

7574 Uppsatser om North Sweden - Sida 32 av 505

Likvärdig utbildning för alla barn? En studie om boendesegregation och diskriminering i Sveriges grundskolesystem

The major focus in this study is structural inequalities in primary school in Sweden. UNESCO points out that in many developing countries, up to 40% of the children perform at or below the lowest proficiency level in language and mathematics. Sweden has been criticized by the UN about the large differences in educational achievements between different regions. Based on an official study Sweden considers that those differences are related to ethnically segregate residential areas. My research question is whether the Swedish government takes adequate consideration of the impact that socioeconomically aspects have on educational achievement.


This study, carried through interviews with six individual elderly persons, describes their stories in regards to how they experience growing old in Sweden as well as the connection between having a different ethnic background in the aging process. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to highlight important themes and issues, i.e. the shortcomings and the advantages of growing old in Sweden, which these persons experience in their everyday life. As many of them have not by their own choice chosen to grow old in Sweden, the importance of having a relationship with fellow countrymen, being able to communicate in their own native language as well as have a basic knowledge about the elderly care system are aspects these individuals emphasize to be of great importance. The result of this study, based on several theories that reflect over individuality and perspective ethnicity, indicates that aging is based on an individual primary process experience and that there are no rights and wrongs of how one should deal with/experience the growing old process.

Den riktiga jakten : ett livslångt lärande

This thesis in social anthropology is based on interviews with four hunters from the middle of Sweden. It is about how the hunters get their traditional knowledge and how important it is to grow up and live in rural areas for the knowledge and understanding of hunting. The essay is also about the difference between the hunters from rural areas and the hunters from urban areas. It also examines how the rural hunters speak about the true and real hunter..

Betydelsen av skogens ålder och förekomst av lavar för renars val av vinterbetesområde :

This is a study on winter groups, ?siida?, of semi-domesticated mountain-migrating reindeers that move to lichen pastures in the lowland boreal forests during winter. The aim of the study was to determine reindeer habitat use in their winter ranges in a managed forest landscape. The reindeers use of three different types of forests was determined, 1) 100-130 year old, 2) 20-40 year old forest and 3) clear-cut areas. All sites were dominated by Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, and had the same types of ground vegetation.

Tame animals in the wilderness : livestock grazing around summer farms in Jämtland, boreal Sweden 1800-2011

The forest and mire landscape surrounding the north Swedish villages have been of fundamental importance through time for the farmers. In the Scandinavian summer farm system the forest and mire pasture was used to its full potential. The system consisted of smaller summer farms some kilometres from the main farm in the village, and were the livestock grazed in the forest around the summer farm. The livestock affect their environment, and grazed forests generally contain a higher biodiversity than an ungrazed forest. The overall aim of this thesis is to understand the impact of livestock grazing on a northern forest ecosystem over a long time period.

Användarvänlig systemdesign

Rapporten är skriven på svenska. För att utveckla användarvänliga system finns ett flertal riktlinjer angående hur man ska designa systemet. Rapporten tar huvudsakligen upp de designprinciper som Professor Donald Norman utvecklade, och som behandlar varje område i ett informationssystem. Det finns även andra riktlinjer som beskriver användarprinciper och universal design, och som med fördel kan följas vid design av ett informationssystem. En grupp på North Carolina State University i USA är en av många som har utvecklat sju principer för att behandla användarvänlighet[1].

Ideas of Gender in the Swedish Radical Right. : An Ideological comparative Study Between the Sweden Democrats, the Party of the Swedes and the Swedish Resistance Movement

This thesis analyses ideas of gender in the Swedish radical right. The aim of the study is to see if there are any differences or similarities in the way gender is being formulated by a populist radical right party as the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna), the extreme right party, Party of the Swedes (Svenskarnas Parti) and the extreme right movement Swedish Resistance Movement (Svenska Motståndsrörelsen). Ideas of gender are presented in the theory chapter which is used later on in the analysis to compare with the radical right organisations of Sweden. To fulfil the aim we have performed a comparative ideological analysis between the three organisations and the base for our analysis is texts from each organisation?s webpage.

Tillväxt och potentiell sågtimmerkvalitet i gallringsmogna jämförelseplanteringar med Pinus contorta och P. sylvestris :

The Swedish Cellulosa Companiy, SCA, has today 280 000 ha planted with lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) (?C?) which is equivalent to 14 % of its total forest area. Exotic lodgepole pine has in previous experimental stands shown a superior growth than the native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) (?S?).But also the comparison could be questioned because stand histories were was unknown and also differences in age between C and S existed.

