

9048 Uppsatser om Organization and personnel management - Sida 49 av 604

Projektdokumentation : Kritiska framgångsfaktorer

Projects of all kinds generate documentation that needs to be organized and stored for future use. Well adapted tools, together with a unified modus operandi need to be available for both the project members and those having a more organizing role if an organization is to be effective.A study of the tools available to project members at Svenska Kraftnät have been performed along with an analysis of the guidelines for the tools' usage. The study has focused on the needs of the project members, not the organization as a whole, thus providing a bottom-up approach to the problem instead of the more organizational top-down approach. Interviews of around 20 project members, whose roles include project leaders, technical experts and documentation supervisors, have been conducted to get an idea of the practical problems that exists.All systems, except for a local network storage device, were found to at least meet Svenska Kraftnät's current demands. The usage guidelines, however, covers only the general process that a project should follow and lacks detailed information on a per system level in several areas.

Vinnarna: Åtta framgångsrika HR-chefer om identitet, strategi, och framtid i en skeptisk omgivning

The purpose of this essay is to examine Swedish HR-managers who have either received, or been nominated for, the award ?HR-manager of the Year?. We investigate the managers? personalities, how they think about their own role and HR?s function in the organization, all in an environment that can be characterized by some skepticism towards HR. We find the HR-managers to be ?winners?; strong individuals that are confident, communicative, and driven.

ABC-baserad kostnads kalkyl

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Competitive Intelligence - A necessary complement to the Balanced Scorecard?

The BSC is a widely used management tool that is turning the vision and strategy into operational goals. However, after analyzing the criticism received by the BSC, it seems as if its internal focus, rigidity, static-ism and mechanical mindset limits the company?s ability to create a strategy that takes important external factors into account. As we see it, the BSC?s limitations can create a risk for strategic inertia.

Fra?n vilja till genomfo?rande - Fo?ra?ndringar i arbetet med va?ld i na?ra relationer inom en stadsdelsfo?rvaltning

The aim of the study was to examine prerequisites for the changes that are taking place within working with Intimate Partner Violence in Va?stra Hisingen (a municipal district in Gothenburg, Sweden). My research questions concerned incentives for the new features, their practical consequences and prerequisites for implementation. The study has been performed by three focus group interviews with different parts of the organization represented. The work material has then been analyzed using Implementation Theory, Human Service Organization Theory and theories on breaking up.

Implementeringsprocessen av etiska riktlinjer : En kvalitativ studie av den svenska försäkringsbranschen

Level:This is a final thesis for a bachelor degree in Business Administration. The thesis is orientedin the field of marketing and written at the University of Gavle.Authors:Caroline Gustafsson & Caroline Tell LjungbergDate:May 2014Tutors:Lars-Johan Åge, Jonas Molin & Jens Eklinder-FrickTitle:The implementation process of ethical guidelines ? A qualitative study of the Swedishinsurance industryPurpose:The aim of this study is to create an understanding of different approaches to design andimplement organizational guidelines / codes to help the employees to behave ethically and deal withethical dilemmas.Method:By starting from the study's aim, it was appropriate to use a qualitative approach toconducting the survey. The study's empirical study consisted of semi-structured interviews. Weinterviewed ten companies in the Swedish insurance industry.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av arbetsrelaterad stressoch faktorer som bidrar till arbetsrelaterad stress : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Long-term stress can lead to reduced health among nurses which can result in impaired quality of care. Stress in nurses' work needs to be studied in order to prevent stress and impaired quality of care. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experience of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress. Method: The method used was a literature review. Results: The analysis resulted in five themes which describe nurses' experiences of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress.

Kvinnor som brandmän : En studie om jämställdhet på Gästrike Räddningstjänst

Aim: Preferential treatment and allocation of quotes according to sex are two current concepts due to the increasing demand for equality. One organization that may use preferential treatment is the fire department. This is why we chose it as a starting point for our study. The aim with this essay is to investigate how Gästrike Räddningstjänst can create a more equal organization.Method: We have interviewed eight employees and prepared questions for each one. This represents a qualitative method.

