

808 Uppsatser om Online dating - Sida 4 av 54

Consumers' behaviour in the use of online services and the cultures effect on it-a study of Swedes and Danes use of online job databases

The thesis deals with consumers behaviour in the use of online services and the cultures effect on it. It is a study of Swedes and Danes use of online job data bases. The thesis is based on a quantitative study. A questionnaire were used sent out to 80 Swedes and 80 Danes. The theory concerns areas of online consumer behaviour, decision making and services theory as well as theories within culture in relation to services and behaviour.

Från retailer till e-tailer: En studie av konsumentattityder

With the fast development of Internet and the e-commerce during the last decades, retailers are now introducing online stores. This has been adopted as a common strategy within the industry and the phenomenon seems likely to increase over time. Theory based on brand extension is used in this study to explain the effects on brand attitude and the link with willingness to pay when a traditional retailer introduces an online store. We execute an experimental study in order to investigate the effects where we use the offline- and online channel as well as two brands with different strengths as independent variables. Results show that brand attitude and its link to willingness to pay transfers to the online channel.

Minderårigt nätpokerspelande : En explorativ studie om minderårigas reflektioner och upplevelser av nätpoker

This study represents seven adolescents? perspective on online poker gambling. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe adolescents? thoughts and experiences of online poker gambling, thus gaining a deeper knowledge and understanding of how gambling affects youths in their living conditions and in their identity development. This was done by studying the symbolism and meaning that gambling has in these youths every day live and in their identity development.

E-livsmedel 2.0 : En kvalitativ studie av livsmedelsbutikers e-handelssatsningar

In this day and age we carry out our purchases through different channels. We can shop our clothes and computers in a store or online. Nowadays we can even purchase our groceries through the Internet. The biggest retailer chains within groceries in Sweden have established virtual stores online and are distributing the goods in cities throughout the country. This thesis is dedicated to investigating crucial success factors when going about selling groceries online.

Crescendo Online: en programsvit för kollaborativ musikproduktion

Collaborative music making on the Internet is not a new phenomenon, but no applications have yet caught on with the vast number of laptop and bedroom studio musicians active today. This is strange considering the inherent social and interactive nature of music, especially amongst trends like Web 2.0 where collaboration and user-generated data is key. In this paper I study the problems these applications face, and why they do not have a greater appeal to musicians. With the results I develop and evaluate my own framework, known as Crescendo Online: a multi-user sequencing and modular synthesis environment, intended to pave the way for a new type of online music creation platform..

Kul, spännande, och socialt: online-spelare om livet i "bubblan"

Uppsatsen handlar om varför man spelar online spel, och vilka orsaker det är som gör att man lägger ned så mycket tid på det. Jag har intervjuat nio stycken väldigt erfarna onlinespelare runt om i Sverige. Syftet var att ta reda på varför man spelar onlinespel?.

Kända Varumärke - Större, Starkare, Säkrare

In todays high-technological society where the Internet plays a central role in our day-to-day life, many e-retailers are not able to attract customers to complete a transaction on their website. In order to succeed, many e-commerce sites must improve several safety aspects regarding online payment, in order to be perceived as a reliable and secured retailer. The purpose of this paper is to investigate if increment in various combinations and aspects in online payment will in fact improve the customer's perception of the e-retailer and result in completed transactions. In order to investigate this aspect, an experiment was conducted to be able to compare eight independent groups, that each had been exposed to a different security scenario on the online payment website of either a known or unknown retailer. Our results clearly prove that perceived security of the retailer's payment website increases willingness to purchase from the retailer.

The Influence of Multiple Drivers on WOM Behavior in an Online Context - A quantitative study on what drives consumers to share word-of-mouth online

Word-of-mouth marketing (WOM) has been considered as one of the most effective marketing tools, yet the least understood. While its lucrative effects have been well proven in academic studies worldwide, little is yet known of why consumers engage in WOM, and what factors actually drive this sought-after behavior, particularly in an online context. While today's research lacks holistic views on the simultaneous effects of multiple WOM-drivers, this paper takes on a meta-analytic approach by building on the pertinent literature to construct an aggregated model, including several previously acknowledged drivers divided into two categories: (1) Brand related drivers and (2) Personal and situational drivers. The authors then empirically examine what drivers are the most influential on WOM in an online social media context. By doing so, this thesis does not only contribute to marketing managers' better understanding of online communications management, it also sheds light on the theoretical knowledge of the behavioral drivers of WOM.

Västergarns kammar : en fallstudie av Västergarnskammarna från seminariegrävningarna mellan åren 2006-2010

During the years 2006-2010 Gotland University conducted seminars excavations in Västergarn parish on Gotland. Inside the wall a total of six house foundations have been found and a total of 127 combs have been registered. This thesis is based on a material study of the 127 registered medieval combs. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the combs and with their chronology illuminate in which period the society of Västergarn was active. And also to find out what the material remains can tell us about the place and its people.

