

9706 Uppsatser om Network Monitoring System - Sida 5 av 648

Inlärning i Emotional Behavior Networks : Online Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning i kontinuerliga domäner

The largest project at the AICG lab at Linköping University, Cognitive models for virtual characters, focuses on creating an agent architecture for intelligent, virtual characters. The goal is to create an agent that acts naturally and gives a realistic user experience. The purpose of this thesis is to develop and implement an appropriate learning model that fits the existing agent architecture using an agile project methodology. The model developed can be seen as an online unsupervised reinforcement learning model that enhances experiences through reward. The model is based on Maes model where new effects are created depending on whether the agent is fulfilling its goals or not.The model we have developed is based on constant monitoring of the system.

Följ upp målarbetet hellre än målen

Background: The Swedish population is aging [1] and malnutrition is a common problem among elderly people [2]. A method called food registration is used to monitor the patients? nutritional intake, with the purpose of reducing the risk of patients deteriorating in nutritional status during hospitalisation. However, the current method is not satisfactory and many food registration lists are incomplete. [3-6] Thus, patients do not receive a qualitative nutritional care since the assessment of the patients? nutritional status is based on incomplete documentation.Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to increase the quality in the nutrition monitoring process in the geriatric units B72 and B74 at Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge, Sweden.

Gemensamma kostnader : Det verkliga utfallet

The aim of this report is to develop an improved basis for calculation of common costs as well as to create a support, showing which steps can be taken for improving the future monitoring at NCC Hus in Karlstad.The objective of this report is to improve the quality of the process of quoting by verifying current key numbers, production of new key numbers and to identify the problems affecting the monitoring of projects.The objective is also to provide suggestions of actions improving quality assurance at NCC Hus in Karlstad..

Jakten på en trygg oas i en torr öken : En studie om varför studententreprenörer väljer att delta i självorganiserade företagsnätverk

The aim of this study is to, by developing ideal types, describe why studententrepreneurs participate in self organised business network. The investigation is based on answers from 41 participants in the business network ?Företagare på Lnu?, as well astwo semi-focused groups, which where analysed by using Webers (1978) ideal types.The investigation shows that there are several reasons for student entrepreneurs to participate in self organised business network. For instance some people participate to gather knowledge from other student entrepreneurs for their own future, since they have an idea of soon starting their own business. Others participate just for the fun of knowing what?s going on at the university..

Wildlife Detection Network

Traffic accidents where wild animals are involved represents between 60 and 80 percent of all reported accidents, depending on location in Sweden. In a country like Sweden, with a lot of forest, there is always risk of a collision with a wild animal. Imagine if you, as a road user, had the possibility to receive warnings when the risk of an accident according to statistics is extra high.Wildlife Detection Network is a wildlife warning system with an information service, which makes the whole concept unique. When an animal is approaching the road, it is registered by sensors, and warning lights along the road are lit to inform drivers of the potential danger. In conclusion, this is a direct warning to all drivers on the road where the system is placed.When an animal is registered by the sensors, information containing time, date, weather circumstances and coordinates are sent to a database.

Jämförelse av nätverksfilsystemsprotokoll i Windowsmiljö

Detta arbete handlar om nätverksfilsystemsprotokollen SMB/CIFS, SMB2 och NFSv3. Arbetet baseras på artikeln ?A New Network File System is Born: Comparison of SMB2, CIFS, and NFS? som skrivits av Steven M. French på IBM, Samba Team. I den artikeln saknas det prestandatester och därför känns det relevant att göra prestandatester för att få fram vilket protokoll som har högst hastighet med olika filstorlekar i Windowsmiljö.

Samverkan i BoDa-enheter : En kvalitativ studie kring personer med funktionsnedsättning

Title: Collaboration in BoDa-units. A qualitative study about collaboration regarding people with disabilities. The purpose of this thesis was to internally examine the cooperation between different professions in municipal BoDa-units. By doing a qualitative study using focus-group-interviews in three municipalities, we were able to examine the personnel?s experience of cooperation issues and opportunities in BoDa-units.

Analys av fördelningssystem för bostadshus

The purpose of this project is to analyze earthing systems for houses. By practical measurements and theoretical analyzes consequences of possible faults, that can occur within the facility and in the low-voltage distribution network, is illustrated.  The reason for this project is that nowadays one has to arrange with a main equipotential bonding system for buildings. Apart from that, if necessary, bathrooms must be provided with a supplementary equipotential bonding system.The practical measurements verify that potential differences in facilities may be due to voltage drops in the PEN conductor between the origin of the electrical installation and the power transformer.Based on the theoretical analyzes of possible faults, it is considered that the requirement for  supplementary equipotential bonding systems for bathrooms in most cases can be questioned, when basic insulation, fault protection, residual current devise and main equipotential bonding system already provides an adequate level of protection.A PEN conductor loss may result in a situation where metallic parts attached to the equipotential bonding system starts working as earth electrodes. Equipotential bonding system may also increase the incidence of stray currents. If TN-C-S systems is provided with a local connection to earth a redundant system against PEN conductor loss is obtained.

