83 Uppsatser om Orchestra musicians - Sida 4 av 6
String Theory : att spela jazz pa? harpa
This master thesis is about the production of the record ?Brutus? with the band ?Trilobit?. Trilobit consists of the three musicians, myself, Stina Hellberg Agback on pedal harp, Simon Sva?rd on guitar and Karl Jansson on drums.During the production, I have analyzed different aspects of my own musicality and also the role of the pedal harp in jazz. I have found techniques that have simplified chromatic movements on the pedal harp, and also techniques that has developed the rhythmical aspect of my improvisation.I have also looked into my process in improvising and composing and developed new aspects, many thanks to the close collaboration with Simon Sva?rd..
PASSIVA INFLUENSER ? En undersökning i hur en musikalisk förebild påverkar lyssnarens egna musicerande
By transcribing one drum solo recorded and performed by myself and another performed by Philly Jo Jones, a drummer I?ve heard and listened to through out my life, I try to find answers to the question: How much are we influenced by the music and the musicians we listen to?My experiment starts with me recording a improvised drum solo and then transcribing it. Then I found and transcribed a drumsolo by Philly Jo Jones that I had not heard before. The results of these experiments showed some interesting similarities between my own playing style and Philly Jo Jones and I learned a lot about what stuck with me from listening to him playing, and what didn?t..
Fredrik Erlandsson & his Orchestra. En konsert för storband och solist
Denna uppsats har för avsikt att utreda begreppet Just-In-Time (JIT) och dess komponenter för att sedan försöka finna dessa i den svenska lastbilstillverkaren Scanias produktionssystem. Litteratur har bidragit med en definition av JIT som sedan har jämförts med hur Scania arbetar inom produktionen. Empiri har erhållits genom intervjuer med berörd personal samt observationer på plats i Oskarshamn och i Södertälje.För japanerna är inte Just-In-Time-tänket en ny företeelse utan det är något de har arbetat efter en längre tid. Denna uppsats har valt att utgå från Jeffrey K. Likers (2004) definition i The Toyota Way.
Gregorius : Bengt Ohlssons roman Gregorius i dialog med Hjalmar Söderbergs Doktor Glas
This thesis is about the interaction between composition, notation and interpretation and what occurs between the fields with an extended notation.The purpose of my thesis is to examine the possibilities tothoroughly describe and map the sounding samples through composition prototypes.The thesis has a qualitative approach, and the empirical material consists of different documents about notation and from interviews with musicians and students about the instruments used in the thesis.It also consists of 17 compositions recorded at Örebro University School of Music as an appendix.The analysis shows that the context in which the symbols are found, play an important role in performing them. It also shows that the performers are rooted in a traditional way of performing..
Bartóks violakonsert : studier av olika utgåvor
This master thesis is about the production of the record ?Brutus? with the band ?Trilobit?. Trilobit consists of the three musicians, myself, Stina Hellberg Agback on pedal harp, Simon Sva?rd on guitar and Karl Jansson on drums.During the production, I have analyzed different aspects of my own musicality and also the role of the pedal harp in jazz. I have found techniques that have simplified chromatic movements on the pedal harp, and also techniques that has developed the rhythmical aspect of my improvisation.I have also looked into my process in improvising and composing and developed new aspects, many thanks to the close collaboration with Simon Sva?rd..
I strävan efter anti-estetik och musikalisk etik
In his master thesis, Johan Jutterström pursues an anti-aesthetic and ethic artistic process. He?s using mainly three different strategies; reasoning through text, composing for ensemble, and solo improvising on the saxophone. Through composing the piece for 12 musicians Trästolen, Jutterström tries to erase himself and his taste from the music. In that endeavor he looks to physics as a catalyst.
Att sjunga en fråga. En jämförelse av tre Query-by-Humming-system och deras användare.
The aim of this study was to compare the Query-by-Humming systems Midomi, Musicline and Tunebot regarding their retrieval effectiveness. The aim was to see if there were differences between the systems but also between the user groups common users, musicians and singers. Query-by-Humming system means that the user sings a tune that the system then use to find the right melody.To compare the systems and their users, queries where collected from the different user groups and replayed for the systems. Mean Reciprocal Rank and Friedman test was used to do the comparison.The results showed that the system did not achieve equivalent and that there were no difference between the user groups. The Mean Reciprocal Rank showed that the systems had very different retrieval effectiveness, where Midomi was the system with best result and Musicline with the lowest result..
I huvudet på en kompositör : Den kreativa processen i handling och tanke
Thesis in Musicology and Artistic Practice by Anders Soldh. Part of the work for the master?s degree. Studies from School of Music, Theatre and Art, University of O?rebro, 2007.
