

532 Uppsatser om Organ procurement - Sida 6 av 36

Offentlig Upphandling ? Hur priset påverkar

Då den svenska offentliga sektorn handlar kontorsmaterial, idrottsarenor, tjänster eller andra former av inköp hamnar detta under benämningen offentlig upphandling. Den totala summan av offentlig upphandling i Sverige uppskattas överstiga 500 miljarder svenska kronor årligen. När en offentlig upphandling skall genomföras skapas ett förfrågningsmaterial från upphandlaren genom vilket leverantörer får lämna anbud om att kunna slutföra det kontrakt som erbjuds. När anbuden kommer in är det upphandlarens uppgifter att avgöra vilket anbud som är det mest fördelaktiga, detta genom att väga olika faktorer emot varandra. Denna studie undersöker ifall faktorn pris prioriteras i denna beslutsfattande situation från upphandlaren.

Gröna backar

The transformation within the swedish infrastructure has been a slow process from thebeginning of time. For almost a decade, the traditional form of contracting regardingbuildings and foremost infrastructure has evolved contracting involving the owner to definethe outcome of the product, regardless involvement from the supposed contractor. As forthe swedish market, the traditional design-bid-build (DBB) have been the primary choice ofcontracting. Although changes have been made over time regarding contracting formswithin the road administration, the railway sector has not improved or justified changesregarding choice of contracting, they have conducted same contracting relationshipsbetween them and the contractor.This bachelor thesis, conducted at the Swedish railway administration with supervision ofprofessor Kristian Widén at Lunds University, explores the forces behind the new era ofcontracting within the railway administration. This bachelor thesis focuses mainly oncontracting regarding design-build-operate-main (DBOM), the new contracting formulabetween the owner and the contractor.

Minskad stråldos till känsliga organ genom PA projektion vid konventionell röntgen

Röntgensjuksköterskans kompetensområde radiografi är under kontinuerlig utveckling där röntgensjuksköterskan har en viktig roll i att försöka möta patientens behov samtidigt som ansvaret ligger i att få en bild av tillräckligt kvalité med minimerad stråldos. Joniserad strålning medför en risk för stokastiska effekter vilket är ett argument för att optimera stråldos vid röntgenundersökningar. Olika projektioner påverkar hur strålningen fördelas i kroppen och vilka organ som erhåller en högre stråldos. Därför är det lämpligt att studera vilka projektioner som minimerar stråldos vid konventionella röntgenundersökningar. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att sammanställa kunskap om hur absorberad samt effektiv dos kan variera beroende på hur projektionsvinkeln är under konventionella röntgenundersökningar.

Funktionsentreprenader inom Järnväg - möjligheter och hinder

The transformation within the swedish infrastructure has been a slow process from thebeginning of time. For almost a decade, the traditional form of contracting regardingbuildings and foremost infrastructure has evolved contracting involving the owner to definethe outcome of the product, regardless involvement from the supposed contractor. As forthe swedish market, the traditional design-bid-build (DBB) have been the primary choice ofcontracting. Although changes have been made over time regarding contracting formswithin the road administration, the railway sector has not improved or justified changesregarding choice of contracting, they have conducted same contracting relationshipsbetween them and the contractor.This bachelor thesis, conducted at the Swedish railway administration with supervision ofprofessor Kristian Widén at Lunds University, explores the forces behind the new era ofcontracting within the railway administration. This bachelor thesis focuses mainly oncontracting regarding design-build-operate-main (DBOM), the new contracting formulabetween the owner and the contractor.

Kommunikationen av ett internationellt varumärke -En studie om IKEA

The transformation within the swedish infrastructure has been a slow process from thebeginning of time. For almost a decade, the traditional form of contracting regardingbuildings and foremost infrastructure has evolved contracting involving the owner to definethe outcome of the product, regardless involvement from the supposed contractor. As forthe swedish market, the traditional design-bid-build (DBB) have been the primary choice ofcontracting. Although changes have been made over time regarding contracting formswithin the road administration, the railway sector has not improved or justified changesregarding choice of contracting, they have conducted same contracting relationshipsbetween them and the contractor.This bachelor thesis, conducted at the Swedish railway administration with supervision ofprofessor Kristian Widén at Lunds University, explores the forces behind the new era ofcontracting within the railway administration. This bachelor thesis focuses mainly oncontracting regarding design-build-operate-main (DBOM), the new contracting formulabetween the owner and the contractor.

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av mötet med närstående till organdonator - En kvalitativ Intervjustudie

Bakgrund Idag väntar många Svenska medborgare på ett eller flera nya organ. Organ doneras av personer som har avlidit i total hjärninfarkt. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna vårdar både organdonator och närstående till organdonator. Mötet mellan närstående och intensivvårdssjuksköterskan är ett mycket speciellt möte då de närstående är i en sorg- och krissituation. Syftet är att beskriva intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av mötet med närstående till patienter som avlidit akut och som blivit organdonatorer.

Förutsättningar för hantering av kemikalierisker i förskolor : En fallstudie av Haninge kommun

Goods that children come in contact with on a daily basis for example toys, electronics, textiles, household items, have attracted an increased attention in recent years because of a common occurrence of residues of potentially hazardous chemical substances. Some municipalities in Stockholm have developed plans for managing chemical risks and work systematically to phase out products containing hazardous substances. This thesis aims to contribute to an improved knowledge base for any future work with non-toxic nursery schools in Haninge. The study's focus is on the challenges encountered by conditions and problems of preschool personnel to manage chemical risks in early childhood environments. Primary data was collected through a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with both the preschool staff and practitioners working in the central organization of the municipality.

