
Äldres svårigheter med och attityder till att inta flera läkemedel

The purpose of the literature study was to describe older people´s difficulties and attitudes to take several drugs. Literature has been sought in two large databases and included literature is selected, quality assessed and analyzed, based on the study purpose and questions. The authors conducted a descriptive literature review of qualitative and quantitative articles. Difficulties to access different types of pharmaceutical packaging, or to remember when to take their medicines are difficulties the elderly encounter. Cultural and socioeconomic differences become apparent. Lack of communication between doctors and the elderly person resulting in incomplete prescriptions, lack of monitoring, information and education, and that several doctors are involved in an older person`s drug list. Difficulties color the older persons´ attitudes to take several medications. The conclusion drawn from this study is that the importance of prevention and health care should be emphasized. Older people adherence may increase the resources devoted to prevention efforts, and thus can care injuries related to improper use of drugs prevented.  


Sandra Hillblom Lina Skogsberg

Lärosäte och institution

Högskolan i Gävle/Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv


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