

1161 Uppsatser om Organizational justice - Sida 36 av 78

Islamism, da?wa eller det sanna islam? En studie av Islamiska informationsföreningen i Göteborg

This paper analyzes the content of eight Islamic Friday-sermons, held at Chalmers Technical University in Gothenburg in spring 2010, organized by Chalmers Islamiska Förening (CIF) (Chalmers Islamic community).The forces of globalization, the accessibility of information and the Internet have given rise to discourses and movements that know no national boundaries. The accessibility of these global movements and discourses through media, Internet, etc., affect the way Muslims in Sweden interpret and practice their religion. Thus, this paper includes discussions and descriptions of global Islamic revivalist-movements, and relates the contents of the sermons at Chalmers to these movements. In the sermons, the imams often discuss the concept of a global Muslim community, the umma, and their perceptions of the prescribed ethics linked to this community. They often relate this discussion of ethics to frequently discussed issues in the West such as equality, justice and ethical standards in war.

Kaos eller ordning? : Ambulanssjukvårdens organisationskultur. En fallstudie

This case study has its starting point in an unpublished study where the results showed that there is a conflict between the leadership and the employees in a private company. The conflict is identified as a result of the company leadership is steering for cost savings and efficiency The aim of this study is through analysis of  the open questions in a quantitative survey describe how the staffs  attitudes and culture is affecting the leadership of the organization. The ideological aspect is very clear and through the aspect of the structural differences between the public and private sector makes it possible to identify the staff?s social rules, ideology and group norms.  These are shown to be in conflict with the economical perspective of the private sector.

Motiv till att fortsätta föreningsidrotta : En enkätstudie om 13 till 18-åriga föreningsidrottande flickor

Pupils, and most of all girls, drop out of organized sports in the ages 13-18. The purpose of this survey was to study which motives girls had to proceed in sports together with differences between certain groups. This study was based on a survey which included 86 responses from girls active in sports in 10 different compounds. The results showed that the most frequent motives to do sports were to have fun and to feel well. Differences showed were that the ones who trained more often and the ones who practiced more than one sport found that to work hard was an important motive, compared to the other groups.

Ledarskap och kommunikation : I samband med organisationsförändringar

Studiens syfte var att få kunskap om förhållanden som kan leda till ett förändringsarbete som är lyckosamt. Det vi ville undersöka var hur en ledare ska bete sig/handla för att få en lyckad organisationsförändring men även varför och på vilket sätt kommunikationen är viktig vid en förändring?Metoden som användes var kvalitativ och vårt empiriska material skaffades genom intervjuer. I vår studie deltog fem respondenter. Genom analys av teori och intervjumaterial har vi kommit fram till slutsatsen att man måste ha egenskaper från både transformativt och transaktionellt ledarskap.

Organisationsförändring vid företagsförvärv : En kvalitativ fallstudie om företagsförvärv och dess effekter på en organisation

Att genomföra en förändring i en organisation kan innebära en lång och komplext process som kan se olika ut beroende på situation och företag. En typ av organisationsförändring som ofta misslyckas är företagsförvärv (uppköp), vilket är en svår process att genomföra på ett lyckat sätt. Ofta beror det på att företaget inte har någon utarbetad strategi för hur förvärvet ska gå till och vilka effekter det kan ha på en organisation. Denna fallstudie syftar till att inom området organisationsförändring undersöka företagsförvärv och dess effekter på en organisation. Studien är av kvalitativ metod där datainsamling består av semistrukturerade intervjuer.

Att se in i framtiden : En studie om hur konceptet insiktsförsäljning påverkar ett B2B-företags försäljningsprocess

Background: The result of our interactive information society is that sales business has shifted from a tactical to a strategical focus, thus companies have had to adapt to this change. The evolution of sales shows that companies have gone from one static model to another, which is discarded by the new concept ?insight selling? claiming that it through insights is possible to be forceful in the, these days, rough sales climate.Purpose: The purpose of the report is to form an understanding of how insight sales affect a sales process.Research question: How does insight selling affect the B2B sales process?Methodology: Process mapping through interviews in combination with organizational documents.Findings: Insight selling affects the sales process by a clearer research mindset and a change in communication in relation to the customer..

UNIDROIT Principles, PECL och DCFR i svensk rättspraxis

International Contract Law presently offers three sets of principles: the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (the UNIDROIT Principles), the Principles of European Contract Law (the PECL) and the Draft Common Frame of Reference (the DCFR). These sets of principles contain general principles which are intended to serve as model rules. The three sets of principles have been published, but they have not been adopted. The UNIDROIT Principles and the PECL are not meant to be adopted either. There are different opinions as to whether the sets of principles can be considered to be a source of legal status at all.The sets of principles have been referred to in Swedish law.

