

9706 Uppsatser om Network Monitoring System - Sida 33 av 648

Nyanländas etablering på arbetsmarknaden : En studie om det sociala nätverkets betydelse för att hitta ett arbete

Our purpose was to research the new reform amendment" Lag om etableringsinsatser för vissa nyanlända invandrare", and whether the establishment of the reform is good and if it was a necessary amendment. For that reason, we have chosen to answer our purpose in these issues with this question formulation; how can the change of the law establishing operations influence the newcomers in the labour market, the problems the law intends to address, how the new change in the law is different from when the municipality "kommun" was responsible, and how the law can be discussed based on theories of social capital and weak ties. The method used in this study is from a adductive approach where the research is based on both empirical evidence and existing theory that interact between these two. The results that emerged in our work was that the newcomers within the labour market has been remote, the way the municipality?s addressed the problem did not work and the result of this was a new reform amendment, where a new participant established.

Projektledares psykosociala arbetsmiljö inom offentlig verksamhet : En kvalitativ studie i Värmlands landsting

Thesis in project management, D-level by Chris Baldebo & Anders Persson spring semester2011. Tutor: Lennart Ljung. ?Project Manager's Psychosocial Work Environment in thePublic Sector ? A Qualitative Study in the Värmland County Council?.The purpose of this study is to examine how project managers in the public sector perceivetheir psychosocial work environment in a public organization. Therefore we have formulateda hypothesis based on the assumption that there exist differences in how project managersperceive their psychosocial work environment, depending on whether they work in public orprivate sector.Based on the objective, one research question has been formulated: How do projectmanagers active in the Pegasus program experience their psychosocial work environment? Tobe able to say something characteristic about the project managers psychosocial workenvironment our approach has been to interview five project managers.

Gamification som möjliggörare för att motivera användare av system för tillverkningsindustrin

Gamification är en strategi som använder spelmekanismer och spelkomponenter för att skapa motivation och engagemang hos användare av olika typer av system. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om gamification kan användas för att motivera användare av system för tillverkningsindustrin.Studien har genomförts med en initial litteraturstudie och kvalitativa intervjuer med experter inom gamification samt utveckling av system för tillverkningsindustrin. Intervjufrågor har därefter ställts mot tidigare genomförd forskning, för att identifiera möjliga resultat.Resultatet av denna studie visar att spelmekanismer och spelkomponenter skulle kunna användas i ett system för tillverkningsindustrin, förutsatt att det finns ett tydligt affärsmål, mätbar och användbar data samt identifierade drivkrafter hos organisationens maskinoperatörer. Vidare har ett antal punkter identifierats som kan vara motiverande för en användare av system för tillverkningsindustrin:Möjlighet för operatörerna att följa utvecklingen i sitt expertområdeKartläggning av operatörernas drivkrafter, vilken därefter används för att förbättra operatörernas arbetssituation, med exempelvis mer givande uppgifterBelöningar som utdelas är matchade mot operatörernas preferenser, med syfte att vara mer effektiva som motivationsskapare.

Hälsofrämjande skolor i Norden och Storbritannien, praktik möter teori : En litteraturgranskning

Denna studie berör skolor som är medlemmar i nätverket European Network of Health Promoting Schools och benämner sig som hälsofrämjande skolor. Syftet var: Att identifiera, beskriva, förklara och förstå de metoder som används inom undervisningen i hälsofrämjande grundskolor i Norden och Storbritannien. Metoden var litteraturgranskning då detta är en litteraturstudie. Vetenskapliga artiklar och utvärderande material användes och ett totalt antal av 13 artiklar som berörde flera skolor i ett land presenteras i studien. Resultatet visade att eleverna skulle vara mer självständiga i sitt kunskapsinhämtande och skolorna använde metoder såsom egna undersökningar eller diskussioner.

Reglering av vridbord

This report describes a master thesis performed at Saab in Arboga. The main purpose was to build a controller for a system containing a turn table and an antenna beam. The idea is to use this system on a boat where it will be exposed to position disturbances due to waves. The desired behaviour is that antennas placed on the antenna beam should point towards the same target all the time. To solve this problem the system has been modeled and simulated in Matlab and Simulink.

Utveckling av ett provtagningssystem för alkohol och aldehyder i fordonsemissioner.

A system for sampling of alcohol and aldehyde from diluted exhaust gases from vehicles powered by ethanol has been developed and tested. The major part of the work has been research of earlier work in the field and the construction of the sampling system.The part of the system constructed for the measurement of alcohol has been shown to work, however, more test should be performed. The part of the system constructed for the measurement of aldehyde was tested parallel to a commercially available system, based on the same principle of measurement, and has been shown to work well.Determination of the concentration of gaseous ethanol using a FID has shown the since earlier known fact that a FID is not able to measure a correct concentration of ethanol. Furthermore it has been shown that high concentrations of gaseous ethanol can not be kept in a bag more than a few minutes without a substantial decrease of the measured concentration..

Modellbaserad drivlinereglering

A cars powertrain consists of everything that is needed for its propulsion. The components in the driveline that transfer the power from the engine to the driven wheels are not absolutely stiff, hence they will wind up due to the torque and act as torsion springs. If you suddenly demand a bigger torque by stepping on the accelerator pedal, a so called tip in manoeuvre, and that torque is acquired from the engine as quickly as possible, the driveline will not be able to transfer that fast torque change due to its weakness and as a result it will start to oscillate. These oscillations will be transferred to the driven wheels and make the car to accelerate jerkily which will be experienced as uncomfortable by the passengers. Furthermore, there is a backlash in the driveline that will make the weakness in the driveline even more excited than it should have been if the backlash did not existed.To avoid too big problems with these oscillations there is a control system that controls the demanded torque.

