1979 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 6 av 132
Skattning av prognostiska faktorer för gradering av smärtans komplexitet hos patienter i behov av multimodal smärtrehabilitering inom två vårdnivåer.
AbstractPURPOSE: The aim of this study was to describe and compare possible differences regarding selected prognostic factors for disability between patients with non-specific chronic pain who were about to start a multidisciplinary treatment program (MMR), either within primary care (MMR1) or hospital care (MMR2).METHODS: The study had a descriptive and comparative cross sectional design. Eighty-nine patients were recruited consecutively when they were about to start their team treatment (50 in MMR1,39 in MMR2). The measurements were; Evaluation of self-reported self-efficacy for eight daily activities (STIVA-8), The Pain Belief Screening Instrument (PBSI) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).RESULTS: The study found some significant differences between the answers from patients in MMR1 and those from patients in MMR2. For instance, patients in MMR2 estimated lower self-efficacy according to STIVA-8 than patients in MMR1. Also, there were fewer low risk patients and more high risk patients in MMR2 than in MMR1 regarding pain intensity according to PBSI.
Sjuksköterskors kommunikation med patienter som vårdas i respirator : Nurses? communication with patients during mechanical ventilation
Aim: The aim of this study was to describe intensive care nurses? experiences communicating with patients during mechanical ventilation.Methods/design: A qualitative interview study. Interviews where analyzed using descriptive content analysisSetting: Nine intensive care nurses from two different intensive care units were interviewed using a semi structured interview guide.Background: Past research has shown that patients during mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit, feel very vulnerable and the helplessness of being unable to speak. These patients feels that they are completely dependent on the nurses and their competence. It has been shown to be very important that the patient feels included, acknowledged and respected.Results: The analyzed data resulted in a theme; through communication strive to preserve patients´ dignity and three main categories; create relationship to the patient, minimize patients´ vulnerability and don´t give up.
Vilken information och instruktion om munhygien, kost, fluor och tobak med hänsyn till diagnos får patienter som behandlas av tandhygieniststuderande vid Högskolan Kristianstad?
ABSTRACTWhat kind of information and instructions with the consideration to diagnosis do patients, treated by the dental hygienist students at the University Kristianstad, get regarding oral hygiene, diet, flour and tobacco.The aim of this study was to examine what kind of information and instructions regarding oral hygiene, diet, flour and tobacco have patients treated by the dental hygienist students at the University Kristianstad, if they had the diagnosis caries or periodontitis. The study is based on a review of dental records of adult patients from twenty years on a supportive treatment program. In all 640 patients were enrolled at the clinic, 20050309. A selection of 100 patients treated at the clinic from 2000 was made. Fifty off the dental records should have the diagnosis caries and fifty the diagnosis periodontitis.
Kartläggning av depressiva symtom hos patienter med arytmi
Objective: The aim of this study was to study the prevalence of depression among patients with arrhythmia, and to investigate if there was any gender difference in the study population regarding depression. Furthermore, differences considering depressive symptoms between patients with arrhythmia and the general population were to be investigated. Method: The self-rating scale MADRS-S was distributed during two weeks to 24 patients with arrhythmia. Twenty-one patients completed the study. Results: 28.5 % of the participants showed symptoms of some level of depression.
Livskvalitet efter hjärtstopp : en litteraturöversikt
Aim: The aim was to describe adult patients quality of life after cardiac arrest and resuscitation with CPR. Method: A literature overview based on eight scientific articles and one master thesis. Results: The result is presented in three categories, physical, psychological and social quality of life. Sleeping disorders, fatigue and low energy level affected the physical quality of life in a negative way. The psychological quality of life was often impaired the first time after the cardiac arrest, to be improved over time.
Samtalsterapi på vårdcentral ? varför, hur och för vem?
Approximately one third of all patients in primary care have a psychosocial component to their illness that requires adequate professional treatment. However, primary care is insufficiently prepared for these patients. The aim of this case-study was to evaluate a pilot project in primary care offering psychotherapy as a treatment alternative. The data collected includes 1) data from 352 referred patients regarding demographics, diagnosis, treatment duration and pre- and post health status, 2) a patient-satisfaction questionnaire and 3) interviews with six therapists and five medical doctors. The treated patients improved significantly and showed a high degree of satisfaction.
Mäns upplevelser efter en hjärtinfarkt
Background: In Sweden approximately 37 000 individuals are affected by myocardial infarction every year. It is important after an infarction to investigate and make preventive changes of lifestyle to prevent another event. Patients have different conditions on how to manage a myocardial infarction and the new life situation they are put in. Through Kim?s domains men?s experiences after a myocardial infarction are separated.
