

463 Uppsatser om New employee - Sida 17 av 31

Försäljningsorganisationen Stjärnägg : en utvärdering ur ett leverantörs och ägarperspektiv

Stjärnägg is a sales organization operating on the Swedish eggmarket, owned by nine Swedish packing companies. Those nine packing companies are not just owners of the sales organization, but at the same time competitors since they compete in the market when they do not sell the eggs through Stjärnägg.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the sales organization from a supplier and owner perspective. To answer the purpose of this study, qualitative interviews have been conducted with the owners of the egg packers. This has been done in order to get as fair picture of the sales organization as possible. From the answers of the interviews, a compilation has been made to be able to give Stjärnägg concrete proposals of improvements in the organization.

Varför slutar Young Professionals på Scania? : En kvalitativ studie bland unga akademiker hos Scania gällande drivkrafter, värderingar och behov i arbetslivet.

I den här uppsatsen har vi undersökt vilka värderingar drivkrafter och behov som finns bland fordonstillverkaren Scanias unga akademiker, vilka i undersökningen går under benämningen Young Professionals. Detta i syfte att utröna varför Young Professionals lämnar Scania och vilka faktorer som är avgörande för att skapa ett attraktivare Scania bland denna målgrupp samt att komma fram till lämpliga åtgärder som i största möjliga mån kan förmå dem att stanna inom företaget. Undersökningen bedrevs genom användande av kvalitativa intervjuer och fokusgrupper vilket resulterade i ett antal faktorer framkom som viktiga för denna målgrupp.Dessa faktorer är chefskapet, missnöje med företagets engagemang och tillvaratagande på den enskilde individens driv, motivation och kunskaper samt inre processer som är alldeles för segdragna vilket mynnar ut i frustration hos YP och därigenom leder till motivationstapp..

Faktorer som påverkar kvaliteten i omvårdnadsarbetet : ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Background: Earlier studies show that nurses work environment is a factor that may affect the quality in nursing care negatively. Other factors are: number of employees, working hours, work structure and planning and working relationships between colleagues. Work relationships are particularly important for nurses as they can affect patient safety. Nurses are prone to stressrelated illnesses and high stress levels prove to have a negative affect on the quality of nursing care. To develop and assure the quality demands effort from every employee.

Verksamhetsrelaterade uppsägningar i Sverige och Polen : En komparativ studie

This thesis investigates similarities and disparities between Swedish and Polish Labour Law concerning dismissals due to operational requirements and group redundancies. The study focuses on three important elements where the employers? liberty is legally infringed upon in a procedure of notice. These elements concerns the legal conditions of notice that must be fulfilled, the rules of the procedure and the rules for employment protection that is granted in connection with dismissals due to operational requirement or group redundancies. In the thesis there is a comparative map that outlines the most important rules within the Swedish and Polish legal systems concerning the subject.

Sociala intranät - ett intranät för alla? : Uppfattningar bland leverantörer och beställare

A social intranet is an information and communication channel that is relatively new. There is still a small amount of research done around social intranet and what it is, and also on what organizations and their members may benefit from using such an intranet. Therefore, this paper was written with the purpose to em-phasize the reasons, possibilities and difficulties of implementing and using a so-cial intranet. With interview as method we took part of the experiences and views on social intranet from a number of organizations that are using or is about to establish a social intranet, and also from companies who deliver the service. Through the use of previous research in organizational communication, we then analysed the responses we received from our respondents.

Ovillkorade aktieägartillskott - Analys utifrån skatteflyktslagen

Partner in a close company is taxed under special rules for private companies. This is to avoid a fiscal revenue conversion. Partner as having a major influence in the company and take out what is really earned income as dividends and thus be taxed at a significantly lower rate. The purpose of the close company rules is that a partner in labor income is taxed in the same way that an employee?s income.The problem that arises when one partner in a closely held company leave a shareholders contribution to the company which aims to raise the threshold for the shares discussed in this paper.

Högskolan i Halmstads miljöarbete - syndliggörande för studenterna

We must all take our responsibility to our common environment, we have to make sure that the following generation is guaranteed a healthy and good environment. Swedens universities have a significant role too achieve this. Environment questions have to integrate in the educa¬tion as a compulsory element, then more people will have an increased comprehension for the influence we have ion the environment. . My degree project have I decided to do about the environmental work at Halmstad University.

Akademiker bland bokhyllorna biblioteks- och informationsvetares upplevelser av övergången från studier till yrkesliv

Library and information science students often ask themselves if their education will be sufficient and adapted to the work tasks they will meet with as future librarians. It is the aim of this Master thesis to investigate LIS-graduates' experiences of the transfer from academic studies into professional life. The thesis thus treats four questions: I: What problems, if any, does the LIS-graduate experience when first employed? 2: Does the recently employed librarian feel that the academically obtained knowledge is applicable in professional life? And, if so, how does it apply? 3: Does the New employee find that there are areas in which his/her academic education has been insufficient? 4: What is the general attitude towards LIS-graduates' education among colleagues and is the library staff prepared to provide the necessary instructions? The investigation is performed through interviews with eight LIS-graduates, all of whom have recently started working as public librarians. The analysis is based on the concepts of competence, qualifications, work skills, knowledge and in the processes of formal and practical learning.

