

1161 Uppsatser om Organizational justice - Sida 49 av 78

Skolan runt läraren : En undersökning av lärares psykosociala arbetsmiljö i en svensk och en nya zeeländsk skola.

AbstractThe purpose of this thesis is to highlight the organization's importance to teachers' working environment. Through a survey conducted at a primary school in New Zealand and at a primary school in Sweden, teacher perceptions of their psychosocial work environment were compared. This study has answered the questions: ?How does a teacher at a school in New Zealand and at a school in Sweden view their psychosocial work environment from an organizational perspective?? and ?What are the similarities and differences in psychosocial working environment between a school in New Zealand and a school in Sweden?? The results were analyzed based on Karasek and Theorells demands-control-social support model. The study shows that teachers at both schools are experiencing high demands, but that New Zealand teachers are experiencing greater demands.

Vad påverkar handlingsutrymmet? : En kvalitativ studie av ekonomihandläggares reflektioner kring sitt handlingsutrymme

AbstractSocial welfare workers employed in the same county base their assessments on the same laws, routines and guidelines, yet it seems that they sometimes come to different decisions. It's the discretion that enables the social workers to make individualized decisions adapted to each clients unique situation.The purpose of this paper is to examine social welfare workers reflections on discretion and what influences their discretion in the professional role.Six qualitative interviews were conducted with social welfare workers in three communitys i the middle of Sweden.The main result shows that it is primarily four factors that affect the social welfare workers discretion in the professional role :External factors such as other organizations change of regulations and cooperation with other organizations.Organizational factors such as routines, rules and guidelines .Professional factors such as the opportunity to use experience and professionalknowledge to determine which measure works in different situations.Individual factors like the workers ability for initiative and the clients individualcircumstances. Social welfare workers feel that they have a relatively wide discretion in their profession. They believe they have the ability to make individual evaluations of each client, however they also believe that their discretion often is limited by lack of time.Key words: social welfare workers, clients, discretion, assessments. .

Nätdroger - Utmaningar för myndigheter, enskilt och inom ramen för samverkan

The aim of this study was to examine how the new established phenomenon of ?Internet drugs? causes challenges to organizations, both individually and in relation to collaboration. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with representatives from three organizations - one youth police unit, one medical addiction centre and four units working within social services. The theoretical approach that was used is theory about human service organizations, theory about collaboration and new institutional organizational theory. A conclusion is that the current drug classification is problematic and mainly challenging for the organizations that focus on prevention work and early interventions.

Samverkan - Hinder eller resurs för individer med psykosociala problem? : En kvalitativ studie

Att samverka vid socialt arbete är ett aktuellt tema eftersom två nya lagrum har tillkommit under de senaste åren. Dessa tydliggör att samverkan skall ske mellan kommuner och landsting vid arbete med individer med psykosociala problem. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur samverkansarbetet mellan kommunen och landsting uppfyller individens rätt till social trygghet, jämlika levnadsvillkor och självbestämmande. I studien deltog fyra professionella utförare och sex individer med psykosociala problem, där respondenternas svar har jämförts beträffande om man upplever att samverkan uppfyller lagens intention. Resultatet har analyserats via en induktiv tematisk metod och via systemteorin samt empowerment.

"Vi både möts och inte möts" - En kvalitativ studie om politikers syn på samverkan med teamchefer inom äldreomsorgen "We both meet and don`t meet" - A gualitative study on politics vision on cooperation with supervisor in old-age care

While conducting our practical training we experienced how the structure and the complexity of the municipal administration could, from a white-collar workers perspective, become a limitation and burden for efficient work. Deriving from this experience we found an interest in how politicians reasoned with regards to their relationship with supervisor in municipal old-age care. Kouzes och Micos (1979) ?Theory of organizational behavior in human service? became our point of departure. Their framework was therefore the foundation for our research and work throughout this paper. Our aim with this research was to examine how politicians viewed their relationship with supervisor in municipal old-age care.

Centraliserad decentralisering? En studie av Marrakechprocessen och dess relation till global governance

The current debate regarding organizational strategies for sustainabledevelopment is influenced by the theory of global governance. Decentralizedstructures of the global society are taken to use in the realization of a sustainabledevelopment. New roles of transnational networks and partnerships raisesquestions of the ability of global governance to co-ordinate and implement longtermsolutions without assistance from centralized and hierarchic structures basedon government. The aim for this thesis is to illustrate the current conditions forwell-functioning networks of sustainable development and examine therelationship between global governance and government. Issues of participation,decision making and compliance are examined by a case study of the Marrakechprocess, a global process to support the implementation of sustainableconsumption and production.

Vägen mot Lean Accounting : En mogen stig?

This study is a quantitative study designed to examine whether training in health issues may have contributed to the increase in head managers' psychological capital (PsyCap). Construction consists of the following components: self confidence, hope, optimism and resilience. A high PsyCap considered beneficial in organizational change and steer towards the positive development and helps individuals in stressful situations. The results show an increase of characteristics such as hope and optimism among managers (N = 15) who have undergone training in health issues compared with managers who have not undergone training. However, the tests show no significant difference in head managers' attitudes to health breaks, not the severity of granting health breaks in the groups as a result of training.

