

9706 Uppsatser om Network Monitoring System - Sida 38 av 648

Integrationskatalog - teknisk dokumentation av ett integrerat system

Systemintegration är arbetet med att få IT-system att samarbeta med varandra. Inomsystemintegration finns det idag ett glapp mellan den tekniska dokumentationen och den tekniskalösningen vilket försvårar arbetet med att ta fram och underhålla integrerade system. För att underlättadetta skapades på uppdrag av Ipendo Systems en databasmodell för att kunna lagra tekniskdokumentation om integrationssystem. Lösningen implementerades i Microsoft SQL Server. Underarbetet utvecklades stöd för hämtning av data från integrationsplattformen BizTalk.

Affärssystem för Gamersneed Sweden

This degree project deals with the creation of a business system for Gamersneed Sweden. The system is divided into two parts, one windows appliction and one websolution..

?Antingen f?r man sitta ensam och vara nykter och drogfri, och det ?r ju ingen som orkar det ?ver tid. Eller s? f?r vi skapa sammanhang d?r man kan g?ra p? ett annat s?tt? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av sociala n?tver

This study examines the opinions of social workers regarding the social networks of people with a substance addiction. The intention was to get a more nuanced understanding of what characterizes a positive or negative social network, as well as which functions different types of social networks serve. Data were collected through qualitative interviews with seven social workers. More specifically the social workers were oriented towards working for social services with clients that struggle with substance abuse. The empirical material has been analyzed with a thematic analysis.

Distribution Av Pejlbäringar Över IP-nät

The objective of the thesis is primarily to conform and encode a digital signal to be controlled by software. The idea is to transport today?s tracesignal through the IP-network instead of cable-net. In this report I will suggest a possible solution to get a fully passed result with no peculiar time delay. I will also suggest some ideas for a future work with the new tracesystem..

Adaptiva talbaserade system i fordon : Designförslag för att främja user experience

Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker hur user experience kan främjas i ett adaptivt talbaserat system i en fordonskontext. Att undersöka och involvera user experiencei adaptiva talbaserade system är i synnerhet viktigt i denna kontext då den primära sysslan, att köra, bör störas så lite som möjligt. Ett adaptivt system ger möjlighet att effektivisera interaktion och ett talbaserat system låter föraren fokusera på trafiken.Genom att undersöka existerande teori och utföra empiriska undersökningar i form av användartester genom Wizard of Oz-tekniken och intervjuer har vi skapat designoch dialogexempel. Dessa förslag kan främja user experience och på så vis bidra till att den interaktion som sker är effektiv och behaglig. .

En jämförande studie kring några av dagens produkter inom Store and Forward och Live

SVT is Sweden?s largest TV-network and broadcasts more then 22 000 hours of TV each year. SVT is a public service company where the basic idea is to reflect the world from different perspectives and news is very important for providing neutral and versatile information in a variety of areas. An important part of the flow of information is to continuously receive reports from all corners of the world around the clock. This places very high demands on the technology used and it is important that it function and develops to meet current and future growing needs.

Miniräknarmania : eller hur att få ut så mycket som möjligt från en enkel reklamräknare

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

Småföretags värde av studenters examinationsarbeten

Purpose:To concretize the various factors on students' theses that are perceived valuable and can contribute to corporate profitability. In our investigation, we want to strengthen the understanding of a "win-win-situation" of cooperation between students and businesses.Methodology:In this study, we have chosen a qualitative approach in which five personal interviews with various organizations that are active in a knowledge intensive industry. A semi-structured questionnaire was used in our interviews.Theory:Our theoretical framework has two broad areas. Introductory chapter is based on theories of research development in Sweden with theories that emphasize the value of collaboration and knowledge. The second chapter deals with a theoretical outlook on value and how this can be applied in marketing.Conclusion:The study shows a diversity of values within three broad categories.

