73 Uppsatser om Ordered Probit - Sida 2 av 5
Produktionslogistik, effektiviseringav materialhantering
Atlas Copco Tools is a world leading company in tool manufacturing. The productionin Tierp works hard to improve their assembly to maintain its position. This thesis isa part of their improvement efforts to be a more Lean production.The main focus for this thesis was to identify the material flow in the kanban system,which used to supply the assembly groups, focusing on the material flow to assemblygroup 9 and the assembly group 3. Group 3's material flow within the kanban systemwas perceived to perform better than the group 9. The handling of kanban materialand their working methods in the two groups was identify those differences whichaffected the kanban system.As an alternative material supply a study were done in kiting.
Varför uppstår budstrider - en studie av några faktorer
SYFTESyftet med denna studie är dels att undersöka vilken påverkan vissa faktorer har på budstrider, dels att undersöka om budstrider har någon effekt på budpremien. METODEn kvantitativ studie görs av 22 uppköpsobjekt på Stockholmsbörsen under perioden 1997-2007. Elva av objekten har varit föremål för budstrider, resterande objekt fungerar som en kontrollgrupp utan budstrider. Genom univariata analyser och en probitmodell försöker vi förklara fenomenet budstrider. TEORETISKA PERSPEKTIVVår teoretiska referensram bygger på tidigare forskning kring uppköp och förvärv samt artiklar relaterade till våra undersökningsvariabler.
Att leva med PCOS
Aim: To describe the lived experience of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Method: Eight scientific articles of appropriate quality were found, analyzed, condensed and synthesized. Different experiences by women with PCOS were found and ordered into themes. The findings were then anchored in associated literature and discussed. Results: Four different themes were found: Feeling different; Disturbing symptoms; Searching for answers; Care treatment.
Konstruktivt med konst: Hur Konstbiblioteket tillhandahåller tidningsartiklar och hur därmed sammanhängande problem kan lösas
The Art Library uses the newspaper cuttings archive to provide her customers with newspaperarticles about art. This archive has the following problems; there is little space left inthe paternoster lifts, the articles can only be found on keyword and to maintain the archive,much labour is required.This research aims to find out how the Art Library can provide her customers with newspaperarticles which will cost as little as possible.Six possible solutions are given. Out of these the solution with "Artikel-sok" was recommended.According to this solution the Art Library should no longer maintain the archive, butuse "Artikel-sok", a database from Bibliotekstjänst which contains descriptions of articlesfrom many Swedish newspapers and magazines. These articles can be ordered from Bibliotekstjänst.The old newspaper cuttings archive will be used for articles from before 1979,because these are not being taken up in the "Artikel-sok"..
Algoritmer för objektdetektering i SAR och IR-bilder
The first part of the thesis consists of a brief introduction to the general principles of target detection and the sensor-systems used. In the following part there is a theoretical description of the algorithms this thesis focuses on. The detection algorithms described in this paper are called Cell Average, Ordered Statistics, 2parameter and Gammadetector. Two different discriminators called Extended Fractal Features and Quadratic Gamma Discriminator are also described. The algorithms are tested on three different types of data, simulated SAR-pictures, authentic SAR-targets and IR-pictures.
Konstruktiv utformning av vikplog
This project is about investigation and improvement of a V-plow for the company Swekip. A V- plow is used for snow removal but this product has been found to have deficiencies in its construction, breaking down and not living up to the desired objectives. This is because the product is ordered from a company in China where they have some problems with understanding the purpose of the plow.Initially the existing plow is investigated, all the shortcomings set out and examined, what is wrong and what needs improvement?When the solutions were done they were evaluated and examined that they actually live up to the desired requirements.This assignment is a pure construction project where the majority is implemented in CAD, where models are developed and FE analyses are carried out. But the project also includes a feasibility study, idea study and hydraulic design.The results are presented in the form of a CAD model and associated drawings that will serve as the manufacturing basis for the new V-plow.
Under vilka betingelser vinner stater mellanstatliga krig?
Det finns en uppfattning att antalet stater i en koalition har en negativ inverkan påsannolikheten för seger i krig. Flera författare beskriver de koordinations- ochinteroperabilitetsproblem som finns mellan stater i en koalition. Interoperabilitetbeskrivs som nyckeln till framtida krigföring. Denna uppsats bedömer dettapåstående genom att med en statistisk metod undersöka problemet. Syftet meduppsatsen är att med utgångspunkt från en teoretisk diskussion kvantitativtundersöka huruvida antalet stater utgör en betingelse för seger i ett krig.
