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Konflikter -En kvantitativ studie om effekter av konflikter och konfliktstrategier på arbetsplatsen.
A quantitative study was conducted with the aim to investigate whether
individuals use a specific conflict strategy when they are in a task conflict
or a relationship conflict in their workplace. The study also examined whether
individuals experience positive or negative effects of a task conflict or a
relationship conflict when a specific conflict strategy have been used.
Previous research explains the effects of task conflicts and relationship
conflicts at the workplace (De Dreu, 2008) Likewise lifts the effects of the
conflict strategies interaction, avoidance, and power and coercion (Hoerr,
2005; Meyer, 2004; Trudel & Reio Jr., 2011). However it does not tie together
what the conflicts and conflict strategies have for effects together. This also
means that it is impossible to discern if there is a strategy that is
frequently used in a specific conflict type.
The study group consisted of 62 participants from different workplaces that
responded to a survey.
Tillvaratagande och återanvändning av träbyggnadsmaterial : tjänstedesign för återbruk inom byggsektorn
The purpose of this Bachelor degree project is to design different types of services that can increase the amount of re-used timber within the building sector and by that means improve their environmental efforts. By examining how the sectors environmental work concerning recycling and re-using timber as a building material is getting on at present, conclusions have been drawn about what further could be done for improvement.The project has shown that there is a scarcity of information and statistics within the sector, but that there are efforts in progress to change this. Questionnaires have been sent to a number of companies working with demolition and utilizing re-usable materials in order to find out what kind of problems there are within the trade. Unfortunately the survey gave insufficient result due to the low reply frequency.It is obvious that active environmental work within the building sector is important and the knowledge acquired while working with the project has led to the design of three suggestions for services regarded as being of interest for improving the negative environmental impact caused by the sector:Suggestion 1 ? Sale of construction parts prior to the demolition of a buildingSuggestion 2 ? Re-utilization circulation when manufacturing buildingsSuggestion 3 ? Education in relation to the purchase of houses The positive and negative qualities of the suggestions have been examined with SWOT-analysis and further adaptions and the results have been interpreted.
Tail posture and motion as a possible indicator of emotional state in pigs
In the current study, the aim was to investigate whether tail posture and motion can be an indicator of the emotional state of pigs and if the tail posture of the pig is affected by social breeding value (SBV), coping style and/or housing. Emotional state can be defined in two dimensions: valence and arousal. Two batches of 96 finishing pigs were studied in a one generation selection experiment with a 2x2 set up and were housed in a barren or straw bedded pen. In each pen, 6 pigs (3 male, 3 female) were housed. A back-test was done to determine the coping style of the pigs with two categories; high resister and low resister pigs.
Undertrycksbehandling av sår ? påverkan på patientens livskvalitet och hälsa : En litteraturstudie
Introduktion: Olika typer av sår skapar stort lidande för den drabbade och Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) är en behandlingsmetod som utvecklats för att effektivisera sårläkningsprocessen. Livskvaliteten och hälsan påverkas av såret och dess utveckling, vilket gör omvårdnaden vid sårbehandling grundläggande för patientens välmående. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa hur Negative Pressure Wound Therapy påverkar patientens livskvalitet och hälsa. Metod: Polit och Beck (2012) niostegsmodell användes för litteraturstudien. Artikelsökningarna gjordes i två olika databaser samt manuella sökningar och resultatet grundades på tolv artiklar som genomgick en kvalitetsgranskning.
En intervju och enkätstudie av besökare i tre tätortsnära skogsområden i Stockholmstrakten :
This Masters thesis is made as the first of two visitor surveys of three urban forest
areas. These areas are; Skutan recreational area in Haninge, Ugglevikskällan on Norra
Djurgården in Stockholm and the Paradiset Reserve in Huddinge. The study is made
in cooperation with the managers of the three areas operating within the European
Union Life Project regarding Urban Woods for People.
The goal has been to collect data through studies of visitors and close by residents in
the three areas. The results are to be used as primary values for the follow-up as well
as a basis for managerial decisions. The interviews and surveys are also constructed in
a fashion so that they can be used for the follow-up study.
For the Skutan recreational area the mode of contact was by sending forms to the
nearby residential areas.
Bottenfaunan i Stensjöån och dess tillflöde Bokån : - en undersökning av tre lokaler
The purpose of this study has been to examine whether the bottom fauna of the stream Stensjöån, has been negatively influenced since the harvesting of peat began on the nearby peat moss Skäftesmyr or not. Comparison has been made with the results of index calculations from earlier examinations in the stream, two calculated indexes has been made, Danish fauna index and ASPT-index. The sampling was made with the kick sampling method, SS-EN 27 828. Three locations were chosen for the examination, one upstream from the peat moss, one just downstream from where the brook from the peat moss joins Stensjöån and a third location near the outlet of the stream to the lake Stensjön. The samples were sorted and the found animals identified to the taxonomic level required for the calculation of the two indexes.
Ansvarsfull turism : Svenska researrangörers arbete med ansvarsfull turism
Because of the increasing numbers of international tourist arrivals each year it is essential that tourist operators are aware of the impacts that tourism generate. Tourism affects the world in an environmental, social and economic way, positive but also in a negative way. To travel responsible and sustainable is therefore important, and operators have a responsibility in this subject.Because of this I wanted to look at how Swedish tourist operators manage responsible tourism, together with what amount of information their customers receive about this. To be able to study how operators work with this I conducted three interviews via email. The tourist operators were of different sizes and specializations to receive a more extensive result.
TT och utlandsbilden : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av utlandsbilden i Sveriges största nyhetsbyrå.