Ytkarakterisering tätningsytorMed omkonstruktion av tätningskonceptför stegram

In this degree project I have studied how an anti-discrimination bureau can adapttheir online information to the target group ? immigrants who only have modestunderstanding of the Swedish language. This group is often subject of discriminationmatters, and therefore it?s important that they can take part of the information.To find answers to my questions I have studied different relevant theories, performeda readability analysis on the online information and have had qualitativeinterviews with representatives from the target group. I have also tested my rewrittentexts on both representatives and other readers.The result from my studies has shown that it is words that are the most difficult inthe current online information, while length and structure of the sentences are alsoof importance when it comes to the readability.

Grupp- och kommunikationsprocesser i en online community : En explorativ studie

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka grupp- och kommunikationsprocesser i en online community där den gemensamma nämnaren mellan medlemmarna var intresset för spelet World of Warcraft. Undersökningen utfördes med hjälp av en egenkonstruerad enkät samt observationer vars syfte var att undersöka deltagarnas grupptillhörighet, vänskap, konflikthantering och kommunikation online, samt deras beteenden gentemot varandra. Syftet var även att undersöka om sociala anpassningsstrategier, standardroller och in-och utomgruppsfavoritism var applicerbara på en virtuell grupp. Undersökningsresultaten pekar på att många av de teorier gällande grupptillhörighet och vänskap även är applicerbara på grupper formade online samt att kommunikationshjälpmedel såsom smileys underlättar konversationer i skriven form. Resultaten pekar även på att de sociala anpassningsstrategierna och standardrollerna är applicerbara på en virtuell grupp, dock anses urvalet för litet och observationstiden för kort för att med säkerhet säga att dessa återfinns.

Identitetsskapande och socialisering i onlinespel : Formandet av en digital identitet

As social interactions migrate to the ubiquitous Internet we are facing a change in theway we relate to each other, which presents interesting new opportunities foranonymity to create identities. An aspect of this radically evolving technology thatexhibits strong possibilities for altering or producing identities is the rapidly growingonline game genre MMOG (Massive Multiplayer Online Game) which isentertainment that millions of people all over the globe engage in daily. Thisrelatively new platform for socialising has become of cultural and social significance,which is why it calls for examination and research. Thus, the main research questionsasked in this thesis are as following: How does players of MMOGs utilise the nighcomplete anonymity to present or modify their identities online? In which ways areMMOGs used as a platform for socialising and development of social groupdynamics? After observing a large group of players in a popular MMOG, as well asconducting several interviews with key identities within the group, I discovered three fundamental parts of identity creation, and created a model for use and applicationin different social situations and constellations..

Online visual merchandising : På e-handelssidor riktade mot den svenska marknaden

År 2014, var kläder och skor två av de varukategorier som resulterade i flest transaktioner online, i Sverige. Till följd av att e-handeln växer, behöver företag inom modeindustrin utveckla sin visual merchandising online, så att den är lika effektiv som i fysiska butiker. De amerikanska forskarna Ha, Kwon och Lennon (2007) utvecklade i en studie en taxonomi där de undersökte visual merchandsing-element på den koreanska och amerikanska e-handelsmarknaden. Syftet med denna studie är att testa den taxonomi som Ha et al. (2007) utvecklade, på e-handelssidor riktade mot den svenska marknaden.

Östra Aros : bebyggelsen i Uppsala och dess utveckling fram till 1270 i arkeologisk belysning

This thesis rewievs present day research on the settlement of Östra Aros in central Sweden. The thesis deals with the period from late Iron age to about 1270 AD, when the Swedish archdiocese moved to the already existing early-medieval settlement of Östra Aros, thus becoming the medieval town of Uppsala. The basis of the thesis is the study of a variety of source materials, such as artefact studies, runestones, topography and the prehistoric and early medieval hinterland. The thesis centers on archaeological excavation data and dating of settlement structures, particularly focusing on the settlements establishment. Through a critical review of primarily the written record and the archaeological data, the settlements characteristics and functions are discussed, emphasising when and if the settlement could be described as a town, central- or trading place..

Fotboll på sociala medier ? här för att stanna : En undersökning i hur och varför en läsare väljer sin kanal och vad det innebär för sportjournalistiken

Through earlier research it has been established that more and more readers are turning to social media in their search for everyday news. In this report we zoom in on news concerning football and try to find out how readers reason in picking their sources, whether it is social, online or traditional media. By interviewing a group of six, all interested in football and active within social media, we have seen that allthough social media is becoming a major influence in news reporting, it does not seem to be competing with traditional online media. Instead the two are offering the readers very different things all together, and theese differences are what we try to show in this report. Our hope is that the research in sport journalism can be translated in to all kinds of areas and be an indication on how journalism and our society is evolving online..

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