Konsten att lyckas med förankring

The purpose of this thesis work is to formulate a model with methods that describe key success factors to get understanding and awareness in organizational change projects. We have used a project within the township of Gothenburg as a case and connected to this single project the purpose is to identify key success factors to get understanding and awareness among employees within the township of Gothenburg. We hope that our result will be useful in other large organizational change projects. Theoretic basis for our study have been models and methods, while our purpose have been to construct a model with suitable methods for anchoring. Theories about coaching and process management are examples of methods to get understanding and awareness among employees in change projects.

Det svenska spelmonopolet : Sätter EG-rätten stopp för statens kassako?

AbstractThe subject for this thesis is the Swedish gaming monopoly. This thesis describes the Swedish legislation that regulates the market for gaming in Sweden. The European legislation is also explained in the thesis; both the rules in the EC treaty and the rulings made by the EC court of justice (ECJ). The purpose with this is to see if the Swedish legislation can be upheld considering the rules set up by EC law. The second part of the thesis is focused on the actuality of the problem and the future possibilities for the regulation.

Styrning Mot Högre Motivation: En fallstudie av ICA Kvantum Flygfyren

The aim of this paper is to examine how the design of management control in a retail trade company affects motivation among its employees. Our purpose is to identify what actions create motivation and how management can benefit by developing and promoting such activity from its high-performing employees. Motivated personnel have become increasingly important in companies today, and companies are increasingly reliant on individual employees? capabilities. The study covers all parts of the management control system, to see how these align to create goal congruence in an organizational context.

En projektgrupps upplevda innovationsklimat : En studie som behandlar det upplevda innovationsklimatet i en projektgrupp vid Eskilstuna Energi och Miljö

Denna studie behandlar det upplevda innovativa arbetsklimatet hos en projektgrupp vid Eskilstuna Energi och Miljö (EEM). För att studera detta har undersökningsledarna använt sig av kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökningsmetod. Det i form av en enkätundersökning med fem deltagande personer ur projektgruppen och intervjuer med samma fem personer. Det övergripande syftet är att undersöka hur arbetsklimatet upplevts i en projektgrupp vid EEM. Fokus inom studien ligger på in-novation och gruppklimat.

Strategi, syften och visioner för intranät : av intranät i samband med uppgradering.

Intranets can streamline workflow processes, improve communication and add value to the employees of an organization. Companies that don?t take advantage of the potential in their intranet is a common phenomenon. In connection with a migration project dealing with a switch of content management system it turned out that SAS Technical Services lacked clear objectives and strategies for the use of their intranet. Thereby they didn?t make the most of the possibilities an intranet brings.The work with this thesis began with collecting the experiences the company could take with them from the migration project.

Det Sociala Intranätet

Social intranets are based on the Enterprise 2.0 expression and create a new way for organizations to communicate and work. It brings possibilities to leverage user generated content and engage in cooperation across organizational borders where users can get to know each other and share knowledge.This thesis aims to explore what expectations motivate decision makers in implementing social intranets. It is interesting to discover what is expected to happen in an organization that implements a social intranet and chiefly what the actual effects are. Through interviews of both management executives and intranet users at a consulting company called Ninetech, we have plotted out managers? expectations and effects experienced by users.We have categorized managements? expected effects in two themes; expected effects on corporate culture and expected effects on informational work.

Socialsekreterares arbetsmiljö : En kvalitativ studie

Det övergripande syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera socialsekreterares erfarenheter av att arbeta inom sektionen för myndighetsutövning inom barn- och ungdomsverksamheten för att få en inblick i hur de själva upplever och påverkas av eventuella hinder respektive möjligheter i arbetsmiljön. Studien bygger på kvalitativ metod och består av enskilda forskningsintervjuer. Samtliga socialsekreterare i studien beskriver sin arbetssituation som väldigt tuff med ett högt ärendeinflöde som är svårt att påverka. Många menar att det är svårt att hinna med arbetsuppgifterna inom de tidsramar som finns reglerade i socialtjänstlagen. Av resultaten i studien framgår det att socialsekreterarnas arbetsmiljö präglas av olika kulturer som inverkar på varandra, begränsar socialsekreterarnas handlingsutrymme och genererar stress.

Kosovo - en suverän stat : En uppsats om Kosovos självständighetsdeklaration och några av världens internationella huvudaktörers reaktioner på deklarationen 

The purpose of this essay is to examine why some countries in the world decided to support Kosovo?s declaration of independence in 2008, while others did not. The essay is a type of case study, with Kosovo?s independence as the main focus. For the purpose of the essay, main focus will be on the United States of America, Russia, China and Serbia.

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