1976 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 65 av 132
Design och oro : En studie om inredning och möbeldesign och dess möjligheter att minska oro hos dementa
Between 1999 and 2009, I followed three of my grandparents, all of whom suffered from dementia. Numerous times, when I visited them in their nursing homes, I was met by residents of the ward who were very unhappy. Through conversations at home with my family, I understood more and more that this was a commonly occurring problem at nursing homes. All too often it was solved with heavy medication, which made the residents tired and they slept more often.During my undergraduate education at Konstfack, I have reflected on whether I, as an interior designer and furniture designer, can have an influence on spaces and furniture so that dementia patients can experience greater calm and security. The idea is if that I perceive the environment as calm and secure, I will also be calm and secure.In my degree project, I want to study how interior design and furniture design can contribute to decreased agitation in people with dementia in nursing homes..
Effektivisering av kravspecifikationsprocessen
The goal of this project was to make the requirement process at the Swedish
Coastguard more effective. The first step to achieve this was done by locating
bottle necks in the process with value stream mapping method. The result of
this study showed that the biggest restriction in the requirement process was
while examining older requirement documents to understand what elements were
suitable for the particular project.
This was followed by a study of literature, interviews and theory of Lean
Production with the ambition to investigate how the requirement process was
handled on other companies and how to improve the process on the Swedish coast
guard. This led to a number of potential enhancements of the process which
later was evaluated.
Requirements written by different people in different organizations were
analyzed in order to sort out if there were some similarities? which could be
used as standard elements in a future standardization of the process.
Berättandeförmåga hos svenska barn i en flerspråkig miljö från förskoleålder till årskurs 2
The present study investigated free narratives in 72 children between 3;11 and 9;0 years. Participants were recruited from a multilingual environment in eastern Gothenburg. The children were instructed to make up their own stories after being provided with openings, ?Story stems?. The stories were then transcribed and analyzed on micro- and macro level and narrative evaluation.
Musikterapi som redskap inom barnsjukvården : forskningsöversikt avseende smärta och rädsla
The aim is to describe the factors that influence nurses' assessment and measurement of pain in patients. Literature study based on 13 reviewed articles, searched in the Cinahl. Qualitative and quantitative articles were analyzed. Six themes were identified that can be seen as the factors that influence nurses' assessment and measurement. The themes were pain education, nurses´ experience in the profession, nurses´ level of knowledge about pain relief, documentation about pain, nurse´s perspective on the patient, and pain measurement.
D-vitaminsupplementering och dess effekt på kroppssammansättning hos överviktiga och obesa ? en systematisk översiktsartikel
Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Vitamin D supplementation and its effect on body composition in the overweightand obese ? a systematic reviewAuthor: Johanna Blum and Emma Sellin FrimodigSupervisor: Sofia KlingbergExaminer: Ingrid LarssonProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 10, 2013Background: There is an increasing burden of overweight and obesity worldwide. Theconditions lead to morbidity and lowered quality of life. Since there is research showing aconnection between obesity and low levels of serum 25(OH)D, this raises the question ifsupplementation of vitamin D may have positive effects on body weight, waist circumference andbody composition in the overweight and obese.Objective: To investigate if there is enough scientific evidence to recommend vitamin Dsupplementation combined with nutrition therapy to overweight and obese patients.Search strategy: The systematic collection of data was performed in the databases PubMed andScopus. Search terms included were ?vitamin D supplementation?, ?obesity? ?cohort?, ?vitamin D?,?vitamin D3 supplementation? and ?overweight?.Selection criteria: Human studies with RCT, CCT or cohort design written in English orSwedish were included.
Åsmund Kåresson från Medelpad
Åsmund Kåresson is one of our greatest rune stone makers. His ornographic stile was copied by other rune writers. Åsmund also made many stones, around 60. Many scientists took för granted Åsmund was from Uppland, but not Magnus Källström. He saw liknesses in a rune stone from Medelpad, M5, and one from Uppland, U372, dedicated to Åsmund.This essey tries to complement Källströms statement.
