1282 Uppsatser om Nature spirit - Sida 45 av 86
Skolan som politisk påverkare : Hotet mot den liberal demokratin
The purpose with this essay is to find out ifneo-fascist connection will change the next generationscitizens (in this specific case ninth graders) opinions about a specific political party. In modern day Sweden,only one political party stands for political ideas that can be seen as neo-fascist (Sverigedemokraterna). Whatwould happen if the next generation citizens saw this connection and how would they respond? That?s whatthis essay is all about, are the students ?positive?, ?negative? or ?on changed? to a neo-fascist politicalparty? The studies research type is mainly of a qualitative nature butquantitative elements occur. The data iscoming from two classes of ninth graders that answered eight questions each.
Åldersdiskriminering : i arbetslivet
According to the national legislation concerning discrimination within labour law, it is prohibited to discriminate on the grounds of sex, ethnic belonging, religion or other religious belief, functional disability, sexual nature and part-time work or time-limited employment. The EC-law goes further and also prohibits discrimination on the ground of age. According to an EC-directive the member states must incorporate a national provision against age discrimination by the 2nd of December 2006 and the Swedish legislator is now in the progress to implement this into Swedish law.Even though national legislation does not contain any provision on the area, the EC-law directive has a certain influence at national law. Measures that are in breach of the purpose of the directive can for example not be taken. When the time for implementation has expired, the directive has direct effect and can be referred to within the member states.
Intressekonflikten mellan polisiära spaningsmetoder och förhör
This essay is about the meeting of the pedagogic mission and the reality of the conditions in preschools. It is about the frustrations that I, as a pedagogue, experience when I cannot fulfill this mission. An example of this is working when understaffed.My purpose is the acknowledgment of two main areas of the curriculum: caring and learning. This essay demonstrates the diversity of the occupation and it ?s constant need of positioning.
Barnmorskors tankar kring och upplevelser av att bemöta samkönade par på förlossning : Inställning till homokompetens
The aim of this study was to describe the experiences and thoughts among midwives when encountering same sex couples at the maternity ward. Further, the aim was to explore the midwives attitudes towards education about special needs among same sex couples and their thoughts about contents and design of such education. The study had a descriptive design using a qualitative method. The data was collected through interviews with 10 midwives in February 2009. The midwives worked at two different maternity wards.
Våldet mot professionella inom neuropsykiatriska verksamheter : Ur ett livsvärldsperspektiv
The aim of this study has been to describe and clarify the phenomenon violence from patients within neuropsychiatric institutions, as experienced by staff members. The study has adopted an actor perspective and phenomenology as a philosophic and theoretical framework. The method used for data collection and analysis has also been influenced by phenomenology. Data consisted of five semi-structured interviews of a descriptive nature, and the goal of the analysis has been to articulate the general structure of the phenomenon. The results showed that the violence from patients is characterized by a professional commitment which includes always staying ahead and being able to help, protect and express a high level of emotional self-control.
Singel eller Tillsammans?: En kvantitativ studie om effekterna av att göra reklam för flera produkter inom en produktkategori tillsammans
This paper quantitatively examines the effects of marketing brands within the same product category and the same brand portfolio jointly. We have chosen to call this type of marketing category advertising. The results of the study show that category advertising leads to increased brand awareness within the category, which is particularly important for brands within less salient subcategories. For strong brands however, category advertising leads to lower purchase intentions, an effect which could potentially be moderated by focusing the advertisement on the complementary nature of the products combined with promotional elements. The study also shows that there is no difference between advertising products jointly and separately when it comes to brand attitude, category attitude, typicality, brand purchase intention for weak brands and category purchase intention.
Den nya vågen : En undersökning av den moderna nationalismen i Europa med fokus på Österrikiska frihetspartiet.
The aim of this study is to provide an investigation of an ?old? political phenomenon that over the recent years has enjoyed a considerable revival across Europe. This study about nationalism is mainly based on empirical second hand source material from literature and articles providing us with both a historical as well as a contemporary insight in this ideology. This study shows us the complexity and the difficulties that the academia is facing regarding nationalism due to the dynamic nature of the ideology, in the sense that it simply means different things to different peoples in different cultures across different points in time. The study is conducted by using a phenomenological, qualitative and inductive method of gathering and interpreting information. A handful of books have formed the foundation through the gathering of relevant empirical information, along with articles from both scientific publications as well as the mainstream media. The data have been studied and laid out to make key points regarding nationalism and the theory behind it clear for the reader.
Det individuella samlandet : från längtan till begär
This essay deals with the individual collecting of four individuals with different backgrounds and lives. The essay investigates what, how and why people collect. It provides a stepping-stone in moving closer to understanding one, in human nature, deeply rooted phenomenon - collecting.The essay is based on a list of questions made by the Nordic Museum in Stockholm. It also includes in-depth examinations of four person?s passion of collecting, in which four individuals were interviewed: a pig collector, a collector of Mickey Mouse items, a multi-collector of objects from other cultures and one collector of items related to the artist Madonna.
