

9706 Uppsatser om Network Monitoring System - Sida 39 av 648

Fibonacci och hans matematik : En titt på Fibonaccis matematiska liv och det han lämnat efter sig

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

Interaktiv visualisering av IP-nätverk

Ett icke trivialt IP-nätverk består av många noder som är förbundna med varandra genom olika typer av transmissionsmedier. Man kan föreställa sig nätverket som ett moln av noder och förbindelser. Nätverksvisualisering handlar om att kika in i molnet och snabbt få en övergripande bild över de komplexa relationer som finns i det.Genom att skapa nätverkskartor som grafiskt beskriver ett IP-nätverk kan arbetet med att övervaka och felsöka det underlättas.Telenors svenska nätverksövervakning har utvecklat ett system för att automatiskt generera nätverkskartor i formatet SVG. De har ställt frågan om det går att göra dessa interaktiva och koppla ihop dem med befintliga verktygsprogram.Denna rapport visar exempel på tekniker, baserade på öppen källkod och öppna standarder, som kan användas för att utveckla ett system som gör nätverkskartor i dokumentformatet SVG interaktiva i en webbläsare.Problemet att göra nätverkskartorna interaktiva analyseras och olika lösningsalternativ tas fram och jämförs med varandra.Ett system baserat på öppen mjukvara och öppna standarder utvecklas för att visa hur de redovisade teknikerna kan användas i praktiken. Systemets arkitektur beskrivs i tre systemvyer.

Kommunikation i dubbel bemärkelse : Enkätsstudie av barnfamiljer och SL:s digitala plattformar 

As a result of a successful human development around the world an extensive urbanization of societies are taking place that are networked in various ways. In these networks, increased travel and digitization are central where individuals and organizations converge in a constant and immediate wireless and mobile technology flow. An example of this is Stockholm and its public transportation company Storstockholms Lokaltrafik (SL). Although most participate in most of the network society, SL is struggling with an audience that seldom travel with them: families with children. We intended to find out how the communication of SL´s digital platforms could get families to travel more with public transportation.


This thesis has been made in cooperation with Forsheda Stålverktyg AB which develops and manufactures injection moulds and diecasting tools. The main concern has been their Trading-system which provides them with considerable amount of quality lost function.Focus has to however be put on the analysis of the Trading-system due to the fact that this has previously meant various quality issues for the company.This thesis treats quality assurance of the Trading-system, identification of the problems in the process and improvements of these problems.Quality assurance is carried out when a company detects that their quality based costs become too high. Quality based cost are? the costs that would disappear if a company's products and its different operational processes were absolute? (Sörqvist, 2001 p.30, free translation from Swedish). High quality based costs often result in increased quality problems, which can lead to substantial economic loss for the company.This work has resulted in a thorough review of the Trading-system whereupon problems have been identified.

Business Intelligence i SharePoint

The goal for this thesis work was to develop Business Intelligence (BI) for an IT consultant company.LexiConsult is an IT consultant company in the Lexicon-group which offers expertise within Office (templates, database, spreadsheets, Outlook etc.) but also SharePoint development and services like support, documentation etcetera.We have investigated the functionality in SharePoint and MS SQL Server and have also evaluated which possibilities these platforms offer in terms of creating a BI-solution for LexiConsults needs. SharePoint offers a variety of different tools and services for BI but none of these where available in the Office365-version which LexiConsult uses. Another solution was therefore suggested where the reports should be published on a web hosting company.We have also studied critical success factors when implementing BI in an IT consulting company.The result is a set of BI-reports developed for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), which the staff of LexiConsult can access via their SharePoint site.The reports are designed for monitoring and analysis of the economy with e.g. key performance indicators, drill-down of the revenue in different aspects such as by time period, per employee, per customer etcetera. The reports provides vital knowledge that can be used for decision support, e.g.

Användning av CRM-system : En kvalitativ studie om CRM-användning för att stödja företags kundrelationer

Företag befinner sig i en konkurrenskraftig värld och för att lyckas överleva måste de ta handom sina befintliga kunder såväl som attrahera nya. Med hjälp av dagens teknologi, har företagmöjlighet att lagra information om sina kunder och kan därför få en ökad förståelse förkunders beteende och önskemål. CRM-system (Customer Relationship Management-system)är ett hjälpmedel i detta arbete och har därför blivit en prioriterad investering för företag dåkunder betraktas som dess viktigaste tillgång. CRM-system är en kostsam investering,samtidigt som chansen för att misslyckas vid implementering är stor. Därför är det av stor viktför företag att efter implementeringen kunna hantera, använda och ha förståelse för CRMsystemetsolika funktioner för att lyckas stärka kundrelationer och erhålla tänkta fördelar somsystemet syftar till.Studien tillämpar kvalitativa undersökningstekniker där ett fallföretag har undersökts genomintervjuer.

Lagring av flisade skogsbränslen : - med avseende på att minska energi- och kvalitetsförändringar

Computer based information systems play an important role in modern military combat vehicles. The crew needs to be able to quickly get information about both the vehicle and its outer surroundings in order to quickly make the correct decisions. In this report, we describe the development of a prototype new information system for the BvS10 vehicle, manufactured by BAE System Hägglunds AB in Örnsköldsvik.An important aspect of the system is the time it takes from the point that the information is generated by the vehicle sensors until it is presented to the user. The system must be able to ensure that it never displays information that is out of date. Thus, it is important to create a layer and component based architecture for the solution, making it possible to control, in detail, the information?s age as it moves through the system.

