

1033 Uppsatser om Natural dyes - Sida 26 av 69

Att vara anhörig eller anhörigvårdare

The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyze experiences of how the daily rounds and a persons role is changing when you go from being a family member to being a family member as well as being a kinship carer.Essential questions at issue was:- Which feelings are associated to the roll as kinship carer?- What are the motivations for the relative/family member to become a kinship carer?- What is the change of the role like before and after the disease.Six persons have been interviewed on the subject and symbolic interactionism and role theory has been our theoretical perspective. The essay has been related to the ideas of Meads on social interaction and to Goffmans theatre theorem.The result of the essay showed that feelings and motivations as regards to the daily rounds and the role of the kinship carer were individual, where similarities and differences occurred. When ones partner, parent or child got a disease/functional disability it generated in some changes regarding their daily rounds and it led to altering of roles. To assume a role was a natural result and often happened when a relative/family member got a disease or an injury..

Bortom det kroppsliga : Prostitution som martyrskap i europeisk film

Here I study some European films from the late 1950?s and the early 1960?s by directors like Fellini, Visconti, Pasolini and Godard. By comparing them with different sociological studies on the subject of female prostitution I try to find out if these films are interested in the actual situation of the prostitute, or in their own image of the phenomenon. Is she an object used for sex or just an sex object? Is she positively or negatively pictured? With realism or as a stereotype? Which aspects of her situation is shown and which ones are concealed? What is the view on the men who actually use her services?It seems natural that different types of films, with different types of prostitutes, illustrates different aspects of what prostitution might be.

Ta på era "hållbar utvecklingsglasögon"! : Ett idéhäfte som kan hjälpa pedagoger att arbeta mer med hållbar utveckling i förskolan

Natural and environmental issues are everyday parts in preschool but when educators shall consciously work with sustainable development they tend to stop at recycling and what is necessary to be done for achieving the Grön Flagg-certification. I have been observing various preschools and noticed that sustainable development is flawed, often because of the teachers lack of interest, knowledge and in some cases both. Out of this grew an idea of making a project that could help the teachers see how the work with the subject in a fun and educational way can become a part of the preschools everyday routine. I made a tutorial booklet with basic facts and activities relating to sustainable development and the three questions in my report were how much knowledge and interest the teachers initially have, if the tutorial booklet could help the teachers to produce new knowledge and interest for the topic and if it turned out to be easier for them to provide educational activities within the subject. There were three departments that participated in my survey and the methodology of collecting data was an anonymous survey with the teachers' own comments in response.

EGEN ZON - Rumsgestaltning för barn nio till tolv år på Stadsbiblioteket i Halmstad

Spatial design for children nine to twelve years old at the Halmstad City Library. An investigation about the specific needs of the target group and how the child department can be designed to stimulate their experience of visiting the library. The aim was to create a spatial concept from the children?s ideas that inspires to playfulness and lust to read at the library. A more personal goal was to collaborate with an external part to prepare for my future role as a designer within child culture.

Val av liggplats och väderskydd hos dikor vid utedrift vintertid

If you keep cattle in a herd outside all year round on big varying grounds, their possibilityto perform their natural behaviour increases. This way of keeping cattle requires that youprovide them with their other needs, like shelter and a dry and clean resting place.According to the animal welfare authority´s regulations on livestock farming, only animalsthat are suited to stay outside during the cold season are allowed to be kept outside. Theyshould also have access to a shelter or another building that gives them protection from theweather and wind and provides a dry and clean resting place.Research has shown that as long as cattle do not get exposed to precipitation and wind theywill manage low temperature well. Some of the things that will affect how well the animalshandle different climates are the isolation ability of the fur, the animals´ body size and thefeed intake. A dry lying place that is both insulating and moisture absorbent is also of greatimportance.

Dans i skolan : Vad finns det för dans i Vänersborgs kommuns skolor?

Pupils learn in different ways, varied teaching is needed to encourage all pupils. Aesthetic can be a good tool in this work and dance is one of the aesthetic subjects that can be used in the education. Dance gives the pupils an awareness of their bodies and what they can express through it. The essay discusses diffrent angel of incidence of dance in school and its positive effects and examines what kinds of dance there are in the schools of Vänersborg?s municipal.

DU#kulturskolan : En kvantitativ studie om hur elever ser på sitt engagemang då de musicerar och undervisas på kulturskolan.

The Sand Catcher                                                       The thesis project The Sand Catcher investigates the encounter between permanent structures and an ever-changing landscape. The migrating sand dune Råbjerg Mile in northern Denmark is 40 meters high and moves more than 15 meters every year. By introducing a solid structure on the site, the fast movement of the sand dune is emphasised and thereby our view of time and space.Through intuitively building models with varied openings and densities I investigated how architectural elements react with sand. From these experiments a series of spatial features and effects were found, generated from the meeting with the sand.The Sand Catcher is a solid and permanent structure. The sand is the liquid element that generates new spaces, circulations and experiences.

Behöver skolan skolbibliotek? Skolbibliotekets roll i skolans demokratiuppdrag. En kritisk ideologianalys.

The subject of this master thesis is the school library and how we find its potential unutilized. We look at this problem in connection to the democratic assignment that the Swedish school has. The purpose is to elucidate what the democratic assignment consists of and to establish the role that the school library ought to have in this assignment. To describe the democratic assignment we examine and interpret the documents that regulate school and library activities today, including UNESCO/IFLA School Library Manifesto and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. We use critical ideology analysis because we consider democracy to be a sort of ideology and have a critical view of how the school library is used or rather not used in school.

