

593 Uppsatser om No pain - Sida 5 av 40

Effekten av kinesiotejpning på aktivitetsförmåga och smärta hos gravida med pelvic girdle pain ? en pilotstudie

Syftet var att undersöka om kinesiotejpning kunde påverka aktivitetsförmåga och smärta hos gravida kvinnor med pelvic girdle pain. Studien var en single subjekt experimentell AB-design. Fyra kvinnor inkluderades i pilotstudien för behandling av pelvic girdle pain. Smärtan skattades och mättes med visuell analog skala. Aktivitetsförmågan mättes med Roland &  Morris disability questionnaire.Resultatet visade att gällande aktivitetsförmåga kunde det med 95 % säkerhet ses en förbättring hos tre av kvinnorna.

Mindfulness-träning med kognitiv psykoterapiinriktning för patienter med långvarig smärta

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness training in the treatment of chronic pain, estimate the degree of mindfulness before and after intervention, and to describe the participants experience of mindfulness training. Mindfulness is defined as moment to moment, non-judgmental awareness. After the treatment of chronic pain 16 patients were offered and nine agreed to participate in mindfulness training. The intervention group took part in an 8-week group-program. The comparison group, not randomized, was 16 former patients.

Injektion till katt ? injektionsassocierad smärta samt injektioner i praktiken

Intramuscular injections to cats can generate strong reactions in some individuals while reactions of the same extent, according to the author, not always are recognized when using the subcutaneous route. The reactions are probably caused by fear, stress and/or pain. When the injection can generate pain one has to take that into account, which can be a limitation in treatment. It is well known that injections generate pain, but knowledge about the cause and processes of the injection-associated pain is limited. This is mainly due to the difficulty in finding objects to study pain on, high cost of use of laboratory animals and difficulty to obtain objective measurements. Although there is evidence that there may be a local muscle injury by intramuscular injection, it is not always that the extent of damage is related to the pain experienced. Facts about the causes of injection-associated pain have been studied in a literature review.

Individers erfarenhet av icke farmakologisk behandling vid långvarig smärta : En litteraturöversikt

Aim: The aim of this study was to highlighting the experiences of individuals of non-pharmacological treatment for chronic pain.Method: The study was designed as a literature review with aim to review andcompile the articles results. This study has been based on a systematic literature search of supplementing out of an unsystematic search were 11 articles were found.Results: The participants in the studies had experienced a good effect out of non-pharmacological treatments for their pain and a improved quality of life. Based on participants´ experiences of treatment two categories occurred: body awareness and relaxation. Body awareness arose through treatments like yoga, mindfulness meditation and CBT. Relaxation occurred through treatments, like music, heat, massage and meditation.Conclusion: This study highlights how non-pharmacological treatments is experienced by individuals with chronic pain and two key areas have been identified.

Patienters upplevelse av multimodal smärtrehabiliteringsprogram : En intervjustudie

Background: Chronic pain is a condition that approximately 18% of the Swedish population suffers from. This condition affects many aspects of a person´s life and causes psychological, physiological and social suffering. Multimodal treatment is considered the most effective treatment for patients with chronic pain. Patient participation and motivation are very important to treatment. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore patients´ experience of a multimodal chronic pain treatment program regarding their experience of patient participation and interaction with the rehabilitation team.

Sjuksköterskors tillvägagångssätt vid smärtbedömning av äldre patienter

Bakgrund: Smärta är ett flerdimensionellt fenomen och ett vanligt problem inom äldrevården. Smärtbehandling finns att tillgå, trots detta är smärta underbehandlat hos äldre patienter.Syftet: Syftet med studien är att belysa hur sjuksköterskor bedömer fysisk smärta i omvårdnad av äldre patienter.Metod: Litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats har använts. Datamaterialet bestod av fem kvantitativa och fyra kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar.Resultat: Det framkom tre huvudkategorier: smärtbedömningsprocesser, smärtbedömningsmetoder och smärtbedömningsredskap. Ur huvudkategorierna urskildes sex underkategorier: smärtidentifiering, smärtbedömningssvårigheter, kommunikation med patienterna för att bedöma smärta, smärtobservation, smärtbedömningsinstrument och dokumentation.Slutsatser: För att göra en smärtbedömning behövs en god relation till patienten, närstående och övrig personal där kommunikation har central roll. Sjuksköterskan måste tro på patientens egen skattning och smärtupplevelse..

Vacuumassisterad sa?rbehandling pa? en ka?rlkirurgisk va?rdavdelning ? Utva?rdering av behandlingsresultat pa? olika sa?rtyper och hur patienter skattar sin sma?rta i samband med byte av VAC-svamp : En journalgranskningsstudie

Background: Vacuum assisted closure, VAC, is a method which can benefit wound closure. There are not many reliable studies about the effects of VAC in different types of wounds. Previous studies have shown that patients have experienced pain during dressing changes.Aim: The aim of the study was to survey in what kind of wounds the vascular surgery ward have been using VAC, to study the treatment process of VAC and how it has been documented and also to investigate if patients with VAC experienced pain during dressing changes.Method: The patients were chosen from a ledger, which contained 77 patients that had been treated with VAC on the vascular surgery ward. Data were collected with a journal survey protocol.Results: The result is based on 67 patients with a total of 79 wounds. VAC was shown to have a good effect on wound healing and infected surgical wounds were the most commonly wound category undergoing treatment with VAC.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av möten med patienter från andra kulturer och deras närstående : en intervjustudie om smärta

Background: Many Swedish inhabitants origin from different countries with different cultures that may show pain in other ways than Swedes. The Swedish law stress that nursing care should be done individually according to the patient's capabilities and needs. Aim and Method: The aim of this study was to describe nurses´ experiences of encounters with patients from other cultures with pain, and also their next of kin. Qualitative interviews were carried out with seven nurses. The interviews were analysed with the starting point in Giger and Davidhizars Transcultural Assessment Model and the six phenomena: communication, space, social organisation, time, environmental control and biological diversity.