Risk Management for commodity consumers -A study of the Airline industry-

The aim of this study is two folded. We wish to investigate if there is a value premium from hedging jet fuel exposure for American and European airlines. We also seek to answer if airlines can affect their probability to default by using Risk Management. During the period 2003 ? 2006 there existed a value premium for airlines that hedged their expected future consumption of jet fuel.

Performance Management i svenska företag

Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga hur Performance Management-system praktiseras inom svenska organisationer. Med utgångspunkt ur de teorier och modeller som återfinns i litteraturen ska sedan resultatet analyseras. Samtliga av de undersökta industrikoncernerna har tagit till sig PM-synsättet och praktiserar det i någon mån. Skälen till detta benämns vara att verktygen i större grad än annars kan få hela företaget att uppnå gemensam fokus på företagens målsättningar. Hur detta senare visar sig i hur företaget faktiskt jobbar finns det, en del att vara ifrågasättande emot.

pm3-revision : En välgrundad metodutveckling av metod för revision av förvaltningsstyrning

In the field of maintenance management there are but a few models an organization can use. The one model that has risen to the status of being the de facto standard in Sweden is pm3(på maintenance management model). The aim of this study is to lay the groundwork for a new method of evaluate the use of pm3within organizations. Today there is no uniform way of performing such an evaluation, which is necessary in order to diagnose the performance of the systems maintenance organizations.In the process of creating our own method for performing this kind of pm3audit, we further developed the ideas from a study by Lagsten & Nordström (2013) that was performed at the county Region Skåne. The authors of that study had developed ideas about using method rationale as a basis of creating a method for pm3auditing.

Cash Management : en studie av netting som verktyg vid likviditetshantering

Background: Liquidity and the management of liquidity are of great importance for companies. Cash management is not a new term, but the need for it has increased recently, for one thing because of the internationalisation and growing harmonisation between the countries in Europe. Netting is a cash management technique, where receivables and liabilities are netted. This technique can be used to release capital and increase the company?s cash flow by reducing the number of transactions in the internal payment system.

Design Management för Remote Control Sweden AB

This Degree Project is a cooperativ work with the advertising agency PAX in Falun and the industrial companyRemote Control, who constructs and sells actuators for the global market.The assignment concerns bringing out a graphic profile, or with another expression a Design Management, forRemote Control AB graphic materials. Remote Control AB has a quality certification ISO 9000 and is workingwith, when this report was wrote, an environment certification ISO 14001.The Company has been paid attention to Internet and other media.The supervisors are familiar to that Design Management is a soon coming competition element, like quality andenvironment management.This Degree project contains research, analysis and the construction of graphic material. The research has beencommitted most of the time to trace the customer, the market and the competitor, because its the most importantphase. It?s also important looking at competitor?s way of working with marketing management, so you can separatethem from the own company..

EARNINGS MANAGEMENT : En studie om förekomsten av resultatmanipulering i svenska börsföretag före och efter införandet av IFRS/IAS

Denna studie fokuserar på effekten av IFRS/IAS på earnings management. Huvudsyftet är att identifiera earnings management före och efter införandet av IFRS/IAS för att klargöra om de internationella redovisningsstandarderna har påverkat förekomsten av resultatmanipulering inom svenska börsbolag. Perioden som studeras är åren 2002-2008. För att identifiera earnings management används den modifierade Jones-modellen som går ut på att detektera förekomsten av godtyckliga periodiseringar som ett mått på resultatmanipulering. Vi kontrollerar även för om variablerna storlek och bransch kan förklara förekomsten av företeelsen före och efter införandet av IFRS/IAS.


Följande rapport ingår som en del av managementprogrammet på magisternivå inom ämnet företagsekonomi på Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds Universitet. Rapporten innehåller reflektioner och kunskaper utifrån de praktiska erfarenheter vi fått under det projekt vi genomfört åt Sparbanken Finn kopplat till teori inom företagsekonomi. Projektarbetet på Sparbanken Finn innebar en kartläggning och analys av 14 skandinaviska banker med fokus på dessa bankers fundingstrategi. Vi vill även med denna rapport förmedla vår definition av management genom att åskådliggöra denna i en modell. De managementaspekter som presenteras i modellen är styrning, ledning, utveckling och situationsanpassning.

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