1282 Uppsatser om Nature spirit - Sida 33 av 86
Vem bär ansvar för Somalias internflyktingar?
The aim of this thesis is to examine the rights of internally displaced persons as well as finding out whose responsibility it is to maintain these rights. The questions being answered are: what policies, laws and conventions are addressing internally displaced persons in Somalia (mainly from within Somalia, UN and AU)? And; which principal similarities and differences in these documents are to find regarding what type of protection internally displaced persons can get? Whose responsibility is it to intervene if these rights and rules are not maintained? To answer these questions I have used a liberal-universal theoretical framework. The analysis is a describing case study of comparative nature between the Provisional Somalia Constitution, UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and the Kampala Convention. The result shows that there are many different rights of internally displaced persons in Somalia.
Barn och Natur : En undersökning om barns uppfattningar om naturmiljö och biologiska processer
This study is about differences in knowledge regarding animals. In the study five year old preschool children from a city were compared to five year old preschool children in the suburbs with multicultural background. The study is also about where children´s knowledge about animals comes from and how educators can make a positive difference. To find this out standardized interviews was used on 23 children from four different preschools, two preschools in the suburbs with 15 children and two preschools in the city with 13 children. A survey was sent out to the educators within these preschools to gather background information on what the children do regarding animals.
Att återställa en naturlig ordning : skogshistoria och restaureringsbränning i Långsidbergets naturreservat
During the late 1800s fire suppression became increasingly effective in northern Sweden which led to decreased areas of fire-disturbed woodland and successive changes in the structure of forests. In the long run this can pose a serious threat to fire-dependent and fire-favored species. Today some fire-prone forest reserves are burned as a nature conservation act. Often partial cuttings are made before burning, with somewhat different motives. The purpose of the study in Långsidberget nature reserve was to give a general picture of forest history and its affect on today?s forest condition, and to show how partial cuttings affect burning conditions and results.
Långsidberget is located close to areas that were colonized during the Middle Ages.
Nya landskapselement i Infra City :
My work deals with large scale design of the urban fringe. The thesis is divided in three parts; ?Current viewpoints?, ?Infra City ? conditions ? and ?Infra City ? project?.
In the first part, I go through the history of trade shortly. Then I discuss the concept of nature, which ends up in a linkage between natural science and aesthetics in landscape architecture. The link between those two makes a project stronger and more multifunctional.
The object of my case, Infra City, is a mall situated north of Stockholm on both sides of the E4 motorway going to Arlanda airport.
Med Varumärket som konkurrensmedel i Kina : En studie om svenska företags varumärke på den kinesiska konsumentmarknaden
This paper examines the function of narrative discourse in television talk shows. Basing our analysis on five episodes of the Swedish talk show Skavlan, we illustrate how narratives are initiated and elaborated by the participants of the show. The analysis shows that the institutional roles are challanged and that the roles vary between the host ant the guests. The analysis also shows that when guests introduce and elaborate stories they use the same discursive actions and resources as the host. When participants enter an actvie role in their storytelling the hos takes a more restrained role in which he lets the the conversation evolve spontaneously.
Skolan och världsmedborgarskapet : Om världsmedborgarskap som pedagogiskt ideal
It today's global world we live in the media have started to examine businesses more and more. In addition consumers are expecting more from products, because they are well informed. This means that companies need to market themselves effectively, to convince and get across their message to their customers. Marketing is an extensive process in which different factors must be taken into account. A company must know what the coustomer needs in order to get through to them.
Förskolans lekmiljö : En studie om hur pedagoger tänker om lekmiljöernas betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande
The purpose of my study is to describe how educators think about the play environment, the nature and its importance for the children's development and learning in preschool. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four active educators. The results of the study show that the teachers regarded the children's interests to a great extent when the different play environments were structured. They are also based on different themes that they have seen that the children were interested in, such as the fire station, hair salon or shop and café. Educators designing not only these play areas for different types of play for the children, but the different environments also have a learning purpose. The outdoor environment however attracts greater interest from children, to where they have more space to move freely in and outdoors, there are no limits to the children.
