

1161 Uppsatser om Organizational justice - Sida 21 av 78

Förklaringsmodeller till missbruk och beroende inom missbruksvården.  : En kvalitativ studie av socialarbetares förklaringsmodeller vid bedömning av insats för personer med missbruksproblem

 The purpose of this study was to study social work models to explain addiction in the assessment of response to people with addictions. This study investigated how social workers' explanations are shaped by their experiences, theoretical points influenced by research in a discretion is affected by organizational conditions, manuals, evidence-based practice and national guidelines in an investigative process. The material in this study has emerged through interviews with four social workers in the social services department for addiction and dependence. The essay is a qualitative study with personal interviews as the basis for the result. The study begins with a description of addiction and dependence, current laws on the matter, and officer's work.

Unga ledares ledarskap - en kulturell fråga

Culture is seen as an abstract phenomenon, not easily defined. It is cathegorized as something that affects every person, though it is seldom described how. This study adress how culture, in the form of basic assumptions and accepted behaviors and ways to think affected how young coaches formed their leadership under the influence of their organization. The possible implications for the importance of knowing about ones culture in an organization affect both the recruitment process in organizations and what the organization stands for and what is conveyed through values and ways to act in the organization. The purpose of this study was, through the use of semi-structured interviews with young coaches and organizational leaders and a review of policys, to get the perspective and experiences of young coaches regarding cultural influence on their leadership.

Samverkan, värk eller mästerverk? : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan vid ett Barnahus.

This is a qualitative study based on interviews with professionals who are cooperating at a children advocacy center, in swedish called ?Barnahus?. The center, Barnahus, pulls together law enforcement, criminal justice, child protective service, medical and mental health workers in to one coordinated team. Children suspected to be victims of any kind of violence or sexual abuse shall, at Barnahus, be offered coordinated efforts and support all the way from suspicion to possible intervention. The aim of the study is to examine how the participants involved relate to collaboration in Barnahus. The study will also present the success factors and barriers to collaboration that identifies by the participating actors, who are mentioned above.The study will provide insight and understanding of how collaboration can be represented in multiprofessional activities in practice..

Säkra före det osäkra? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie som genomfördes i samarbete med Scania CV AB. Syftet är att kartlägga hur man resonerar kring begreppet säkerhet i förhållande till Organizational Behavioral Management (OBM). Studien presenterar OBMs beteendeanalys ABC-modellen för att beskriva hur ett beteende kan aktiveras samt vilka konsekvenser det har. Den avser även att introducera DCOM och Beteendebaserad säkerhet (BBS) som kompletterande verktyg att arbeta med. Målgruppen i studien är truckförare på Chassi.

Nordiska Afrikainsitutet och sociala medier

Syftet: Syftet med denna uppsats var att se hur Nordiska Afrikainstitutet använder sig av sociala medier och hur de tillämpar den information som organisationen kommunicerat via de sociala medierna.Teoretisk ram: Uppsatsen utgår ifrån teorier som ger överblick i hur traditionella och moderna kommunikationsredskap fungerar. Därutöver har ett analytiskt instrument använts som kartlägger kommunikationsprocesser i organisationer samt hur dessa tar tillvara på ny kunskap. Den teoretiska referensram består av följande teorier: Media Richness modellen samt de två artiklarna On using organizational knowledge capabilities to assist organizational learning samt Virtual worlds as platforms for communities of pratices från antologin Knowledge management and organizational learning.Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ metod. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom respondentintervjuer, dessa bestod av telefonintervjuer samt epostkorrespondens. För att urskilja respondenterna har ett snöbollsurval använts. Intervjuerna har därefter analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen.Resultat: Resultatet av undersökningen visar att både traditionella och sociala medier används vid institutet där de traditionella medierna anses trovärdiga men inte alltid flexibla. De sociala medier som används är Facebook, Twitter och institutets egna forum kallat NAI-forum.

Radiotystnad resulterar i fullt kaos : En studie om Malaysia Airlines kriskommunikation

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Malaysia Airlines communicated during the two largest crises of 2014. Key questions to be answered are: Did organizational hypocrisy occur? If yes, in what way? Which communication strategies were used? Did the company mediate an unequivocal message and how was the information framed? Did any aggravating factors, which worsened the organization?s reputation, appear? How did Malaysia Airlines manage possible rumours? Was the word contact used as a keyword? The method of choice is a quantitative content analysis and the material consists of 20 different analysis units. These analysis units were collected from social media and Malaysia Airlines website. The quantitative content analysis is based on the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory, taken from PR, Strategy and Application, Managing Influence, by W.

Unga ledares ledarskap - en kulturell fråga : Ett exempel från en handbollsförening

Culture is seen as an abstract phenomenon, not easily defined. It is cathegorized as something that affects every person, though it is seldom described how. This study adress how culture, in the form of basic assumptions and accepted behaviors and ways to think affected how young coaches formed their leadership under the influence of their organization. The possible implications for the importance of knowing about ones culture in an organization affect both the recruitment process in organizations and what the organization stands for and what is conveyed through values and ways to act in the organization. The purpose of this study was, through the use of semi-structured interviews with young coaches and organizational leaders and a review of policys, to get the perspective and experiences of young coaches regarding cultural influence on their leadership.

