

12466 Uppsatser om Need for social closure - Sida 48 av 832

They just want all Palestine and they don't want us : En fallstudie från ett palestinskt flyktingläger på ockuperat område om ungdomars villkor i skapandet av ett socialt medborgarskap

The purpose of this case study was to examine consequences of a limited social citizenship among young adults in the refugee camp of DeHeishe in Palestine. In order to receive a profounder understanding of conditions and structures that affects young adult?s experiences of social citizenship, status in the community and practices a case study was carried out during April 2013.The data has been collected by triangulation, conducted through nine interviews, 52 survey forms and several observations in DeHeishe camp. The data was analyzed through the theoretical approach of social citizenship, intersectionality and the concept of ?empower-ment?.

Det ansiktslösa samtalet : En kvalitativ studie om professionella samtal via internet

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether social counselling via chat conversations could meet the criteria for a professional conversation, and how the six social workers who were interviewed felt that it had affected the profession and the clients who are seeking their help.Communication, professionality, power, roles and regions are the key topics of this study. A hermeneutic approach has not only influenced the interviews but also the content analysis that was used to encode the results.The interviews revealed that the chat conversations was a successful tool but not entirely without difficulties. The initial contact making between the client and the social worker favours the client, since she/he remains anonymous and that was the main advantage of the method. The biggest concern however was that in the anonymity it is not possible to report cases that the social worker are obligated to. The changing of forum does not necessarily affect the professionality but due to the faceless chat conversation an entire dimension of communication disappears because the loss of body language.

Marknadsföring i maktens korridorer : En studie om sociala mediers funktion i riksdagsvalet 2010

The current election is causing a debate in the Swedish media. The parties are trying to convince voters by spreading interesting and informative messages through different kind of media. Social media has emerged as a new way of reaching voters. All the current parliamentary parties have implemented this communication channel into their marketing strategy. People have both admired and judged the channel´s applicability in election campaigns.

Generell begåvning som prediktor till självskattad hälsa, självskattad sömn, betyg och avhopp i en militär studiepopulation

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

Föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning : Intervjuer med professionella personer som arbetar med föräldrarna och deras barn

This is a qualitative interview study about intellectually disabled parents and their children. I have conducted interviews with six professional staff who have some experience working with intellectually disabled persons. In my investigation I used vignettes and those I interviewed had to read the same story about Anders and Britta in preparation for the interview. The six persons whom I interviewed were: a midwife at a mother care centre, a nurse at a child health centre, a social welfare officer at a rehabilitation centre, a "LSS administrator" at a local authority, and two social welfare secretaries. One of the two welfare secretaries works to assess the social situation of children and the other one works with fostercare.The conclusion that I have drawn is that the relationship between intellectually disabled parents and their children is very important.

Thembalabantwana ?Hope for our children? ? A study about Social Workers work with children who are orphaned because of HIV/Aids in South Africa.

The purpose of our thesis has been to study Social Workers view of children?s needs and how they work with children?s needs when they are orphaned because of HIV/Aids in South Africa. The question formulations we used to answer our purpose are:? What needs do the Social Workers consider the children to have?? How do the Social Workers work with children?s needs?We have a qualitative methodological approach in the thesis, where we have performed four interviews with four Social Workers on different organizations in and around Cape Town, South Africa. The presentation of the empirics is made as a summary with representative quotations, which we have interweaved with earlier research and theoretical conceptions.

Rapportering enligt lex Sarah inom individ-och familjeomsorg : En kvalitativ studie utifrån hur socialarbetare resonerar kring rapporteringsskyldigheten.

This study is based on a qualitative study with 8 semi-structured interviews. The aim of thestudy was to describe how social workers in the individual- and family section in socialservices in two different municipalities in Sweden reason about reporting obligations and tounderstand what lex Sarah means in the decisions making to report incongruity or not. Weinterviewed social workers that work in the department of individual- and family section, amunicipality worker who works with state governance with all kinds people in the society.We asked the social workers altered questions about how they handle lex Sarah in their work.Three different topics were identified in our study and became the themes: Description,management and conflicting thoughts. Our analysis is based on two different theories, oneabout the choices a person make being in an organization, the other about how a professionalindividual have altered pressures to handle in their everyday work. By doing a semi-structuredstudy of the social workers opinions, we found out that the description of incongruity was notthe focus just in managing lex Sarah.