Belöningssystem inom den kommunala grundskolan - belöningssystem som motivationsfaktor och styrmedel

The transformation within the swedish infrastructure has been a slow process from thebeginning of time. For almost a decade, the traditional form of contracting regardingbuildings and foremost infrastructure has evolved contracting involving the owner to definethe outcome of the product, regardless involvement from the supposed contractor. As forthe swedish market, the traditional design-bid-build (DBB) have been the primary choice ofcontracting. Although changes have been made over time regarding contracting formswithin the road administration, the railway sector has not improved or justified changesregarding choice of contracting, they have conducted same contracting relationshipsbetween them and the contractor.This bachelor thesis, conducted at the Swedish railway administration with supervision ofprofessor Kristian Widén at Lunds University, explores the forces behind the new era ofcontracting within the railway administration. This bachelor thesis focuses mainly oncontracting regarding design-build-operate-main (DBOM), the new contracting formulabetween the owner and the contractor.

Hur kan statliga myndigheter lyckas med sina IT-satsningar? : Dialogseminarier med beställarorganisationer

Varför misslyckas statliga myndigheter så ofta med sina IT-satsningar och vad kan man göra åt detta? Att IT-investeringar som görs av våra myndigheter inte ger önskade nyttoeffekter i verksamheten, innebär en stor kostnad för samhället. Tidigare forskning visar att det är vanligt att man utvecklar IT-stöd utan att först utreda vad organisationen egentligen vill uppnå med dem.Huvudfrågan i detta examensarbete är hur man kan förbättra myndigheters IT-beställningsprocess. I en seminarieserie delar åtta personer, med sig av sina erfarenheter, genom dialogseminariemetodiken. De är alla involverade i beställningsprocessen, på olika statliga myndigheter.Vi kan, i enlighet med tidigare studier, konstatera att för att kunna grunda sina IT-beställningar på de behov som verksamheten och användarna har, så måste den som är beställare ta reda på vilka dessa behov är, redan i förarbetet till beställningen.

Drivkrafterna bakom sveriges moderna helikopteranskaffningar och avvecklingar

This thesis addresses the driving forces behind the Swedish state?s procurement of Helicopters 14 and 16 and the decommissioning of Helicopter 4. These actions have significantly affected the Swedish Armed Forces, especially the Helicopter Wing, in carrying out their operational tasks. On numerous occasions the Helicopter Wing has been unable to perform its tasks. For instance, the Nordic Battle Group 08 had no helicopters to exercise with and, until recently, Sweden had completely lacked the ability to hunt submarines with helicopters for almost ten years.This thesis also aims to compare the decisions in 1999-2000 regarding Helicopter 14 with the decisions in 2010-2011 regarding the acquisition of Helicopter 16, to find if there is a general trend and how much the Armed Forces were able to influence decisions.

Synen på värdering av Itsystem. En kvalitativ studie av IT-investeringar i fyra kommuner i Västra Götaland

When a municipality is about to realize an IT investment, e.g. an economy system, theywill need to do procurement according to the laws of procurements. To perform suchprocurement takes time and energy from the everyday work at the municipalities, andtherefore they want to make a quick and efficient procurement. Unfortunately it showsthat municipalities do not always make an assessment that is sufficient enough for theirneeds, which can result in an inefficient system in a longer perspective. Municipalitiesthink more often about the hard values such as costs of the investments, and not alwaysas much when it comes to the soft values, like the user-friendliness.

Utvärdering av upphandlade äldreboenden

The aim of this study was to understand how evaluations are implemented and used in procured nursing homes for elderly. Our methodological approach consisted of a single-case study research. The case in this study was Växjö municipality. Three procured nursing homes for elderly were chosen in the municipality as examples of implementation and use of evaluation. The method for retrieving empirical data and the analyzing of it was based on triangulation.

Det rådande rättsläget rörande datalagring : I ljuset av EU-domstolens datalagringsdom

Art.39 är grindvakten som inleder kapitel VII i FN-stadgan och tröskeln vid vilken säkerhetsrådet går från att vara ett multilateralt organ till ett globalt verkställande organ. Konceptet ?threat to the peace? är det bredaste, otydligaste och viktigaste begreppet i art.39 FN-stadgan. Genom att framställa de centrala förutsättningarna för tillämpningen av art. 40-42, öppnar art.

Naturpedagogiskt läromedelFörskoleklass - År 3 : Filip upptäcker Rex, Inifrån!

Syftet med arbetet var att skapa en naturvetenskaplig faktabaserad sagobok  för barn.Vi ville göra detta eftersom vi ansåg att det behövs mer naturvetenskapliga läromedel anpassade för barn i yngr åldrar. Med denna bok var vår förhopp.

Kvarteret Flaggskepparen, Industriellt byggande för offentligt ägda bostäder -En fallstudie i samarbete med NCC Komponent och MKB

The primary focus of this Master thesis is to study how industrial house building can be implemented during production of rental flats under the terms of public procurement. In order to determine a suitable working process as well as presenting a possible architectonic result of the process, a case study is carried through.A housing projekt is designed on a site i Malmö, where the commisioner is MKB Fastighets AB and the contractor is NCC Komponent with the industrial building system NCC Komplett. The focus of the design is to accomplish high quality apartments to a resonable price, as well as solving the overall scheme for the site.The housing projekt, Kv. Flaggskepparen, built on the consept of a single house model, used to handle the entire site, shows that the building system is well suited to accomodate the commisioners demands.In order to reach the best possible architectonic result with the building system, cooperation initiatded in an early stage of the process is neccesary.A model is proposed to handle the situation under the terms of public procurement. The model suggest that the geometrical design is mainly carried out after inquiry and that architectonic qualities should mainly be defined in a non geometrial way for inquiry..

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