Noggrannhet vid låghöjdsfotografering från obemannad heliumzeppelinare

The development in photogrammetry has created possibilities for new methods in aerial images acquisition. Remotely-controlled imaging from an unmanned helium zeppelin is a new and relatively unexplored acquisition. The purpose with this degree project is to evaluate the accuracy of this kind of low-height photographing system, a task given from the consultant company WSP, in Sweden. Landbadet in Uddevalla municipality was chosen as a test field for the zeppelin. Seventeen images distributed over three strips were acquired from the flying height of 80 m.

Testramverk för distribuerade system

When developing software that is meant to be distributed over several different computers and several different networks while still working together against a common goal there is a challenge in testing how updates within a single component will affect the system as a whole. Even if the performance of that specific component increases that is no guarantee for the increased performance of the entire system. Traditional methods of testing software becomes both hard and tedious when several different machines has to be involved for a single test and all of those machines has to be synchronized as well.This thesis has resulted in an exemplary application suite for testing distributed software. The thesis describes the method used for implementation as well as a description of the actual application suite that was developed. During the development several important factors and improvements for such a system was identified, which are described at the end of the thesis even though some of them never made it into the actual implementation.

Vägen till rätt information. - En studie av informationsbehov hos personer som arbetar med information i olika verksamheter

The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine theinformation use and information seeking behaviour amongpersons who actively work with information. For this study,interviews have been conducted with a group of six personswho work with information in information intensiveorganizations. The aim is to answer the following questions:What kind of information is connected to the respondents?work tasks? What is the purpose of their search forinformation? Which information sources do they use and whatkind of information sources do they demand? The theoreticalframework consists mainly of Wilsons information needs andinformation seeking model.The results of this study show that none of the respondentshad any strategic model for their work with information. Theinformation that the respondents were searching for is ofdifferent content and depends on the organization in which therespondent operates.

Molnet och dess möjligheter och  utmaningar : En kvalitativ studie i hur molnet förändrar systemutvecklingsarbetet

As companies grow, their need for computing power will increase, which traditionally resulted in companies having to invest in more IT resources. Now, with cloud computing, companies can easily hire computer power over the Internet, on-demand. Cloud computing offers a highly scalable environment where companies can store data and host their services. This paper employs a qualitative study with interviews and literature studies to explore opportunities and challenges associated with cloud computing from a system developer perspective. The aim of the paper is to find out how cloud computing changes the conditions for system development. The paper contributes with four different opportunities and challenges that the system developer must handle to succeed in the world of cloud computing.

Kombinerat system för ventilation och rumsuppvärmning : Parameterundersökning i simuleringsmodell för takvärmesystem

A large amount of our time is spent indoors in an artificial climate. To make the experience pleasant there are requirements on the ventilation and the heating system. At the present time the most common form of heating is a radiator system complemented with a ventilation system. A ceiling heating system with combined heating and ventilation can replace the two separated systems. The benefit with a ceiling heating solution is that it saves space since the radiator system is no longer needed.

Att fånga en föränderlig värld : En utredning av omvärldsanalysens nuläge och utvecklingspotential inom Regionförbundet Örebro

The first aim of this thesis is to descriptively identify and chart the activities of the strategic intelligence and environmental scanning that take place at the regional collaboration network Regionförbundet Örebro. This identification is essential in reaching the comprehensive and primary aim of the thesis: to discuss, through normative discourse, what the options of improvement are and in which ways systematic operations can be integrating parts in the organization. In order to offer guidance of development from the perspectives of environmental scanning, the question at issue has emanated from activities concerning the present methods of working at Regionförbundet Örebro.During the creation of this thesis, several interviews have been made with people who are regarded to be key roles within the regional collaboration network. An analysis has been made, based on governing documents and answers from the interviews, where possible improvements of the business have been identified. The inferences become parts of a greater potential of amelioration since they are presented as active solutions and proposals that can be directly adaptable to the organization.Our proposals of improvements/ameliorations are constituted by a number of concrete/explicit points such as: a wider public information supply and an introduction of several annual routines and methods..

Brännkammare för träpulver : Teoretisk analys och praktisk försök

The thesis describes a completely new biofuel system to generate particle-free heat from combustion of ash-containing biofuel particles at high temperatures.The suggested system gives opportunities to introduce biofuels in new areas.Main components in the suggested system is a heat radiating combustion chamber intended for pulverized wood, combined with regenerators to extract heat from flue gases and simultaneously preheating the combustion air.The thesis contains a description of the suggested system, theoretical considerations, calculations regarding the combustion, and includes results from tests performed.The results from calculations and tests performed concludes that the system is workable and possible to apply..

Optimering av prioriteringsverktyget Werner

E.ON Elnät has in their project Operational Performance developed a priority tool forconstruction and operation. The tool will help the users to increase the capability to prioritybetween new development projects and removal of faults. The tool can be seen as a measuringfor different bay?s reliability, size and the community usefulness. The result of the priority isdirectly connected to which calibration that is chosen in the tool.The priority tool is still under development and there is therefore an uncertainty about howsensitive the tool is for changes in the calibration.

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