

1161 Uppsatser om Organizational justice - Sida 22 av 78

Sexig & hatad : Modernt ledarskap, motivation, manipulation

To understand the modern leadership you have to gain a lot of experience to attain the right competence through which you are able to know what kind of leadership is most suitable to use in the current situation. Leaders agree that every kind of leadership is more or less successful depending on the situation and different organizational factors, for example the co-workers and the environment. Every leader should have a strong willpower and driving force to bring motivation to the organization and to make it more efficient. Another quality that represents a modern leader is the ability to lead and divide the co-workers and the organizations different strengths. The organizational communication is an important factor of how you, as a leader, answer to your co-workers and also how you will be received.

Styrning i fotbollsorganisationer - byråkrati, klan eller marknad?

Nowadays the world of football has become more commercial than before. As a result of this the clubs' financial status is getting more and more important. Therefore the UEFA has given the national federations a specific task to make sure that the clubs from each country follow certain standards of maintaining the football credibility. The Swedish federation has decided that the Swedish clubs must follow the so-called ?elitlicensen?.

Ubåtar på djupdyk i svensk media : En kvalitativ textanalys av framsta?llningen av uba?tskra?nkningen i Stockholms ska?rga?rd a?r 2014 i svensk media.

The 17th October 2014 the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) introduced an intelligence operation in Stockholm archipelago after receiving credible observations regarding illegal underwater activities. Following the data collection and associated analysis it could be stated with certainty that a foreign submarine had violated the Swedish territorial waters. Media depend on SwAF to provide them with accurate information due to the confidentiality in these matters and the general area of investigation is therefore how the actions of the Swedish Armed Forces, in the submarine incident 2014, were portrayed in the Swedish media. Newspapers and blogs of defense policy represent the media and the thesis is based on the theories constructed by Graham Allison, the rational actor, organizational behavior and governmental politics. Furthermore, it is relevant to examine if there are any similarities or differences in how the submarine incident is illustrated, and what may be the reason for any possible occurrences.

Att förstå medborgardialoger från olika perspektiv

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the problems caused by students that characterize themselves as highly sensitive. The issue of high sensitivity and other categorizations are fiercely debated in the research. This empirical study was conducted in light of literature about high sensitivity, pedagogies, and interview methods. The students answered questions about what makes them categorize themselves and how they believe that the categorization affects their learning and social development. They also responded to questions about what they consider appropriate measures to improve their situation.

Varför reformerad Krisberedskap? : En motivanalys till inrättandet av Krisberedskapsmyndigheten

To understand the modern leadership you have to gain a lot of experience to attain the right competence through which you are able to know what kind of leadership is most suitable to use in the current situation. Leaders agree that every kind of leadership is more or less successful depending on the situation and different organizational factors, for example the co-workers and the environment. Every leader should have a strong willpower and driving force to bring motivation to the organization and to make it more efficient. Another quality that represents a modern leader is the ability to lead and divide the co-workers and the organizations different strengths. The organizational communication is an important factor of how you, as a leader, answer to your co-workers and also how you will be received.

?Just culture? or just culture? : har Försvarsmakten en rättvisekultur eller bara en kultur?

Ett flygsäkerhetsarbete bygger på ett förtroende mellan individen och organisationen. Det finns en brist inom Försvarsmakten rapporteringssystem, där fördelningen av rapporter med avseende på mänskliga misstag, är avvikande från vad som anses som normalt inom flygverksamhet. Varför avviker rapporteringen i FM från normalbilden? Ett perspektiv som kan förklara denna avvikelse är rättvisekulturperspektivet.Syftet är att diskutera huruvida den ojämna fördelningen av avvikelserapporter med avseende på mänskliga misstag i FM flygsäkerhetsarbete kan förklaras ur ett just culture perspektiv med fokus på regler och styrdokument .Resultatet är att FM inte är att anse som en rättvisekultur. Framförallt är detta på grund av den bristfälliga kulturella grunden, disciplinsystemet och skyddandet av rapporteringssystemet..

Från väpnad oppositionsgrupp till politiskt parti- En komparativ studie om transformeringen och institutionaliseringen av RENAMO, FRELIMO och SWAPO i Moçambique och Namibia

This thesis explores and compares the former armed opposition groups; Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO), Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO) and South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) transformation processes into political parties. The first question addressed is; What factors determines the ability of these armed opposition groups to transform into political parties after armed conflict? The question is addressed through four structural and organizational factors; international involvement, the organizations ideology and identity, their ability to change inter-elite relationships and their ability to change collective incentive strategies. The second question addressed is if the transformations process can affect the parties? degree of institutionalization? The degree of institutionalization is examined through the party's adaptility, complexity, autonomy and coherence.

Jämlikhet i vården : - en kritisk ideologianalys av privatiseringens inverkan på betydelsen av en jämlik vård

This thesis investigates if privatization of the Swedish healthcare system influences our view on the meaning of equality. This system is based on the principle that all people are equals and that healthcare should be provided on the basis of need. I apply critical ideology analysis to investigate how our view of equality might change because of the evolvement of society. A critical view may be explained as an interest in exploring things that seem obvious to many. Important questions to answer are why equality is regarded as such a natural concept in the society and how healthcare is actually provided.

Kundvärden i förändring? : En studie av mobiloperatörer.

