

24650 Uppsatser om Order and study environment - Sida 21 av 1644

Bristfällig tillbudsrapportering : En sammanställning av attityder och kunskap kring tillbud inom Peab

The construction industry stands as one of the industries in Sweden where most employees tend to encounter accidents. At the same time, the Swedish authority of work environment estimates that there are large numbers of hidden statistics with accidents and incidents that never gets reported. To prevent accidents, the Swedish authority of work environment has decided that every company have to, beside report every accident and major incident to the authority of work environment, keep statistics and evaluate every incident that happens at their places of work.The people responsible for work environment at the Swedish building contractor Peab, believe that it is only a fraction of all incidents happening at their construction sites that actually gets reported. The purpose of this study is to investigate the reason why employees of Peab do not report incidents. By an inquiry and interviews with both craftsmen and office holders at Peab Bygg Öst 1, the employees? attitudes and knowledge have been studied and evaluated.The study shows that the craftsmen´s knowledge of incidents is relatively low.

Arbetsmiljö - En jämförelse mellan svensk och dansk lagstiftning

The purpose with this essay is to give the reader an insight into and to describe the Danish Work Environment Act in its current wording and then compare it with the Swedish Work Environment Act. The first part of the essay describes the Work Environment Act and after that I compare with the Swedish Work Environment Act. At the end of the essay I will give my own thoughts of the result of this essay. I have chosen not to describe some of the chapters of the Act, for example the chapter about technical means and materials, because of the less importance for this essay and of my own interest. I have also chosen not to make mention of individual professions.

Utfasning av farliga kemikalier - Vid Banverket och Vägverket

Large quantities of chemicals are used in all areas of society. The chemicals can be toxic and dangerous for the environment if used incorrectly. To protect people and the environment from dangerous chemicals, a good control of them and an active work to phase out hazardous substances in all areas where chemicals are present, are needed. Banverket and Vägverket handle in production a wide range of chemical products. Many of the products are dangerous to the environment, for those who work with them and to others who may come into contact with them.

Koncentrationssvårigheter  : En intervjustudie med lärare verksamma i skolår 4-6

Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers in primary school reason about and problematize the phenomenon of concentration difficulties. I want to know what the teachers think characterizes concentration difficulties, the situations in which difficulties creates the most problems, and whether the teachers think that these difficulties solely depend on external factors. To examine this, I chose to do interviews with three teachers in years four to six. I have completed parts of my work with my colleague Elin Preisz. We have used the same purpose and issues in our studies, although Elin has interviewed teachers in preschool. With this we want to be able to compare the reasoning between teachers at different stages in school. The results of my study shows that the interviewees think that it is hard to describe what characterizes the problems in concentration difficulties because the problems is very individual.

Kvalitetssäkring vid arbete med fukt i virke

There are many factors in a building project that has to collaborate with one another in order to reach the desired end result, how you work with moisture issues in timber is a very important one. While constructing Varbergs Hospital, the building company Skanska came in contact with the issue of extra high demands on the moisture content in timber. What they requested from us was a moisture program in which you clearly could follow the routines regarding work with moisture in timber. The aim is to use this program as a help during the work, in order to achieve a good result.We have developed this study in addition to the moisture program. The aim is that this study will give you a deeper understanding of the important factors to consider.

På rätt spår i en osäker miljö? : En fallstudie av Banverket Telenät

Background: Today, the environment of a company is characterized by quick changes like leaps of technology and market shifts. The problem is how this turbulent environment and an uncertain future affect how a company creates strategies and how its structure is adapted. Can a certain choice of strategies or a certain structure be a way of dealing with an changing environment? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore if and how Banverket Telenät, as an example of a company in a turbulent business like the Swedish telecom industry, tries to deal with an uncertain future through strategy and structure. Procedure: We have carried through a qualitative case study with interviews and gathering of additional information concerning the business.

Om samspel och gruppklimat i arbetsgruppen : En kvalitativ studie om samspelets och gruppklimatets betydelse för arbetsgruppens gemensamma psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The purpose of this paper is to identify significant factors of influence for the co-existence and team climate within working groups, and to examine their impact on the psychosocial work environment within a group. Team climate and interaction affect every individual in a group. The manager, however, is the one formally accountable for the psychosocial climate in a working group, which is the reason why this study uses the management perspective.As an introduction to the empiric study, an overview of the existing literature within the field was made. A qualitative method is used and the empiric data is based on semi-structured interviews. The study comprises six interviews with department managers within the Social Services in the City Council of Stockholm.