Är en annan värld möjlig? - En studie från urban- till world-bias

The purpose of this thesis is to explain one aspect of how and why the development in the third world is lagging behind. The precondition is that development through an agricultural revolution is necessary and that all countries benefit from trading. But these two conditions are not met today. By using the urban-bias and the world system theory I have analysed how the situation appears to be according to the precondition. It appears that both the urban-bias and the world system theory are essential to understand how and why the situation in third world still has not reached the same development phase as most other countries.

Föräldraskap och föräldrastöd : när dessa begrepp möts i samtal till föräldratelefoner

In September of year 2006, a young boy was brutally killed by a girl, age sixteen, in Örebro, Sweden. Girlgangs became a frequent subject in media. Professionals? working with adolescents claims that girlgangs notis an existing phenomena in Sweden as it is in for example in the United States. The aim of this thesis was to investigate if teenage girls in Sweden have a tendency to join gangs as they do in the United States.

AHA in northern Sweden ? a case study : conservation values of deciduous trees based on saproxylic insects

AHA is a Swedish abbreviation of "reveal threatened park and avenue trees" and is a method to assess the conservation value of individual trees, mainly in the park environments but also in natural stands. This method has previously only been practiced in southern Sweden (Sörensson 2008). To see if this method could provide satisfactory results in northern Sweden, I have studied it in areas around the Umeå River. This was done by studying the relationship between trees with different classifications of conservation value (as classed by the AHA method) and their content of species (species richness and abundance). Insects were collected using trunk window traps in a period of 13 weeks during the summer of 2014.

Sensory profiling of Swedish white wines and a contextual analysis of Swedish viticulture

The aim of the study is twofold, to generate a sensory profile of Swedish wine today and to investigate the opinion of both wine producers and wine experts on viticulture in Sweden and wine from grapes grown in Sweden, achieved through a contextual analysis comprising a literature study and interviews with wine producers in Sweden and Denmark and wine experts from Sweden and Germany, and a sensory analysis at the company Ipsos. ?Mixed methods? was the chosen research strategy as the semi-structured interviews gave qualitative results and the sensory analysis would give quantitative results displayed as spider charts. There is a lack of studies investigating how the Swedish wine is perceived by consumers and consumers might be unaware that the Swedish wine, established through ?trial and error?, is increasing in quality every season, creating a need to display the sensory profile of Swedish wine to strengthening the perception of Swedish white wine. This study shows that the Swedish white wine today is a wine with a fresh, citrusy and flowery aroma and a fresh, citrusy and green apple taste, however, a sensory analysis cannot show if the attributes are those that are desired by the customer, a consumer test is necessary to conclude that. Trends point towards locally produced products, one reason why Swedish wine has great potential, yet the future needs to be secured through job opportunities and education. Creating an approval system for Swedish wine is suggested as a future improvement, it is a common procedure in most wine regions.

Kärlek som statsangelägenhet : En kvantitativ undersökning av tidningsartiklar publicerade under det kungliga bröllopet 2010

2010 was the year of the wedding between Sweden?s crown princess Victoria and Daniel Westling. Although the wedding was partly financed with tax payer?s money, the newspapers did not investigate it further. The main theme of the published articles was lighter and with an entertainment value rather than finding out what the tax money really went.

Gamla tallars betydelse för biologisk mångfald på Gotland

Modern methods for managing pine (Pinus sylvestris) create homogenized forests. This decreases nature?s potential for biodiversity and might threaten species in need of different types of milieu. The main purpose of this study was to investigate how important older pine trees are for biodiversity. In the Hall-Hangvar Reserve in the north-west part of Gotland, insects collected from traps showed that more species were found in old or dead trees compared to younger pine trees.

Prevalens av subkliniskt smittade katter med vingelsjuka i Göteborg jämfört med Uppsala :

Borna disease virus (BDV) is a virus with capability to cause neurological disease in several species of mammals and of ostriches. Also humans are suspected to be susceptible to the virus, as the viral RNA and antibodies against BDV have been found in some humans with psychiatric diseases, like schizophrenia and depression. In Sweden there is a disease called staggering disease in cats, associated to BDV-infection. This disease often has a fatal progress. Definite diagnosis is reached by histo-pathological and immunohistochemical examination of the central nervous system.

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