

2437 Uppsatser om National museum - Sida 6 av 163

Den falska nyckeln : Stångbett för skolridning - historia, terminologi, katalogisering

The art of riding is a fugitive art, which signifies that the means available for documentation of performances are insufficient, and that the equipment used by the old masters are important clues for the understanding of their art. The most specialized tool used for riding is the bit, in particular the curb. As museum catalogues become accessible to the public through the internet, riders will look for information about bits. It is then important that the information provided in the catalogues is valid not just for the curator, archaeologist or art historian, but also for the rider.In this paper, I add context to the bits by explaining two opposing philosophies of bitting, and how they affect the design of the bits. This is followed by a brief history of the art of riding and how the bits have evolved since the 16?th century.

Pedagogiskt arbete på Bror Hjorths Hus : Ur ett integrerande och samarbetande perspektiv utifrån två exempel; : invandrargrupper samt skolklasser.

The house of one of the most prominent Swedish artists of the 20th century, Bror Hjorth (1894-1968), was turned into an artists-museum and opened to the public in 1978. It has since the start held pedagogical activities and during the years developed its own pedagogical approach.I have studied the museums pedagogical work from two perspectives; visiting groups of immigrants and visiting groups of schoolchildren, in search of answers to the questions; can art be used as a way to integrate immigrants into the swedish society, and can artmuseums be a resource for schools?This essay contains my observations, conclusions and theories as well as general facts about Bror Hjorths House..

Kunskap genom bilder : i ett samarbete mellan museum, universitet och grundskola

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka vad bilden och det bildskapande arbetet har för betydelse för kunskap i ett samarbete mellan museum, universitet och skola. Jag har genomfört observationer av elevers besök på en bildutställning i kemi på BildMuseet Umeå universitet. Besöket innehöll bildvisning och efterföljande workshop med en bildpedagog och en kemist. Resultatet av observationerna visade att bilden, det visuella, användes i kunskapssyfte främst gällande kemi. Det ansågs av informanterna vara ett sätt att nå eleverna på ett annat sätt än text och tal för att vi lär oss på olika sätt och att det krävs olika sätt att lära ut på.

Hur dyskalkyli uppfattas och hanteras i de tidigare skolåren

Syftet med vår uppsats är att vi vill undersöka hur samarbetet mellan skola och museum fungerar. Som blivande lärare vill vi få mer kunskap om hur vi använder oss av museet som arena i vår undervisning på ett bra sätt. Vi frågar oss hur skola och museum samarbetar? Hur samarbetet leder till elevers historiemedvetande och vilka de eventuella hindren i samarbetet är? Vi presenterar och diskuterar tidigare forskning inom området. Några viktiga forskare som vi lyfter fram är Berit Ljung, Monica Cassel och Eilean Hooper-Greenhill.

Unesco, Malraux och ombildningens museum : Estetik och kosmopolitik i efterkrigstid

An inquiry into the post-war European aesthetic and political landscape should take the international organization Unesco?s colour reproductions and travelling exhibitions of paintings into consideration. In these, the organization implements André Malraux? idea of the ?imaginary museum? as a framework for a future cosmopolitical, aesthetic (and utopian) community. During the late 1940?s, the Swedish government also discusses the need for raising an ?aesthetic awareness? amongst their citizens as a consequence to a poor knowledge in the fine arts.

Nationella prov - stöd eller hot? : Några gymnasielärares uppfattning om de nationella provens betydelse

The purpose of this study is to analyse the significance of the national assessment in highschool education, including what the teachers express about the new instructions currently coming from the Swedish National Agency of Education, concerning a more central control of grading the national assessments. This study also covers the teachers individual responsibility when it comes to grading the national assessments. The purpose of the national assessment is to secure that grading and the education level in the country is equal. This is a qualitative study useing the method of a group discussion intervju (focusgroup intervju). Five highschool teachers took part in the discussion with questions that had been decided beforehand.

Samspelet mellan grafisk design och ljusdesign i utställningssalen "Vägen till det förflutna"

The purpose of this study was to develop recommendations for using more efficient lighting and better graphic design to create a more uniform structure in the exhibition hall ?Road to the past? in Jönköping County Museum by answering the following questions at issue:1) How are the objects in the exhibition hall ?Road to the past? exposed today?2) How can you use lighting and graphic design to create structure in the exhibition and strengthen the expression in the exhibition?Our work is based on observations and open group interviews. We observed the exhibition hall ?Road to the past? during day and evening. In the same hall, we observed a guided tour that we followed up with open group interviews.

Den dolda genusordningen på museer. En studie kring museers arbete utifrån genusperspektiv.

SammanfattningMuseer har till uppgift att dokumentera, forska och samla in människans och naturens lämningar för att berika kulturarvet och bidra med ny kunskap. Frågan är vad det är för kunskap som förmedlas och vad det är som väljs att ta med i kulturarvet. Denna uppsats syftar till att lyfta fram diskussionen kring huruvida kulturarvet och kunskapsförmedlingen är könsneutral och hur den dolda genuskonstruktionen speglas i utställningarna samt att studera hur ett genusperspektiv används och integreras på Tekniska Museet i Stockholm och Malmö Museer. Som empiriskt underlag ligger kvalitativa intervjuer med sammanlagt 8 representanter från båda museerna. Den teoretiska basen består av teorier kring kultur, kulturarv och genus.

