are they who create the change but the co-workers are they who make it happen. In the process of change, leadership and the leaders capacity to create motivation for the co-workers, is therefore a matter that is decisive to its success.This is a study based on a qualitative method, where the interview is the main source of empirical material.

Biblioteksplanen ? skrivbordsprodukt eller effektivt styrdokument. En intervjuundersökning om inställningen till den kommunala biblioteksplanen vid några grundskolor i Malmö

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how the introducing of municipal library plans has influenced some compulsory schools in Malmö. I wanted to know if the library plan is a possible way to improve the quality of the school library. Through qualitative interviews with four school librarians and four headmasters, I investigate their knowledge of the library plan and their opinion of the possibilities to realize the directions of the plan. The theoretical framework is based on a model of organizational culture by Bakka, Fivelsdal and Lindkvist.

Myten om jämställdhet : En kvalitativ studie om hur det svenska rättsväsendet befäster en ojämlikhet mellan könen

The purpose of this paper is to examine the law regarding gross violations of women and its application in the Swedish legal system. We have investigated how the legal system takes into account a holistic perspective of the vulnerable situation of women in the investigation and assessment and the extent to which psychological violence in the form of verbal abuse, threats and harassment attention. We also wanted to find out how the law's design may contribute to difficulties in the implementation and interpretation of it. In this study, we used a qualitative research approach when we decided to conduct an interview with a police officer and a textual analysis of four cases from the district court. Interview questions were semi-structured in order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon.

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