Funktionshindrade brukare om mötet med professionella hjälpare : En uppsats om stigmatisering och makt

This is a qualitative study about unaccompanied refugee?s support that they can get from Social Services and Migration Board. It?s a survey that is made in Skellefteå Kommun by interviewing four professional workers, two at the Social Services and two at the Migration Board. The questions in this study deals with the social support and how age may affect this support.

Bemötande online : En analys av kommunikation på anonyma och icke anonyma forum utifrån Amanda Todds bera?ttelse

This is a qualitative study about unaccompanied refugee?s support that they can get from Social Services and Migration Board. It?s a survey that is made in Skellefteå Kommun by interviewing four professional workers, two at the Social Services and two at the Migration Board. The questions in this study deals with the social support and how age may affect this support.

Marknadsföring av bibliotek via sociala medier ? Hur ser bibliotekarier på det?

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how librarians view marketing of the library using social media and how this can be used in a marketing strategy. The theoretical framework for this thesis is based on the 7 Ps of the marketing mix, SWOT-analysis and SWOT/TOWS Matrix. The theory is based on planned elements that make up a product or service offered the market. We have used our own interpretation of the theories to analyse our material. Our main method has been a web-based questionnaire, the questionnaire was sent to 523 librarians active at ten large public libraries and its related branches.

Man vill ju samla coolpoints : En kvalitativ studie om människors användning av sociala medier i samband med resande

This bachelor thesis in tourism studies focuses on people's use of social media related to travel. The paper aims to provide a wider knowledge of tourist?s propensity to display destinations through social media and how they perceive others that display travelling. This is put in relation to the term of social status in order to find out if there is a possible link. The intention was to provide an insight into the phenomenon to contribute new awareness that destinations can exploit in their marketing.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : En branschkartläggning av samhällsansvar

The aim of this study is to look how the Social Service has handled custody issues. The study has a legal and social aspect with a purpose to investigate how the law affects the social administration as well as the family. During a period of one year a quantitative and qualitative study was performed within the social administration in a nearby community. The study focus is partly on the relationship between the law, family and society. The main questions have been: Which one of the parents, mother or father, did in fact get the custody and why? How has the children?s point of view been reported in the inquiry? A child needs a well organized everyday life in a preferably conflict free environment.

Diskriminering av arbetssökande från minoritetsgrupper: Betydelsen av företagspolicy och bedömningar av social kompetens

Företagspolicy påverkar rekryterarens val av nya medarbetare. Detta undersöktes i en experimentell studie där 120 studenter vid Lunds universitet deltog. Hälften fick ta del av en platsannons som var antingen rättviseinriktad eller lojalitetsinriktad. Därefter fick de skatta värme- respektive kompetensfrågors lämplighet för en intervjusituation i förhållande till tjänsten. Sista steget i enkäten innehöll tre fiktiva cv:n som varierade kompetens i relation med utländskt/ svenskt namn.

Can we do it in Sweden? Yes we can! : En studie om politisk kommunikation i de sociala medierna inför riksdagsvalet 2010

Purpose The purpose is to analyze the parliamentary parties political communication in the social media channels before the election 2010.Methodology This essay is a descriptive study from nine interviews of the responsible people in the parliamentary parties. In addition to that two more interviews were done with social media expertsTheoretical perspective This essay is based on two-way communication and communication strategiesConclusions The parliamentary parties use social media as a complement to traditional media. The purpose is to create dialog and to minimize the gap to the voters, but in many ways it is being used as a one-way communication channel.  The parliamentary parties are trying to use the social media channels in Swedish conditions, but in many ways they try to imitate an American used strategy..

Självskadebeteende : En studie om identitet och självuppfattning

The purpose is to illustrate the phenomenon of self-harm from a social psychological and sociological perspective. The purpose is furthermore to examine the role social relationships play in the individuals´ self- imagine and what role does identification play for anyone who harm themselves? We want to examine in what way social relationships are important and how they function for individuals who harm themselves, both once they have started to harm themselves, and if the relationships in any part caused the cutting to begin with.Questions:How do individuals shape their identity based on self- harm? Which self-image do individuals have who self-harm? Is there anything in the person's previous social relationships that have caused them to begin to hurt themselves?Method:In this paper we have analyzed five autobiographies. We have used open coding from grounded theory as analytical method and subject positions based on discourse analysis.Theory:We have used the Cooley concepts looking glass self, Foucault's theory of power, Giddens' concept of ontological security and existential anxiety.Results and Analysis:We found six different categories that we thought were central. These were negative self-image, guilt, lack of family support, negative experiences of others' views, the protective identity as self- harmer and insecure social relationships in school.Conclusion:The self-harming is a very complex behavior.

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