Uppsala Konstmuseum : Le Corbusier vs. Palladio

Två av arkitekturhistoriens främsta teoretiker, Andrea Palladio (1508-80) och Le Corbusier (1887-1965), är goda representanter för arkitekturens två huvudgrenar; klassicismen och modernismen. Samtidigt som arkitekterna i mycket utgör varandras motpoler, verkade de båda för strikta ideal beträffande hur god arkitektur skall utföras. Deras respektive avtryck i historien bör inte passeras onämnda i den hastigaste av sammanfattningar; palladianismen användes som stilbegrepp fram tills på 1920-talet då Le Corbusiers läror tog avstamp för att alltjämt hemsöka oss i dagens härskandenyfunktionalism.Idén att ställa dessa giganter mot varandra, jämföra deras huvudsakliga ståndpunkter och söka sammanföra dessa i en ny form av kompositstil, väcktes efter en inventering av den plats som projektet är avsett att behandla. Närområdet kring platsen intill Fyrisån i Uppsala, erbjuder en rad arkitektoniska stilar från 1800-talets empir till modern nyfunkis. Allra närmast ligger ett postmoderntbostadshus och ett modernistiskt kontorskomplex i corbusiansk anda.

Varumärkessamarbeten mellan LVM och EVM vid kategoriutvidgningar: En Fungerande Strategi?

This thesis examines the possible beneficial effects of a temporary cooperation between a national brand and a private brand. The main hypothesis suggests that if a national brand wants to make a category extension to a remote product category, it should be able to decrease its risk by affiliating itself with a private brand. The national brand should through such a brand alliance be able to borrow some of the flexible characteristics that a private brand possesses to increase its associations with the new category. The survey consisted of 800 questionnaires with different cooperations between a private brand (ICA) and two national brands (Tropicana and Bravo). These were handed out to students in the universities of Stockholm.

Berättelser om Sverige. En narrativ analys av nationellt identitetsskapande på Dagens Nyheters insändarsidor

AbstractIn this essay I discuss narrative in the reconstruction of national identity. I discuss exclusion as a side effect in thick identities. That means that thick national identities always exclude another part. From this I´ve discussed the Swedish identity and its effects in the European co-operation. Identity is a discourse that reconstructs linguistically.

Vad har det med religion att göra? : En studie om elevers och Skolverkets mål med religionskunskapsämnet

This essay examines upper secondary school pupils as well as the Swedish National Agency for Educations views on the education in subject of religion. How they describe its purpose, what content the topic should address, how the education should be implemented and what influence the pupils should have over their own studies. This to examine how the views of pupils and the Swedish National Agency of Education correlate and to analyze how it possibly can affect the pupil?s motivation. The survey is conducted by semi-forging tured interviews and text analysis in order to ascertain the pupils and the Swedish National Agency of Educations opinions on the issues.

Informationshantering kring nationella prov i matematik på gymnasiet

This work studied the information flow and information handling among different parties. The study focused on how educational materials on national tests from The Swedish National Agency for Education is managed by school principals and teachers and how the information is passed on to students. The data material was based on observations and interviews at two different high schools. Six teachers and their classes and principals participated in the study. The Agency was also interviewed.

Det är långt mellan gårdarna. En studie om Sverigebilden i Sverige - en jämförelse mellan storstad och landsbygd.

The aim of this thesis is to illustrate the principal problem of the study of national self-images and by questioning the congruent existence of one in the case of Sweden. Through the use of qualitative method and semi-structured interviews the ambition of the study is to compare and to understand the national self-images portrayed in a major Swedish town, Stockholm and to that of a smaller town on the countryside, Sjöbo. A social constructionist approach in co-operation with key temporal and spasial dimensions are used to penetrate the interviews at hand. The main conclusions drawn from this study highlights the difficulties in addressing the concept of a congruent national self-image. Several major discrepancies appear in the analysed material, mainly in the past and the external dimensions, both from a regional approach, but also very much within the local entities themselves..

Diplomati med klyvbar kärna - en kvalitativ studie av den ryska diplomatins grundval

AbstractThe purpose of this thesis is to analyse the basis of Russian diplomacy, and by doing that develop the analytical instruments available, in order to improve the comprehension between the parties in negotiations. Descriptions of the national characteristics of Soviet and Russian diplomacy are made by an analysis of memoairs and other examinations of their negotiating behaviour. To ensure the result of the characteristics two case studies of the non-nuclear proliferation negotiations are made, followed by a comparation between the Soviet and Russian diplomacy. From these results, I analyse the groundworks of russian diplomacy, using three theories about how ideology, national identity and prevailing self-image can affect the national negotiating behaviour. The results show that there have been changes in only some parts of the negotiating behaviour and that there is a need for all three theories to explain different parts of the complex system of Russian diplomacy which is based on the plurality of culture, ideology, language, ideology and history..

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