The purpose of this study was to examine the foreign news flow in Sweden´s largest news agency TT. Since TT has an important position as a news provider to most of Sweden´s local and national news outlets, it was important to examine exactly what their news stories consisted of.The theoretical background of this study consist of theories of news values, agenda setting, dependency theory and the theory about the ?news shadow? a lack of coverage leads to.In our quantitative study we have looked at 506 articles taken from the TT news flow during two weeks In November 2013. We have studied which continents and countries the news origins from, who have supplied the text, the topics of the news, which one gets to speak in the text and what general tone the story has.The study shows that the supply of news follows the criteria of news values. It also shows that in some regions of the world the coverage is almost nonexistent.
Intressenter och deras påverkan på internationella bolag i korruptionsfrågor : En fallstudie av Westinghouse Nuclear
AbstractTitle: Similar but different ? Sweden Democrats and Swedish Social Democratic Party in Swedish newspapers online during 2010 (Lika men olika ? Sverigedemokraterna och Socialdemokraterna i svensk rikspress på nätet 2010).Number of pages: 35 (40 including enclosures)Author: Magnus MjöhagenTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Autumn 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information and Media, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/aim: To discover any possible difference between the media report concerning The Sweden Democrats and the Swedish Social Democratic Party in Swedish news press.Material/method: A quantitative content analysis has been made with 64 articles from the homepages of the four biggest news papers in Sweden: Aftonbladet.se, Expressen.se, DN.se (Dagens Nyheter) and SvD.se (Svenska Dagbladet). The analysis focused on four themes: 1) framing in the articles, 2) impersonation in the articles, 3) the democratic task of journalism and 4) the expectations of journalism in an election campaign.Main results: The main results showed that the difference between the two parties either was nonexistent or very small. The articles were sometimes framed in specific ways, but a big amount of the articles were not framed. Impersonation occurred in about half of the cases, concerning both parties.
De från andra sidan : Mediebilden av den marockanska minoriteten i spanska dagstidningar på webben 2010-2012
The power of news media to shape public opinion has been widely researched and acknowledged. In the globalized world of today, media representations of different ethnic groups therefore contribute to social segregation or desegregation. This thesis investigates how Spanish news media frame Spain?s most numerous minority of non-European ethnicity: the Moroccans. Using a quantitative content analysis, we have analysed about 200 news articles in the two most read Spanish online newspapers, El País and El Mundo, published during a two-year period, 2010-2012.
De svenska börsbolagens prioriteringar mellan investeringspolitik och utdelningspolitik : En studie av sambandet mellan investeringspolitik och utdelningspolitik i förhållande till börsvärde
The relationship between dividend policy and investment is a controversial area and the relationship between these two may differ depending on the company's priorities. The study examines this more closely by studying dividend policy's impact on investment and how it differs depending on the company?s market capitalization. The study is based on companies listed on the OMX Stockholm within the segments Large Cap and Small Cap, during the period between 2003-2012. Secondary data was obtained from each company's annual reports where relevant data was used to operationalized into measurable variables.
Emotioner i arbete : En studie av fritidsledares upplevelser av emotioner och arbetsmiljö
Abstract The sociological problem of this C-essay is sociology of emotions. This paper deals with experiences of emotions and work environment for people who work in human service organizations, and has been limited to the profession of recreation leader.The purpose of this paper is to examine how emotions affect the recreation leader?s work. For this we used eight qualitative interviews with recreation leaders from different youth recreation centers. What we have found in this study is that recreation leader?s work includes both positive and negative aspects.
Annorlundahet som kapital: Kategorin invandrarförfattare och annorlundahet på det litterära fältet.
The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of the immigrant-writer. By studying the literary criticism on four debutants, all of whom have been categorised as immigrant-writers, I have come to the conclusion that the critics tend to focus on the authors' otherness. By using postcolonial theory I've analysed the role as representatives of a supposed other reality that is imposed on these four authors by the literary critics. The theories of Pierre Bourdieu, especially his concepts of symbolic capital, literary field and position, have been used to contextualise these conclusions. Although the otherness that the critics accentuate seems to work as a negative symbolic capital in a bigger societal perspective, in the author's position within the literary field it grows their positive symbolic capital.
Aspekter på sjukgymnasters bemötande av patienter: intervjuer med tre patienter och en sjukgymnast
The aim of the study was to investigate the importance of the interaction between the physiotherapist and the patient. Semistructured interviews were carried out with three patients and one physiotherapist. A qualitative design with content analysis was used. The data analysis led to classification of four categories. These were communication, confidence, expectations and participation.
Immunmedierad hemolytisk anemi hos hund : en retrospektiv studie
Immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia (IMHA) is an immune-mediated
destruction of erythrocytes and is one of the most common haematological
diseases diagnosed in dogs. The haemolysis is a type II immunoreaction and is
initiated by IgG or IgM antibodies or complements.
This retrospective study includes 63 dogs suffering from primary IMHA. The
study was based on information from records from the Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences in Uppsala
and from the Animal Hospital in Strömsholm. The aim of the study was to
evaluate the progress of the disease, treatment and the prognostic factors in
different breeds, gender and age.
Following criteria were used for the dogs to be allowed in the study: the dogs
were diagnosed with anaemia, the anaemia was regenerative and
autoagglutination and/or spherocytes were seen in the blood.
About 50 % of the dogs in the study were diagnosed with IMHA within 2-6 years
of age. Wire-haired dachshund was remarkably one of the most common breeds in
this study together with Cocker and Springer spaniel.