Att leva med bröstcancer. En litteraturstudie om kvinnors syn på bröstcancer och uppfattning om det sociala stödet
This study describes how the women lived with breast cancer. The purpose with this study was to describe the womens' view on the disease and the understanding they hade on the social support they were depended on. The method was a study of literature with article reviews according to Polit et al., 2001. As theoretical frame of reference we choose Carnevalis model, Everyday life -Functional state of health. The result showed that the following four groups were formed: Support, positive and negative support off nursing staff and significant others.
Kvinnors och mäns sexualliv efter förvärvad ryggmärgsskada
Background: Spinal Cord Injuries impacts sexuality. In a healthcare environment sexual issues are complicated and not allways easy to answer. Purpose: The purpose has been to highlight how the patient experiences sexuality after sustaining spinal cord injury. Method: A literature study through systematic review of scientific articles. Result: Five main categories were identified: Relationship, Physical problems, Emotional experiences, Coping, Counselling and information.
Barns tankar om vuxna på fritidshemmet : Intervjuer med barn från tre fritidshemsavdelningar
The aim of this study is to become aware of how the children at the after-school care perceive the adults at after-school care. The most interesting parts are to find out what they thought made a good teacher, which qualities were preferable and how the children expressed their opinions. The children often spend long time at the after-school care which means that the children?s work environment matters. The children look at adults from another perspective and see other qualities than adults see in each other.
Äktenskapsideal i svenska giftermålstidningar 1914 och 1924 : föremål för liberal styrningspolitik
This essay analyses two swedish magazines about marriage, called "giftermålstidningar", from 1914 and 1924. With ideology as theoretical basis the subject matter is to find words and expressions of ideological influence in the source material. These influences is assumed to come from contemporary marriage laws, which expressed certain views about heterosexual relationships. In addition to the state's laws, the writers in the magazines is presumed to be influenced by other contemporary ideas. Either an older, christian tradition from brittish baptist Frederick Brotherton Meyer, or the swedish economist Knut Wicksell, who represents the Neo-Malthusian world view.
Diabetes mellitus typ 1 i allmänvården
The aim of this literature study has been to investigate the general nurse's knowledge of diabetes type 1 and its complications. The questions were: What does the general nurse need to know about diabetes type 1? What does the general nurse know about diabetes type 1? To answer these questions, a literature study has been done of 8 scientific articles. The theoretical reference study on which the study has been based is Gustafsson's SAUK Model for affirmative nursing care. The result shows that the nurse lacks knowledge in the nursing care of diabetes patients and this reflects the fact that little research has been done on diabetes mellitus type 1 in recent years.
Instruktionsfilm på smartphones : En studie kring upplevelsen av video via smartphones som inlärningsverktyg för praktiska färdigheter
This study examined how users interact with a smartphone while in a learning situation based on videos via smartphones as a learning tool, and how this interaction and phenomena is experienced. The five test subject were separately given the same task that they were to solve using video instructions that were picked out and given to them. After finishing the task the subjects were observed while they demonstrated how they completed the task. After the observation the subject were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The results show that the user experience of this phenomena is based on more pragmatic values than we could find in earlier studies, i.e.
Dokumentation av smärta : En studie baserad på journalgranskning
AbstractThe aim of this study was to examine to what extent documentation of pain assessment with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) on patients with pain problems was carried out. The study also explored how the documentation followed the existing guidelines of pain. The material was analyzed with descriptive statistics and a qualitative content analysis. The results shows that 43,24 % of total 37 analyzed patient records contained documentation of pain with VAS on the day of hospitalization. All studied journals contained documentation of pain.
Ledarskap på bibliotek En studie av tre högskole- och universitetsbibliotek
This essay is about leadership in libraries within the academic world, i.e. leadership in research libraries. To place our survey in a context we begin the theoretical review with a chapter about organisation theory. We dont think its possible to separate the leader from the organisation so we wanted to describe the organisation and its effect on the leadership. The next theoretical section is about leadership research.
Förbättringar av arbetsmoment ur ett leanperspektiv. En fallstudie av gipsmontering på utfackningsväggar.