Mellan stad och hav - kajpromenad i Kalmar

The aim of this project is to investigate the meeting between the city and the sea and tolook into how that could be developed and made use of. I want to find out how you can increase the availability of a specific place and make it more welcoming, I also want to bring life to an already existing space and create a central meeting place in the city. The purpose is to give form to an esplanade along a dock in the central parts of Kalmar. Starting with an analysis of this public place, I want to create a concept that is close to the existing context and communicates the contrasts or associations between for example: city and nature, artificial and natural and indoor and outdoor. The primary object of the project is to add a welcoming, public place to the city where you on an accessible way canfamiliarize yourself with the meeting between the city and the sea.

Förskolebarns möten med biologiämnet i naturmiljö : En observationsstudie med fokus på barnens perspektiv

Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på hur mycket biologi man kan få in i verksamheten genom att uppmärksamma när ämnet naturligt visar sig hos barnen under utomhusvistelse, i deras egna lekar, upptäckter och utforskande. Bakgrunden till min undersökning är att den svenska förskolan sägs befinna sig i en brytningstid, med större fokus på ämneskunskaper och att läroplanen samtidigt poängterar vikten av att ta tillvara barns perspektiv, frågor och idéer. För att få svar har jag gjort observationer på två olika förskolor/avdelningar. Även enkäter har skickats till de medverkande pedagogerna. Resultatet av mina observationer visar att barnen ofta uppmärksammar olika djur och växter och andra områden inom ämnet biologi när de vistas ute i naturen.

Naturlika planteringar - hur lika och hur är de lika naturen? :

Sammanfattning (English below) Jag har alltid tyckt om naturen och haft en föreställning om att all växtlighet som inte är tydligt anlagd, som en gräsmatta eller en rabatt, är något som naturen åstadkommit av sig själv. Mina ögon öppnades för alternativen när jag för första gången hörde begreppet ?naturlik plantering?. Det här arbetets syfte är att ta reda på hur lik naturen naturlika planteringar egentligen är, om de är planerat naturlika eller något som används som utfyllnad. Syftet är också att ge en indikation på vilken status den naturlika planteringen har. Arbetet består av tre delar. En historisk del som utforskar ursprunget till begreppet ?naturlik?.

Morphology of the Action Babe Cinema : En strukturell studie av 2000-talets filmer med kvinnliga actionhjältinnor

The subject of my thesis is what I have chosen to call the ?action babe cinema? of the 21st century, essentially action-movies featuring a female heroine in the lead role. Inspired by the theories of Vladímir Propp, author of Morphology of the Folktale, I have tried to reveal the underlying structure of these films. I have chosen eleven films which form my material, and from these extracted a number of functions (which means the actions of a character), that reoccur frequently. The heroines? transformation can be seen as a central theme of the action babe cinema, and I have divided the films into two groups depending on the course of the transformation, either from soft to hard or the other way around.

Skolbibliotek + En-till-En = SANT?: En fallstudie av ett skolbibliotek i En-till-En miljö

Projects to equip every student and teacher with a laptop, with the intention to improve academic results, have rapidly spread through the country. New technology, new contents and new ways of learning have changed the learning envi-ronment. The school library, being a part of this environ-ment, faces the same changes and challenges.The purpose of this thesis is to study how the school library is being affected when a One-to-One project is carried out in a learning environment. The research questions concern how the school library is viewed within the organization and also how the change affects both the school library and the school librarian.The empirical material of the thesis includes five qualitative interviews carried out on location, at a single selected school. The interviews are followed by a study of relevant documents, all produced within the organization.To understand the organization in which the school library operates, as well as the school library itself, I chose to divide the theoretical approach in two: Christensen?s et al.

Översyn av vattenskyddsföreskrifter med tillhörande vattenskyddsområde i Hallstahammars kommun. : Vilka revideringsbehov finns?

Water is an important food and an important natural resource. In order to protect these are the Environmental Code and the EU directive given to water protection and related water protection regulations will be established for all water sources until 2010. Those who will prepare a water protection and related water protection regulations is the municipality or person responsible for water supply. The person then decides and declares the area as water protection and related water protection regulations are municipal or provincial government. The idea of creating a water protection is to protect the water supply and the body of water against pollution caused by point sources, diffuse sources and accidents combined.

En välsignelse på jorden : Det goda äktenskapet som normaltillstånd och mål i tre romaner från 1860-talet

The aim of this study is to examine marriage as something both desirable and normal in three popular novels from the 1860s about marriage: Rosa Carlén?s Agnes Tell: en äktenskapshistoria (1860), Marie Sophie Schwartz?s Alma eller De moderna äktenskapen (1860) and Sara Pfeiffer?s Aurora Trampe (1867). Using a theoretical perspective from Michel Foucault and Judith Butler, I have analysed the novels as being producers of, and resistance against, norms.The good marriage is partly depicted as a utopian vision in the novels, which therefore functions as fantasies for the readers. But it is also depicted as a realistic possibility. Though difficult to achieve, the main characters reach the goal through individual improvement towards correct behaviour.The question for the main characters is not whether they are going to marry or not, but how to make their marriages good ones.

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