Våga fråga: Faktorer som påverkar psykologisk trygghet i team

This thesis aims to further study the interpersonal risk taking within groups and thereby the importance of a climate promoting a reflective behavior. The increased demand in complexity and exposure towards teamwork leads to increased call for knowledge integration, which can be explained as the ability to integrate the collective knowledge within the group. We have therefor identified a need for better understanding what makes a group more effective. Key factors for self-estimated effective collaboration have been shown to be a group's reflective behavior and ability to coordinate the skills that each individual possesses. These factors are greatly affected by the psychological safety within the team.

Var lägger man problemet ? hos barnet eller den omgivande miljön? : En textanalytisk studie av dokument skrivna av specialpedagogen i förskolan

The purpose with this thesis was to study the special pedagogical perspectives that stood out in documents written by the special teachers in preschool. In order to maintain the thesis research questions a text analysis was carried out on the document ?Handledningssamtal? that was used by the special teachers in their contact with the teachers in preschool. The documents were analyzed based in the special educational perspectives and the results and measures from the analysis were divided into three levels; individual, group and organizational level. Finally a study of the connection between the analysis and the measures was carried out and the result was reported in a typology schedule inspired by earlier research.

Att arbeta smartare en fallstudie om teorier och modeller inom Lean kan tillämpas i akutsjukvården

The emergency medical care in Sweden has been under persistent debate, due to factors such as long waiting hours, inefficient patient flow, and understaffed departments. In an effort to meet the critique and with a willingness to improve the problems, an increasing amount of emergency clinics are adopting theories and models within Lean. Positive outcomes are evident, there has been some criticism directed towards Lean. Among these is the argument that in order for Lean to be successful it needs to be used within standardized and foreseeable processes, and that it therefore only is applicable to those kind of processes found within industrial production. This prompted the question of whether Lean was a suitable strategy within emergency medical care, considering the large variation of patients and non-foreseeable processes that in fact share little resemblance to that of industrial production.

Närsjukvård : en ny vårdnivå med betydelse för samarbete och samverkan mellan olika vårdaktörer

An ageing population calls for enlarged needs of care and treatments that is followed by an increased demand on social and medical care. Present organization and structure are not adjusted to these new requirements. Due to this fact, necessary alterations ought to be made between and within the different institutional and non-institutional care actors. This work should be settled locally. In this study, the aim was to describe "Chealth care nearby" as being a new standard of care as well as investigate its significance in the co-operation and collaboration between different care actors.

Learning by doing - En studie om hur små managementkonsultfirmor arbetar med kunskap

Management consulting firms are an important part of the knowledge economy and they capitalize on the analytical ability and knowledge of their employees. Much research have been made on large consulting firms and their management of knowledge, but little is known about how small consultancies manage their knowledge. Even less is known about the management of knowledge in small consultancies specialized in change management. These firms rely solely on senior consultants and focus on the human aspect of organizational development. This thesis aims to show how these firms manage their knowledge and also provide an understanding of why.

Lärande organisationer : hur olika faktorer för lärande organisationer samvarierar inom två företag

Det finns olika teorier som beskriver faktorer föratt skapa organisatoriskt lärande. I denna studie har det undersökts hur faktorer, för lärande organisationer, samvarierar inom två stora, svenska företag. De två företagen har definierat var sitt problem som är relaterade till organisatoriskt lärande. Studien har även undersökt om dessa samvariationer kan användas för att bidra till en lösning på de problem företagen har. Empiri från de två företagen har samlats in genom enkäter och svaren har sedan analyserats med hjälp av analysverktyget IBM SPSS Statistics.

Värdefördelning av immaterialrätter i anställningsförhållanden

Abstract______________________________________________________________________Title:A study about creating understanding for different kinds of empowermentLevel:Bachelors thesis in Business Administration, 15 creditsAuthor:Fredrik LegovicSupervisor:Tomas KällquistDate:2014 - JuneAim:The main purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for different kinds of empowerment and how it affects the staff in the public sector.Method:The choice of method was based on the research aim. The method used to meet the objective was qualitative. The qualitative study was conducted with a hermeneutic basis, where individuals were asked to describe their experience of empowerment and how they feel affected of it. This thesis has a deductive approach, where existing theories dealing empowerment formed the basis for the design of interview substrate, which is then paired with the empirical evidence, based on this the conclusions was drawn.Result & Conclusion:What separates the different kinds of empowerment and how it affect the staff depends most of all on how the management chooses to communicate and share information with their staff.Suggestions for future research:A study regarding managers that works with different kinds of empowerment, and how that affects them, could be regarded as an interesting future research.Contribution of thesis:It shows that different kinds of empowerment affect the staff in different ways, which I made clear to the readers.Keywords:empowerment, thinking skills, relations and organizational - structure and theory.

Biblioteksplaner - en möjlig väg mot förändring? En komparativ studie av arbetet med biblioteksplaner i tre kommuner ur ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine in what way the introducing of library plans in three municipalities have affected the work in library organizations. We base our study on a new institutionalist perspective, which focuses on changes in organizations from a social and interpretative perspective. By using this theoretical framework, it is possible to study how interpersonal relations affect the development in library organizations. Through qualitative interviews with ten librarians, we investigate how the establishing of library plans has influenced, and been influenced by, the library field and by the environment, i.e.

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