

7574 Uppsatser om North Sweden - Sida 33 av 505

Attityder till återintroduktion av visent i Sverige

The European bison is a species which is no longer present in the wild fauna of Sweden. Reintroduction has been proposed in several different forums. Reintroduction is an attempt to reestablish a viable population of a species in an area to which it is native. To make such an operation successful in the long run it is essential to know the attitudes of the stakeholders involved. This study has sensed the attitudes towards reintroduction of European bison to Sweden.

Jehovas vittnen i Sverige i ljuset av sekularisering : Deras metoder för att motverka sekulariseringens effekter

The reason behind this essay has been to study if previous research is relevant for Jehovah?s Witnesses in Sweden and see if secularization has affected the organization or not. The empirical material is made from two qualitative group- interviews and open observations during two meetings in the Kingdom Hall. These studies were performed in Oskarshamn and Mönsterås during the month of February. The reason that these studies have been limited to Oskarshamn and Mönsterås is mainly because they were the only ones willing to do an interview.  According to previous research by James A.

DATORSTÖD FÖR ARBETE - KONSEKVENSER FÖR VAL AV AFFÄRSSYSTEM En studie av en service- och supportavdelning

This report is focusing on problems with introducing standard enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) in businesses. A study has been carried out on a service and support department at a Swedish heat metering company, SVM North Node. The study aims to help the company become a better customer in choice and customization of a new ERP system. We make a description of the department studied and the work carried out there, on the basis of learning, knowledge and cooperation. As a final point we present some ideas on how computer systems could support their work, hoping that this will result in them making adequate demands on a new ERP system.

Tillämpad idrottspsykologisk verksamhet med inriktning mot tävlingsidrott och prestation : en komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Serbien

AimThe main aim with this study is to research weather there are differences in applied sportpsychology activities between Sweden and Serbia, with a focus on competitive sports andperformance. What are the differences and similarities, and in which way is the sportpsychology helping the sportsmen and sportswomen? The main goal with this study is tocome to conclusions that can be of importance to both countries development in applied sportpsychology activities.MethodFor this study the qualitative method was used and the design is descriptive and comparative.A practical comparison in the form of interviews has been done. Eight persons wereinterviewed at different times, four in Sweden and four in Serbia, one researcher in sportpsychology, one practitioner in sports psychology (a common term for a sport psychologist,mental trainer, performance coach etc.), one sports coach and one sportswoman in eachcountry. For the interviews an adequate interview guide was designed and used.ResultsPractical application in the form of various training opportunities within the sport psychologyfield, sports psychology advisory services and research in sports psychology are applied to agreater extent in Sweden then in Serbia.

Skattetillägget och rättssäkerheten : Har Europadomstolens dom i målet Janosevic mot Sverige 2002 lett till förbättrad rättssäkerhet på skatteområdet?

In 1972 the regulations on tax surcharge were introduced. In the new system the sur-charge are imposed by the Tax Authority (skatteverket) and not the Court. Since 1995 the European Convention on Human Rights constitute law in Sweden, which means that Sweden is forced to guarantee its citizens the human rights in the Convention. Article 6 in the Convention states that everyone, in the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him, is entitled to a fair hea-ring within reasonable time. The Article also expresses the right for anyone charged with a criminal offence to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law (the presumtion of innocence).

Att vara mellanchef i Svenska kyrkan : en studie om den prästerliga mellanchefen i tio stora pastorat efter strukturförändringen 1 januari 2014

The proponents for conscience wants to get a clause that will allow the health professionals to due. scruples waive certain duties. Swedens decision makers has despite pressure from the Christian De-mocrats and the Sweden Democrats decided not to implement freedom of conscience in health care. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether Sweden has the obligation to provide for freedom of conscience in health care. Furthermore, it must be examined, whose rights according to the law will go first, health professionals right to freedom of conscience or the patient right to equal treat-ment.

Identitetsbyggande och karismatiska ledare : Fundamentalister och islamister i världens största demokrati

Construction of Identity and Charismatic Leaders deals with fundamentalism and Islamism within the United States, emphasising on similarities between fundamentalists and Islamists. The term "fundamentalist" is here referring to Christian extremists, while "Islamist" refers to the Muslim counterpart. The purpose of the essay is to make North American fundamentalism and Islamism comprehendible on a larger scale.In order to show similarities between these groups when it comes to values, structure and commitment to their tasks, it is important to understand the nature of the religious devotion.Analyzing the similarities of the two groups enables construction of general criteria for how anthropology of religious extremists can be outlined..

Vem bryr sig? : Ett kommunikativt perspektiv på fusionen mellan Växjö Universitet och Högskolan i Kalmar

This essay takes the three models from Allison and Zelikow book Essence of decision and applies them on the Swedish defense system. After the cold war the Swedish defense system had to undergo changes to be a more modern defense and be able to defend Sweden against threats. To also be able to cooperate with other countries in peacekeeping operations the Swedish defense had to be reorganized. The solution was to change direction from a defense system that was organized for invasion to instead be a movable defense ready for any challenge in Sweden or abroad. This reorganization will be analyzed according to the three different models..

