

9706 Uppsatser om Network Monitoring System - Sida 34 av 648

Teknik : hur arbetar pedagoger med tekniska system i förskolan?

Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på om begreppet ?Tekniska system? tas upp i förskolan. Dessutom undersöks hur förskolorna arbetar med teknik enligt den reviderade läroplanen, Lpfö 98.Som metod användes enkäter där pedagoger satt i arbetslagsgrupper och besvarade frågor. Enkäten används för att få en bättre bild av hur ålder, kön, tidigare utbildningar och yrkeserfarenhet förhåller sig till kunskapen av teknikämnet.Undersökningen visar att alla förskolor använde sig av begreppet tekniska system på ett eller annat sätt i samtal med barnen, till exempel vid toalettbesök, samt frågor ?vart tar rören vägen vidare till reningsverket??Vidare framkommer det att fler fortbildningsdagar och studiebesök är önskvärt för att pedagogerna ska få en större vetskap om begreppet tekniska system.

Integritetsperspektiv på självhämtningshyllor ? En fenomenografisk studie om högskolebibliotekschefers uppfattningar av självhämtningshyllor

The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine how college library managers perceive shelves of book reservation system in an integrity perspective. Privacy is an important part of everyday life in the society of today and according to some people, for example a former library lawyer in the Swedish Royal Library, these shelves conflicts with the Swedish law of Secrecy (Sekretesslagen 9 kap. 22 §). I am therefore interested in how they perceive this system: what weaknesses and strengths it has, why they implemented it, how they have interpreted this law. To answer this I have used a qualitative method called phenomenography and done interviews with five college library managers.

Tillblivelsen av "Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek"

The study's aim is to create an understanding for the question why Sweden in 1921chose to create its own classification system for public libraries instead of adapting e.g.the Dewey-system which - at this time - was internationally we11 spread. It examines thesocial changes which proceeded the creation of the Swedish Library Association (SLA)in 1915 and discusses in depth the work of the committee appointed by SLA to createthe classification system. Special interest is also given to the relation between SLACSand the Dewey-system.The study shows that the main influence on the codttee's work was the formerSwedish tradition of classification practice. The Dewey-system was seen as inappropriateto adapt in the Swedish libraries because of the vast changes that wouldhave to be done, and the fact that the decimal notation was practically unused in anylibraries in Sweden.From a methodological point of view, the study tries to apply a critical hermeneuticalapproach as developed by Paul Ricoeur.The study contains an extended English summary..

Utveckling av programvara till ett inbyggt styrsystem

This thesis considers the development of the software for an, newly developed, embedded real-time control system, based on a Periferal Interface Controller (PIC). The control system is developed to be used for several different applications. In this thesis work, software for two different applications are developed. The first task is a time controlled system, while the other task is implementation of aPI-/PID-controller. A user interface is also developed and implemented.The time controlled system is an automatic horse feeder, which is used for feeding horses at certain predefined points in time.

Hur uppnås användbarhet? En studie av ett system vid Landstinget i Östergötland

När ett system införs, spelar det ingen roll hur god funktionalitet det har, om användarna av någon anledning inte kan eller vill använda det på ett effektivt sätt. I första hand bestäms användbarheten hos ett program av egenskaper hos detta och hos de aktuella användarna. God användbarhet beror av acceptans från användarna, kompetens hos användarna och användarvänlighet hos systemet.För att undersöka hur man kan uppnå hög användbarhet och därmed en hög grad av användande vid införande av ett nytt system, har vi gjort en undersökning av användbarheten och användandet av ett system vid Landstinget i Östergötland.Våra slutsatser visar på att utbildning och information är mycket viktiga faktorer för att uppnå hög användbarhet för ett system. Många har en motvilja mot att använda datorer och problem med att se vilka fördelar ett införande av ett nytt system kan medföra, något vi anser kan lösas med bättre utbildning och information. Trots att teorier om användbarhet funnits i över tio år, har vi funnit att det forfarande inte tas tillräcklig hänsyn till de grundläggande faktorer som påverkar användbarheten vid införande av ett system..

Utstationering av arbetstagare - en studie om utstationerade arbetstagares arbetsmiljösituation inom byggbranschen 

Swedens membership in the European Union have resulted in an international characterized labour market. The construction sector is the area who employs most posted workers among the 7400 employees who monthly enters the market. It?s also the sector where a big part of the work-related deaths occurs. The purpose of this study is therefore to contribute to a greater understanding of the regulation regarding posted workers, their work environment and the consequences of it.