The objective of this study has been to examine which significant values are of importance in the telecom sector today, and in a continuing perspective yet to be. To ensure the factors of relevance in the study, we have identified three purposes: - Our first purpose is to clarify the eminent values in the competitive market of the mobile phone operators today, and the reason for its importance.- The second purpose is to understand the function of the brand regarding to value creation and loyalty in the sector of mobile phone operators.- The third purpose is to explore the potential approaches for mobile phone operators to increase value.In this study, our approach has been a qualitative methodology by conducting seven interviews with respondents related to the telecommunication sector.As a result of the process, we find the need to divide the concept of value into two dimensions, which we entitle organizational related values and customer related values. We have found the values related to the characteristics of the market in aspects of its infrastructural features but also in regards to the homogenous core service.Our findings in the empirical data with support to our theoretical frame of reference, is the current highly important organizational related value of constant high result quality (well-functional technological aspect), and the value enhancer by a low price; the strategy of bundling also results in higher value. This result in customer related values that perceives as safeness, availableness and convenience. The brands are a significant source of customer related values with identity value, image value and assuredness. A continued advancement in process quality and individualization will imply greater customer related values of closeness, freedom and flexibility. .

Olika modellering av vårdprocesser utifrån metaforiska perspektiv : ? Skapar det nya drivkrafter för processutveckling?

The study was conducted in Jönköping County Chamber of fibrillation and is about change and improvement of process modeling technology. The process for treating patients with fibrillation is in the need to evolve and improve. In order to develop the care they needed a current state description which usually is made with the traditional process modeling tool.Many scientists and health professionals is in the opinion that this technology gives a too rigid image to describe the care processes. It also does not sufficiently take into account the human aspects. This reasoning suggests that the process modeling technology in healthcare is in the need to develop multiple perspectives.

Arbetsrelaterad stress hos fastighetsmäklare : En analys av i vilken utsträckning olika variabler är stressande i fastighetsmäklaryrket

I vårt arbete har vi analyserat vilka variabler som är mer eller mindre stressande i yrket som fastighetsmäklare. De variabler vi valt att undersöka är faktorer inneboende i arbetet, roll i organisationen, karriärutveckling, relationer på arbetet, organisationsstruktur och klimat samt utomorganisatoriska källor till stress. Sammanlagt medverkade 426 fastighetsmäklare från 8 olika fastighetsmäklarföretag i en enkätundersökning. Resultaten har sedan analyserats med hjälp av ett flertal olika statistiska analyser. Resultatet från undersökningen innebär en revision av de tidigare sex variablerna till fyra nya: organisationsklimat, ansvar, tid och händelser i livet.

Kvinnlig chef i byggbranchen : faktorer som utgör hinder till avancemang

Background: Studies that have been made in male-dominated organisations shows that only few women have succeeded in advancing to the higher positions in all businesses. Statistics shows that merely 4 % of the managers in all building companies are female. The manager role has earlier always been classified as most suitable for men resulting in barriers for women who strive for management positions. This problem is now very renowned and is called the glass ceiling. To improve the current situation, both the organization's structure and culture, have to be modernized for more women to succeed and get the courage to get into the industry.

Hur påverkas arbetsengagemanget av konflikten mellan arbete/familj och arbetsmiljön hos de anställda? : Undersökning av fängelsepersonal

Arbetet i ett fängelse är annorlunda mot de flesta andra arbetsplatser. Det är en isolerad arbetsplats med lite insyn från det övriga samhället, samt i hög grad styrt av lagar och förordningar. Det framgick i forskning att fängelseanställda har högre arbetsengagemang då de upplever sin arbetsplats som rättvis, och då de får stöd från arbetsledare. Studien ämnade undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan konflikten mellan arbete och familj och arbetsengagemang, samt om det fanns samband mellan arbetsmiljö (rättvisa, kontroll i arbetet och arbetsbörda) och arbetsengagemang. Undersökningen hade en svarsfrekvens på 15 % vilket påverkade studiens tillförlitlighet.

Ungdomars attityder till rättsprocessen

Ungdomar är den mest brottsutsatta gruppen i samhället och många av de brott som begås av ungdomar kommer aldrig till polisens vetskap. Det finns en kunskapslucka när det gäller anledningar att vittna och anmäla brott. Detta för att få en tydligare bild av ungdomars synpunkter på att anmäla brott och syftet i denna studie var därför ungdomar benägenhet/attityd till att vittna och anmäla brott. Studien gjordes i form av en kvalitativ intervjustudie, där 15 gymnasie elever i åldrarna 16-18 år varav nio manliga och sex kvinnliga från två olika skolor deltog. Resultatet visar att erfarenheter, förtroendet för rättsväsendet och rädsla är bidragande faktorer i beslut om man ska kontakta eller samarbeta med polisen.

Alldeles för byråkratisk? : En studie av Djurskyddsmyndighetens organisation

The purpose of this essay is to describe the organization of the Swedish Animal WelfareAgency during the time it was in operation. The Swedish Animal Welfare Agency was established in 2005 by the government who saw it as necessary in order to strengthen the protection of cruelty to animals in Sweden. However, the agency was shut down already in2007 and its responsibilities as an agency was moved back to the government and the department of agriculture. During its time in operation, the Swedish Animal Welfare Agency, received much criticism, among other things because of its interpretations of the law which were seen as too focused on details and thus ?bureaucratic?.

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