Genrebaserad undervisning : att stötta flerspråkiga elever i deras språkutveckling
The purpose of this study was to examine how the genrebased instruction applied in multicultural classrooms. My observations were carried out in three different classrooms, whit the educators constantly working on language development off the students. Two observations were carried out in Swedish, with a teacher of Swedish as a second language and the Swedish-teacher working with students together. In these two lessons in Swedish, I took away from Pauline Gibbons model, while the third lesson in civics I assumed from Eija Kuyumcu genre model. Both models are based on the Australian research around the genrebased teaching.
Co-Branding as a Tool for Strategic Brand Activation - How to Find the Ideal Partner; An Explanatory Case Study in the Fashion and Design Sector
Thesis purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the interdependencies within the process of partner selection in the fashion and design sector and the emanating criteria for finding the ideal co-branding partner in order to use co-branding as a strategic brand activation tool. Methodology: Multiple Case Study Theoretical perspective: Brand Building and Brand Activation, Relationship Marketing, Strategic Alliances, Affinity Partnering, Co-Branding, Consumer-Brand Relationships Empirical data: Interviews with expert consultants and company representatives (adidas, BMW, BMW MINI, Diesel, H&M, Opel, Philips, Sharp, Volkswagen) Conclusion: Partner selection depends decisively on the different co-branding aims and incorporates the crucial step when using co-branding as a tool for strategic brand activation. The co-branding aim and the corresponding partner lead to various types of relationships, which, in this study, are anthropomorphized to connect the world of marketing and branding to real life. Fashion and design brands have proven to be particularly eligible as co-branding partners for brand activation due to their innovative and trend-oriented nature..
Planering och exploatering i fjällnära natur
Detta kandidatarbete handlar om planering, exploatering och naturvärden i den svenska fjälen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera och analysera hur planering och exploatering i de svenska fjällen påverkar den naturmiljön som finns där. En del av syftet består av att studera hur turismen påverkar planeringen, en annan del är att se hur naturmiljön påverkas av exploateringar. Genom exempel i från den planerade exploateringen av Rödkullen i Åre kommun skall problem och möjligheter som kan uppkomma vid planering och exploatering belysas. En fallstudie har gjorts på Rödkullen i Åre, ett naturområde som inom snar framtid ska exploateras.
Biblioteksplaner - en möjlig väg mot förändring? En komparativ studie av arbetet med biblioteksplaner i tre kommuner ur ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine in what way the introducing of library plans in three municipalities have affected the work in library organizations. We base our study on a new institutionalist perspective, which focuses on changes in organizations from a social and interpretative perspective. By using this theoretical framework, it is possible to study how interpersonal relations affect the development in library organizations. Through qualitative interviews with ten librarians, we investigate how the establishing of library plans has influenced, and been influenced by, the library field and by the environment, i.e.
Brevbäraren, narren och evolutionen. En evolutionsteoretiskt orienterad komparativ analys av Dag-Otto Flink från Vallarnas friluftsteater och Puck och Botten från "En midsommarnattsdröm".
What is it that makes an audience love a character? Through comparative analysis and anevolutionary perspective, I have examined the relationship between the viewer ? the human ?and three popular characters: Shakespeare?s Bottom and Puck from A Midsummer Night?sDream and Dag-Otto Flink, the most popular character from Vallarnas friluftsteater inFalkenberg, Sweden. In what way do they attract us? Why do they attract us? The aim of thecomparative analysis between the characters was to reveal enough similarities for defining allthree as the same character type: the fool. One of the most important similarities for theevolutionary discussion was that especially Dag-Otto and Bottom are consistently themselves.Furthermore, the Darwinian perspective, especially with theories of Daniel Nettle, indicatesthat there are several factors that come into play for successive fiction.
Reflections är en stämningslampa som med hjälp av invävd fiberoptik lockar fram nya visuella och taktila uttrycksvärdeni en textil. Under arbetets gång har jag utforskat mängden ljus som fiberoptisk textil sprider längsmed fiberlängden samt undersökt naturfiberns egenskaper när den vävs samman med fiberoptik.En stor utmaning var att hitta balans mellan tekniska begränsningar och det uttryck jag sökte. Lampans formspråkär min reflektion över dagens stadslandskap där arkitekturens geometriska former möterfordons strömlinjeform. Med stämningslampan hoppas jag att hitta och inspirera till nya användningsområdenför fiberoptisk textil.Reflections is a mood light using interwoven fiber optics witch brings out new visual and tactile expressionvalues in a textile. During the work, I have explored the amount of light fiber optic textile spreads along thefiber length and examined properties of nature fiber when it is interwoven with fiber optics.A major challenge was finding a balance between technical constraints and expressions I was looking for.
Lek på förskolan : En observationsstudie om barns lek och vuxnas deltagande i lek på två förskolor
The study which has been made is a qualitative observational study where play forms and participation of adults were observed in two preschools. The word play is defined in the study with an ?as-if? ?nature based on Knutsdotters definition which differs play and activities from each other. The observed play form has been analyzed according to the concept of imitation and imagination play. To get a complete base of the study a few children on some occasions drew what they played or would like to play.Through photographs of these drawings and how the children described and explained what they drew a connection could be made with the children?s play forms.