FRÅN ÖPPENHET OCH NÄRVARO-TILL DISTANS OCH KONTROLL : Att medicineras och att administrera ur ett patient- och sjuksköterskeperspektiv
Title: From openness and presence to distance and control: to be medicated and to administrate from a patient and nurse perspective.Background: Within forensic psychiatric care the patients are admitted against their will, under heavy security with long term treatments. Self-care seems, based on scientific studies, to be dependent on what the nurses involved can provide. Emphasis should focus on a humane and respectful approach when the patient is exposed to coercive measures.Aim: From a patient and nurse perspective describe experiences of beeing medicated with and to administrate antipsychotic drugs within the psychiatric inpatient care.Method: Interviews with patients and nurses, which were analyzed using qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach.Results: Patients experience frustration over not beeing able to participate in or influence descisions made regarding their neuroleptic treatment. The neuroleptic treatment is described as a coercive measure and is characterized as an experience of losing control and independence. Nurses? experiences of administering antipsychotics were described as having to do what is needed for the long term benefit of patients? well-being.
Äldres svårigheter med och attityder till att inta flera läkemedel
The purpose of the literature study was to describe older people´s difficulties and attitudes to take several drugs. Literature has been sought in two large databases and included literature is selected, quality assessed and analyzed, based on the study purpose and questions. The authors conducted a descriptive literature review of qualitative and quantitative articles. Difficulties to access different types of pharmaceutical packaging, or to remember when to take their medicines are difficulties the elderly encounter. Cultural and socioeconomic differences become apparent.
Faktorer som påverkar livskvaliteten hos patienter med lungcancer - Utifrån patientens perspektiv
Background: Patients with cancer of the lung have to endure a quantity of physical, psychological and social difficulties. In their exposed position they are in need of help and support to pull through the situation. With the knowledge of factors effecting lung cancer patients? quality of life, it will be easier to give the help and support they need. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe factors effecting lung cancer patients quality of life from the patient?s perspective.
Background: Involuntary psychiatric treatment remains a contentious issue
globally, with many countries implementing forms of coercive treatment for
patients deemed unsafe due to psychiatric diagnoses. Nurses play an important
role in involuntary psychiatric care- however there is a need for an increased
understanding of the experiences and needs of the patients to be able to
provide good care.
Purpose: This study aimed to explore and understand the experiences of
patients undergoing involuntary psychiatric treatment.
Method: A qualitative literature analysis was conducted, encompassing 10
qualitative articles.
Key Findings: Recent data highlights that most patients reported a lack of
compassion and overall negative experience during involuntary psychiatric
Upplevelser av livskvalitet i samband med en pacemakeroperation : En litteraturstudie
The purpose of this literature study was to describe how patients experience their quality of life while undergoing a pacemaker implantation. Searches were carried out in the databases Academic Search Elite, Ebsco Host, Pub Med, Pub Med Central, Science Direct and manually. Keywords used were quality of life, treatment outcomes, emotions, pacing and life. This resulted in nineteen peer rewieved articles that were selected for the study results. The results showed that patients undergoing a pacemaker implantation experienced an improvement in their physical health with increased functional status, more energy and strength.
Kartläggning av symtom på depression hos patienter med hjärtrytmrubbningar
Cardiac arrhythmias and heart diseases can result in a limited performance capacity which could lead to anxiety and depression. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of symptoms of depression among patients with cardiac arrhythmias. The intention was also to explore differences between men and women in the occurrence of symptoms of depression. Furthermore, the prevalence of symptoms of depression among patients with cardiac arrhythmias was compared with a Swedish general population. Method: For two weeks MADRS-S, a self-rating scale for depression, were distributed at a medicine ward where patients with cardiac arrhythmias are treated, at a hospital in Sweden.
Nutritionens och smärtans påverkan på välbefinnandet vid Reumatoid Artrit
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease, which affects mostly women. RA is also a chronic disease and the treatment is focused on moderating the immunological process. RA-patients experience daily pain which affect their prosperity. The aim of this literature study is to illuminate some factors that influence the well-being of patients with RA. The factors that have been studied are pain, nutrition and need of knowledge about nutrition.
Musik som omvårdnadsåtgärd i pre-, peri- och postoperativ vård
The purpose of this study was to illustrate the effects of music in pre-, peri-, and postoperative care. This study is a systematic literature study based on 22 scientific articles with quantitative methods. Music is an alternative treatment used in nursing care. Nurses could as a complement to routine pre-, peri-, and postoperative nursing have music interventions in mind, because an operation involves anxiety, fear and pain for many patients. The result of the study shows that music can reduce patients? anxiety, pain and improving their wellbeing and recovery.