Kvinnors upplevelser av smärta och blödning samt möjlighet att upptäcka fostret i samband med hemabort : En enkätstudie vid två kliniker i Sverige

The purpose of this study was to investigate women's experiences of pain, bleeding,to discover the fetus, hospitalization associated with medical abortion at home and toexplore differences in experiences between different groups of women, as age orprevious childbirth. The study was conducted at two gynecological clinics in Uppsalaand in Stockholm. A questionnaire was distributed and analyzed using a quantitativeanalysis method. The response rate was 30 %. Most women were satisfied with thepain relief given to them from the hospital.

Lärares erfarenheter av arbete med elever som far illa

The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between physical activity and perceived stress, energy and musculoskeletal disorders among office-workers and warehouse-workers and also to see if there were any differences depending on work-place and gender. The method that was used to collect data was three different validated questionnaires that measured stress and energy (the Stress-Energy questionnaire), musculoskeletal disorders (intensity and localization of pain, a Pain Drawing questionnaire with a VAS-scale) and physical activity (IPAQ ? the short version). Eighty-eight workers participated in the study. Forty-seven of them were office-workers and forty-one were warehouse-workers.

"Surfnacke"- ett växande hälsoproblem bland ungdomar? : Skärmbaserade aktiviteter, fysisk inaktivitet, muskuloskeletala symptom och smärtintensitet

The aim of this study was to analyse ninth graders self reported screen based activities, sedentary time and musculoskeletal symptoms and pain intensity. The other aim was to examine changes regarding musculoskeletal pain and inactivity between ninth graders from a cross sectional study in year 2004. To meet this aim, following questions were designed: How is the relationship between screen based activities, inactivity, musculoskeletal symptoms, pain intensity and differences between girls and boys? How have musculoskeletal symptoms and screen time changed since year 2004?Method: The method used for this study was a quantitative method. The research was carried out using a questionnaire that was answered by pupils from 11 schools from all over Sweden.

Elevers uppfattningar om kunskap, motivation och undervisning kopplat till SO-ämnena

The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between physical activity and perceived stress, energy and musculoskeletal disorders among office-workers and warehouse-workers and also to see if there were any differences depending on work-place and gender. The method that was used to collect data was three different validated questionnaires that measured stress and energy (the Stress-Energy questionnaire), musculoskeletal disorders (intensity and localization of pain, a Pain Drawing questionnaire with a VAS-scale) and physical activity (IPAQ ? the short version). Eighty-eight workers participated in the study. Forty-seven of them were office-workers and forty-one were warehouse-workers.

Reliabilitet och validitet av smärtbedömningsformulär som används inom intensiv- och postoperativ vård.

Smärta förekommer inom all sjukvård och är ett komplext problem, speciellt inom intensiv- och postoperativ vård då patienten ofta inte själv kan beskriva sin smärta eftersom patienten ofta är medvetslös eller är sederad. För att bedöma smärta finns olika verktyg, men för de som inte själv kan beskriva sin smärta är detta en svårighet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka reliabilitet och validitet på smärtbedömningsformulär inom intensiv- och postoperativ vård. Metoden vi använde oss av var en kvantitativ litteraturstudie för att besvara vårt syfte. Databaser som använts är CINAHL, PubMed och SweMed+, med sökorden nurse*, pain scale, pain assessment, pain measurement, questionnaire, postoperative och intenisive care.

Elever som inte når målen i de samhällsorienterande ämnena : Orsaker och insatser i grundskolans tidigare åldrar

The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between physical activity and perceived stress, energy and musculoskeletal disorders among office-workers and warehouse-workers and also to see if there were any differences depending on work-place and gender. The method that was used to collect data was three different validated questionnaires that measured stress and energy (the Stress-Energy questionnaire), musculoskeletal disorders (intensity and localization of pain, a Pain Drawing questionnaire with a VAS-scale) and physical activity (IPAQ ? the short version). Eighty-eight workers participated in the study. Forty-seven of them were office-workers and forty-one were warehouse-workers.

Nack- och rygghälsa i arbetslivet : En fallstudie av arbetsmiljö och friskvård

This study deals with the complex phenomenon of occupational health. There is knowledge of how a good work environment should look like, but despite this, many employees experiences ill health in the workplace mainly in the form of neck and back pain. This study is a case study conducted in a high-risk workplace. The overall purpose was to describe and analyze the health situation of a specific company with neck and back problems. Mainly, eight interviews had been used as the data collection method, but additional observations had also been implemented.

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