

710 Uppsatser om Oral squamous cell carcinoma - Sida 30 av 48

Etiska aspekter av preimplantatorisk genetisk diagnostik och genterapi

The research in the field of biotechnology is rapidly developing all over the world. Modern biotechnology offers unique opportunities, simultaneously as it gives rise to a number of ethical issues. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), PGD/HLA (Human Leucocyte Antigen) and germline gene therapy (GLGT) are controversial techniques. PGD gives a possibility to identify a genetic disease prior to the embryo?s implantation in the uterus.

Vem tar hand om munnen? : Sjuksköterskor och patienters perspektiv på munhälsa

Munnen är en viktig del av kroppen, men trots det så blir den lätt skild från övriga kroppen och placerad i en egen kategori. Komplikationer kan uppstå om inte munvården sköts och därför är det viktigt att sjuksköterskan har kunskap om munhälsa. Hur människor uppfattar sin munhälsa är individuellt och kan ge bra underlag i omvårdnadsarbetet. Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskans och patientens syn på munhälsa och dess påverkan på välbefinnandet. Arbetet genomfördes som en litteraturstudie och 13 artiklar användes till resultatet.

Mastcellsfunktionen vid pyometra hos hund

Pyometra, chronic purulent metritis in metoestrus, is a common disease in intact bitches. About 25% of all bitches in Sweden have contracted the disease before ten years of age. Clinical signs of the disease are varied, and the course may be either slow or acute. The diagnosis is most commonly made by radiographical or ultrasonographical examination of the abdomen in combination with blood biochemical and hematological analyses. The safest and most efficient treatment of pyometra is surgical ovariohysterectomy.There is room for improvement of both diagnostic tools and possible prognostic indicators for pyometra.Mast cells are large leucocytes, with granule that contain inflammatory mediators.

Språk och status

Denna studie handlar om språk och statusskillnader mellan språken. Syftet var att ta reda på om flerspråkiga grundskoleelever upplever att deras olika språk har olika status. Undersökningen är deskriptiv till sin karaktär. Sex stycken respondenter från åk 9 blev intervjuade. Intervjun består av två delar en skriftlig del och en muntlig del.

Ho?gla?sning i skolan : En studie om hur tre la?gstadiela?rare arbetar med ho?gla?sning ? fo?resta?llningar och motiv

The aim of the study was to investigate how teachers work with reading aloud. The aim also included examining their ideas about and motives for reading aloud. The study consisted of interviews with three teachers at the lower level of compulsory school along with observation of one of these teachers during a reading aloud session. The interviewed teachers work at three different schools in the same geographical area.The analytical tools chosen for the study were the theories of Rosenblatt. The three basic skills that Damber et al.

FACEBOOK : En låtsasvärld?

Featured adjuvant chemotherapy treatment in women with breast cancer can lead to pain. The aim of this study was to explore, the variety of perceptions and impact of adjuvantchemotherapy-induced pain in daily life, of some women newly diagnosed with breast cancer.Inclusion criteria were participating in an ongoing stress management projectand chemotherapy of (anthracycline/taxan) in doses of 75mg² or more. Exclusioncriteria were inability to understand and communicate in Swedish and mentalillness. After ethical approval of the sub study in September 2010, women wereconsecutively included through oral and written request. Phenomenologicalapproach was used in the eight interviews and data analysis.

Munvård - prevention mot Ventilator Associerad Pneumoni (VAP) och faktorer som påverkar IVA-sjuksköterskans utförande - en integrativ litteraturstudie : Oral care - prevention against Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) and factors influencing ICU-nurse

Bakgrund: Det viktigaste för en god arbetsmiljö för anestesisjuksköterskor anses vara samarbetet med andra kollegor, men även möjlighet till personlig utveckling och utbildning. Är arbetsmiljön tillfredsställd ökar chansen för trivsel.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka aspekter som påverkar anestesisjuksköterskanspsykosociala arbetsmiljö.Metod: Studien genomfördes på ett sjukhus i mellersta Sverige under våren 2013, där nioanestesisjuksköterskor intervjuades. Insamlad data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: Ur intervjuerna framkom tre kategorier; betydelsen av en trivsam miljö, arbeta över professionsgränserna och tidspress. Det var viktigt att ha förståelse och att ha trevligt tillsammans med sina arbetskamrater. Att även kunna hjälpa varandra i arbetet ansågs betydelsefullt.

