

1979 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 5 av 132

Vårdpersonals upplevelse av att vårda patientermed diagnosen afasi efter stroke : En litteraturstudie

Background: Stroke is one of the leading causes for longlasting sequelae, among themloss in cognitive function, like aphasia. Aphasia effects the patients ability to understandand express themselves in speaking and writing. To be able to reach a good level of care,the careproviders and patients ought to have the same goals and values. This requires agood communication between the careproviders and patients. Which can be problematicfor the caregivers when they don't feel secure in their way of getting close to these patients.Aim: The purpose of this study was to illuminate caregivers experience of caring forpatients with the diagnosis aphasia following stroke.Method: This is a literature study where nine studies, with qualitative design, has beenanalyzed and compiled.

Skadehändelser och preventiva åtgärder bland fotgängare och cyklister i Umeå kommun

Every year, approximately 700 000 individuals´ visit an emergency ward in Sweden as a result of injuries and to the emergency ward at Umea University hospital (NUS) about 12 000 injured arrive every year. This study is a retrospective cross-sectional study that surveys injuries caused by crashes among 153 pedestrians and 53 bicyclists, who have been injured in a geographically well defined area during the period January to June 2009. The aim of this study is to survey injuries among pedestrians and cyclists and to examine what preventive measures could reduce these injuries in the Umeå municipality. The results show that falls caused by slipper surface are common among both pedestrians (71 %; n = 109) and bicyclists (32 %; n = 17). Almost one third of the pedestrians (34 %; n = 43) were in the age of 65 or older.

Livet med ett nytt hjärta : Patienters upplevelser och copingstrategier

Background:For patients with severe heart disease, may heart transplantation be the only opportunity for survival. Previous research highlights the importance of the nurse's role as supporters and knowledge brokers. People who has undergone heart transplant may be changed forever. Having to undergo a heart transplant can lead to that patients end up in a traumatic crisis. People's perception of herself and her perception of the world is also changing when the body is injured or suffers a disease.

Rättvis värdering av hälsa : En kvantitativ jämförelse mellan Person Trade Off- och Time Trade Off- metoden

One must consider cost effectiveness when deciding how resources within the health sector should be distributed. Quality adjusted life years (QALYs) are used to measure the value of different medical treatments. QALY is based on utility maximization theory, which suggests that a QALY is always a QALY regardless of who receives it. Therefore, a produced QALY is worth the same regardless of the age or the initial health of the patient. Previous research has shown that these assumptions do not seem to fit the real preferences of individuals.

Undervisningsbehov vid ischemisk hjärtsjukdom - en litteraturstudie om patientens uppfattning

The aim of this study was to determine the self-perceived learning needs in patients with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). CHD is the leading cause of death worldwide. Poor compliance is one of the causes of rehospitalisation. Patients suffering from CHD need education in order to manage their disease and prevent readmission to hospital. As hospital stays diminish the time available for patient education is limited.

Hur patienter med typ-2 diabetes reflekterar kring egenvård och information kring egenvård gällande fotsår

AbstractThe aim of this study was to find out how patients with type-2 diabetes reflected on self-care and the information about selfcareactivites regarding diabetic footulcers.The study has a descriptive design with a qualitative approach. The study included fourteen patients with type-2 diabetes and they had footulcers related to their disease. They were recruited from different health centres in two cities in the Middle Sweden. The patients were interviewed and the interviewes were transcribed and worked up with qualitative content analysis. The authors recived seven subcategories which were sorted into two categories; reflection regarding information about self-care and reflection regarding self-care.

En beskrivande studie av patienter som sjukvårdsrådgivningen rekommenderat att söka akutmottagning : - Hör de alla hemma där?

 Aim. To describe patients who have got a recommendation by a telenurse to visit the emergency department and how many of these patients could have received care in the primary health care instead. Further on, the aim was to describe if there are patients not following the recommendations.Methods. Quantitative, descriptive study, with an examination of medical records of the patients, which the telenurses recommended to visit the emergency department, during one week. Assessments whether the patient could seek medical care at the primary health care was made, firstly based on the telenurses documentation and secondly on both the telenurses and the emergency department´s documentation.Results.