Governance och genus- en pilotstudie om att analysera ett nutida stadsvetenskapligt begrepp från ett genusperspektiv

Following essay discusses the possibilities of using a gender perspective when studying local governance within a Swedish context. Governance is an international concept used to describe a more lose, informal and network based way of doing politics The main purpose for conducting this essay is that traditional theoretical frameworks used in the study of local politics are not enough to fully conceptualize the complexity of our changing political environment.After a broad summing up of what had been done in the recent decades within Swedish political science on the topic of local politics and gender I came to the conclusion that so far nothing had been written on governance. The next step was therefore to conduct a pilot study to cover the subject matter of governance and gender. The study was based upon interviews with five female politicians in Malmoe city.Results showed that governance, in terms of informal networks did exist, and had influence over the local politics. Some of the networks were male dominated.

Kunskapso?verfo?ring inom franchisena?tverk : En studie av utveckling och o?verfo?ring av kunskap inom franchisena?tverk

This case study has been conducted within the Swedish fitness chain World Class to explore the opportunities for knowledge development and transfers within franchise networks. We have interviewed the product manager at the World Class headquarter, the owner of a franchise club and a local product manager from the same facility. Our finding indicates that various forms of knowledge transfer occur within the World Class network, particularly in product development and sales. The transfer occurs within the framework set by World Class with regularly scheduled meetings. In addition informal networks provide other means of knowledge exchange between some units.

Bonussystem -Sett ur anställdas perspektiv-

Background: Different forms of reward systems have been more common in Sweden and are used in purpose to motivate employees to work in accordance with a company?s goals. By creating work motivation among the employees, a more congruent situation can appear between them and the managers, and the company can perform better results. Purpose: The purpose with this thesis is to study and analyse a reward system from the employees perspective, regarding it?s affect on work motivation.

Projektdokumentation : Kritiska framgångsfaktorer

Projects of all kinds generate documentation that needs to be organized and stored for future use. Well adapted tools, together with a unified modus operandi need to be available for both the project members and those having a more organizing role if an organization is to be effective.A study of the tools available to project members at Svenska Kraftnät have been performed along with an analysis of the guidelines for the tools' usage. The study has focused on the needs of the project members, not the organization as a whole, thus providing a bottom-up approach to the problem instead of the more organizational top-down approach. Interviews of around 20 project members, whose roles include project leaders, technical experts and documentation supervisors, have been conducted to get an idea of the practical problems that exists.All systems, except for a local network storage device, were found to at least meet Svenska Kraftnät's current demands. The usage guidelines, however, covers only the general process that a project should follow and lacks detailed information on a per system level in several areas.

Förutsättningar för kunskapsspridning - En fallstudier av affärsområdet Media & Kommunikation inom Cell Network

Sammanfattning Titel Förutsättningar för Kunsskapsspridning- en fallstudie av affärsenheten Media & Kommunikation inom Cell Network Författare Jacob Almstedt, Magnus Nilsson & Anja Trönnberg Handledare Lars Bengtsson & Jan-Inge Lind Seminarium Kandidatseminarium i Tillväxtföretag ? ?hur gick det & hur kan det gå?? Syfte Syftet med denna uppsats är: 1. Att identifiera för fallföretagen relevanta förutsättningar för intern kunskapsspridning och utifrån dessa utveckla en situationsanpassad analysmodell. 2. Att analysera fallföretagen utifrån analysmodellen.

Analys av skillnader mellan internationell och svensk rapportering av inträffade händelser på kärnkraftverk

Report of diploma work conducted at the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) as part of the bachelors program in Nuclear Engineering at Uppsala University.All nuclear power plants in Sweden are obliged to report any deficiency in their barriers or the defense in depth in obedience to SSM?s regulations concerning safety in nuclear facilities. In addition, there is an international system for reporting such events. The purpose of this thesis is to study the Swedish report system and to analyze the differences between Swedish and international event reporting.In the Swedish system, SSM?s regulations are effectuated by means of event reports classified as category 1-3, designed individually at each Swedish facility.

Design och implementering av styrlagar för generisk flygplansmodell

For research purposes Saab has developed a generic mathematical model denoted VEGAS of an aircraft with a configuration similar to JAS 39 Gripen. Today parts of Gripen backup control system are used also for VEGAS making the system subject to both corporate and defense secrecy. The main objective of this master thesis is to design, verify and implement public pitch axis flight control system for VEGAS. Furthermore, simplifications regarding the design process is to be examined. Design of pitch axis flight control system for the entire flight envelope has been carried out.

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