1282 Uppsatser om Nature spirit - Sida 35 av 86
Naturens p?verkan p? elever i skolan: En forsknings?versikt ?ver hur biologiundervisning utomhus p?verkar elever med fokus p? intresse
In the Western world the interest in science in schools is steadily declining. Focusing on
interest is important to encourage students to lifelong learning which is a written purpose of
the Swedish curriculum. This literature study examines if biology education outside in nature
could be a part of the solution for this problem and the question of issue is how can education
outdoor enhance students? interest for biology and what other aspects does this effect
simultaneously? The method of block search was selected for addressing this question,
utilizing the ERIC and ERC databases. The results show that situational interest increased
with outside education due to aspects such as: novelty, hands-on, knowledge acquisition and
social interaction.
GRÖN FLAGG : Miljöarbete i förskolan
The aim with my work is to get a deeper knowledge about the preschool's views of environmental work. I also want to examine how the preschool teachers along with the children work with the project Green Flag in the preschool. I have used structured interview with two teachers in a preschool that works with Green Flag. Green Flag is an environment certification and is an evidence on that one works daily with a document aimed environmental work along with the children. I have found out that each year they work with different themes within Green Flag.
Från isolering mot samverkan? - En deskriptiv studie av lokalt näringslivsfrämjande i Stockholms län
The acts of promoting local business and implementing efforts to appear as an attractive location for potential business are rather new activities among Swedish municipalities. The knowledge about how these activities are organised and what strategies are perused are fairly limited. In addition the structures concerning cooperation between municipalities for economic policies contain incentives both for and against cooperation. This creates a complicated situation. Using prior research mainly done by Markus Gossas, Lennart J Lundqvist and an analytical model designed by Jon Pierre, which in this essay is completed with the works of Roger Henning, these issues are addressed.
Kunden i centrum : att nyttja potentialen i den interna förmedlingen av kunder
LRF Konsult is a big consulting-firm with offices located all over Sweden. The corporation offers a wide range of services and a lot of the customers are small businesses active within the green sector. An analysis of the corporation made in 2006 showed that one of LRF Konsults weaknesses is that many customers are unaware of the wide range of services that LRF Konsult offers. The internal communication is believed to play a big role in marketing these services. Therefor, the objective of this thesis has been to investigate why the transfer of customers between accounting consultants and business advisors is not greater and how this can be improved.
Gör som jag menar - En studie om budskapets betydelse samt dess påverkan på inre upplevelse och yttre beteende
The purpose of this paper was to understand internal communication?s critical
tradition by studying the interface of the subjective experience and the
objective behavior within a management team. During almost two years this group
was observed, several semi-structured interviews were conducted and a specific
incident was analyzed. The interview texts where analyzed, using the Meaning
Constitution Analysis developed by Roger Sages (2010) at Lund University. The
observations were summarized in sociograms showing relationships in the
Din, min eller vår islam? : En kritisk diskursanalys av fyra religionsläromedel för gymnasiets framställning av islam
This paper investigates the presentation of Islam in textbooks used in the study of religion in high schools. The papers focus on two main questions concerning the ways in which Islam is presented in the analysed textbooks, and how the new curriculum has influenced the portrayal of Islam in the materials. Here, the paper utilizes a method of critical discourse analysis with Faircloughs three-dimensional analysis. The paper then concludes that the presentation of Islam is negative in nature, with the content and view of Islam having been simplified and stereotyped. Often the textbooks studied frame Islam as being an aggressive and oppressive religion, especially in matters con-cerning women.
Varumärkesvärde ur två perspektiv : En gap-analys av försäkringsbranschen
Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze how insurance companies work to create value and confidence in their brands and then compare whether consumers perceive brands as companies seek.Method: The study is a gap analysis of both qualitative and quantitative in nature containing both interviews with insurance companies and a survey carried out on consumers. The study has been developed by analytical induction.Data: Consists of interviews with representatives from the insurance companies and survey responses from 99 consumers.Conclusion: From the study it can be concluded that the insurance industry is unique in its kind as a difficulty and complexity is obviously applicable to convey an overall impression to the consumer, which in turn will produce a brand value to the company. Creating a high brand value through good marketing where it maintained a good congruence between firms striving and consumer perception, is according to the scientists complicated because the lack of perceived quality affects the the big picture..
Inkongruenta styrmodeller: En fallstudie av reparation och underhåll i ett industriföretag
In theory, the management control of maintenance functions is described as problematic due to the nature of the work performed in the unit. The purpose of this thesis is to examine these predicted problems in practice. Further,the thesis aims at identifying how these control problems may affect the relationships between the maintenance department and its internal customers. A case study has been conducted in one of Sweden?s largest industrial companies to investigate the said control problems in practice.
