2793 Uppsatser om Negative expectations - Sida 24 av 187
Konflikter -En kvantitativ studie om effekter av konflikter och konfliktstrategier på arbetsplatsen.
A quantitative study was conducted with the aim to investigate whether individuals use a specific conflict strategy when they are in a task conflict or a relationship conflict in their workplace. The study also examined whether individuals experience positive or negative effects of a task conflict or a relationship conflict when a specific conflict strategy have been used. Previous research explains the effects of task conflicts and relationship conflicts at the workplace (De Dreu, 2008) Likewise lifts the effects of the conflict strategies interaction, avoidance, and power and coercion (Hoerr, 2005; Meyer, 2004; Trudel & Reio Jr., 2011). However it does not tie together what the conflicts and conflict strategies have for effects together. This also means that it is impossible to discern if there is a strategy that is frequently used in a specific conflict type.
Vibrationsträning vid knäledsartros
In cooperation with Hälsoteamet Halmstad a pilot study was made to see if whole body vibration exercise has any effect on muscle strength, movement and experience of pain in people with knee osteoarthritis. Today whole body vibration exercise is a revolutionary exercise method that needs more studies to show the positive and negative effects. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease where more cartilage is destroyed than replaced. The most common symptoms are pain, stiffness, restricted movement, muscularly atrophy, tenderness and instability. The cartilage needs pressure to rebuild, it is therefore important that the patient exercise.
Vad påverkar företagens (o)intresse att välja biogasfordon?
Issues regarding the environment are commonly discussed in the media. The most common problem that is discussed is how to decrease the emissions of greenhouse gases by human beings. The municipality of Kristianstad has chosen to work with a project named ?Biogas Kristianstad? which purposes are to use all of the produced biogas as motor fuel and to speed up the introduction of biogas on the local market. This is in an effort to decrease the effects on the environment in the municipality of Kristianstad.
Öppenhet och kostnad för eget kapital: En studie på den svenska marknaden
Previous research has discussed how voluntary disclosure relates to the cost of equity capital. Theories of estimation risk support a negative association between disclosure and cost of equity capital, as empirically documented by Botosan (1997) among others. In this Bachelor thesis we investigate whether such a relationship exists on the Swedish capital market. Using the CAPM to estimate the cost of equity capital and a disclosure index based on Aktiespararen?s annual evaluation of corporate disclosure, we test a model where disclosure explains cost of equity capital.
Tankens makt - Påverkar abstrakt respektive konkret tänkande affekt efter en positiv händelse? En experimentell studie i en studentpopulation
The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.
Hur påverkas vård- och terapihundar av sitt arbete och hur uppfattar föraren hundens känslor?
Today's research on animal assisted interventions (AAI) has focused on the positive effects on humans. Dogs used for AAI are an expanding market, but the research on this area hasn't followed the increasing use. The few studies on dogs in this field mostly observed their cortisol-levels and are very ambiguous. I have observed the behaviour of dogs working with AAI compared to when they are off-duty to see how they are affected by their work. Their handlers where also told to make an assessment of the dog's emotions during the session.
Mobilt arbetssätt inom sjukvården och patientens personliga integritet : Klarar patientens integritet att journalen görs tillgänglig för sjukvården mobilt?
In the light of new technology health care is now given the opportunity to form a more mobile way of working that would bring about potential gains in terms of efficiency and quality. On the other hand, a more mobile health care also requires a more generous handling of personal information, something that may raise issues in terms of privacy. This study shows that the privacy of the patient requires two things: (i) that the personal information of the patient is handled in a way that generates her an overall positive expected utility and that (ii) the negative expected utility that each risk of an information leakage causes is offset by the expected utility it also makes possible. The first requirement (i) is shown, in comparison with today?s way of working, to be met due to the potential gains in efficiency and quality in combination with no increase in the probability of informational leakage or negative effects of such a leakage. The second requirement (ii) was also considered met since no separate risks of information leakage could be identified that was not offset by the gains it made possible in terms of expected utility..
Förekommer nedskrivningar av goodwill på Stockholmsbörsen i större utsträckning vid sämre redovisade resultat?