Attributens påverkan vid val av smartphone : en konsumentbeteendeundersökning av svenska forumanvändare utifrån means-end chain

Building with volume element is relatively new and has started to increase more and more. The regulations that exist to regulate and determine how the transports of volume elements are to be conducted are diffuse and not very well adjusted to address the issues with transporting volume elements. Today there are a number of instances that a company has to turn to in order to get a somewhat different view, what regulations say and interpret it in order to know what applies and not applies regarding the transportation of volume elements. regulations. The rules that are in place make it tough for the volume element producing companies to develop and continue to be active on the market.

En arbetsmiljöutredning för yrkeschaufförer hos Schenker Åkeri AB i Halmstad

The project has been done in cooperation with Schenker Åkeri AB in Sweden, Halmstad. Theproject is based on an inspection made by Arbetsmiljöverket, where they found minorshortcomings with distribution of goods for the employees. The project is an investigation ofthe drivers? working environment.Schenker Logistics is one of the world's leading providers of integrated logistics services.Schenker Åkeri AB is a subsidiary to Schenker Logistics and transports 2.4 million tons ofgoods yearly.The project started with a background study to evaluate drivers working environment. Wehave studied goods receptions, the working environment, strain injury and injury mechanisms.Methods used was observations, tests, questionnaire surveys and ergonomic andbiomechanical calculations.One result of the study is a working model, which gives recommendations for the maximumweight a driver should push and pull.

Lönekartläggning och handlingsplan : - en undersökning om det aktiva arbetet för jämställda löner

Swedens membership in the European Union have resulted in an internationalcharacterized labour market. The construction sector is the area who employs mostposted workers among the 7400 employees who monthly enters the market. It?s alsothe sector where a big part of the work-related deaths occurs. The purpose of this studyis therefore to contribute to a greater understanding of the regulation regarding postedworkers, their work environment and the consequences of it.

MATSVINN FÖRSVINN - En kvantitativ studie om hur ett CSR-argument kan involvera konsumenten i kampen mot matsvinn i butik

Every year 67000 tons of food is wasted by Swedish retail stores. The waste implies financial losses for the retailer and it has a huge impact on the global environment. Reducing in-store food waste is thus a win-win situation for both retailers and society. The most effective way to reduce waste is primarily by optimizing the logistics of supply, but customers expect a store with a wide range of products and stuffed shelves. Thus there will always be products about to expire.

Adoption av en kommunikationslösning : En kvalitativ studie

The modern workplace is dependent on effective communication in order for the employees to be able to execute their tasks. Despite this over half of the new communications-solutions that are inserted to handle an organizations communication needs fail. Therefore this study focuses on the adoption of communication-solutions in the context of the modern workplace. This with the intent of identifying factors that are central to the individuals? adoption of new communication-solutions.

WLAN : Oskyddad och okontrollerad datakommunikation

This master?s thesis investigates the technology and security awareness associated with wireless networks (WLAN). It has been stated by the media and theories that many wireless networks are unprotected. This has sparked an interest to investigate the phenomenon in the Jonkoping region. The study is based on the following research questions:- What security weaknesses are present with the WLAN-technology and how can these be avoided?- How does the wireless infrastructure in the Jonkoping region look like?- Why do companies implement the WLAN-technology?- Are the companies aware of the risks involved with WLAN?We conducted this study in three steps; the first step was to hack a wireless network in a controlled environment in order to investigate the weaknesses of the commonly used security measures.

Skolans utformning, ett hinder för lärares eget lärande? : En studie av den fysiska arbetsmiljöns påverkan på lärares eget lärande

This essay is written about how the physical environment affects teachers? own learning. The purpose is to see how the teachers? work is affected by various factors, such as the uses and placement of the teachers? offices, common room, or any other places where a meeting may occur. The survey was conducted using both interviews and observations of the teacher?s office.

GENERATION Y : Attrahera, behålla och leda i byggbranschen

Within the next ten years, the largest generationchange ever will take place in the Swedish constructionsector. The purpose of my study is to examine themajor differences between "Generation Y" and previousgenerations. This is done in order to find out how theNCC will attract the employees of the next generation,manage them at work and finally be able to keep theemployees that has been trained internally over alonger period of time.Previous research has been based on theories ofGeneration Y in general. It investigates the distinctivecharacteristics and qualities of the generation, andalso how their upbringing may have shaped them intowhat they are. Three respondent groups wereinterviewed: Engineer students of "Generation Y",officials at NCC belonging to "Generation Y" andmanagers at NCC.The results of the study show that "Generation Y"differs from previousgenerations, and how they differ.

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