Sharia eller västerländsk jämställdhet? : Kvinnor i egyptisk lagstiftning

Sharia or western equality?womenin Egyptian legislationThe Islamic law (Sharia) in most of the countries in Middle East and North Africa has been the basis for modern laws which regulate issues such as marriage, divorce and inheritance. These laws (personal status law or family law) have been debated frequently in the last decades.There are those who consider personal status law (PSL) as unjust, male-biased and discriminating against women especially in the issue of divorce. On the other hand there are voices who call to go back to the Sharia, because muslims has to follow the islamic law and its values, they are universal as they claim. In this essay I try to enlighten these two points of view which can be found in the debate in Egypt.

Attityder inom extrem kampsport : En undersökning om Mixed Martial Arts inverkan på utövaren

There have been debates on the big differences in mathematics knowledge concerning pupils in Sweden and Finland. Especially, one common issue in the discussions of education is the Pisa test results, which take up in the media. In the Pisa research the Finnish pupils get through well year after year. Because of the discussions about the distinct school systems in Sweden and Finland, I found it interesting to investigate the divergence of the curriculums in these two countries. The main research questions asked were, what are the main differences and similarities in the Swedish and Finnish curriculums in primary school? Such as, is the assignment of primary school similar in Sweden and Finland?In my study I analyzed and compared by means of the curriculum especially mathe-matics teaching in primary schools in grade three in Sweden and in grade two Fin-land.

Tankar kring Torsk : Isotopanalyser av torskkotor för att undersöka vikten av torskimport i medeltida Sverige

This essay discusses the import of cod (Gadus morhua) in Sweden during the Middle Ages through isotope analysis of cod vertebrae. The isotope analysis is used to trace the cods origin to either the Baltic Sea or the Atlantic Ocean. The bones were subjected to d13C, d15N and d34S analysis; 64 of  the analyzed bones met the quality criteria. The isotop data showed that import of Atlantic cod was significant in medeval Sweden. The analysis suggests that there is no specific time or event that the sites start to import cod but this varies from site to site. .

Nya landskapselement i Infra City :

My work deals with large scale design of the urban fringe. The thesis is divided in three parts; ?Current viewpoints?, ?Infra City ? conditions ? and ?Infra City ? project?. In the first part, I go through the history of trade shortly. Then I discuss the concept of nature, which ends up in a linkage between natural science and aesthetics in landscape architecture. The link between those two makes a project stronger and more multifunctional. The object of my case, Infra City, is a mall situated north of Stockholm on both sides of the E4 motorway going to Arlanda airport.

"Ett lika fritt folk bör äga lika rätt" : Om förändringarna i jordägandet i Öja socken före och efter 1789 och 1809/10

During the time between 1660-1680 the nobility in Sweden came to be a gigantic landowner with 65 % of the total amount of land, but only 20 years later they lost almost half of their possessions. The eighteenth century was on its way ? a period in history were ?ordinary? people started to question the nobility?s right to be excused from tax, at the same time as farmers and the ?middlegroup? started to appropriate more and more land from the nobility and the Crown.Through King Gustav III:s document of 1789, land became free to own to whoever it was ? except from the prime nobility?s land; but the Swedish Parliament followed the wind of change, and 1809/10 this land was also free to own. At the end of 1840, the nobility owned about 19 % of the land in Sweden, and the farmers and middlegroup owned 69 %. The tide had turned...But Öja parish showed a different development compered to the rest of Sweden.

North European Gas Pipeline : Ett säkerhetshot mot EU och dess medlemsstater

Extreme Production Makeover? fångade vårt intresse för en tid sedan, strax innan vi skulle börja skriva vår C-uppsats. Metoden går ut på att under mycket kort tid förändra och effektivisera en produktionslina för att höja produktiviteten. Vi blev genast nyfikna på om Extreme Production Makeover? skulle gå att omsätta i administrativa flöden och tjänste-flöden med ett informationslogistiskt perspektiv.Inom produktion finns det en lång tradition av att arbeta med effektiviseringar och förbättringar.

Bok- och grankonkurrens i Sydsverige - markegenskaper och naturlig föryngring :

In southern Sweden, beech (Fagus silvatica) and spruce (Picea abies) are two species with similar demands on soil properties. With increased global warming and high acid deposition the future may bring larger areas were the two species are overlapping, competing for the same soil. The aim of this study was to compare spruce and beech concerning distribution, cultivation and soil properties. From available data comparisons were made between spruce and beech forests in Sweden. Soil analyses were made on samples from beech forest in southern Sweden, with and without natural regeneration of spruce.

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