Konceptframtagning av pelletsförråd

This thesis work resulted in a template for how the thermal spray process can be controlled through robot programs. The robots today and their programs need to be replaced, therefore a new structure which can be matched with the new robot systems is needed. The work is limited to only concern structured programming on the new robots on Thermal Spray Centre (TC) with the programming language Rapid. The basic data for the program was retrieved from interviews with concerned personnel at TC, from studies on process parameters for thermal spray and from existing specifications at Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC). The thesis work briefly describes the process thermal spray and the four methods used at VAC.

Omhändertagande av barn med ätsvårigheter : En intervjustudie bland personal

Till följd av att allt fler barn sondmatas har även svårigheterna vid övergång till oralt ätande ökat. Omhändertagandet av dessa barn görs lämpligast i team med exempelvis logoped, dietist, sjuksköterska och läkare. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur omhändertagande av barn med ätsvårigheter ser ut med fokus på sondmatning. Datainsamling skedde genom en fokusgruppintervju med vårdpersonal som arbetar med barn med ätsvårigheter. Transkriptionen analyserades, baserad på Grounded Theory, genom meningskodning.

Katastrofbistånd - utifrån ett organisationsperspektiv

AbstractTime after time the world is struck by humanitarian catastrophes, whether it is through a war or a natural disaster. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to have a functional and effective aid, as it is a matter of life and death. Thereby the actions of the humanitarian aid organizations are interesting. The investigation treats the three specific organizations Star of Hope, Sida and the Red Cross movement and the process from decision to action in times of war. The organizations are different from one another in many areas.

Vad ligger till grund för användares relevansbedömningar?: En litteraturundersökning

The purpose of this thesis is to get an improved understanding of what the bases for relevance are, when people in real information need situations make relevance judgements. In order to meet this purpose, an investigation based on research literature is performed. Four types of relevance are investigated: topical or subject relevance, cognitive relevance or pertinence, situational relevance or utility, and socio-cognitive relevance. The investigation also deals with users relevance criteria identified in fourteen empirical studies, in which the users are adults and engaged in oral, textual, and multimedia information retrieval. Finally, the connections between the user criteria found and the types of relevance are discussed.

Det var en gång... : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers uppfattning om användandet av sagor i förskoleverksamheten

The purpose of this study is to find out how teachers work with fairytales in preschools raising several questions;How would the teachers describe the literary environment at the preschools? What does theory say about the literary environment?What type of fairytales do the teachers perceive that they work with? How does theory describe these fairytales?What is the underlying purpose for teachers working with fairytales? What purposes are described in theory?My study is based on qualitative interviews conducted with three teachers working in preschool in a small town. The study is based on hermeneutic theory.  I have also used other theory to complete the study.         The teachers all see the possibility of using storytelling as a means to developing the children´ s vocabulary. Some of the teachers also use books and stories as a way of indirectly addressing ongoing personal problems.                                                                                                      The results of my study show that fairytales can be a valuable tool for personal development for children. Working with fairytales could be crucial to how children develop their curiosity and desire to learn and manage ongoing traumas in their lives.

Det är en het potatis! Lärares uppfattningar om vilka bedömningskriterier de använder vid betygssättning i de naturorienterande ämnena

The purpose of this research is to survey and describe some science teachers? conceptions of which assessment criteria they use at the marking process. Questions which are relevant for this research are the following: 1. Which assessment methods form the basis for science teachers? marking process? 2.

Strategier för att reducera förväntningsgapet : Hur går revisorn, revisionsbyrån och professionen tillväga?

The expectation gap is the definition of the differences between what the interests expects from the auditor and what the auditor delivers. A number of studies have been done regarding the expectation gap and generally they point at the existence of an expectation gap.In our paper we want to discover and see how strategies are used in the process to reduce the expectation gap from three levels. The levels we treat are auditors, audit bureaus and the profession. We have chosen to examine the strategies used by the three levels to reduce the expectation gap to following interest groups, owners, management/board of directors, and creditors.The purpose with our paper is to create understanding about how auditors, audit bureaus and the profession use strategies in the process to reduce the expectation gap.With existing theories as ground we have construed and developed our own theory about which thinkable strategies the three levels can use.We have interviewed auditors, representatives from bureaus and a spokesman for the profession. In the examination we have used telephone interviews with questions based on our operationalization.

Förekomst av smak- och/eller luktförändringar vid antitumoral behandling med kemoterapi

Aim: The aim of present study was to determine the frequency of taste and smell disorders occuring in patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer. Methods: The study was of an empirical cross sectional quantitative descriptive design. During one month, consecutive cancer patients at outpatient units in two Swedish hospitals were asked to participate in the study by completing a questionnaire that had been developed previously for a similar study. All participants had undergone at least 1 cycle of intravenous chemotherapy or  a minimum of seven days of oral chemotherapy. Results: A total of 102 patients completed the questionnaire.

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