

1161 Uppsatser om Organizational justice - Sida 37 av 78

Datormedierad kommunikation i politikens tjänst : En studie av attityder till datormedierad kommunikation

This essay examines the recent electoral success of the Sweden Democrats (SD) in the Swedish municipal election in 2006 and 2010. By using statistical methods it aims to explain which of three contradicting theoretical frameworks best can explain how a populist radical right party could penetrate one of the most stable party systems in the world. The theoretical approaches tested in this essay are: a demand-side, an external supply-side and an internal supply-side approach. By using theoretically anchored proxies to determine the effect of the contradicting theoretical approaches this essay concludes that the internal supply-side explanation measuring the local party organizational ability of the SD had the most substantial effect when it comes to explaining their recent electoral success in the Swedish municipalities, as opposed to a more commonly believed demand-side driven explanation..

Pedagogers adaption av surfplattor : En studie av implementeringen av iPad i en F-5 skola

The tablet is a new IT-tool which have started to get introduced into school, but research is still missing and especially in the pre-school environment. The purpose with this study is to investigate teachers uptake, how they use the tablet in everyday pedagogy work as well as the organizational conditions that that facilitate and hinders. Through my observations and interviews in a Swedish K-5 school I have found that the teachers find tablets more appealing to use in comparison to computers. These findings are partly supported by Davis et al.?s (1989) TAM-theory who considers there to be three types of aspects that affect the way individuals adapt to technology.

Miljöledningssystem i små företag : vilka hinder finns och hur kan förenklade miljöledningssystem överkomma dessa?

Humanity?s increasing consumption has resulted in an increasing use of resources and thus an increasing environmental impact. Hence, the environment has become an important political issue. The increasing demands from stakeholders on companies to "green" their products and work internally with environmental issues makes it more and more important for enterprises to address these issues. Small enterprises constitute the majority of all enterprises and therefore they have a significant impact on environmental problems.

Tillämpningen av positiv särbehandling : På grund av kön och etnicitet

Directive 2006/54/EG from the European Union concerns the equal rights between men and woman and the principle of equal rights. The purpose of the directive is that the member states provide the equal rights between men and woman. Affirmative action is one exception from the principle of equal rights which is settled in directive 2006/54/EG, article 3. The purpose for the affirmative action must be to encourage the equal rights between men and women.EU has specific criteria to use affirmative action, which is created by praxis of the Court of Justice of the European Union. These criteria are that the affirmative action must involve an objective assessment, there must be equal qualifications between the person which is affirmative action and the person who is not, the positive action cannot be automatically decisive and this special treatment should be proportionate to the purpose.

Psykosocial arbetsmiljo? och psykologiskt va?lbefinnande inom servicebranschen

Syftet med studien a?r att studera relationen mellan den psykosociala arbetsmiljo?n och det psykologiska va?lbefinnandet, inom en serviceorganisation. Studiens fra?gesta?llning utga?r fra?n att underso?ka arbetets krav, resurser och ett arbetsrelaterat psykologiskt va?lbefinnande. Sex individer intervjuades med hja?lp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer.

Katastrofberedskap : En samverkans- och kommunikationsfråga för kulturarvet

The aim of this masters thesis, based on discourse analysis and organization theory, is to study how individuals in different Swedish cultural organizations- and agencys are working with disaster preparedness.The purpose of this is to examine whether organizational structures affect different persons work, cooperation and practical application concerning disaster preparedness in collaboration with both external and internal organizations.The research shows that disaster preparedness are affected by priority issues as well as financial resources causing consequences for future work concerning this kind of issues.Another problem which is also examined and discussed in this thesis are the problematic approach to personal initiative which today is the leading operation for the organizations to deal with disaster preparedness instead of creating professional titles for the persons handles these complex issues..

Medarbetarskap ? en studie av medarbetarskap i en arkitektbyrå

Companies and organizations recognize the importance of collaboration to develop responsibility and ability of change in the workplace. The concept of collaboration was a relatively new idea in business in the late 1980s. In a Nordic context, collaboration is a traditional approach that companies use successfully for competition, survival and development. Collaborative organizational efforts cover management of committed people who can help companies achieve flexibility, customer loyalty, innovation and economic success on a challenging and competitive market. Many theorists believe that collaboration is the key to integrating technology, financial competence and innovation.

Gemensamma värderingar : en jämförande studie om gemensamma värderingar och hur de påverkar organisationskultur

The objective with the study was to evaluate what key persons at LFV Group (Luftfartsverket) think about-presented core values and their implementation within the company. Another objective of the study was to describe and compare the process of implementation of core values and how this affects organization culture at two selected reference companies. A qualitative method was applied in the form of semi-structured interviews with key persons at Luftfartsverket and the other reference companies.As the result a four-step program is proposed to describe the implementation process of core values: presentation, introduction, realization and follow-up. Within the implementation process it is possible to distinguish another process, which is based on core values, - introduction of new employees. The implementation of core values has contributed towards the development of the organizational culture as well as creating a successful company governed by core values..