Demokratins gränser. Ett liberalt alternativ till påverkanprincipen
What every theory of democracy has in common is a reference to ?a people? who are, in one way or another, collectively self-governing. Given that, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the so called boundary problem of democratic theory, or, in other words, the question of who should be included in the democratic community. Lately, the historically given boundaries have been questioned in favour of a cosmopolitan democracy. Still, little has been said about the boundary problem in general, especially from a theoretical point of view.
Fortkörning - en inkomstfråga? : En studie utav inkomstens påverkan på benägenheten att köra för fort
The purpose of the thesis is to investigate whether a higher income make individuals more likely to exceed the speed limit. In addition to income the variables age, sex, perception of the speed of the average driver and offense history for the last three years are taken into account.The method used is based on a survey performed at the mandatory annual motor-vehicle inspection (Bilprovningen). 177 individuals were asked to participate, of these, 124 completed the survey which in turn left us with 117 usable observations.The analysis is based on two forms of regression, a linear regression and an ordered logit regression to confirm the results for the ordinal data.The final model indicates a result where income and age are statistically significant. Sex is considered insignificant for our data material and is excluded from the model. Age has a negative effect on the propensity to exceed the speed limit while income has a positive effect.
Invandring - vinst eller förlust för kommunerna? : En studie om sambanden mellan kommunernas offentliga finanser och invandring
Enligt nationalekonomisk teori borde invandring ha en positiv nettoeffekt på mottagarlandets välfärdssystem. Det beror på att invandrarbefolkningen ofta har en mer fördelaktig åldersfördelning är den infödda befolkningen, med en högre andel personer i arbetsför ålder. Tidigare studier har visat att Sveriges nuvarande invandrarbefolkning bidrar med en negativ nettoeffekt, dvs. att invandrarbefolkningen kostar staten mer än vad den ger. Till skillnad från tidigare studier fokuserar denna uppsats på invandringen och de offentliga finanserna på lokal nivå.
Vilka möjliga faktorer ligger bakom individernas varierande pensionsålder?
Fewer and fewer people from the age of 60 and upward are still in the working life according to a working survey from Central Bureau of Statistics. Only one of twenty can consider retiring after an age of 65. According to another survey that National Insurance Administration put through year 2000, just about 40 % of the working population desires to finish working before an age of 65. This trend towards lower seceding age seems to continue. There are number of factors that seem for lower retirement age and others for a higher retirement age that we prove in our study.
Politiska mord- en rättfärdig strategi i kriget mot terrorismen?
After the 9/11 attack the United States declared war against terrorism, which launched a conflict between indefinable transnational networks and states. In this war it became clear that the strategies used in traditional wars between states were not sufficient. New strategies have been discussed, but without any concrete results.In this thesis assassinations of terrorist leaders ordered by states is being presented as a possible strategy in the war against terrorism. Assassinations have been used in all times to shift political power but is today not morally accepted. This thesis aims to show that when used under the premisses of the just war theory, the strategy can be equally morally justified as any traditional war.
Sprickor i planeringen. Ett utforskande mönsterarbete om en storstad
The goal with my project was to explore what it is that distinguishes Berlin as a city and then translate that into abstract patterns. The patterns are made for wallpaper and are presented in a book as a collection.After spending six months almost constantly abroad visiting many different citys I began to wonder what it is that makes a city unique. Sometimes it feels as though cities are reduced to the sum of their famous sights. But of course a city is more than that. It?s the people who live in it, the history, architecture and culture.
Misslyckade IT-projekt : Vilken fas i systemutvecklingens livscykel är mest bidragande
Many IT projects that have been developed in recent years are often considered to be unsuccessful. According to a study by Exido up to the 72% of all IT projects are considered to be failed. A failed IT projects means that the organizations that have ordered the new system may have higher costs or/and the system will not be ready in time. If costs are too high the new system might not be installed in the organization or if the system is not completed within the specified time frame the organization can become stagnant.In this paper we conduct an investigation of the failure of IT projects there we will examine where, in the systems development lifecycle four different phases, projects fail. We will conduct an empirical study of each phase, where we describe the key steps in the process; we will also investigate failed IT projects that are linked to the current phase.
Energikartläggning av förskola med förslag till energitekniska förbättringar
Konsumentens miljömedvetenhet ökar. Kakao är en råvara vars produktion har kantats av dåliga arbetsförhållanden och användning av kemiska bekämpningsmedel. Rättvise och Krav är två märkningar som ska garantera goda arbetsförhållanden och miljövänlig odling. Med märkningen kommer ofta en merkostnad. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur mycket konsumenten är villig att betala för detta.