Datorsystem för kvalitetskontroll och temperaturövervakning med värmekamerateknik

The work was carried out on Termisk Systemteknisk?s office in Linköping. The aim was to create a computer system with infrared camera technology for quality control and temperature monitoring of manufacturing processes in industry. The system should be configurable such that it can be used on several different issues, including those where the real-time analysis of camera images is required.The developed system is based on an existing framework, Panola, to deal with measurement results and images in a database. The framework is built for the system continually check for new data , and the task was to create a foundation upon which to build systems that use the framework, but fully or partially utilize direct calls .

Föräldrars alkoholtillåtande attityder och monitoring sett i relation till ungdomars riskbeteende i bruket av alkohol, tobak, narkotika och spel : En deskriptiv studie baserad på CAN:s enkät från Gävleborgs län

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det fanns någon samvariation mellan föräldrar som hade tillåtande attityder samt låg monitoring(föräldrars bristande tillsyn över sina ungdomar) och riskbeteende i alkohol, tobak, narkotika och/eller spel hos deras ungdomar, samt att studera eventuella könsskillnader. Studien gjordes i samarbete med Samhällsmedicin vid Landstinget Gävleborg. Metoden som användes var en kvantitativ och studien grundades på datamaterial på 1735 ungdomar från Centralförbundet för alkohol- och narkotikaupplysningens (CAN) totalundersökning som hade genomförts bland eleverna i årskurs nio i Gävleborgs län i år 2008. Eventuell samvariation undersöktes med hjälp av korstabeller och det beräknade 95 procents konfidensintervall. Resultatet visade att ungdomar till föräldrar med tillåtande attityder och låg monitoring hade ett riskbeteende i alkohol, tobak, narkotika och spel i större utsträckning jämfört med ungdomar som inte hade detta, där föräldramonitoring var den mest betydelsefulla påverkansfaktorn för ungdomars substansbruk.

Utvärdering av Artificiella Neurala Arkitekturer För Navigering

Den klassiska approachen till navigering innefattar att agenten håller en intern representativ modell av omgivningen. Denna approach har emellertid många nackdelar, speciellt för dynamiska miljöer. En modernare approach är att förlita sig på den faktiska omgivningen istället för en modell av denna. Detta arbete presenterar en undersökning av navigeringsproblemet och hur väl det löses av agenter vars kontrollmekanismer utgörs artificiella neurala nätverk. Tillförlitligheten hos de två neurala arkitekturerna Extended sequential cascaded network och Self-organized recurrent network bestäms genom experiment.

Tillbaka till framtiden - om svensk filmdistribution i den digitala eran

Why is the e-revolution of the Swedish film distribution lingering? In attempting to answer that question, this qualitative study depicts the distribution market of Swedish film and its actors. Thirteen interviews with representatives of the industry have been conducted in search of an understanding of the current situation. Two important conclusions are made. One is that the strong interdependency between the actors of film distribution is inhibiting the acting space of those who seek change.

Markberedningens betydelse och egenkontroll för markberedning

The purpose of this report is to make an evaluation of the self-monitoring for scarification which Stora Enso is using and this study deals with the effects and importance of scarification. A comparison is made in this study with the purpose to highlight any differences between some of the leading forestry companies and significant forest organizations in Sweden. The companies represented in this report are Korsnäs, Mellanskog, SCA, Sveaskog and Södra. In the beginning of this study an interview form was set up together with Daniel Forsberg at Stora Enso. Stora Enso is the head object of this report and seven interviews were made within that company. At the other companies only three interviews were made within each one, with an exception to Mellanskog who wished four.

Saluplats Fyristorg : medborgarnas gemensamma uterum?

The purpose of this report is to make an evaluation of the self-monitoring for scarification which Stora Enso is using and this study deals with the effects and importance of scarification. A comparison is made in this study with the purpose to highlight any differences between some of the leading forestry companies and significant forest organizations in Sweden. The companies represented in this report are Korsnäs, Mellanskog, SCA, Sveaskog and Södra. In the beginning of this study an interview form was set up together with Daniel Forsberg at Stora Enso. Stora Enso is the head object of this report and seven interviews were made within that company. At the other companies only three interviews were made within each one, with an exception to Mellanskog who wished four.

Hur fungerar logistiken i produktionen på ett byggföretag?

The Work has been performed to, and in cooperation with Vetlanda Energi och teknik AB.District heating for commercial purpose started in the USA in 1877. Today the network has grown into big and complex systems, which demand maintenance and service to keep up the security of the delivery. When a district heating network expand, it becomes difficult to perform reliable calculations. For this purposes there are a few suppliers who design and deliver systems for documentation and calculation of district heating networks.Vetlanda Energi och Teknik AB is in the position where they must get a system for documentation and calculation for district heating, and therefore they need a basis to get a system. The target is to write a requirement specification that will follow the basis.The Swedish market has been inventoried, and suitable systems have been selected.

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