Att dela eller inte dela kunskap - En multipel studie om utmaningar med Knowledge Management på svenska advokatbyråer

The law firm industry has during the last years met new demanding conditions and one tool to handle these new conditions has been to implement a Knowledge Management system. Large investments have been made in these Knowledge Management systems but the implementations have met many challenges from within the organizations.With a multiple study, based on interviews with Knowledge Management Managers included in a Knowledge Management network, this thesis aims to study the challenges with Knowledge Management and the underlying causes. The result, based on McDermott's theories shows challenges within technical, personal, social and management areas where the law firm need to shift a focus from Information to Knowledge Management, create a culture of trust and integration and use the informal powerbase.The causes for these challenges are found in the base of Mintzbergs theories of Professional bureaucracy where the Knowledge Management is affected by strong self-regulated individualist, a divided organizational structure and industry conditions..

Allmänna rättsprincipers framväxt och påverkan inom EU - En uppsats om principerna med fokus på proportionalitet, rätten till försvar och offentlighet

General principles of law can be defined as a legal foundation with the function of codifying basic values. They can also be of a character, which makes them useful as supplement and interpretation of law. EU has developed principles of law that can be divided into general and special. Within the Union there are existences of around twenty general ones. A further separation can be made in terms of institutional and individual.

Ansvar och vinst ? en kritisk diskursanalys av Corporate Social Responsibility som fenomen

Large corporations have come to play a central role in today?s society. By analyzing how corporations describe their work with Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, my aim is to review how they view and relate to this role. CSR means that a corporation voluntarily takes a civic responsibility beyond that which is required by law. This can be in order to promote human rights, basic workers rights and a better environment, as well as fighting corruption.In order to get at the role played by CSR, I have studied texts dealing with the subject, which have been published on the internet by the five largest Swedish corporations.

"Mer information? Absolut. För jag satt ju och skakade som ett asplöv." Om informationens betydelse för säkerhet, trygghet och förtroende i samband med domstolsförhandling

Det empiriska underlaget till den här uppsatsen utgörs av kvalitativa intervjuer genomförda på en tingsrätt med parter och vittnespersoner. Genom en analys av dessa intervjuer syftar uppsatsen till att utröna om den information som ges till parter och vittnespersoner inför och under en domstolsförhandling påverkar hur säkra de känner sig i sin roll under förhandlingen.Utöver de frågor som kretsar kring parter och vittnens upplevelser av säkerhet i den egna rollen och säkerhet i vad som förväntas av dem under en förhandling, ställs även frågor som ämnar undersöka om information bidrar till att parter och vittnen vet vad som händer i övrigt i samband med en förhandling. Frågorna undersöker också om den information som kommer från tingsrätten upplevs som tydlig och lätt att förstå. Vidare söker intervjufrågorna utröna om informationen påverkar om parter och vittnespersoner känner förtroende för rättsväsendet i stort och den aktuella domstolen i synnerhet, vilket i sig är en mycket viktig fråga.Studien, i vilken det teoretiska ramverket utgörs av processuell rättvisa, transmissionssyn och meningsskapande syn på kommunikation, kommer fram till att den information som ges till parter och vittnespersoner inför och under en domstolsförhandling påverkar hur säkra de känner sig i sin roll under förhandlingen.Genom att sammankoppla processuell rättvisa och meningsskapande syn på kommunikation bidrar studien till forskning om kommunikation och information på domstol. Studien väcker även frågor om vad information i förlängningen kan betyda för rättssäkerhet och förtroendet för domstol och rättsväsende..

Språkhantering på ett mindre bibliotek: en kvalitativ undersökning om hur ett mindre bibliotek arbetar med minoritetsspråk

The following thesis will examine how a smaller library manages the prioritization of media between Swedish and 'minority language'. We are also interested in the challenges and problems that can occur in such work, as well as how the librarians think about their role in the integration process. We have studied this through several qualitative interviews with librarians as well as earlier related research. The results show that librarians display a high propensity of appreciation related to working with minority languages and consider this an important aspect of their profession ? they fully ingratiate and accept the importance of helping the immigrant population in learning Swedish.

Mainstream eller alternativ? : Mediesyn och medieanvändning hos grupper inom sociala rörelser

ABSTRACTPurpose/aim: Are there any differences between how ?old? and ?young? groups within social movements in Sweden view (value) and use alternative and mainstream media?Material/method: The answer to the research problem is sought by conducting qualitative research interviews with representatives of four different groups: Alternativ Stad, Folkkampanjen mot Kärnkraft-Kärnvapen, Attac Sverige and Ingen Människa är Illegal. The theoretical framework consists of research on social movements, especially on their relation to media, and on alternative media.Main results: There exist some, but not great, differences between how ?old? and ?young? groups view and use mainstream and alternative media. The differences are relatively small when it comes to views on media and somewhat larger concerning media use.

Gemensamberedningen av EU:s Maritima Grönbok ur ett Resiliensperspektiv : En studie om den adaptiva kapaciteten i Regeringskansliets inre processer

The study aims to give a description of the conditions in which matters is prepared withinSwedish Government`s offices, to describe the adaptive capacity in the agency`s internalprocesses by investigating the experiences of some civil servants restricted to the Ministry ofEnterprise and the Ministry of Environment in their work with the EU Maritime Policy GreenPaper. The results have been analyzed against the basis of eight identified criteria of buildingadaptive capacity in socially dominated systems. The criteria are comprised of both individualand organizational abilities. Only two of them were fully met; the criteria about diversity inexperiences and knowledge and the criteria about information and how the information hasbeen applied. However, the process has traces of all the identified criteria.

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