Gör som jag menar : En studie om budskapets betydelse samt dess påverkan på inre upplevelse och yttre beteende
The purpose of this paper was to understand internal communication?s critical tradition by studying the interface of the subjective experience and the objective behavior within a management team. During almost two years this group was observed, several semi-structured interviews were conducted and a specific incident was analyzed. The interview texts where analyzed, using the Meaning Constitution Analysis developed by Roger Sages (2010) at Lund University. The observations were summarized in sociograms showing relationships in the organization.
En trivsam inskolning : En intervjustudie om interaktion mellan pedagoger och föräldrar
The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how parents and preschool teachers experience induction at preschool. The induction creates collaboration between preschool teachers and parents where the interaction and socio-cultural factors have been key theories for the work task.The method used has been of qualitative nature where interviews were made with parents and preschool teachers. In these interviews, they shared their insights of how they experienced the interaction and communication during induction. I asked the parents what they felt was good communication and interaction during the induction. The same question was given to preschool teachers to respond to and also if there was something that worked less good during induction.The results show that parents and preschool teachers feel that induction works well satisfactory and that it is important that the interaction work well between both parts.
Urmakarens budbärare : Modern intelligent design-rörelse i jämförelse med brittisk naturteologi vid 1800-talets början
I uppsatsen jämförs William Paleys Natural Theology : or, evidence of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, collected from the appearances of nature från 1802 med Michale J. Behes Darwin's black box : The biochemical challenge to evolution från 1996. Jämförelsen kontextualiseras med en skiss över evolutionsteorimotståndets historia under den mellanliggande perioden, som tillsammans med själva den vetenskapliga utvecklingen, antas förklara de skillnader i tilltal och val av argument som föreligger mellan de två verken. I fråga om grundläggande budskap, idéstruktur, syfte och religiositet befinns de två verken ligga varandra betydligt närmare än vad som initialt kan tyckas vara fallet..
Bland brons och järn - spåren av metallhantverk från Bornholms yngre järnålder.
This essay is about Late Iron Age settlement and its production. I want to define the nature ofthree different workplaces on Bornholm, Denmark, and compare them. My aim is to see if itis possible to define a workplace through the traces of the craftsmanship. Several materials areselected in this essay and the analysis provides different perspective on workplaces in the LateIron Age in Scandinavia. The results of the analysis between the three workplacesAgerbygård, Baggård and Kanonhøj shows that Baggård have more traces of melting of bronsthan any other of the places.
En jämförelse mellan en Waldorfförskola och en kommunalförskolas arbetssätt och deras syn på barns lärande
Abstract Nilsson, J. (2011) Waldorf preschool and municipal preschools - How they look at the preschool curriculum. Degree in the teacher education program. Gävle. University of Gävle.
Missnöjda kunder hos SAS - påverkar erfarenhetsnivån av flygresor deras synpunkter?
In today s society, services are becoming more and more important. They are however, partly because of their immaterial nature, separated from traditional merchandise, why the marketing and producing of them differs. Quality errors in a service are often difficult to discover before the service is brought to a customer, since the producing and consuming of it often takes place simultaneously. Quality errors in a service process are called service failures or in Swedish tjänstefel. Nevertheless, with an effective service recovery process, dissatisfied customers can be turned into satisfied ones.
Satsa på leken! : en studie om skolgårdens betydelse för barns lek och utveckling
The intention of this final thesis is to examine how to create a schoolyard that inspires children at the age of 6 ? 12 years to play and give them possibility to develop. To get a lot of knowledge in this subject, I have combined studies of literature with practical studies at Hosjöskolan in Falun. During my practical studies I have done interviews, walks in the area with the children and visited other schoolyards. I have based a design proposal for the schoolyard of Hosjöskolan on these studies.
Visioner om framtidens profilboenden : Hur äldre personer vill bo när det bli ännu äldre
As the population of senior citizens increase, various housing options are required for an increasing competitive environment within elderly care. This study addresses the concept of profile housing for the elderly by outlining its definition and providing options for the different kinds of housing options available within the municipalities of Stockholm and Solna. The study reveals that these locations have different definitions of what constitutes a profile home. Based on this, should one assume there are further definitions to cover additional municipalities? This study also touches upon how a group of senior citizens would perceive their living conditions if relocated into such housing. Members of the group have also expressed that they would like to go about their daily activities as they have prior to being relocated. They want health professionals to enable and encourage participation in various daily activities..