Hur livet påverkas : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om äldres upplevelser av att leva med typ 2-diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a growing disease in the population which includes that older people are a risk group. With the disease grows even cost?s. A lifestyle change is a major part of the treatment for type 2 diabetes. There are several factors that suggest positive effects on prevention among the elderly where, among other things, economic and health benefits are presented.

Ger tillägg av ARB till redan pågående behandling med ACE-hämmare hos hjärtsviktspatienter bättre hälso- och kostnadseffekt?

Heart failure is a condition where the heart is incapable of providing adequate blood supply to different organs in the body. The underlying causes of heart failure is some kind of disorder in the heart function, and require careful diagnostics. The basic symptoms that arise from heart failure is difficulty in breathing, that aggravate when lying down, and fatigue. The patients? symptoms and impaired quality of life can be in different stages depending on the severity of the heart failure.

Patienters upplevelser av möten med sjuksköterskan i psykiatrisk vård : en litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to illuminate how patients with mental illness experience encounters with the nurse in psychiatric care, in order to acquire increased understanding for the patients needs. A litterature study was used to analyse previously published scientific articles within psychiatric nursing care. Content analysis inspired by Graneheim and Lundman was used to perform the analysis. The result showed that the patients recovery depended on the relationship with the nurse. If the relationship was good, the patient was moore likely to regain his mental health, than if the relationship with the nurse was poor.

Nutrition hos patienter med Subarachnoidalblödning

ABSTRACTIn an intermediate section at a large university hospital are patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) cared for. There are international, national and local guidelines how nutrition therapy should be implemented and how much energy each patient should be given when hospitalized. The purpose of this study was to examine the documentation and actions on nutrition in patients with SAH and to see if guidelines on nutrition were followed. The study was a quantitative, retrospective record review that was analyzed statistically and descriptive. 26 patients were included.

Vägen ut - metadonpatientens sociala rehabilitering.

The purpose of the study was to examine what possibilities and obstacles, according to the personnel and patients in a methadone treatment, exist in the patient's social rehabilitation. How does the methadone treatment encourage the patient's social rehabilitation, what possibilities/obstacles are there according to personnel and patients? What does the patient see as important aspects of his/her social rehabilitation and what importance does the methadone have on the treatment? The results show that there are difficulties for patients to rebuild their life, find employment, start new social networks and get by with everyday tasks. The support from friends and family will simplify the patient's social rehabilitation, otherwise they get isolated and alone. Patients feel that they are fighting for a successful treatment so that they can have a relationship with friends and families again.

Kartläggning av depressiva symtom hos hjärtsviktspatienter

The aim: To examinate depressive symptoms among heart failure patients. Another aim was to examinate the differences in depressive symptoms between gender and between heart failure patients and the population. METHOD: The self-assassment formula MADRS was answered by twenty patients with heart failure at the University hospital in Uppsala. MAIN RESULT: Among the participants 31,3 % showed diffrent levels of depressive symptoms. Mild depression was more common in women.

Äldres sexualitet - hinder och möjligheter i vårdgivarens främjande arbete. : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe how elderly?s sexuality can be expressed and to describe factors that affect older people's sexuality. The aim was also to describe the opportunities and barriers to health care providers to promote older people's sexuality and to describe the articles quality based on the methodological aspect of selection. A literature review with a descriptive approach was conducted on four qualitative and ten quantitative articles. The included articles were published between 2003 and 2013.

En kvalitativ studie om hur patienter upplever sin hemodialysbehandling.

The purpose of this study was to describe how patients with hemodialysis experience their dialysis treatment. The study was conducted as a qualitative descriptive design. The study is based on six interviews. The interviews were transcribed in their entirety and analyzed according to content analysis inspired by Granheim and Lundman. The result is based on five categories; Stress and requirements, Life-supporting haemodialysis treatment, physical impairments, social constraints and a positive view on haemodialysis.

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