Barns kunskaper om djurarter : Kan kunskaperna skilja beroende på vart man bor?
This study is about differences in knowledge regarding animals. In the study five year old preschool children from a city were compared to five year old preschool children in the suburbs with multicultural background. The study is also about where children´s knowledge about animals comes from and how educators can make a positive difference. To find this out standardized interviews was used on 23 children from four different preschools, two preschools in the suburbs with 15 children and two preschools in the city with 13 children. A survey was sent out to the educators within these preschools to gather background information on what the children do regarding animals.
Kristian Lundbergs gudomliga komedi : En intertextuell analys av Yarden, Mörkret skulle vara som ljuset och Och allt skall vara kärlek
This essay explores the intertextual qualities in and between Kristian Lundberg?s works Yarden, Mörkret skulle vara som ljuset and Och allt skall vara kärlek. Read as a trilogy, it bears a thematic resemblance to Dante Alighieri?s Divine Comedy; an autofictional depiction of emancipation from alienation by grace. To reach this conclusion, I use Julia Kristeva?s theory of intertextuality and Roland Barthes? post-structuralist differention of Work and Text together with his notion of the Paper-Author.
Röd Glöd : Granaternas betydelse under yngre järnålder med fokus på Gamla Uppsala
During an excavation at Old Uppsala 571 raw garnets was found. In comparison with similar fragments from other sites in Sweden my aim was to prove a completely domestic production of garnets for cloisonné work. I have chosen to look at the archaeological sites of Old Uppsala, Valsta, Slöinge and Paviken and more closely at the material from Old Uppsala and Valsta. My theoretical framework has been to look at the garnets own agency in the contemporary society.Garnet cloisonné was a popular jewellery form during the Merovingian period on the continent although it came to an end in the early 7th century. It was during this time in Scandinavia a new sort of garnet, technique and paste was introduced and the garnet cloisonné was profoundly used for the gear of the elite and ritual objects.
Lånad Identitet - En kvalitativ studie om konsumenters inställning till tillgångsbaserad klädkonsumtion
Previous studies have shown that there exists a gap between purchase intention and behavior in consumption situations. This gap is especially prevalent for sustainable or green products and even more so in terms of sustainable apparel consumption. Therefore, the adoption of sustainable fashion remains low as fast fashion dominates the industry. A counter-movement for mass consumption - access-based consumption - has reached the apparel industry and in Sweden we see it in the form of clothing libraries. This qualitative thesis uses in-depth interviews to uncover the feelings of seven consumers towards the idea of accessing rather than owning their clothing as a more sustainable consumption form, factoring in the strong identity connection that we have to our clothes and how this affects their perceptions.
The Nature and Role of Experiment in Science Education
Experimentets art och roll i naturvetenskaplig undervisning är ett fundamentalt och omfattande ämne. I föreliggande litteraturstudie görs ett försök att sätta in frågan i ett historiskt, pedagogiskt och vetenskapligt sammanhang. Innan experimentets roll diskuteras, ställs dock frågan vad naturvetenskap är, varför och hur det skall undervisas, och vad som kännetecknar praktiskt arbete och experimentell verksamhet i skolan. Med denna bakgrund refereras några forskares och lärares erfarenheter och åsikter. Det visar sig, föga överraskande, att formerna för och avsikterna med experiment i undervisningen är skiftande.
"Tack och lov så händer det inte så ofta" : En studie av fyra socialsekreterares erfarenheter av hot och våld från klienter
The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences of threats and violence among four social workers at a social services' reception center for individual and family care. The study uses semistructured interviews and an abductive approach. The analysis is based on previous research, communication theory, coping and sense of coherence, SOC. The study shows that the studied workplace isn't considered to be particularly exposed to threats and violence, although all four respondents have experienced threats and/or violence. The respondents make a difference between threats and harsh words from clients because they consider their clients are entitled to be upset considering the nature of the work conducted at the workplace.
Att göra analoga objekt digitala : En kvalitativ studie om digitaliseringsprocessen i ett bibliotek
Contemporary libraries face challenges in transforming their organization to meet the digitalized society. To develop the process of digitization of literature is a natural way for libraries to go when they already have more visitors online than physically. Since the demand for digital material is so sought after, we feel challenged to address the challenges of the Internet as an emerging functional medium for distributing knowledge. These developments will be able to significantly modify the nature of literature as well as the existing system of quality assurance. In this study, we explored and analyzed a digitization project at a research library.