Background: Goodwill has always been frequently discussed and a lot of scientific research has been done regarding factors that affect companies? impairment of goodwill. Previous research has concluded that companies reporting low results are more prone to do impairments of goodwill than companies reporting better results which possibly can be seen as a form of earnings management.Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to examine if goodwill impairments occur to a greater extent among Swedish listed companies when the companies are reporting lower earnings. A subsidiary purpose is to see if there has been an improvement since 2008 regarding the size of reported goodwill in comparison to equity in the years 2009-2011. And to analyze the development of the companies goodwill impairments in relation to reported goodwill.Methodology: Three quantitative studies have been performed for the years 2009-2011 where all the listed companies on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm have been included.
Kungsmarken, svart på vitt
Kungsmarken, a apartment area in Karlskrona has suffered the medias prying eye for decades. Today the area only maintains a very low position of status in the livinghierarchy in the community. The area in question was a part of the "Miljonprogrammet" and apperantly has suffered the same consequenses as similar areas since it was built. The onesided negative discourse that has persecuded areas of Miljonprogrammet, such as Kungsmarken, has put social problems as criminality, drugaddiction, dependancy on the social welfare system or cultural incompetence in the focus. The author´s previous understanding of the phenomena lies in private experience from living in Hjällbo, a similar area in Gothenburg also with the miljonprogram.
Institutioners inverkan på entreprenörsaktiviteter : En empirisk analys av relationen mellan institutioner och entreprenörskap
Entrepreneurship as playing a important role for economic growth has been discussed by a number of theorists such as Joseph Schumpeter and Israel M. Kirzner. William J. Baumol developed these theories as he considered that all entrepreneurship doesn?t lead to economic growth, some entrepreneurial activities may even lead to stagnation.
Sjuksköterskans attityder och upplevelser i mötet med patienter med självskadebeteende
Background: Patients who deliberate self harm often feel disappointed with the health care. The consequence of this may be that the patient avoid to seek help after self harming. Nurses' often experience these patients to be difficult and hard to deal with. Both patients' and nurses' thoughts about the situation may affect the situation in a negative way. A good relationship between the caregiver and patient is important.
Böcker, bibliotek och beigt : En diskursanalytisk studie om hur bibliotekarien beskrivs i skönlitteraturen
This bachelor thesis explores how librarians are portrayed in fiction literature. The aim is to see how the librarian and their work tasks are described. Our material consists of 12 fiction novels from the years 2000 to 2012 (with an exception of a book from 1998). We have used discourse analysis in order to examine the picture of the librarian.We have used three major questions: How is the librarian portrayed in our selected fiction literature from year 2000 until today (the beginning of 2013)? How are the librarians profession portrayed in our selected fiction literature? Does our selection of the fiction literature give a positive or negative image of the librarianand how can that affect the view of the profession?Our analysis resulted in the discourses the librarian and literature and the librarian and the library.
Effekterna av urbanisering, barksprickedjup och solexponering på lavfloran i sydöstra Sverige
Studies have shown that air pollution, as well as bark fissure depth and sun exposure of a tree can have an effect on lichen growth as well as abundance of lichen species. The aim of this study was to find out the relative importance of these factors. 211 oaks in south eastern Sweden were surveyed for presence of 17 lichen species, as well as the total number of lichen species. Half of the trees were situated in urban areas and half in the countryside. For each tree the bark fissure depth was measured and the sun exposure of the trunk was estimated.
Kungsmarken, svart på vitt
Kungsmarken, a apartment area in Karlskrona has suffered the medias prying eye
for decades. Today the area only maintains a very low position of status in the
livinghierarchy in the community. The area in question was a part of the
"Miljonprogrammet" and apperantly has suffered the same consequenses as similar
areas since it was built. The onesided negative discourse that has persecuded
areas of Miljonprogrammet, such as Kungsmarken, has put social problems as
criminality, drugaddiction, dependancy on the social welfare system or cultural
incompetence in the focus. The author´s previous understanding of the phenomena
lies in private experience from living in Hjällbo, a similar area in Gothenburg
also with the miljonprogram.
Transformativt och transaktionellt ledarskap och dess samband med medarbetarnas va?lbefinnande
The purpose of the present study was to get further knowledge about the relationship between transformative and transactional leadership in the context of employee ?s well-being, as well as the relationship between the components of respectively leadership and employee?s well-being. The study also aims to gain knowledge about previous research on the transformational and transactional leadership and employee well-being and if it?s applicable in the Swedish culture. The few studies that studied the relationship between transactional leadership and the well-being of employees have found a negative relationship or found no relationship at all.