Att integrera ett barnperspektiv: en kvalitativ studie om barnperspektivets status i handläggning av ekonomiskt bistånd

The main purpose of this study was that, in the light of theories of how street level bureaucrats may affect the implementation of political decisions, examine and analyze the social workers interpretations of the child perspective's impact on the handling of social assistance, and what opportunities and/or limitations they feel that the organizational preconditions means for the application. The survey had a qualitative research approach and consisted of eight thematic interviews with a total of ten respondents operating in five different municipalities. Eight of the respondents were social workers dealing directly with social assitance and two had managerial positions. The results of the interviews were then analyzed with the help of an actor-structure approach to implementation and Michael Lipskys theory of street-level bureaucrats and their role as policy makers. The results of the survey showed that the respondents had relatively similar views on the child perspectives implications for work with social assistance.

Ett samverkansprojekt mellan socialtjänst och psykiatri kring personer med psykiska funktionshinder och missbruksproblem

This study focuses on a cooperation (collaboration) project between municipalities social services and the regions psychiatric care. They will capture a client / patient group that often risks falling between the chairs, persons with a psychic disorder and a problem of substance abuse. The purpose of the study was to study the projects cooperation on its organizational level. The central questions of issue were: What is cooperation in the project? What view do the professionals have of the projects cooperation, and partly have on members of the client group persons with a psychic disorder and a problem of substance abuse? The study was implemented through participating observations on three meetings with the govern group, the project group and the POS-team and interviews with two representatives from each principal.

Landskapsarkitektur för folkhälsa : teorier och reflektioner kring utformning

The Swedish healthcare system is characterized by lack of resources and extensive hospital queues. In order to counter these difficulties the Lund University Hospital have introduced Lean Healthcare to the hospital organization. The purpose of this scientific paper is to study the relationship between the implementation of Lean Healthcare and the experienced motivation among the staff. This essay thereby intends to impart knowledge, which could be used on future implementations of Lean Healthcare at other hospitals. In order to fulfil the purpose of this essay a case study have been conducted at two wards at the Lund University Hospital in which qualitative research interviews have been the method chosen in order to gather data.

Bosnien och Hercegovinas integrering med EU : En studie av korruptionens betydelse

In this paper corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been studied to investigate to what extent corruption inhibits Bosnia and Herzegovina?s possibilities of integrating with EU.The overarching research question is how occurrence of various types and forms of corruption affect the possibilities of Bosnia and Herzegovina to fulfill the criteria negotiated by the EU. In order to undertake this exploration the study uses typologies to identify and categorize the various forms of corruption that exist in Bosnia and Herzegovina and theories about the impact of these forms of corruption. After that these forms of corruption are analyzed in relation to their impact on the various political and economic criteria that are set for integration and membership in EU, such as independent justice system and the acceleration of the privatization process.The results show that corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina represents a major obstacle to several of the criteria set by the EU and thereby integration with EU. Even though that these priorities are told to be set with realistic goals these priorities will be difficult to fulfill with such widespread corruption as in Bosnia and Herzegovina today..

Struktur och styrning med balanced scorecard som styrverktyg : En studie inom Västra Götalandsregionen

BackgroundThere are different organizational structures and control and it has been proved difficult to find a combination between these that leads to goal congruence and improved efficiency. An organization can be structured according to hierarchical levels and the decision making can be either centralized or decentralized. Organizational control can be classified according to the amount of rules and balanced scorecard can be used to weld together the structure with the control.PurposeThe purpose is to create an understanding of how two types of structures and control in an organization appears and also to investigate how these differ from one another concerning the balanced scorecard as a control system. We will also investigate how the variables goal congruence and efficiency are affected by the implementation of the balanced scorecard.MethodTo answer the purpose of this thesis we have mainly used the qualitative method since we have studied two organizations thoroughly through interviews on different levels of the organization. The study also has some quantitative elements since we wanted to get a more truthful picture of the organizations.

Branding in Trade Unions - case of Unionen

Trade Unions are finding it increasingly challenging to appeal to employees and all trade unions alike are encountering new challenges to attract and retain members. Additionally a more diversified and educated labor market is creating demands for trade unions to better meet individual needs. The purpose of this study was to explore and analyze the role of branding in Unionen, the largest white-collar trade union in Sweden, and how branding efforts help in attracting and retaining trade union members. The theoretical foundation of this thesis is based on theories related to corporate branding and relationship marketing. Furthermore, the study develops and introduces the concept of member branding in the context of trade unions.

Motivation till förändring : hur sjukhuspersonal kan motiveras till att arbeta med Lean Healthcare

The Swedish healthcare system is characterized by lack of resources and extensive hospital queues. In order to counter these difficulties the Lund University Hospital have introduced Lean Healthcare to the hospital organization. The purpose of this scientific paper is to study the relationship between the implementation of Lean Healthcare and the experienced motivation among the staff. This essay thereby intends to impart knowledge, which could be used on future implementations of Lean Healthcare at other hospitals. In order to fulfil the purpose of this essay a case study have been conducted at two wards at the Lund University Hospital in which qualitative research interviews have been the method chosen in order to gather data.

Uba?tar pa? djupdyk i svensk media : En kvalitativ textanalys av framsta?llningen av uba?tskra?nkningen i Stockholms ska?rga?rd a?r 2014 i svensk media.

The 17th October 2014 the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) introduced an intelligence operation in Stockholm archipelago after receiving credible observations regarding illegal underwater activities. Following the data collection and associated analysis it could be stated with certainty that a foreign submarine had violated the Swedish territorial waters. Media depend on SwAF to provide them with accurate information due to the confidentiality in these matters and the general area of investigation is therefore how the actions of the Swedish Armed Forces, in the submarine incident 2014, were portrayed in the Swedish media. Newspapers and blogs of defense policy represent the media and the thesis is based on the theories constructed by Graham Allison, the rational actor, organizational behavior and governmental politics. Furthermore, it is relevant to examine if there are any similarities or differences in how the submarine incident is illustrated, and what may be the reason for any possible occurrences.

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