Egenkontroll i livsmedelsbranschen utifrån verksamheternas perspektiv : en kvalitativ studie

Verksamhetsutövare inom livsmedelsbranschen har ett ansvarar för att den mat som producerats är säker. År 2009 gjordes ändringar i den svenska livsmedelslagen där bland annat kraven försvann på att verksamhetsutövare måste ha skriftliga rutiner och dokumentation (Lindblad, Westöö, Lindqvist, Hjertqvist & Andersson, 2009). Oavsett om verksamhetsutövarna har skriftliga rutiner och dokumentation eller inte måste de kunna bevisa att de har tillräcklig kunskap för att arbeta med livsmedelshantering. Genom ett fungerande system för egenkontroll, alltså en egen kontroll av verksamheten, skapas säkra livsmedel och risken för matförgiftning minskar (Israelsson, 2006). Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka verksamhetsutövarna inom livsmedelsbranschens uppfattning om egenkontroll.

Diagnostik för mjukvara, en ny trend?

Diagnostika verktyg, som t.ex logik för att avgöra om en server fungerar normalt används idag av många företag för att underlätta underhåll av datorsystem och säkerställa driftsäkerheten. TietoEnator GSS ser att ett system för att utföra diagnostik på egenutvecklad programvara, t.ex serverprogramvara för e-tjänster, skulle kunna effektivisera driften av dessa tjänster. Detta examensarbete beskriver utvecklingsprocessen och implementaionen av delar av ett sådant system. Rapporten behandlar också till viss del diagnostikverktyg som finns idag och lite om hur framtida system för att underhålla datorsystem kan se ut..

Att sjunga en fråga. En jämförelse av tre Query-by-Humming-system och deras användare.

The aim of this study was to compare the Query-by-Humming systems Midomi, Musicline and Tunebot regarding their retrieval effectiveness. The aim was to see if there were differences between the systems but also between the user groups common users, musicians and singers. Query-by-Humming system means that the user sings a tune that the system then use to find the right melody.To compare the systems and their users, queries where collected from the different user groups and replayed for the systems. Mean Reciprocal Rank and Friedman test was used to do the comparison.The results showed that the system did not achieve equivalent and that there were no difference between the user groups. The Mean Reciprocal Rank showed that the systems had very different retrieval effectiveness, where Midomi was the system with best result and Musicline with the lowest result..

This is the era of the personal brand : En studie om betydelsen av det personliga varumärket i professionella sammanhang i dagens samhälle

Authors: Phia Bergdahl & Karin TydénTitle: This is the era of the personal brand ? a study about the role of a personal brand in a professional context in modern societyLevel: BA Thesis in Media and Communication StudiesLocation: Linnaeus UniversityLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 54Background In pursuit of being unique and stand out, it has become fashionable to market yourself as a personal brand. According to some experts on the subject, this has become a necessity for survival in the tough competition about the jobs and the customers. With Internet and social media as a natural element in our society, we also have to relate to these channels when it comes to communicating ourselves.Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the role of the personal brand in a professional context in modern society and to explore Internet involvement in communicating the brand.TheoriesWe have used Bauman?s theory of ?consumer society?, how we live in a society where we are both the consumers and the goods consumed. We have also used Castells?s theory of "network society" and how its growth is changing our culture.

Att måla läppstift på grisen: En fallstudie om den interna interaktionen mellan Inköp och Miljö i arbetet mot hållbar utveckling

During the last years, the importance of sourcing in firms has increased. Globalization, fierce competition and an increased level of outsourcing are common explanations to why firms have highlighted the potential to realize savings and the value creation that the Purchasing department can generate. One trend that follows in parallel with globalization is an increased pressure from society on firms to take responsibility for the impact that its products and services have on the environment. This responsibility creates even more attention as outsourcing involves trade with suppliers in low wage countries, where the level of environmental and social responsibility is not always satisfying. The Purchasing department, the firm?s interface with suppliers should therefore, together with the firm?s Environmental department, play a key role in the firm?s contribution towards sustainable development.

GeoAnalys i Flashmiljö

There exists a great need among companies and other organizations to be able to visualize statistics. It?s also increasingly common to ask for web-based solutions for increased flexibility and accessibility for users. This paper describes how large amounts of geovisual data, for a large number of regions, can be visualized in an interactive and well-presented manner. The paper let?s you walk through two application scenarios, developed in a Flash environment, using the GeoViz component library for visualization. The first application has been developed for Statistics Sweden (SCB), to give a solution on how to visualize statistics for Sweden?s zip code regions.

John A Wardens teori om fienden som system applicerad på Al-Qaida

Den amerikanske flygvapenöversten John A Warden III har lagt fram en teori om att man kan se på fienden som ett system av system för att hitta hans svagheter. Teorin bygger på att skapa en bild av fienden genom en fördefinierad indelning i subsystem bestående av fem ringar. Denna bild skall därefter kunna brytas ner i ytterligare subsystem bestående av samma fem ringar som till slut avslöjar fiendens tyngdpunkter. Uppsatsen prövar om Wardens teori går att applicera på Al-Qaida..

ITS under byggtid - utvärdering med dynameq : Fallstudie: Intunnling av E4/E20 Tomteboda - Haga södra

Essingeleden in Stockholm is the most heavily congested road segment in Scandinavia and it is ofgreat importance for as well traffic within the city as for transit traffic. The capacity of Essingeledenand Norra Länken is not enough to accommodate all traffic. At times it is not moving at all, whichresults in long queues and an augmented risk of accidents. Consequently measures for increasing thecapacity on E4/E20, which will reduce congestion and the risk of accidents, are implemented byTrafikverket. In fall 2012 one lane of three at Pampas will be closed and so will the exit fromEssingeleden to Norra Stationsgatan, called Parkeringsbron.

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