Lägesuppfattning vid en svensk stridsvagnspluton

Abstract: After their introduction, technical systems designed for Situational Awareness have changed the possibilities on the battlefield. Today, Swedish tanks use a system known as the TCCS. This system offers many advantages to a tank platoon, but does it also bring disadvantages? This essay examines pros and cons with the TCCS. To find these the author uses a Swedish Armed Forces analyze model in a comparative study.

Protected Designation of Origin, Protected Geographical Indication : their significance for the growth of the food industries in France and Sweden

Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) is a quality control system created by the European Union (EU) to protect integrity of certain food and drinks that are produced in a specific area in a unique way. By protecting these products, the EU can certify that the traditional region-specific methods of food and drink production are preserved. The EU countries that follow such a system are mostly from Southern Europe. For instance in France, the PDO system has helped improve the income for farmers, boosted the rural development and assured protection for farmers against the abuse of their brand and the selling of their products by outsiders. In Sweden, there are no PDO products yet, instead there is Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) and Traditional Speciality Guarantee (TSG) that are not as protective as PDO.

Planering av väginvesteringar :

The problems around and the planning of wood flow is some of the most complex issues in the forest-sector. The experience and overview of the single employees is crucial for the possibility of correct tactical and economical decision-making. The increasing demand of savings and shorter reaction-times with greater flexibility in the wood-supply-chain, makes solutions and aids for improved effectiveness in the work and processes according to wood-flow urgent. Holmen Skog is starting to develop a new forest-road-management-system. The system will facilitate the work according to construction, improvements and updating the standard of roads.

Modell och analysverktyg för beräkningav frekvensförlopp

The power system modelled in this thesis work has been developed for simulationwhen e.g. the production in some part of the power system is changed. The powersystem has been modelled according to the swing mass of the system, the frequencydependency of the load and the turbine governor. The model determines the systemfrequency, the period of regulation and the power exchange between the differentsubsystems in the Nordic synchronized system.In this model the system frequency is assumed to be the same in all different parts ofthe power system and the voltage conditions in the power system are neglected. Forthat reason power swings does not occur between different subsystems in the powersystem, which usually occur as a result of the swinging connection between thetransmissions line.

Klassifikation och ordning

This master thesis concerns the relationship the librarianhas to the libraries classification system. The system itselfis made by librarians for librarians and is only used bylibrarians. This raises the question of how the librariansrelate to their own system to create order. The empiricalmaterial consists of five in-depth interviews with librarians.Two theoretical approaches were used in the analysis of thematerial with one focus on the librarian?s professional rolland the other on the postmodern theories about humansneed for order.

Arbetsmiljöarbete enligt OHSAS 18001 : En inledande undersökning

There are regulations in sweden that require organizations to manage occupational,  health and safetey (OH&S) issues in a systematic way. The contents of the management system vary depending of the activity of the specific organisation. An accurate management system is crucial in order to assure that rules and regulations are fullfilled. The OHSAS 18001 standard covering OH&S management is intended to provide organizations with the elements of an efficient OH&S management system. The work with this thesis was done at Swemat AB in Härnösand wich is a mechanical industry. In the thesis, the requirements of the OHSAS standard are compared with the current management system.

Användbarhet ? En fallstudie av ett point-of-sale system

Problem: Our opinion is that it is important to consider about usability in system development. In this thesis we will focus on usability in point-of-sale systems. The point-of-sale system we base this thesis on is Extenda Retail. Our case study is performed on Ica Kvantum in Bromölla, which implemented Extenda Retail about two years ago. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to figure out what important factors there are to consider, in usability aspects, when developing point-of-sale systems, with focus on the cashier.

Säkerhet i Wireless Local Area Networks : En studie i säkerhetslösningar utförd på uppdrag av Saab Bofors Dynamics AB.

Saab Bofors Dynamics AB is looking for ways to let the employees work wireless in the future. The security in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) has not been considered very reliable, but new standards and protocols have been developed to enhance the security in WLAN. Since most wireless components soon will have built in support for wireless communication, it is important to have a model to deal with secure wireless communication ready. This is necessary because it is important to protect the company?s information related systems, ensure contingency in the daily work and maintaining the trust of the market and the authorities.

LOST IN TRANSLATION: Kommunikation förlorad i informationssystem

This study investigates communication and data in information systems. The paper deals, more specificly, with communication in a CRM-system implemented in a Swedish-founded company in Beijing, China. It discusses cultural, political, linguistic and gender based dilemmas that can arise from the use of a CRM-system in an international and bilingual environment. Fifty-nine interviews were conducted in Sweden and in China, either in Swedish or English. The result of this study shows that communication in the information system is affected by factors, that are not originated in technical shortcomings of the system, but rather from cultural, political, linguistic and gender based pre-knowledge among individuals.

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