Bakgrundskontroller i svenskt näringsliv - En studie av kontrollförfarandet vid rekrytering till ledningsgrupper

Changes in the labour market combined with an increased media coverage of managers, have resulted in the rise of a new human due diligence industry. The use of background checks has lately become increasingly popular on the Swedish market and many companies use it as an evaluation tool when recruiting. This study investigates differences in the background screening procedure for recruitment to executive management positions and lower level positions. It also aims to answer why background checks are conducted, using a cultural and a functional perspective. The report takes an abductive approach and data has primarily been gathered through a survey directed to large Swedish companies.

Medarbetarsamtalssystemet - forum för delaktighet, kommunikation och lärande?

The purpose of this study is to describe how the employee appraisal is perceived by managers, employees and representatives from human resources departments. The empirical material con-sists of 15 interviews: respondents were two representatives of the human resources departments, four unit managers and nine employees who work at a state institution or municipal management. In the study, I adopt a sociocultural perspective, with the communicative relational perspective. The latter is a special education perspective in which the interpenetration of participation, com-munication and learning emphasized.The result shows that the majority of employees would like to see that the talks will be held more frequently than once a year. One of the managers has in cooperation with his co-workers devel-oped a model based on that each year, in addition to salary talks, have an individual conversation, a conversation with each group and individual follow-up talks.

Välbefinnande, psykosocial arbetsmiljö och deltagande i friskvårdsaktiviteter bland anställda på ett tillverkningsföretag

Work environment activities, such as work health promotion, can take place at different levels - though the best result is obtained when all levels can interact. The overall aim with this study was to examine the impact of health promotion on work related well-being and stress in an industrial company. The focus was on employee experience of and participation in company initiated wellness activities. A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted in which parts of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ II) were used to examine factors in the psychosocial work environment, and well-being was examined with the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). In all 303 employees (50 %) responded to the survey.

Förvärv och Företagskultur

Background: Acquisitions are a well-known method for increasing company size and strength on the market. But to reach the targets set, more than just a positive economic calculation is required. An atmosphere that supports the company's integration is needed, for which it is of great importance for management to understand the underlying sets of values that exist in the organisation, and to take into consideration the way they might become an obstacle or a tool for a successful integration. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explain and understand how cultural change occurs and how it affects the employee, as a smaller company is bought and integrated into a larger organisation. Procedure: The analysis is based on theories on organisational culture and organisational change.

Behovet av kommunikation om kommunikation - En fallstudie om intern kommunikation på ett folkbibliotek

The aim of this study is to gain knowledge about the internalcommunication at a public library in Sweden, focusing on the flow of information and the library employee?s role as a source and receiver. This is an important subject because internal communication affects not only the internal work, but also the users. Despite this there are few studies about internal communication in libraries. The research questions used are: How do the employees perceive the role as source of information, and what choices do they make before they spread information? How do the employees perceive the role as receiver of information? How do the employees feel that the information flow works in the organization as a whole?The research is founded on five qualitative semi-structured interviews with the library employees.

Arbetsmiljöarbetet på SverigesBostadsrättsCentrum : Vad ändringarna i arbetsmiljölagen innebär

This diploma work was performed because the company Sveriges BostadsrättsCentrum, with the abbreviation SBC, had a need to gain insight into how changes in the Work Environment Act and related regulations which took effect January 1, 2009 affecting their work with the work environment. The changes mean that the client may hand over his work environment responsibilities to a contractor and that he has to select so-called building work environment co-ordinators. At SBC they are working as representatives for tenant-owner's association when a construction is about to be carried out. The purpose was to ascertain how changes may affect the work at SBC. The diploma work intends to educate the staff at SBC how work with the work environment would look like if they met the regulatory requirements.

Tillgänglighet : En värld för alla

Syftet med arbetet är att kartlägga hur en organisation arbetar med tillgänglighet för anställda med ett funktionshinder, samt vilka eventuella hinder organisationen stöter på i förbättringen av tillgängligheten inom organisationen. Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning där vi gjorde sju enskilda intervjuer med olika personer inom organisationen. Vi intervjuade personer inom organisationen som var chefer och arbetar med arbetsmiljö och tillgänglighet samt även medarbetare. Vi fick även möjlighet till att intervjua ett par personer med funktionshinder. Resultatet visade att tillgängligheten är mycket god inom organisationen.

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