Formtoppning : Kan brassmusiker lära sig något av idrottare i fråga om förberedelser?
I denna undersökning har jag undersökt idrottares och brassmusikers förberedelser inför prestationstillfällen, d.v.s. konsert, provspelning respektive träning eller match.Min hypotes inför undersökningen var att brassmusiker skulle ha mycket att lära av idrottare som eventuellt har ett mer utvecklat metodiskt tänkande kring hur man förbereder sig fysiskt och mentalt för att kunna prestera med självförtroende på en hög och stabil nivå. Till viss del visade sig detta stämma men i vissa avseenden blev jag förvånad så väl över brassmusikernas medvetenhet som idrottarnas omedvetenhet.Min undersökning består i två enkäter varav den ena riktade sig till brassmusiker och den andra riktade sig till idrottare (utan någon specifikation när det gällde idrottsgren).Dessa enkäter var utformade så lika varandra som möjligt för att möjliggöra så korrekta jämförelser det gick trots de båda gruppernas uppenbara olikheter..
Accordeonets och dragspelets standardbas - Kombinerade ackord/grundbasar
The Stradella system on an accordeon is a complicated construction. It has readymade con-nected chords, these are major, minor, seventh and diminished seventh. To reach other vari-ants of chords you have to combine chord/bass buttons. Which advantages and disadvantages do the use of combined chords/bass buttons mean? How is the pedagogic work affected by using the combined chords/bass buttons? I have interviewed four musicians/teachers to learn about this technique.
Liszt och Alkan: Den virtuosa pianoetyden : Övningsstycke eller muterat monster?
Anders Rådén: Liszt & Alkan: the virtuoso piano study ? practice study or monstrous mutation? Uppsala: Musikvetenskap, 1998. C-uppsats (60 p).The purpose of this essay is to analyse a selection of studies by Franz Liszt (1811-1886) and Charles- Valentin Alkan (1813-1888). Can they be definedas practice studies, or are they reshaped in such a manner, as to establish a larger form reminiscent of the concert study? First of all, typical study characteristics of this time period are determined, then such characteristics are looked for in three of either Liszt's and Alkan's studies (from Douze grandes études S137 and Douze études dans les tons mineurs Op.
Nyckeln till den positiva spiralen - En studie av musikers syn på sitt övande
Title: The key to the positive spiral - A study of musicians views of their practicing. The purpose with this paper is to make clear how continuous practicing on one element affects not just the specific part but also other things. Is it possible to find a positive spiral where everything can be better if you focus your practicing on one thing? Can this element if it is done daily in a qualitative way transform to a key which will help you to unlock the door to the positive spiral? Are there more keys to find? I am going to reflect my ideas in this paper through a philosophical, psychological and the brain sciences perspective. Quality in action is going to be compared with the quality that you need to set a successful goal, and to reach the state of mind called flow you will need both these qualities.
"Vi är hiphop!" : En kvalitativ undersökning om Femtastic
Female musicians and actors are being disadvanteged in the music industry, because of standards that prevents women from participating on equal terms. Unequal distribution of resources and status depends on power structures which creates an hierarchy. This study is about how an organization, Femtastic, works for equality and diversity in the field of music, how they experience their positions and their possibilities. Also how they relate to the cultural policy objectives. Femtastic is trying to create a structural change in the male-dominated music industry.
"Hur känd kan jag bli på fem veckor?" : En studie om distribution av musik via Internet.
Internet and the digital channels for distribution have meant big changes for the musicindustry. The physical record that has been symbolising this market for a long time is slowlybeing replaced by digital based music. The technical progress during the last ten years has ledto a democratization of music production. The amateur musicians of today can produce highquality music on their laptops and later distribute it via free music sites. MySpace andYouTube are two of the biggest sites for this free distribution and is therefore my main choiseof study.The purpose of this essay was to find out how and if these changes have made a difference formusicians without a record deal to reach an audience by themselves.
Folkmusik på piano : En studie av tre folkmusikpianisters spelsätt och deras förhållningssätt till pianot som folkmusikinstrument
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att få en inblick i hur pianot används inom den svenska folkmusiken. Bakgrundskapitlet handlar om folkmusikgruppernas och instrumenteringens utveckling inom svensk folkmusik. Jag har intervjuat tre aktiva folkmusikpianister och lyssnat på och analyserat deras spel. Det följer även med en cd-skiva med ljudexempel från intervjutillfällena. Vi pratade om karaktärsdrag som de lyfter fram i spelet, om deras inställning till folkmusiktraditionen, pianots möjligheter och begränsningar samt vilken roll pianot har i den svenska folkmusiken.